Page A3 M arth 12. 2008 Mayoral Candidates to Debate Local Issues Will gather Friday at PCC-Cascade Issues o f critic a l im p o rtan ce to P ortland's A frican-A m erican com m u­ nity will be front and center during the first mayoral forum of the campaign sea­ son. Six candidates for P ortland's top of­ fice will weigh in on matters like educa­ tion, jobs, gentrification and more at the forum, set for6-7:30p.m . Friday, March 14, in the Dan M oriarty A uditorium at Portland Community College’s Cascade Cam pus, 705 N. Killingsworth St. The forum - presented by the Urban League o f Portland and PCC Cascade Campus and, sponsored by the African American Alliance, the African A m eri­ can Chamber of Commerce and the Port­ land branch o f the NAACP - will give Portland voters their first opportunity to see the candidates together on one stage. Adm ission is free, and light re­ freshm ents will be served at a reception follow ing the event. “There are persistent disparities in health, education, housing, econom ic opportunity, em ploym ent and livability in Portland between African Americans and the general population", said Ur­ ban League President and C hief Execu­ tive O fficer M arcus C. M undy. "O ur com m unity will want to be assured that the candidate they vote for to lead the city will prioritize the elimination ol these d isparities.” Participating candidates include Sam Adams, Sho D o/ono, Craig Gier, James B. Lee, Beryl S. McNair and Chris Rich. Ken Boddie, reporter and anchor for KOIN-TV, will moderate the evening's proceedings. Each candidate will have a chance to introduce him or herself to the audience before fielding questions from Mr. Boddie. Questions from audience members w ill be posed to the candidates toward the end of the forum. "It is important that candidates for the top position in the city are given the opportunity to address how they will move Portland forward with the w ell­ being o f all o fo u rc iti/e n s in m ind." said C a sc a d e C am p u s P re sid e n t A lgie Gatewood. "By placing issues o f im por­ tance to African Am ericans and other com m unities of color before the candi­ dates and the voters right out o f the gate, we hope to help set the tone that m atters of diversity and inclusiveness are critical to the health o f our city." For more inform ation, call Midge Purcell with the Urban League of Port­ la n d at 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -2 6 2 6 , e -m a il mpurcell@ or visit McNair Challenges Opponent’s Funding A Portland candidate running for mayor from the African-American com m unity has challenged a deci­ sion to give another candidate for mayor public m onies to run his cam ­ paign. Beryl M cNair, a health services em ployee with the Portland Veter­ ans Hospital, claims Sho Dozono doesn't qualify for$200,000 in pub­ lic funds because he had already received $27,(X)0 in in-kind contri­ butions from a lobbyist. A hearing has been ordered for Mayoral candidate Beryl McNair Dear Deanna! relationship game. If you don't My girlfriend is getting on my w ant them asking for more then you need to stop acting like a boyfriend nerves because I feel she has mistaken strength for rudeness. Real People, and treat these women as around She talks down to me and em­ Real Advice the way girls. In other words, if barrasses me in front of my you're a recreational dater giving An advice friends. She is trying to prove to your body to all and heart to none, column her friends that she's in control then let them know. Yes, tell them known fo r of this relationship. I let her get that you're using them, you don't reality based subjects! away with a few things because want anything serious and you no harm has been done. I need have more than one girlfriend. This to put a stop to this because she's begun to publicly will make your life easy and simple because once they attack my sexual performance. How do I address this hear the real truth, they'll slam you and keep search­ without ruining the relationship? —Anonymous; ing for a real man. On-Line Reader Ask Deanna\ Dear Deanna! Dear Anonymous: You need a loud mouth woman like you need a hole in the head. Your girlfriend is being disrespectful to you and the relationship. You should be direct and tell her to keep her mouth shut and stop putting you on blast in front of people. If she feels the need to control something, buy her a dog and she can pull its leash and make it jump at her command. If the verbal rudeness continues, give her a warning with the understanding that the next time, you'll be gone. Dear Deanna! I'm a bachelor that actively dates and I'm tired of women trying to change me. I go into relationships being honest and direct. After a while, these women want more than I’m willing to give. I don't have any problems with this but it makes me mad when they accuse me of leading them on, cheating and lying. It is what it is and I stay the same from the first date to the last. What can I do to protect myself from drama when these women want more from me? —Travis the Bachelor; Houston, TX Dear Bachelor: You put yourself in this situation by playing the My sister hates my boyfriend because she feels he doesn't treat me right. My boyfriend doesn’t like her because he feels she is too nosey. They always argue, try to embarrass each other and do dirty things to each other. I’m at the breaking point after my sister stole a check from his checkbook and cashed it. On the other hand, my boyfriend told her boyfriend that she was cheating. Where do I draw the line with them before someone gets hurt? --Gina C.; Charleston, SC Dear Gina: Almost like school kids you would think they have a crush on each other. You have to decide how much time you have to babysit while they play games. Take control of your relationship and put your sister in her place. Your boyfriend needs to know your expecta­ tions as you give him your verbal thoughts on dealing with your sister. If he doesn't behave erase him and remember that boyfriends without rings come and go. but sisters arc always around. next week to review the dispute be­ fore an Oregon adm inistrative judge. Craig Gier, another mayoral candi­ date, has joined McNair in filing the re q u e s t fo r a h e a rin g . B ru ce B roussard, an o th er local A frican American and a former candidate for the city council also filed an objection. Portland's rules on publicly-financed elections say a candidate can take no more than $12.(XX) in in-kind contribu­ tions before being disqualified for the public money. But Andrew Carlstrom , a city elec- tions adm inistrator, and city auditor Gary Blackmer recently ruled that Dozono, the head of AzumanoTravel and a candidate seen as a prim ary challengertoCity Commissioner Sam A dam s’ candidacy for mayor, was still eligible for the money. The rea­ soning was that Dozono was just thinking of running when the in-kind contribution was received last D e­ cem ber and was not officially a can­ didate at the time. Dozono called the objections a diversion from important issues. Mathis to Visit Portland At Saturday conference and Youth Summit TV Judge Greg Mathis, a lifetime member of the NAACP whose weekly commentary appears in the Portland Observer, will be the fea­ tured luncheon speaker Saturday during a multi-state NAACP con­ ference in Portland. Mathis’ story ofpersonally break­ ing the cycle of drugs and crime to become a lawyer, judge and national leader was a dramatic example and role model foryoung African Ameri­ cans, said state NAACP spokesper­ son Esmeralda Allen. Judge Greg Mathis Mathis also will also be guest speaker during a Youth Summit by CornerStone Community Ser­ Saturday night when he addresses vices, a local African-American Jefferson High School students, church. Principal Cynthia Harris, faculty and The NAACP Alaska-Oregon- parents during an event sponsored Washington State Area Conference is holding its annual spring conven­ tion Friday, March 14 to Sunday, March 16, at the Airport Ramada Inn and Suites, 6221 N.E. 82nd Ave. The conference is hosted by the Portland Branch of the NAACP which was founded in 1914. Today, it faces a "state of emergency" in­ vestigating complaints of discrimi­ nation, mistreatment and unequal sentencing by police and court offi­ cials. In Oregon. African Americans and other minorities are more likely to be victimized by crime than any othergroups, increasing individual and community problems. Congruently, a dramatic increase in the number of minority males are now coming under some for form of criminal justice supervision; im­ pacting the victims, offenders, their families, and theircommunities. Oscar Eason Jr., president of the continued on page A6 Take Your Small Business to the Next Level! Learn How to Do Business with Local Public Agencies Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Entail: asktleannal @yaltao.cant or 264 .S'. DtCienega Blvd. Suite I2H3 Beverly Hills, f/3 9021 /. Website: www.tiskdeanna.cotn r OREGON BUSINESS NETWORK AND THE PORTLAND OBSERVER PRESENT Bring Questions, Get Answers The next Doing Business with lo cal Public tgeneies w ill feature workshops to help yout small business to be more productive, operate more efficiently, and become more profitable You w ill learn about: A SPECIAL FREE EVENT TO HELP CITIZENS SHAPE THE STATE OF THEIR COMMUNITIES Upcoming project opportunities from large construction. architecture, and engineering firms Resources to finance, insure and certify vour business. legal advice, and training educational opportunities Emerging technology that can help you reach your customers and grow your business Registering your business on multiple agency websites Who feels that they are best qualified to help run local government Can they make the right choices to keep our cities safe, strong, build our local economy, make us competitive in the national market? Meet the candidates running for the office o f City Council. Metro ami M ultnom ah County. d el your questions answered. When Wednesday, March 2 6 ,2 0 0 6 16:30PM to 10PM Where Ambridge Conference Center, 300 NE Multnomah - Portland Free Admission S Parking • light Refresluncnts First come, first served. Seating is lint iteti M r ’ ir n sAwrouvr» New laws and regulations for prevailing wage rates ImvUtHit in I'c.nhinif / nrttrr O O PORT OF PORTLAND 'OMib l»> tJn’COl’ l’l)C PORTLAND Hhere: llhen: DEVELOPMENT C O M M IS S IO N PCC Cascade Campus. Terrell Hall 705 N K illingsworth Street, Portland. Oregon Tuesday. March 25. 2008 8:30 a.m to 4 p m (Doors open at 8 a.m.t Information: Greg Wolley. 503 823.0860 Registration: gwolley a ci.portland or us Gale Hussey. 503.823.5057 ghussey a Portland TRI M ET C o m m un ity Colloq«* Please notify the C ity o f Portland no less than five (5) business days prior to our event for A D A accommodations at 503.823 6X60. by the ( ity ‘s I I Y at 503.823 6X68. or by the Oregon Relay Service al I 800.735 2900 I