March 12. 2008 Æl’r |JnrtlaiTÏ» (O liseruvr pageC3 IS IIIIMSHISI An Evening with Sonny Turner Hall of fame voice at Chinook Winds C hinook W inds Casino Resort in Lincoln City hosts "A n Evening with Sonny T urner and the A m eri­ can M etropole O rchestra," on Sat­ urday, M arch 15 at 8 p.m. T urner, the lead singer for the legendary musical group The Plat­ ters from 1959 to 1971, is the first singer featured in a series o f co n ­ certs called "A n Evening with the Legends o f M usic" w hich will also include Paul W illiams, Lynn Ander­ son and Mel Brown. All o f the per­ form ers will be hosting educational sessions with local area music stu­ dents in an invitation-only event held the Friday before the Saturday public perform ance. The Friday private show will of­ fer music students the opportunity to ask questions and see behind- the-scenes action o f the live perfor­ mance. In late 1959, Sonny T urner re­ placed Tony W illiam s as the lead singer o f the original Platters. C ho­ sen out o f 100 singers who audi­ tioned, T urner at the young age o f 19 toured the world with The Plat­ ters bringing their music to people o f all nations. T urner brought the group back to the pop charts in the 1960s with such hits as "I Love You l,(XX) T im es,” "W ith T his Ring" and "W ashed A shore," as well as re­ recording m ajor Platters hits like “Only You,” “The G reat Pretender" and “The M agic T ouch.” In 2005,Tum er received The Life­ tim e Excellence in Entertainment Award in Las Vegas. He was also inducted into The Vocal Group Hall O f Fame for his achievem ents with The Platters. Tickets for Saturday’s concert, range from $20 to $30 and can be purchased by calling 1-888-MAIN- A CT (624-6228)orT icketsW est at l-8(X)-992-TIXX(8499). in o o k i/v iL C A SIN O RESORT Former Platters' Lead Singer March 15 • 8pm With giant hits like "Only You" and "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" in his repertoire, former lead singer of "The Platters," Sonny Turner is set to perform in the Chinook Winds Showroom on March 15th with the 30-piece American Metropole Orchestra conducted by Dr. Keller Coker. > AMf RICAN métropole ORCHESTRA Legendary singer Sonny Turner performs Saturday at Chinook Winds Casino Resort in Lincoln City. Tickets S20-S30 at the Chinook Winds Box Office; 1-888-MAIN-ACT (1-888-624-6228), or buy online