II,e|J u r tla « b (O h s v ru rr February 27. 2008 Black History Month PageA5 Political Thriller Tops Box Office The political thriller "Vantage Point" secured the top spot at the weekend box office, earning an esti­ mated $24 million in ticket sales, ac­ cording to studio estimates Sunday. The previous.N o. 1 movie. 20th Century Fox's "Jumper." dropped to second with $ 12.7 million, raising its dom estic total to $56.2 million in two weeks. Paramount's family fan­ tasy "The Spiderw ick Chronicles" w as a close third with $12.6 million. Disney's dance saga "Step Up 2 T he Streets" and W arner Bros.' rom antic com edy "Fool's Gold" rounded out the top five. "Vantage Point," a Sony Pictures Richard T. Jones and Dennis Quaid try to make sense o f the scene after the president is shot in "Vantage Point." action-dram a about a presidential assassination seen from different characters viewpoints, included a star-studded ensem ble cast that featured Dennis Q uaid and Mat- thew Fox as Secret Service agents. Tonya and Nancy: The Rock Opera petition and has been in­ v o lv e d in a n u m b e r o f scrapes since. H arding's ex- husband. Je ff Gil looly. and tw o others spent tim e in prison. Kerrigan went on to win a si I ver medal at the w in­ A rock opera that retells ter O lym pics and becom e a the story o f P o rtla n d 's spokesw om an for Disney. Tonya Harding and her ri­ The opera opened previ­ val N ancy K arrigan in­ ously on the East Coast. It cludes 20 songs and plenty follow s the lives o f the two o f wacky m emories. w omen before and after the "Wow. Did my life really whack. lo o k th a t b a d ? " a sk e d Sample song titles: "Whip Harding, the one-tim e fig­ Her Butt" and "Estacada," for ure skater, after the P ort­ a blue-collar town near Port­ land opening Thursday o f land. Sample lyrics: "When "Tonya and Nancy: The you wake up sleeping in your Rock Opera." car in Estacada, cause your "But you know what?" house is surrounded by re­ she said o f the show. "They porters and the FBI " did a really great job." The T riangle Productions It's more often been de­ p la y ru n s T h u rs d a y s scribed as soap opera - the th ro u g h S a tu rd a y s un til 1994 whack heard round the Tonya Harding (left) and Nancy Kerrigan. March 8 at The W orld Trade world in which a man with a club hit Kerrigan to knock her out of Harding denied knowing ot the Center Auditorium on the skybridge world and O lym pic com petition lor plot. She was bapned from U.S. level. 121 S.W . Salm on St. Curtain a gold medal. Figure Skating A ssociation com - tim e is at 8 p.m. Play revives wacky memories Amazing bodies in sensuous motion perform for the Stephen Petronio Company. [KHILARIlTlilG DflflCE Portland's W hite Bird dance series will welcome back one o f the most acclaim ed choreographers. Stephen Petronio and the Stephen Petronio C om ­ pany on W ednesday, M arch 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the A rlene S chnitzerC oncert Hall. T he dancers will perform a new work set to the music o f Rufus W ainw right and perform ed live by Portland's Pacific Youth Choir. Petronio has been hailed as “the most fearlessly inventive choreographer o f his generation." He is known for his high-speed, off-balance movement. Tickets are $2O-$5O plus service fee and available at all T icketm aster outlets, including the Portland Center for the Perform ing Arts Box Office. Together we make a difference! A4t Hood Community College honors our Black History ARMY STRONG: The Army prepares you to be your best. That includes expert training in any of over 150 careers. Learn about the unmatched training, job experience and career foundation you will get as a Soldier in the Army. Call: (503) 284-4005 or stop by the Rose City Army Recruiting Station at 1317 NE Broadway St. Portland, OR 97232 1