Februaiy 27. 2008 Page A4 Coffee Trade’s Tangled Trail of Tyranny ‘Black Gold' screens at multicultural film fest “ B lack G o ld " asks us to face the unjust conditions under w hich o u r favorite d rink - coffee - is p roduced and to decid e w hat we can do about it. T he a w ard -w in n in g d o c u m e n ta ry w ill be screened M onday. M arch 3 as part o f the free c o m m u n ity M u ltic u ltu ra l F ilm F e stiv a l at Jefferson High School startin g at 6 p.m. in room C-39. Black Gold traces the tangled trail from the two billion cups of coffee consum ed each day hack to the coffee farmers who produce the beans. In particular, it follows Tadesse M eskela as he tries to get a living wage for the 70,000 Ethiopian coffee farm ers he represents. In the process Black Gold provides the most in-depth study of any commodity on film today and o tters a com ­ pelling introduction to the “fair trade" movement galvanizing consum ers around the globe In E thiopia, for exam ple, 15 m illion people are dependent on the coffee industry; 67 p er­ cent o f its foreign trade is in coffee. Betw een ■UK ------ — —tòov. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Iron Ladies of Liberia Ethiopian coffee packers work under harsh conditions in the documentay “Black Gold" coming Monday, March 3 to the Multicultural Film Festival at Jefferson High School. 2001 and 2003, w hen the price for coffee hit a 30 year low , farm ers could no longer feed them selves, fam ine spread and feeding stations had to be established throughout the coffee W ho’s in Hare's House - Currently through March 9, the Portland Children's Museum presents whimsical puppets of “W ho’s in Hare's House," with Sunday performances by the Tears of Joy Theatre and a puppet scavenger hunt. For more information, call 503-223-6500. W E N T C C T À IN M C N T Portland Jazz Band and Choral Union - Sunday. March 2, at 7 p.m.. Sliders Grill - Sliders Grill, 3011 N. Lombard, features an eclectic assortment of performers on the main stage, accompanied by delicious food. Call 503-459-4488 for more information. Sunday Night Jazz - Jazz enthusiasts can enjoy listening to the cool sounds of Mel Brown, in the Rogue River Room at Chinook Winds Casino Resort in Lincoln City. No cover charge. enjoy the University of Portland’s hot jazz, ensemble performing jazz and pop at the Buckley Center Auditorium, 5000N. Willamette Blvd. This free concert is open to the public. Emergence-See -- Daniel Beaty's “Emergence-See!" is presented Thursday, Feb. 28 and Friday, Feb. 29 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. The one-man, multi­ character show centers on contemporary black America as a slave ship rises out of the Hudson River in front of the Statue of Liberty. Fortickels, call the IFCC box office at 503- 823-4322. Movie Madness-Saturday, March 1 at8p.ni.,the Portland Gay M en's Chorus will don their top hats and canes to perform favorites from ‘Footloose,' ‘Fame’ andothergreat movies; the single performance will be at the Newmark Theatre- Portland Center for Performing Arts; to purchase tickets call 503-226- 2588. region. School teachers w ent unpaid and m any farm ers, in d esperation, tore out th eir coffee trees and replanted their hillsides in chat, a narcotic w idely used in E ast A frica. The Portland Community Cinema series presents "Iron Ladies of Liberia, followed by panel a discus­ sion, On Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 8 pm. At St. John’s Theater, 8704 N. Lombard St. With unprecedented access, this intimate docu­ mentary goes behind-the-scenes with Africa's first freely elected female head of state, Ellen Johnson- Sirleaf, president of Liberia. The film explores the challenges facing the new president and the extraordinary women surround­ ing her as they develop and implement policy to rebuild their ravaged country and prevent a descent back into civil war. Follow Johnson-Sirleaf through her first year in office as she faces angry mobs, ambitious political rivals and high-ranking members of the international community. Her story is inspiring a new generation of leaders in Africa and around the world. Hip-hop Dance Classes — Vancouver-Clark Parks and Rec­ reation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various lessons teach rhythm, technique, coordination, agility and teamwork through urban dance moves. For more information, call 360-696-8236. ‘Dreamsville’ Tour - Thursday, March 13, from 7 to 9:30 p.m., enjoy the silky sound of Ginger Berglund and the trombone mastery of Scott Whitfield along with theGary Hobbs Trio, performing at The Old Church. 1422 S. W. 11 th Ave. St. Patrick’s Dance - Saturday, March 15 at 7 p.m., dance the night away at the historic Linnton Community Center. 10614 N. W. St. Helens Rd., featuring the sounds of the Prime Time 16 Piece Big Band, an authentic Irish corned beef and cabbage dinner, raffles and more. For more information,call 503-286-4990. ( )pen MicNight — Every Wednesday night at 7 p.m., Proper Eats Market and Café, 8638 N. Lombard St., host open-mic night. Sea M onsters-S pectacular photo-realistic animation brings creatures of the deep to life in the new National Geographic Ominimax film Sea Monsters: a Prehistoric Adventure, now playing at OMSI. B L A C K H IS T O R Y M O N T H • FEBRUARY 2008 THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC AGENCIES IN THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA SALUTE The Achievements of Black American Scientists & Inventors Many skills and talents are needed to build a great country. Throughout American history, often under adverse conditions, African American scientists have advanced our nation through their research, inventions, patents, and innovations in technology. Here are a few examples: DR. CHARLES HENRY TURNER, Ph D. DR. DANIEL HALE WILLIAMS (1856- 1931) Daniel Hale Williams is credited with having performed open heart surgery on July 9. 1893 before such surgeries were estab­ lished. In 1913, Daniel Hale Williams Williams was the only A frican American member o f the American College o f Surgeons. (1867- 1923) was one o f the very first African- American researchers in animal behavior. He published over 50 papers in the areas o f physiology, invertebrate ecology and morphology. Dr. Turner is best known for his pioneering work demonstrating hearing in insects. DR. MAE JEMISON MADAME C. J. WALKER (born / 956) Dr Jemison earned her medical degree from Cornell Uni­ versity, and practiced international medicine before answering NASA ’s call. She became the first African American woman to enter space as a mission specialist with the Space Shuttle Endeavor in 1992. She now heads the Jemison group, with projects that include improving health care in Africa and advancing technology in developing countries. She is fluent in four languages. Inventor and Entrepreneur (¡867 1919) created hair care prod­ ucts and a national product distribution DR. PERCY JULIAN, Ph D. model that revolutionized the hair care (1899 1975) Dr. Julian and cosmetic industry for A frican wom­ was a chemist who en in the 20th century. She was the first synthesized physostigmine A merican female self-made for treatment o f glaucoma millionaire. and cortisone for the treatment o f rheumatoid arthritis. Among his many research achievements. DR. NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON, Ph D. Dr. Julian developed and (born 1958) Dr Tyson, an astrophysicist, is the Director o f the held a patent for a fire- Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum o f Natural History, retardant foam used to and Visiting Research Scientist and Lecturer at Princeton Univer­ extinguish gasoline and sity'. His research interests include star formation, exploding stars, oil fires. dwarf galaxies, and the structure o f our Milky Way. Dr Tyson hosts the PBS Nova television series. Nova Science Now. Please contact the following agencies about contracting and consulting opportunities: Multnomah County - Gail Rubin • 503-988-5111 ext. 22651 • gail.h.rubin@co.multnomah.oc.us • www.multcopurch.org M etro - Angela Watkins • 503-797-1816 • watkinsa@metro.dst.or.us • www.metro-region.org MULTNOMAH COUNTY OREGON M ETRO i City o f P ortlan d / Bureau of Purchases - GregWolley« 503-823 6860 «gwolley@ci.portland.or.us • wwwportlandonline.com/omf.purchases I