Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 27, 2008, Page 2, Image 2

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    February 27, 2008
Farrakhan: Obama is ‘Hope of the Entire World’
(AP) — In his first major public
address since a cancer crisis. Na­
tion o f Islam M in ister L ouis
Farrakhan said Sunday that presi­
dential candidate Barack Obama is
the "hope of the entire world" that
the U.S. will change for the better.
The 74-year-old Farrakhan, ad­
dressing an estim ated crow d of
20,000 people at the annual Sav­
iours' Day celebration, never out-
rig h tly e n d o rse d O b am a but
spent m ost o f the nearly two-
hour speech praising the Illinois
"This young man is the hope of
the entire world that America will
change and be made better,” he
said. "This young man is capturing
audiences of black and brown and
red and yellow. Ifyoulookat Barack
Obama’s audiences and look at the
effect of his words, those people
are being transformed.”
Farrakhan compared Obama to
the r e lig io n ’s fo u n d e r, Fard
Nation o f Islam leader Louis Farrakhan delivers a speech in
observance of Saviours' Day on Sunday in Chicago.
G a rm e n ts Ig n ite D eb ate
Civil Rights
(AP) — A photograph circulat­
ing in the Internet of Sen. Barack
Obama dressed in traditional local
garments during a visit to Kenya in
2006 is causing a dustup in the
presidential campaign over what
constitutes a smear.
T he p h o to g rap h p o rtra y s
Obama wearing a white turban and
a wraparound white robe presented
to him by elders in Wajir, in north­
eastern Kenya. Obama’s estranged
late father was Kenyan and Obama
visited the country in 2006, attract­
ing thousands of well-wishers.
The gossip and news website
The Drudge Report posted the pho­
tograph Monday and said it was
being circulated by “Clinton staff­
ers” and quoted an e-mail from an
unidentified campaign aide.
In December, ahoax e-mail falsely
said Obama is a Muslim. Obama is
a member of the United Church of
Christ and says he has never been
Muhammad, who also had a white
mother and black father.
“A black man with a white
mother became a savior to us," he
told the crowd of mostly follow­
ers. "A black man with a white
mother could turn out to be one
whocan lift America from her fall.”
Obama campaign spokesman
Bill Burton said, "Sen. Obama has
been clear in his objections to
Minister Farrakhan's past pro­
nouncements and has not solic­
ited the minister's support.”
Farrakhan has drawn attention
for calling Judaism a “gutter reli­
gion" and suggesting crack co­
caine might have been a CIA plot
to enslave blacks.
In recent years, however, offi­
cials with the Nation of Islam have
promoted unity and tolerance
among religions. Farrakhan now
often quotes the texts of other
religions, such as the Bible, in his
Dies at 97
Led bus boycott
with Rosa Parks
Sen. Barack Obama, D-lll.
(right), is dressed as a Somali
Elder by Sheikh Mahmed
Hassan, during his August
2006 visit to a rural area in
northeastern Kenya, near the
borders with Somalia and
(AP) — Johnnie Carr, who
joined childhood friend Rosa
Parks in the historic Montgom­
ery bus boycott and became a
prominent civil-rights activist
over the past half century, died
Friday. She was 97.
Carr succeeded the Rev. Mar­
tin Luther King Jr. as president of
the Montgomery Improvement
Association in 1967, a post she
held at her death. It was the newly
formed association that led the
boycott of city buses in the Ala­
bama capital in 1955 after Parks,
a black seamstress, was arrested
Ask ö
Dear Carl:
Real People, Real Advice
An advice column known fo r
its fearless approach Io
reality-based subjects!
Dear Deanna!
My niece is involved with a man
old enough to be her father and I
feel he’s taking advantage of her.
My sister, who is her mother, is
willing to go along with this if it
makes her daughter happy. I think
it’s statutory rape and is sickening
because my niece is young and
inexperienced. I’m at the point
where I may call and report this to
the authorities because it’s not
right. Is it worth the risk of losing
my sister and my niece or should I
leave it alone? — Worried Aunt;
Long Island City, N. T.
Dear Aunt:
Johnnie Carr
for refusing to give up her seat to
whites on a crowded bus.
A year later the U.S. Supreme
Court struck down racial segrega­
tion on public transportation.
She played a prominent role in
2005 on the 50th anniversary of
Parks' refusal to give up her bus
seat, speaking to thousands of
schoolchildren who marched to
the Capitol.
“Look back, but march for­
ward,” Carr urged the huge crowd
of young people.
Just days before a stroke on
Feb. IL C arrparticipatedinK ing
Day ceremonies in Montgomery.
It takes a village to raise achild and
if your niece is underage then you
should report it to the authorities.
However, you should respect your
sister and talk with her before mak­
ing your move. Also, many people
are going to be hurt by your deci­
sion and you must also ensure you
have all the facts about the interac­
tion between your niece and this
man. If your research indicates you
niece is truly being taken advan­
tage of, the authorities need to put
him under the jail.
Dear Deanna!
I can’t tell you how tired I am of
watching my sister go out with bad
guys. She seems to have a magnet
on her head that attracts unem­
ployed men, drug dealers and guys
that look shady. She has access to
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decent men in her circle. I don’t
understand it. My sister has a col­
lege education, a good job and
nice friends. You would think that
after a while, she would be tired of
financing men, getting abused and
dealing with drama. How do I get
through to her? — Carl: Portland,
Some women will overlook good
guys because they seek excite­
ment, good sex and thrills. These
relationships often crash and burn
after a financial wipeout, un­
planned pregnancy or a few fights
with other women. You can help
by introducing her to quality men,
exposing her to positive relation­
ships and social networking op­
portunities. The choice is up to her
and if she continues the “choke
me, pull my hair” lifestyle, then
support her and be there when she
Dear Deanna!
How do I apologize for interfering
in my best friend's marriage? I want
to apologize to her but I don’t
know what to say to her without
any physical confrontation. There
were some things that I did and
said that caused problems in her
relationship. I just want to apolo­
gize and let her know that I didn’t
mean to come between her and her
husband. How do I apologize? —
Hurting: Oklahoma City, Okla.
Dear Hurting:
You owe an apology to her hus­
band as well because your actions
affected him too. You’re an adult
and know you shouldn't do any­
th ing to je o p a rd iz e an o th er
person’s relationship. If you did
something so bad that it would get
physical, you should communi­
cate with a card or a phone call.
Then again, if this is your friend
and you truly have her best inter­
ests at heart, you should be able to
respectfully apologize face-to-face
without drama and keep it moving.
Write: askdeannal@yahoo.com
or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite
1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211.