Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 27, 2008, Page 12, Image 12

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I I '*' | ] u r t la ttò
February 27, 2008
(Obaeruer Black History Month
C lassifieds / B ids
Great Opportunity!!I
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for
valuable Information on how to do business with th e City, please
log on to the Bureau of Purchases W eb Page:
RN Day Shift with Hire on Bonus!
C.N.A. with Hire on Bonus!
\dvertise with diva sity in
<r,u jJn rt lanò (Jihtfvucr
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and
persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both
ol LYDIA F. CHI IW (X)D. who was a part-time resident of Multnomah
County,,State of Oregon, and Santa Clara County, State of California,
and died on August 19, 2007 in Portland, Oregon.
IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the de­
ceased, you must file your claim within four months from the date of
first publication with the DERMER LAW FIRM, 15720 Winchester
Boulevard.Suite LLosG atos,Califom ia95030(408)395-5111.
5034288-00? 3
or Older, Or Disabled, Or Handicapped, Regardless of Age.
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified
applicants will be placed on waiting lists. Guardian M anagement,
LLC is com m itted to “Equal Housing Opportunity."
1 5 5 0 SE Oak Grove Blvd
M ilw aukie, OR 9 7 2 6 7
(5 0 4 ) 6 5 9 -7 0 1 9
TDD 1 -8 0 0 -7 3 5 -2 9 0 0
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417
Oregon State University
Gill Coliseum Athletic Departm ent Office Remodel
Sub Bids Requested
Plans located at: Eugene Builders Exchange, DJC Plan Center,
Salem Contractors Exchange. W illam ette Valley Bid Center and
G reenberry Construction office
Interested parties can contact Greenberry Construction LLC to
obtain inform ation on bonding, line of credit, and insurance
requirem ents by OUS.
(Solicitation No. 07-54)
Waterfront Park Improvements at
SW Naito and Burnside Bridge
receive sealed bids in w riting at the Com m ission’s office located
at 222 NW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97209 for W aterfront
Park Improvements consisting of. but not limited to. Dem olition of
existing restroom s and w alkw ay: construction of steel sh ade
structure, co ncrete podium , concrete seatwalls, precast paver
plaza, steel supported riverwall overlook, and related work located
at SW Naito and the Burnside B ridge, until the deadline of 2:00
p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on April 24,2008 (“Bid Deadline"),
after which tim e bids will not be received. All bids will be publicly
opened and read aloud at the Com m ission's Office im m ediately
after the tim e of the Bid Deadline. Each bidder shall subm it to the
Com m ission's office the First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure Form,
the Good Faith Effort Com pliance Form 1 and the Good Faith
Effort Program Form 2 (the form s of which are contained in the
Project M anual) either (1) along with its respective bid or (2) by
delivering such items to the Com m ission's office no later than
4:00 p.m. on April 24, 2 0 0 8 .
All work shall be perform ed in accordance with the provisions of
the Contract D ocum ents contained or referenced in the Project
Manual now available at the C om m ission’s office by paym ent of a
nonrefundable deposit of $50.00. (503-823-3688). Questions,
Bids. Good Faith Effort Forms, and First Tier Subcontractor Forms
should be directed to Linda Naum cheff, Construction Services
Supervisor. (503 823 3 322) A mandatory prebid conference and
2008 and al?parties shall m eet at W aterfront Park at SW Naito
a nd the South side of the Burnside Bridge.
Prevailing wage rates m ust be paid on the project in accordance
with ORS 279C.80 0 to 2 7 9 C .8 7 0 ..
The Com m ission may reject any bid not in com pliance with all
prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and may
reject for good cause a n y or all bids upon a fin d in g o f th e
Com m ission that it is in the public interest to do so.
The Com m ission is committed to acting affirmatively to encourage
and facilitate the participation of Emerging Small Businesses (ESB),
M inority B usiness E nterp rises (M BE), and W om en B usiness
Enterprises (W BE) in the Com m ission's projects and operations.
Bidders m ust com ply with established goals and/or good faith
efforts in this project as required in the Project M anual. Bidders
must also com m it to com ply with the Com m ission's requirem ents
for W o rk fo rc e T ra in in g and H irin g and Equa l E m p lo ym e n t
Opportunity as outlined in the Project Manual.
The Com m ission's w orkin g hours are 8:00 a.m . to 5:00 p.m.
M onday through Friday excluding holidays.
Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission
By Linda L. Naum cheff, Construction Services Supervisor
First Published:
Daily Journal of Com m erce
February 26, 2008
Phone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 - 8 8 1 1 - Bid Fax: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 - 8 8 8 8
We are an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m plo yer a n d request sub bids from a ll in te re ste d firm s in clu d in g
disadvantaged, m inority, wom en, d isable d veterans a n d e m erging sm a ll business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
Sub-bids Requested
Lincoln Restaurant & Culinary Artistry
Portland, OR
Bid Date: February 29, 2008 -1 2 :0 0 PM
Phone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 1 1 - Bid Fax: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 8 8
Other Subcontracting Opportunities Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
We are an equal opportunity employer & request bids from all interested
firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, emerging small
businesses & veteran owned businesses.
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
Bids Due: March 13, 2008 at 2:00pm
Bid Documents - Precision Images ( 5 0 3 /2 7 4 -2 0 3 0 ) o rw w w .b x w a .co m
Phone: 541.230.0456 (cell) ■ 541.752.0381 x302 (office)
FAX: 541.752.0472 • 541.752.0854 ■ CCB #166612
Bids Due: March 18, 2008 at 2:00pm
Bid Documents - Precision Images (5 0 3 /2 7 4 -2 0 3 0 ) or w w w .b xw a.com
Bid Package #3 - Concrete and Steel
disadvantaged. m inority, women, disable d veterans a n d em erging sm all business enterprises.
2211 NW Professional Drive, Suite 201
Corvallis, OR 97330
Bid Package #4 - All Other Work
We are an eq u a l opp ortunity em plo yer a n d request su b bids from a ll in te re ste d firm s including
Mirabella at South Waterfront
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417
Manager, Property Management Department
Bid Due: March 11 - 2:.00 p.m.
1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204
503 -82 3 -6 8 55
Mirabella at South Waterfront
Oversee property m gm t operations, sm all staff &
portfolio of scattered sites, SF Hom es and multiplexes.
5 yrs prop m gm t exper req.
w/budget, leasing, financial
Exp. reporting, LIHTC, 0AHTC, Sect 42, HUD 202, 221.
Salary DOE & EOE. Send res & sal req.
to laurashepherd@ pcrihom e.org. Reply by 3/12/08.
Bureau of Purchases
Ikoi So Terrace
Subsidized Housing May Be Available for Persons Who Are 62 Years of Age
I KOI-SO Terrace
Martin D. Deriner, Esq.
15720 Winchester BlvdSte I
Los Gatos C A 95030
Tel (408) 395-5111
Fax (408) .354-2797
C ity o f P o r tla n d
Please contact Donna Coburn,
RN, DNs at 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -5 9 6 7
Or stop by for an application
at 5 7 3 7 NE 3 7 th Avenue,
Portland, OR 97211.
Bid Documents can be viewed at
http://www bxwa.com/bxwajoc/generals/emerick hlml
and at our main office. 8850 SE Otty Rd, Portland.
^ E M E R IC K
Slavin Court Modernization Project
Housing Authority of Portland
Bid Due: February 28 @ 2:00 p.m.
Plum bing, HVAC, Electrical, Finish Carpentry, & Site Work
Project plans and specification may be seen by contacting our office:
NoM arco Construction (CCB #71958)
DGS General Construction, Inc. (CCB # 59476)
1640 E. Lincoln Rd., W oodburn, OR 97071
Phone: 503-981-0933 Fax: 503-981-1337
Member of:
X PI < I 4 I
I* H U I I I I »
<■ Il II I l‘
P o Box 66100 Portland, Oregon 97290-6100
(503)777-5531 FAX (503) 771-2933
Oregon CCB #10723: WA Reg #EMERIC-379NT
email. ,..‘sen&emerickcom
www emerick.com
Our company is an equal opportunity employer and requests sub-bids from
minority, women, disadvantaged, disabled veterans or emerging small business enterprises
We are an equ al o p p o rtu n ity em plo yer & re q u e st bids fro m all in te re ste d firm s in cluding
D isadvantaged, m inority, wom en, Em erging sm all business and Veteran ow ned business.
Sub Bids Requested
OPA Building Remodel - Western Oregon University 345
N. Monmouth Ave., Monmouth OR, 97361
Legal Services related to Bond Issuance, Tax Credits and the Departm ent
Remodel of an existing 2 story structure. Includes dem o of walls,
ceilings and finishes, construction of classroom s and com puter
labs. In clu d e s g e n e ra l re q u ire m e n ts and p ro ce d u re s fo r
com pliance with certain US Green Building Council prerequisites
and credits needed to target LEED Silver standards.
Bid Date: March 4, 2008 2:00 p.m.
Contact receiving bids: Pete Smith, 971.246.1337.
Bid docum ents are available for review at the Fortls office, on
iSqFt and at local plan centers.
rg F O R T IS
1705 SW Taylor Street, Suite 200
Portland OR 97205
Phone: 503-459-4477
Fax: 503-459-4478
OR CCB#155766
W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub bids from
minority, wom en, disadvantaged, and em erging small business
All bidders must com ply with the most recent requirem ents of
Affirm ative Iction Requirem ents and Prevailing W age Law in ORS
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Financing
Proposals are requested from qualified professional consultants
for the provision of legal services associated with bond issuance,
tax credit financing and the Departm ent of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) financed public housing projects. The Housing
Authority of Portland (HAP) will accept Proposals until 2:00 PM,
March 3, 2008 at HAP’s Purchasing Departm ent located at 135
SW Ash Street, 5th Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204. Proposals
should be clearly marked with the respondent's name and address
and the RFP title and number.
The H ousing Authority of Portland expects to com m ence the
developm ent of several public or affordable housing projects over
the course of the next five years. Financing strategies for these
projects will vary but will likely include m ixed-financing models,
tax-exem pt bonds and low-incom e housing and New M arket tax
credits as prim ary funding sources. HAP intends to select one or
more qualified professional firm s to perform specialized legal
s e rv ic e s re la te d to th e m ixe d fin a n c in g m o d e ls o f su ch
developm ent projects undertaken by HAP thought out the year
Hard copies of the Request for Proposals will be available beginning
Thursday, February 14, 2008 between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM at
HAP’s Purchasing Departm ent located at 135 SW Ash Street, 5th
Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204. Electronic copies are available on
the HAP w eb site:
http://www.hapdx.org/Business/solicitations.htm l
Request for Qualifications # 07-28
City of Portland, Oregon
February 2 1 , 2008
The Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission (PD C) is requesting
qualifications for Environm ental Services to be contracted on an
as-needed basis. From this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) firms
may be selected to receive a three-year contract, with annual
contract reviews.
The RFQ may be downloaded from the internet at w w w .pdc.us.
(on the right hand side, under "What's New", click on “RFPs, RFQs").
or obtained by telephone, fax or e-m ail request to:
Larry W right, Procurem ent Services Supervisor
Portland Developm ent Com m ission
222 NW Fifth Avenue
Portland, OR 97209-3859
Phone 503.823.3328
FAX 503.865.3905
E-mail: wrightl@pdc.us
Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the above address
no later than 3:00 PM, Wednesday - March 12, 2 0 0 8 .
Proposers who download a copy of the RFP should review the
docum ent and subm it the “Required Registration Form " located
on the website listed above to Purchasing (503-802-8496) in
order to be added to the RFP Planholders list and receive addenda.
HAP has established a goal of 20% participation by disadvantaged,
m inority-owned, wom an-owned and em erging sm all businesses
on this project and encourages proposals from interested D/M/
W /ESB firms.
RFP Contact:
Jerry W alker
5 03.802.8533
Jerryw2@ hapdx.org
The Housing Authority of Portland is a public corporation serving
all Multnomah County. HAP provides housing and housing-related
services to those who face barriers due to income or disability.
H AP 's h ou sin g and rent a ssistance program s serve 33,000
residents throughout the county. A citizen com m ission, with
volunteer m em bers recom m ended by the City of Portland, the
City of Gresham , and M ultnomah County, and approved by the
Portland City Council, governs HAP.
The H ousin g A u th o rity is an Equal Em ploym ent O p p ortunity
Em ployer and strongly encourages m inority-owned and wom en-
owned businesses and em erging sm all businesses to subm it
proposals or to participate as subcontractors and suppliers on
this and all HAP contracts.
Faxed or e-m ail response copies will not be accepted
Contractors who are certified as Minority, Women or Emerging Small
Business are strongly encouraged to apply. Contractors are also
recom m ended to utilize Minority, W om en, and Em erging Small
Business Enterprises for their subcontracting needs. Portland
Developm ent Comm ission greatly values diversity in contracting
and in the workforce, and encourages it contractors to do the same.
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503 2 8 8 0 03 3
Fax: 503 -2 88 0 0 1 5
e-mail: classifieds@