^'ÎJortiaub (m,sm.er Black History Month February 27. 2 00 8 Page B3 W anted and N eeded L aw & J ustice Church Building (size: sm all to medium) with office For rent or lease Located in N /N E and inner city Portland Please call 5 0 3 -8 6 3 -6 5 4 5 Finding the right loan is not hard when you have a great Lender Relationship. W e are • L O C A L ! Terrell Brandon Foils Extortion Attempt Man arrested after confrontation (AP) — T he fam ilies o f form er N FL d e fe n siv e baek A n th o n y N ew m an and form er NBA guard Terrell Brandon w ere the victim s of an extortion attem pt, the Portland Police Bureau said. Bobby Hayes, 41, was charged w ith theft by extortion and at­ tem pted theft by extortion. Police suspect he wrote threatening let­ ters dem anding $ 10.000 from the fam ilies o f New man and Brandon. O ne o f the letters arrived at the hom e o f N ew m an's 65-year-old mother. It was addressed to "NFL Mom." "U don't know me, but I know LI," it read. "I want I OK in cash in a black bag set next to your garage door Friday night. If you tell the police and try to be a hero you will be responsible for the m urder o f your whole family." B randon, m eanw hile, took m at­ ters into his ow n hands. He and a frie n d , T im o th y U p sh aw , fo l­ low ed the instru ctio n s in a sim ilar letter and a p laced a black bag o u tsid e. Upshaw told pol ice he saw a man arrive alone by car and grab the bag o u t o f th e b u sh e s. W h en the stranger opened the bag and saw a $1 bill on top o f a stack o f plain paper, Upshaw told police he over­ heard him say, "W hat the (exple­ tive) is this?" Police say Upshaw confronted the man. who ran. A northeast Port­ land resident latercalled 9 - 1 -1, say- Bobby Hayes ing he heard some men on the street "talking about killing" someone. W hen officers arrived, Upshaw and Brandon w ere with Hayes. O f­ ficers handcuffed everyone before learning about the alleged extor- lion, Portland police spokesm an Sgt. Brian S chm aut/ said. Hayes was taken into custody, but later released after posting 10 percent o f his $25,(XX) bail. The court ordered him to have no contact with the Newman and Brandon fami­ lies. B randon, 37, retired from the NBA in 2004 and operates a barber­ sh o p in n o r th e a s t P o rtla n d . N ewman, 42, played 12 seasons in the NFL and now operates A n­ thony N ew m an Extrem e Sports Cam ps for youth. "It w as terrib le for my m other, and my w ife and kids," N ew m an told T he O reg o n ian on T h u rs­ day. "E veryday I had to look o v er my sh o u ld er and w orry if so m e­ one is g oing to do so m eth in g . It's been a tough w eek for my fam ily." Reduce your monthly debts starting today! Get rid of that 1st and 2nd mortgage payment for a One Loan Fixed Rate Mortgage. 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Formed in response to the Springfield, 111. race riot of 1908, the horrific practice of lynching and other harsh treat­ ment of African Americans, the NAACP has since contin­ ued to be a driving force for racial tolerance, social change, justice and equality in America. Down through the years, the role of the NAACP has re­ mained constant under its m is­ sion to ensure the political, educational, social and eco­ nomic equality of rights and to eliminate racial hatred and dis­ crimination. Over time, NAACP lead­ ers and members have been threatened and killed for their Providing Insuium e anti Ftnatii ,i! Stirvu.es Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 97717 603 7861,03 Fax 603 286 1146 erme lull h6mhd.;sla1etairu com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Eddie Lincoln Broker 9738 SE Washington Si.. Suite Q Portland. 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Arrests Follow Spectator Brawl at Benson Fight in grandstands captured on video (A P) — A video shot by a spectator has led police to 10 suspects in a brawl at a basketball gam e last month at Benson High School. Seven o f the 10 youths, none students at Benson, have been arrested by Portland police. They were expected to be charged with inciting a riot, a felony. The Jan. 8 fight during a gam e between Benson and Grant apparently started in the bleachers and spread to the court at halftime. One youth shoved a coach, and the gam e was stopped. Police identified the suspects using a video o f the m ayhem taken by a spectator. "If we didn't have the video, we wouldn't have had a lot to go on," said Lt. M ik e L e lo ffo f the gang enforcem ent team. "W e're trying to prove a point that you're not going to get away with that kind o f behavior." The video shows a fight that erupts in the bleachers behind the band. School security director IJennisT une said a teenager from a one gang was hiding behind the band when he was spotted by rivals. "There was nothing that really set that thing off," T une said. "It was more o f' Let's go get him because o f w ho he is.’ " Northeast Precinct officerG ran t Shiraham a w as trying to quell the braw l w hen he fell from the b leach ers, fracturing a rib, police said. He w as on light duty becau se o f the injury. THE ‘Free the 8’ Forum Fight former Black Panthers were arrested early las, year on charges related to the 1971 killing o f a San Francisco police officer. T h e o rig in a l c h a rg e s w ere thrown out after it was revealed that police used torture to extract confessions. Now, over 35 years after the initial charges were made, and with no new evidence, they are being re-tried. Hank Jones, one o f the San Fran­ cisco 8, will be in Portland to d is­ cuss the case. He will be joined by Claude M arks and Maisha Quint of the C om m ittee to Free the Eight, as well as Kent Ford, the former leader o fth e Portland chapter o f the Black Panther Party. T his free event will take place at I pm on Saturday, M arch 9. at L ib­ erty Hall, 3 1 I N.lvy. For more inform ation about the event, c o n ta c t eirclearadioCn’gm ail.com . For more inform ation about the ease, visit freelhesf8.org. M IS Hart Realty SPINACOLUMN 200 N.E. 20"' Ave., Ste 100 Portland. OR 97232 t ree parking Smoke around your children and they could inhale to 102 packs ofcigarettes by age 5. An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Amenta's natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 7. CHILDREN & CHIROPRACTIC: Start off early in life for a lifetime of health : Actually, there are more rea sons for children to see a C h i­ ropractor regularly than there : C hildren o f Chiropractors for adults. First o f all. because of often receive their first spi­ their activities in school and out. naturally take more spills nal adjustm ents the day they children are born. Using special techniques than an average adult. This is one for infants. C hiropractors are able o f the most com m on reasons people to correct spinal m isalignm ents bring theirchildren to a C hiroprac­ caused by the traum atic and turn­ tor. But the best reason o f all is so ing o f childbirth. W h at's more, that with regular Chiropractic care. w e're frequently able to alleviate infant problem s like colie that o f­ ten keeps both babies and par­ ents up all night. Q A : When will my children be old enough to benefit from seeing Chiroprtu lor ? A children can develop a nearly per­ fect spine. Not only to help them do better in school, but to gain are increased strength, health and vitality throughout their adult lives. To find out all the ways C hiropractic can help your ch il­ dren experience a I i let i me ot g»x xl health, please call us at the num ­ ber below. Everyone has the right to breathe clean air, especially our children. Flowers' Chiropractic Office : / have a friend who takes her children to a Chiro­ practor even when they aren't sick. Whv would she do this Q 2124 NE Hancock, Port land Oregon 97212 XIS TOBACCO Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 t