50j£ Special Coverage Inspirational Legacy Black Issue Film honors late counselor AI Fort hem See story, M etro section Month iJortkm it ©íiseruer Volume XXXVIII. Number 9 .W eek in Thc Review Economic Woes M ore econom ic woes for the U.S. econom y as new indexes show c o n s u m e r c o n f id e n c e has ; plunged, inflation has soared, the num ber o f foreclosed hom es has i jum ped, hom e prices fell sharply and a report Tuesday predicted big increases in healthcare costs. In addition, gas prices jum ped 17 cents in the past week. Dodd Endorses Obama As a New York Tim es/CBS poll sh o w e d b ro a d e r s u p p o rt fo r Barack O bam a across the coun­ try, Sen. Christopher Dodd en­ d o rs e d h is o n e -tim e p re sid e n tia l rival on Tues­ day. He en- co u ra g ed Democrats to join forces to defeat the Republicans but de­ nied he w as nud ging H illary Clinton to end her candidacy. FstnhlKhpd in 1970 Established www n n rtla n d n h s e rv p www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • February 27, 2008 Concordia EXPANDS Landmark becoming major university by R aymond R kndleman T he P ortland O bserver College cam puses tend to create a stir with expansion into adjoining properties, but not Concordia University, the 103-year-old institu­ tion at Northeast 27th Avenue and Holman Street. As Concordia prepares to raze about 30 structures over a two-block area on its north side to make way for a new library and sports fields, there has been little controversy. All of the properties were purchased by the private Lutheran university voluntarily over several years. Concordia officials argue that surrounding neighborhoods stay happy if higher education maintains a genuine sense of com m unity part- PHOTOBY Army ‘out of Balance’ < The U.S. military reports serious strain and wants to reduce the length o f combat tours to prepare for an uncertain future. "The cumulative effects of the last six-plus years at war have left our Army out of bal­ ance,” Gen. George Casey told a Senate panel on Tuesday. Concordia Univer­ sity will expand two blocks north to Northeast Dekum Street with athletic fields and a library, replacing about 30 existing structures. Construction on the library will begin this spring. Working Pregnant W om en have children later, work longer into pregnancy and return i to work faster than they did four , decades ago, the Census Bureau said Monday. In the early part of this decade, 55 percent returned to work within six m onths after j giving birth; that figure was 14 percent in the early 1960s. Oregon Health Plan Rush Going into its final week of accept- j ing names, the reservation list for the Oregon Health Plan’s Stan­ dard benefit package has attracted the nam es o f more than 76,000 uninsured O regonians. After the reservation list period closes Fri­ day, at least 3,000 people will be selected at random and get sent applications. R aymond R endi . eman AT he P ortland O bserver Concordia University President Charles Schlimpert (right) and Chief Financial Officer Dennis Stoecklin oversee a major expansion o f the college's northeast Portland campus. nershipatall levels. In this case, that included the charge o f find­ ing ways to reach out to the African-American and Hispanic populations o f the immediate area. The outreach involved initia­ tives such as opening meeting and office space for the N A ACP and the Black Parent Initiative, organizing a large corps of stu­ dents and staff to volunteerregu- larly at nearby struggling schools, and finalizing the unveiling of a fu ll-rid e s c h o la rs h ip fo r a continued on pane A3 Priority H ighfor Healthcare Overhaul Senator Wyden addresses concerns by R aymond R kndleman T he P ortland O bserver Changes in Rosaria As health disparities widen The Rose Festival will open its for minority and disadvantaged royal positions for the first tim e to populations, the stakes were high girls from nearly 3 0 suburban high for U.S. Sen. Ron W yden's visit schools from Forest G rove to to th e U rb an L ea g u e Sandy, starting in 2009. Also, Port- j M ulticultural Senior Center in la n d hig h s c h o o ls th a t have the heart o f Portland's African- struggled recently to field many American community. princess candidates might lose their traditionally guaranteed slots Two women with concerns on the court. about high prescription costs took seats near the center’s entrance School Budgets Outlined last Friday to shake the senator's By freezing the salaries o f custo­ hand as Wyden tours the state dians and 38 top officials at dis­ to explain his support for over­ trict headquarters, kindergarten class sizes would decrease and K- hauling the way healthcare is 8 schools w ould receive more administered in America. money. The details are part of Lorraine Thom pson, 66, and S uperintendent C arole S m ith's Celia Yancey, 82, were among proposed budget for the 2008-09 the approxim ately l(M) attend­ school year. ees that took advantage o f the opportunity to wrestle with the struggles currently facing the h local community. i ’ iiotoby M ark W asiiington /T iie P ortland O bserver ‘‘His being here means to me S îp û D'Norgia Price, Urban League o f Portland senior-services director, welcomes U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden to a community meeting at the that he cares about his constitu­ Multicultural Senior Center on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. ency, especially the elders who are facing horrible, horrible times able." she says. now in terms of the econom y,” T he D em o cratic sen ato r, D 'N o rg ia P rice, an U rban whose home is in Portland and League senior-services direc­ who was first elected to the tor, told the Portland Observer. House o f Representatives in Price hopes that the senator's 1980 to represent O regon's 3rd effo rts to pass a universal Congressional District, echoed healthcare bill will fetch less of the concerns o f the group. a patchwork in insurance plans "W ith respect to Medicare and more of a feeling o f stability especially, we know that every for underserved populations. year too many of our seniors are "Fewer people will fall through falling between thc cracks." the cracks because they will - D’Norgia Price, Urban League of Portland senior-services director continued y ^ on page 43 know that healthcare's avail- Hz His being here means to me that he cares about his constituency, especially the elders who are facing horrible, horrible times now in terms o f the economy. f