Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 20, 2008, Page 16, Image 16

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    February 20. 2008
Page B8
S ports
State Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
We moved to our new location at:
9 7 13 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
Leisure Hour Jr. Golf Program
Portland, Oregon
www, eteainz. com/LeisureHourJrGolf/
Trail Blazers guard Brandon Roy goes for two o f his 18 points
playing on the West team in Sunday's NBA All-Star game.
Trail Blazers forward LaMarcus Aldridge goes up for a shot
against Sean Williams o f the New Jersey Nets in Friday's Rookie
Challenge. Aldridge scored 18 points in the Sophomore's 136-
109 win. (AP photos)
Roy, Aldridge Post Triumphs
Tee It Up F°re FunH
Mailing Address:
3920 N.E. Higldand
Portland. OR 97211
Meeting Site-Maple Mallory Apts
3800 N.E. Mallory
Portland, OR 97212
(503) 320-0123 Primary
(503) 936-8568 Secondary
A 501(c) (3) Non-Profit Organization
weekend glows
for Blazers
Trail Blazers guard Brandon Roy
perform ed quite well as the first
Portland player nam ed to the N a­
tional Basketball Association West
A ll- S ta r te am sin c e R a sh e e d
W allace in 2001 and one o f only
three new players selected to the
team this season.
T he East A ll-Stars beat the W est
team 134-128 on Sunday in New ginning o f the second quarter and
O rleans, but Roy tied with team ­ m ade his first shot— a 16-foot
mates Carm elo Anthony and Amare ju m p er ju st right o f the free throw
Stoudem ire by scoring 18 points. line. Roy m ade his next three
After C lyde D rexler’s 25 points in shots— a reverse layup, a driving
1992, R oy' s point total was the sec­ layup and a 24-foot three-point shot
ond-highest in Blazers’ history for from the left corner. He finished the
first half with a team -leading 11
the NBA A ll-Star game.
B la z e rs fo rw a rd L e M a rc u s points by making 5 o f 7 shots.
“ I w asn ’t relaxed, but once that
Aldridge also scored 18 points and
Roy logged another 17 in helping first one goes down, you kind o f get
the Sophom ores past the Rookies confident,” Roy told the Orego-
13 6 - 109 Friday in the NBA Rookie niari new spaper. “1 d o n ’t think the
jitters ever went away. I was ner­
Roy entered the game at the be­ vous, but 1 tried to be as relaxed as
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Exhibit tells story of black college football
If your youth 6th-8th grade are still
looking to play basketball, they still have
time through the Portland Parks and
Recreation team. We are still looking for
a few young men to come and play.
Our practice time is Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:50 p.m. until 8 p.m. at Vernon K-8 School.
Location: 2044 N.E. Killingsworth St.
Contact Person: Coach Miller. 503-933-1763
The struggle, hard work and triumph
of African Americans who made pio­
neering contributions to the sport of
foothal I and our country are profiled in
a new exhibit at the College Football
Hall o f Fame in South Bend, Ind.
V isitors to the exhibit will have the
opportunity to walk through a his­
toric locker room filled with m em ora­
bilia representing all 50 historic black
colleges and universities, including
the rich pageantry o f the black m arch­
ing bands, the hallow ed black college
A ll-A m erica team s, and a tribute to
the black college national champions. Legendary Grambling head coach Eddie Robinson and his
An interactive video game, Black ubiquitous hat are on display in a new Black College Exhibit
College Footbal I: The Xperience. marks at College Football Hall o f Fame in South Bend, Ind.
the centerpiece of the exhibit. The video
Samurai helmet from the first college gam e ever
enables visitors to com pete against each other in
played outside of the United States in Japan, a
the unique world o f black college football.
gam e coached by the legendary Robinson, a 1997
“ Black college football plays an integral role in
inductee into the Hall o f Fame.
the history o f our sport," said Kent Stephens,
O ther Hall o f Famers with m em orabiliaon dis­
C ollege Football Hall o f Fam e M useum curator
play include Tyrone M cG riff from Florida A&M ;
and historian. “W ith its own unique history and
Jerry Rice from M ississippi Valley State; and
traditions, it’s important for us to share the story
Coach B i 11 y Joe from Chey ney State ( Pa. ), Central
o f black college football with visitors to the Hall,
State (Ohio), and Florida A&M.
engaging them in the pow er o f our sport to posi­
T heexhibit also highlights the groundbreaking
tively transform student-athletes and the com m u­
contributions o f African Am ericans at other uni­
nities in w hich they live and w ork.”
versities throughout the country and the o b ­
G ram bling head coach Eddie R obinson's ubiq­
stacles that they faced as football helped inte­
uitous hat that he w ore in alm ost every photo is
grate our society.
part o f the exhibit as well as an ancient cerem onial
much as I could.”
Roy, w ho shot 8 o f 10 from the
field (including 2 o f 3 on three-
pointers), said he enjoyed his first
A ll-Starexperience aside from one-
handed dunk attem pt that bounced
o ff the back o f the rim and straight
up into the air.
Now the Blazers have to get back
to the business o f getting back on
track to show that their 13-game win­
ning streak w asn't just a mid-season
fluke. The team will have fierce com ­
petition for the eighth and final play­
off spot over the coming months.
Senior Excels in
Three Sports
Lincoln High School Senior Jordan
Polk is a true three-sport star and one of
the sta te 's top sprinters and all around
athletes. He will be attending the U niver­
sity o f W ashington in Seattle on a full-
ride football scholarship under Coach
T yrone W illingham .
A first team all-state
selection in football
this year, Polk had 73
catch es, o ver 1,200
yards, averaging 17
yards for 21 scores.
H e’s only the second
receiver in state his­
tory to have over 1.200 or m ore receiving
yards in consecutive years.
Polk spread his wings in track and field
this past spring when he ran an im pres­
sive 4.46 in the 4 0 yard dash. He also had
a 39.3-inch vertical ju m p , earning his se­
lection to the A ll-N ikeC om bineTeam . He
is the defending 100-m eterdistrict cham ­
pion from the Portland Interscholastic
League, clocking in at 10.8. A year earlier,
he was the 100- and200-m eterP IL cham -
Currently, Polk plays point guard and
is the leading scorer on his C ardinals
basketball team averaging 15 points a
game. W ith his lock-dow n defense and
speed, Polk helped the C ardinals win the
2007 PIL basketball cham pionship.
______________ THE______________
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Amenca's natural healing profession
Part 6. HEADACHES: Why Chiropractic is
nature’s long-lasting pain reliever.
: /always seem to he plagued nerve-related and therefore, stand W h a t's m ore, d ru g s have seri­
with headaches. They come a very good chance of being re­ ous sid e effects. T he only side
effects o f C h iro p ractic are relief
lieved by C hiropractic.
up over my head and seem to stop
from pain and a h ealin g o f the
at my eye. What can Chiropractic
se o f pain. T o find o ut how
: WTiy should I go through a
possibly do to help me ?
p rac tic co u ld help relieve
full course o f Chiropractic
: About 7O9f o f all people
ead ach es o r for answ ers
when drugs often relieve my head­
experience headaches of
u estio n s you m ight have
one sort or another. T he type you
describe is quite typical . The pain
can range anyw here from m oder­
ate to nauseating. The top three
nerves in the neck go up over the
back o f the skull in a very sim ilar
pattern to what you describe. Any
type o f pressure or irritation on
these nerves can cause extrem e
pain. Your problem s could be
; Drugs work prim arily on re­ about y o u r h ealth , p lease call us
lieving pain, but not on treat­ at the telep h o n e n u m b er listed
d irectly below .
ing the cause o f the headache.
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock,
Portland Oregon 97212
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
Utile l.raiue Ba,ehall, Ineorpotaird doe« not limit paitiripalinn in H, arflvttie, on the bad, of dfcabilMy. rare, erred, rotor. national
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