Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 20, 2008, Page 14, Image 14

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    February 20, 2008
Page B6
B lack
H istory
M onth
C lassifieds / B ids
Part-time Dietary Alde/Cook
M ultnom ah
The D epartm ent of Com m unity
Ju s tic e is c u rre n tly a c c e p tin g
a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e fo llo w in g
Mental Health Consultant, #6365-46
The Juvenile Services Division is
seeking a part-time Mental Health
C o n s u lta n t w h o is bilin gu a l in
S p a n is h and E n g lish . D u tie s
in c lu d e , s p e c ia liz e d b ilin g u a l
clinical assessm ent, treatm ent
planning, co n su lta tion , clinical
intervention, family therapy, crisis
in te rv e n tio n ,
th e ra p e u tic
s tru c tu re , tra n s itio n s e rv ic e s,
collaboration with other providers
a n d a g e n c ie s fo r S p a n is h -
language youth 12-18 years old
and their fam ilies in the Juvenile
Justice system.
Bill Berry, first director o f the Portland Urban League,
m eets with a Rose Festival princess in 1946.
Fighting for Justice
Urban League takes on
segregation and disparities
The Portland Urban League
w as established in 1945 during
a tim e o f racial strain betw een
P o rtla n d 's black and white
B eginning in 1941, blacks
began stream ing to the city to
jo in the wartim e industrial
workforce. Between 1941 and
1943, P ortland's black popu­
lation grew from 2,()(X) to over
2 0 ,0 0 0 residents. Despite war­
tim e fair-em ploym ent laws,
Portland, and Oregon, retained
their reputation for hostile race
relations with a legacy o f anti­
black legislation and discrim i­
nation in state and local unions
and through employment laws
that limited the ability for blacks
to secure m iddle- and higher-
incom e jobs.
U n d er the leadership o f
Portland'sfirst black physician.
Dr. D eN orval U nthank, the
N ational U rban League, with
its hub in New York City,
opened a Portland C hapter in
April 1945. Shortly thereafter,
Edw in C. “ B ill” Berry was
nam ed the Portland C hapter's
first director.
The challenges facing Berry
and the new ly established Ur­
ban League w ere many: Port­
land remained a segregated city
w here "W hite Trade O n ly ”
signs were frequently posted in
business w indow s and restau­
rants. D ow ntow n hotels still
refused to serve blacks, and
the Portland Real Estate Board
m andated agents not sell to in­
dividuals whose race would “be
determ ined to low er property
values in that neighborhood.”
T he jo b m arket rem ained
staunchly opposed to adm it­
ting blacks into m ost middle-
income and w hite-collar jobs.
U nder Berry ' s leadership, the
Urban L eague took aim at the
jo b m arket, then at housing,
education, and even racial dis­
tortions and discrim ination in
the new s media.
Since its inception, the Port­
land U rban League and Port­
lan d ra c e re la tio n s have
changed greatly. Segregation
no longer dom inates the civil-
rights agenda, discrimination in
housi ng standards i s i I legal, and
blacksholdcareersatall levels
o f the econom ic spectrum.
At the same ti me, economic
disparity betw een predom i­
nantly white and predominantly
black n e ig h b o rh o o d s and
schools still afflict the city and
its residents. The Urban League
remains committed toaddress-
i ng these and other issues with
afocuson improving education
and economic self-sufficiency
among African Americans.
Advertise with diversity
O u t o f S c h o o l?
N e e d yo ur G ED
or Job S k ills T ra in in g ?
If you’re age 16-24,
take a look at Job Corps.
W e offer free education,
training, housing,
m eals and more! Call
or visit nw-job corp s.com .
Deputy CIO
located in downtown Portland,
O re g o n 's
m ost
d iv e rs e
com m unity, and seek to meet
th e needs of an increasingly
d iv e rs e s tu d e n t p o p u la tio n
th ro u g h o u r c u rric u lu m ,
re s e a rc h , a n d c o m m u n ity
s e rv ic e a c tiv itie s . W e are a
p u b lic in s titu tio n e n ro llin g
alm ost 25,000 students, with
about 23% ethnic minorities.
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and
ersons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both
f LYDIA E. CHITWOOD, who was a part-time resident of Multnomah
'ounty. State of Oregon, and SantaClara County, State of California,
nd died on August 19, 2007 in Portland, Oregon.
IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the de-
eased, you mus, file your claim within four months from the date of
irst publication with the DERMER LAW FIRM, 15720 Winchester
loulevard. Suite 1, Los Gatos, California 95030(408) 395-5111.
Martin D. Dermer, Esq.
15720 W inchester BI vdSte 1
Los Gatos C A 95030
Tel (408) 395-5111
Fax (408) 354-2797
City of Portland
Bureau of Purchases
1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204
5 03-823-6855
C.N.A. with Hire On Bonus. Please
co n ta c t D onna C o b u rn , RN,
DNS at 503-588-5967 or stop
by for application at 5737 NE
3 7th A ve n u e , P o rtla n d , OR
Call 503-288-0033
ad s («'port I andobserver.com
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for
valuable inform ation on how to do business with the City, please
log on to the Bureau of Purchases W eb Page:
RN Day Shift with Hire On Bonus.
Please contact Donna Coburn,
RN, DNs at 503-288-5967 or
stop by for application at 5737
NE 37th Avenue, Portland, OR
The University
o f O re g o n is
s e e k in g
D e p u ty C h ie f
I n f o r m a t io n
OF OREGON Officer to serve
Probation/ Parole Officer, #6276-12 as an operational lead to their
Probation/Parole Officers provide In form a tion S e rv ice s unit and
counseling, case m anagem ent, h ea d th e ir S y s te m s a nd
supervision, and sanctioning of Operations groups.
g ra d u a te
adult clients on form al probation
7 y e a rs
a nd p a ro le .
O ffic e rs use
a tion
m o tiv a tio n a l in te rvie w in g and
te d
m o tiv a tio n a l
te c h n iq u e s
d e s ig n e d to p ro d u ce p o s itiv e
change in individuals. Applicants 5 years m anagem ent experience
bilingual in English and Spanish in a u n iv e rs ity e n v iro n m e n t
p re fe rre d . C a n d id a te s w ith
are encouraged to apply.
experience serving the needs of
For more information about these diverse populations are strongly
positions, including application desired. See co m p lete posting
materials, please visit our website 8032 at http://hr.uoregon.edu/
at w w w .m u ltco io b s .o rg or call jo b s / f o r q u a lific a tio n s and
503-988-5035. The deadline to application instructions. Excellent
apply for these recruitm ents is salary and benefits package. AA/
February 29, 2008.
EEO/ADA institution committed to
cultural diversity.
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty is a ctiv e ly
recruiting persons from diverse
Portland State University
backgrounds to enhance service
Student Affairs
delivery to our diverse community.
Our com m itm ent to exceptional
Position Announcement -
custom er service relies upon a
team -oriented w orkplace and a
continuous quality im provem ent
The Center for Student Health and
e n v iro n m e n t.
Counseling (SH AC) at Portland
Opportunity Employer.
State University invites applications
for a clin ic a l position as a
Position: City of Portland
Psychologist In Counseling and
Community Police Officer
Psychological Services (CAPS). This
Approxim ate M onthly Salary:
Is a perm anent, FT, 12-month
$3,415 - $5,595
Closes: 4:30 p.m.
Friday, February 22,2008
For complete job description,
minimum qualifications, and howto
The City of Portland Com m unity
apply go to:
P o lic e O ffic e r w o rk s w ith all
citizens to preserve life, maintain
human rights, protect property and
S alary is com petitive and
prom ote individual responsibility
com m ensurate with
and c o m m u n ity co m m itm e n t.
Officers work various shifts and
geographical areas as assigned
R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill
a n d c o m p le te an 1 8 -m o n th
begin March 1, 2008, and will
probationary period. Please see
c o n tin u e u n til fin a lis ts are
c o m p le te
a p p lic a tio n
w w w .c i.p o rtla n d .o r.u s / jo b s or
contact Jarvez Hall, Sr. Hum an
Correspondence will be conducted
Resources Analyst at 503-823-
primarily bye-mall. PSU is an AA/
573 8 to h a ve an a p p lic a tio n
EO institution and, in keeping
mailed to you. Applications will
with the P resid en t's diversity
not be accepted after 4:30 p.m.
in itia t iv e ,
w e lc o m e s
on Friday, February 22,2008. The
a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e
C ity o f P o rtla n d is a n E q u a l
candidates and candidates who
Opportunity Employer.
s u p p o rt d iv e rs ity . W e a re
0 1,1 | J n r t l a n b ( B t a e r i w r
g re a t fo r s tu d e n ts ! P le a s e
contact Donna Coburn, RN, DNs
at 503-288-5967 or stop by for
application at 5737 NE 37th
Avenue, Portland, OR 97211
Clark College seeks a perm anent, part-tim e (75%) Early Childhood
Specialist 3 to support its childhood education evening program,
Monday - Friday 3 - 9 p.m. Closing date is 5 p.m., February 27,
2008. S a la ry is $ 2 ,0 5 0 .5 0 /m o n th (7 5 % o f $ 2 ,7 3 4 ). For
com plete position description or to apply, access our w eb site at
ww w .clark.edu/jobs or contact Clark College Human Resources,
1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, W A 98663 (360) 992-
2105 [Hearing impaired (360) 992-2317] AA/EEO employer.
Portland Development Commission
The U rban Renewal Agency for
the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life, distinctive
neighborhoods, and robust transit system . Playing a key role in
keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica’s most livable cities is
the Portland Developm ent Com m ission’s mission. PDC is the City's
urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together resources to
achieve Portland's vision. W e're currently looking for qualified
individuals to com plem ent our workforce for the following positions:
Law Clerk
Programmer Analyst I
Senior Housing Manager - Housing Planning & Development
Economic Development Manager - Bioscience and Hi-Tech Clusters
W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep
PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values
diversity in its work force and is com m itted to
Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action.
Apply online at ww w .pdc.us/jobs
Portland Developm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
Legal Services related to Bond Issuance, Tax Credits and the Department
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Financing
Proposals are requested from qualified professional consultants
for the provision of legal services associated with bond issuance,
tax credit financing and the Departm ent of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) financed public housing projects. The Housing
Authority of Portland (HAP) will accept Proposals until 2:00 PM,
March 3, 2008 at HAP's Purchasing Departm ent located at 135
SW Ash Street, 5th Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204. Proposals
should be clearly marked with the respondent’s name and address
and the RFP title and number.
The Housing Authority of Portland expects to com m ence the
developm ent of several public or affordable housing projects over
the course of the next five years. Financing strategies for these
projects will vary but will likely include m ixed-financing models,
tax-exem pt bonds and low-incom e housing and New M arket tax
credits as prim ary funding sources. HAP intends to select one or
more qualified professional firm s to perform specialized legal
s e rv ic e s re la te d to th e m ixe d fin a n c in g m o d e ls o f su ch
developm ent projects undertaken by HAP thought out the year
Hard copies of the Request for Proposals will be available beginning
Thursday, February 14, 2008 between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM at
HAP’s Purchasing D epartm ent located at 135 SW Ash Street, 5th
Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204. Electronic copies are available on
the HAP w eb site:
http://www.hapdx.org/Business/solicitations.htm l
Proposers who download a copy of the RFP should review the
docum ent and subm it the "Required Registration Form " located
on the w ebsite listed above to Purchasing (503-802-8496) in
order to be added to the RFP Planholders list and receive addenda.
HAP has established a goal of 20% participation by disadvantaged,
m inority-owned, wom an-owned and em erging small businesses
on this project and encourages proposals from interested D/M/
W /ESB firms.
RFP Contact:
Jerry W alker
Jerryw2@ hapdx.org
The Housing Authority of Portland is a public corporation serving
all Multnomah County. HAP provides housing and housing-related
services to those who face barriers due to incom e or disability.
H AP 's housing and rent a ssistance program s serve 33,000
residents throughout the county. A citizen com m ission, with
volunteer m em bers recom m ended by the City o f Portland, the
City of Gresham , and M ultnom ah County, and approved by the
Portland City Council, governs HAP.
The H ousing Auth o rity is an Equal Em ploym ent O p p ortunity
Em ployer and strongly encourages m inority-owned and wom en-
owned businesses and em erging sm all businesses to subm it
proposals or to participate as subcontractors and suppliers on
this and all HAP contracts.