Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 20, 2008, Page 12, Image 12

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Il!' f j o r t l a u b (P b s e rriv r
Happv Birthday!
Kiki W ashington
M arco W ashington
We Love You! From your Family
Art s
African American Achievements Honored
On Friday, Feb. 22 at 8 p.m.,
the BET television network will
present its inaugural celebration
of The Bet Honors, a one-of-a-
kind event that celebrates the
achievements and contributions
o f distinguished African-Ameri­
can leaders in the fields of busi­
ness, entertainment, social ju s ­
tice and philanthropy, while pro­
viding powerful and uplifting mu­
sical performances.
Hosted by Cedric “The En­
tertainer,” the celebration pays Cedric ‘The Entertainer'
kiiihd 89,1 fm
C ont ,‘"‘ u t , o NS ca H
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b 1 e
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* t * h y t , m E bv . ANB e * aoe
P hone
• n te r n e ta t
Februaiy 20, 2008
Black History Month
Alicia Keys
Portland Teen Idol Auditions Back by popular demand
Portland Parks & Recreation has
announced the second season o f
Portland Teen Idol, a popular local
com petition inaugurated last year
based on the national television
program A merican Idol.
Teens from throughout the Port­
land area are invited to show off
their talent at auditions through
March. Auditions will be held at
different com m unity centers and
high schools around the city.
The effort is aimed at providing
expanded recreational activities
tailored specifically to the interests
o f teens. It’s also in response to the
C hildren's Bill o f Rights, created by
hundreds o f youth from Portland
and M ultnom ah County last June,
w hich clearly show ed that the
com m unity's youth believe recre-
March 9, the Portland C hildren's Museum pre­
sents whimsical puppets of “W ho's in H are’s
House,” with Sunday perform ances by the
Tears o f Joy Theatre and a puppet scavenger
hunt. For more information, call 503-223-6500.
ational opportunities are an im por­
tant right for citizens o f all ages.
For inform ation on on the Teen
Idol program and audition sched­
ule, v isit p o rtlan d p ark .o rg and
search “T een S c e n e ,” o r v isit
m yspace.com/Portland_Teen_ldol.
Theatre-Portland C enterfor Performing Arts;
to purchase tickets call 503-226-2588.
W h o ’s in H a re's H o u s e -C u rre n tly through
tribute to A licia Keys, Tyra
Banks, Dr. Cornel West, Rich­
ard P arsons, the H onorable
M axine W aters and chief ex­
ecutive Janice Bryant Howroyd.
Performers will include Stevie
W onder, John Legend, Gladys
Knight, Jill Scott, W yclef Jean,
Brian M cKnight, Ne-Yo and
Raheem DeVaughn, with ap­
pearances by Blair Underwood,
Danny Glover, Kerry W ashing­
ton, Vivica A. Fox, Keyshia
Cole, Idris Elba and Hill Harper.
S lld e r sG r ill — SlidersG rill, 3011 N .Lom bard,
23 at Izogie's Restaurant, 1301 N.E. D ekum St.
Doors open at 8 p.m. A dm ission is $5 at the
features an eclectic assortm ent o f perform ers
on the main stage, accom panied by delicious
food. Call 503-459-4488 for more information.
N ew port S eafood/W ine F est - Feb. 22 - 24. the
Oregon coastal town o f N ew port will host the
31st annual festival; featuring exotic seafood,
over 70 wineries, 140exhibitors and more. Call
800-262-7844 for more information.
S earch in g for M y S tory — W eaving traditional
Y o u n g A r tist J a zz — T he Leroy V innegarJazz
Institute's Young Artist Jazz Concert features
John Nastos and his stellar lineup of new and
veteran players, Thursday, Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m.
at the Old Church, 1422S.W . 11 th Ave. Tickets
are available by calling the PSU
box office at 503-725-3307.
February Show: Chris Haberman,
Jennifer Mercede & M ario Robert
Paintings & Mixed Media Assemblages
Pictured: Chris Haberman's "Alberta Art Hop"
O v e r 10 ye a rs o n A lb e rta S tre e t
• Changing M o nthly Shows
•Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop
OPEN six days a week
2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211
503 281-9048 • www.guardinogallery.com
Have you seen me?
Missing and Exploited Children
Endangered Runaway
E m e r g e n c e - S e e -- D a n ie l
B eaty’s “E m ergence-See!" is
presented Thursday, Feb. 28 and
Friday, Feb. 29 at the Interstate
Firehouse Cultural Center. The
one-man, m ulti-character show
centers on contem porary black
America as a slave ship rises out
of the Hudson River in front of
the Statue o f Liberty. For tickets, call the IFCC
box office at 503-823-4322.
KKOO Reggae Benefit — Saturday, Feb. 23 at
9 p.m..The Blue Monk. 3 3 4 1 S.E. Belmont Ave.,
will feature the Uprite Dub O rchestra with
Shocks o f Sheba Sound. Tickets are $8 at the
P oetry N M o tio n — O pen E yes Production
presents Blaeque Butterfly on Saturday, Feb.
Dear Deanna!
I have a room m ate in college that
disrespects the fact that I have al­
lergies. I'm sensitive to air freshen­
ers. perf ume, cigarette sm oke and a
lot o f other stuff. I'm on the waiting
list to m ove but sh e 's beginning to
do things on purpose like using
sprays, pow ders and things that
make me sick. She does these things
and p retends she d id n ’t know .
M eanwhile, my eyes are watery.
I’m sick and m issing class because
o f allergy attacks. How do I get her
to stop this behavior? —Allergic
C urrent Age: 17
D ate M issin g: Dec. 12,2007
Missing From:
Federal Way. WA
Danica may be in llie
company o f unknown adult
male; she may go by the
nickname Neek or Neeka.
and Sad; Tampa. Fla.
Dear Allergic:
C u rren t A ge: 17
D ate M issing: Jan. 8,2008
M issin g F rom : Las Vegas. NV
Crystal was last seen in llie
company of an unknown
adult male.
You should lake your room m ate to
lunch and have a sincere conversa­
tion with her and give her further
insight into your allergies. Let her
know that y o u 're entitled to peace
in your living space because you
pay to be there. You need to let her
music, dance and story, “C uentos - Searching
for My story," is a bilingual, fam ily-friendly
production encouraging audiences to value
their heritage though the celebration o f the
cultures o f Spain and M exico. Show s run
through Saturday, Feb. 23 at M ilagro Theatre,
525 S.E. Stark. Call 503-236-7253.
B ach C a n ta ta C h o ir — Sunday,
M arch 2, at 2 p.m., the Rose City
Park Presbyterian Church, N.E.
44th and Sandy, will host the 50-
voice choir, soloists and cham ber
orch estra conducted by Ralph
Nelson; for more information, visit
b acheantatachoir.org.
F orbidden L o v e —A young bride-
to-be yearns for her forbidden
lover and an escape from the co n ­
straints o f her impending marriage in “ Bodas de
Sangre," a M iracles Theatre G roup production
at M ilagro Theater, 525 S.E. Stark St. The play
runs through Saturday, Feb. 23 in its original
Spanish with English subtitles.
M ovie M ad n ess — Saturday, M arch 1 at 8 p.m.,
the Portland G ay M en 's C horus will don their
top hats and canes to perform favorites from
‘Footloose,’ 'F am e' and other great movies;
the single perform ance will he at the Newmark
Ask o
Real People, Real Advice
An advice coin mil known fo r
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
know that her actions are abusive
and if she d oesn't stop, you’ll take
action with the housing office. If
it’s too bad while y o u 're waiting for
the system to work, see if you can
Adverliise with diversi!ty
I f you have atty inform ation please contact:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
I-800-THE-IX)ST ( I -800-843-5678)
lattò (!f)hsc ru e r
Call 503-288-0033
ads@ pohlandobservefc€om
This public service announcement provided
by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
P ortlan d J a zz F estival - M aceo Parker and
other ja zz artists are featured in the fifth annual
Portland Jazz Festival running through Sun­
day, Feb. 24 at various locations. For tickets
and a com plete schedule, visit pdxjazz.com .
S u n d ay N ig h t Ja zz - Jazz enthusiasts can
enjoy listening to the cool sounds o f Mel
Brown, in the Rogue River Room at Chinook
W inds Casino Resort in Lincoln City. N ocover
H ip -h op D an ce C la sses - V ancouver-Clark
Parks and Recreation is hosting family friendly
hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various
lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­
tion, agility and teamwork through urban dance
moves. Formore information, call 360-696-8236.
O p en M ic N igh t — Every W ednesday night at
7 p.m.. Proper Eats M arket and Café, 8638 N.
Lom bard St., host open-m ie night.
S ea M o n sters — Spectacular photo-realistic
anim ation brings creatures o f the deep to life in
the new National G eographic Om inim ax film
Sea M onsters: a Prehistoric Adventure, now
playing at OM SI.
change room s on a tem porary basis
and keep it moving.
Dear Deanna!
I'v e been in a relationship with a
guy I met at the club. W hen I first
started dating him, I thought he
was the man o f my dream s. He
turned out to be a smooth talker and
a user, and now I ’ m in debt, my bank
account is em pty and 1 have a bro­
ken heart. H e’s m oved in with me
and now he ca n ’t m ove out be­
cause he d o esn ’t have any money
and nowhere to go. I' m a prisoner i n
my own hom e and I d o n 't know
how to get rid o f this man. Any
s u g g e stio n s? —Embarrassed;
Lanham, Md.
Dear Embarrassed:
You gave yourself three strikes in a
row by looking for love in the club,
being fooled by a smooth operator
and then bringing him into your
house. You asked him to move in
with you and you can also ask him to
move out. It’s not your problem if
h e's broke and homeless. If you keep
messing around with this guy, you'll
be just like him. You can handle this
problem hy breaking your lease and
moving somewhere else or simply
ask him to move and mean it.
Dear Deanna!
My new g irlfrien d is m oving too
fast. I m et her m o th er as a c o u r­
tesy and now she w ants to co m ­
m it m e to d in n e r every w eek and
she acts as if I’m g oing to m arry
her. At first it w as cu te and I
co u ld go along w ith a few things
but now it’s creepy. S h e ’s started
buying w edding books and I have
to d raw the line. I need to get out
o f th is relatio n sh ip becau se I ’m
turned o ff co m p letely . H ow do I
get out o f this b efo re it’s too late?
—Mark T.; On-Line Reader
Dear Mark:
T h ere is so m eth in g you did or
so m eth in g you said to this girl to
give her the idea that y o u r re la ­
tio n sh ip is m ore than it is. You
m ade it w orse by play in g along
and now it’s becom e too m uch for
you. You need to m an up and be
honest and tell y o u r g irlfrien d
how you really feel, how her a c ­
tions are affectin g you p erso n ­
ally and the o v erall relatio n sh ip .
If you ch o o se not to be w ith her
you need to at least respect her
and end the relatio n sh ip in a c o r­
dial m anner.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email;
askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: