«'''liortianb (Oi,Bpruvr Black History Month February 13, 2 0 0 8 PageA5 Valentine's Â/lo’ F ood Valentine's Day began to be popularly celebrated around the 17th century. By the middle of the eighteenth century, it was common for friends and lovers in all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes. Happy Valentine’s Day! r, The Day for Romance Valentine's Day is the day fa r romance. The florists will be running all aver town and the restaurants will be packed as u r celebrate a day o f love and appreciation. If you aren 't planning to battle the crowds in the local eateries, plan your own romantic dinner fo r two. I l can be fun. delicious and romantic. For a romantic dinner, you can't go wrong with a wonderful Italian dinner. Set the table with candles, buy a nice bottle o f Chianti or an Italian wine and enjoy the romance o f Italy tonight. Godetevi romantica cena italiano! (Enjoy your roman­ L tic Italian dinner!) S unday S low C o o ker C o llec tio n Directions 1. Combine the brown sugar, butter, salt and hot water in 5 quart slow cooker. Colonial Hot Buttered Rum "This is an authentic Colonial recipe, except you use a slow cooker. You'll swear you' re drinking a cinnamon roll, and then it hits you!" Ingredients • • • • • 2 cups brown sugar l/2 cup butter l pinch salt 2 quarts hot water 3 cinnamon sticks Ingredients for life 2. Add cinnamon sticks and cloves. Cover and cook on low for 5 hours. Stir in rum. • 6 whole cloves • 2 cups rum • l cup sweetened whipped cream • Ground nutmeg to taste 3. Ladle from the slow cooker into mugs, and top with whipped cream and a dusting of nutmeg. SAFEWAY Ö RANCHERS SKI\l!®’i Garlic and Lime Shrimp Í ICICUZW «ÁÍVtód®*- ■ffTWTMqyy»3|'»1M “This delicious, slightly spicy garlic shrimp served over a bed o f linguine or angel hair pasta is the perfect main course; serve with a fresh green salad and garlic bread. ” Manor Mouse Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Rancher’s Reserve Boneless Beef Top Round London Broil Ingredients • 1/2 Lb linguine or angel-hair pasta, cooked according to package directions • 2 tablespoons butter • 1 clove garlic, pressed • 24 large shrimp, peeled (about 1 lb) • 1 lime • Parmesan cheese, for garnish SEASONING: • 3/4 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper • 1/4 teaspoon dried parsley flakes • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder • 1/4 teaspoon paprika • 1/8 teaspoon dried thyme • 1/8 teaspoon onion powder Frozen. Sold in 4-lb resealable bag at S5 96 ea SAVE up Io $6 03 on a 4-lb. bag CU rlien Breast 3-lfc bag 5.97ea SAVE up to $2.50 lb. Rancher’s Reserve Boneless Beef Loin Tenderloin Steak QQ Medium Cooked Shrimp • * • * 5 , to 6 0-ct Sold in a 2-lb File! M ignon. SAVE up to $7 00 lb. .. iu l CE - l ,«.- i . F ree bag Bulk price $5.99 lb. Frozen/thawed SAVE »9 11 S5 00 I I . « a M l. bag Directions 1. For the pasta: After cooking in well-salted water, toss with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and sprinkle with Italian seasoning. 2. Make the seasoning blend by combining all the spices in a small bowl. Preheat a large skillet over medium heat. Add butter to the pan. 3. When the butter is melted, stir in the pressed garlic. Immediately, add the shrimp to the pan. 4. Cut the lime in half and squeeze each half into the pan over the shrimp. 5. Sprinkle the entire seasoning blend over the shrimp, and give it all a good stir. 6. Saute the shrimp for 5-8 minutes or until they begin to brown. Be sure to cook both sides of all the shrimp. Serve on a bed pasta. Fresh Crisp G reen A sparagus BUY ONE. G H O M Standard and large size. White Asparagus $1.99 lb N( u i <« u m h m u < ««• SAVE up to $3.51 lb CLUB PRICE Eating Right Salad Blends or Medleys 10-LB Bag Navel Oranges 4.9 Io 12-oz package Selected varieties SAVE up Io $3 29 on 2 SAVE up 10 $4 11 Valentine Dance Saturday,February 16,2008 SAFEW AY Time:9:(M)PM TIL 1:30AM Donations: $10.00 DJ Papa Chuck Food Raffle 50/50 Split O O rtR tli lo u d » 12-Pack Pepsi Fridge Mates 12-oz cans Selected varieties Plus deposit m Oregon SAVE up to $5 69 on 3 Billy Webb's Elks Lodge #1050 6 N Tillamook ST Portland, Oregon Bonanza! n A ° /o Presented by Dahlia Temple's Queen Committee Ticket Information Betty Clark 971/212-3824 Geneva's Shear Perfection Beauty & Barber Salon 503/285/1159 Tondalayeriu HairSalon 503/284-0712 Billy Webb's Elk Lodge503/284-4853 IBPOEOFTHEWORLD Oscar Mayer Sliced Bacon Cl’r Jlortlanb (ftih&mwv Established 1970 12 to 16-oz Regular or Center Cut Jimmy Dean Bacon USPS 959-680 _________________________________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 2 2 to 12 -oz Selected varieties Or Choose Butcher's Cut Vain Pack Bacon 3-lb package Charles H. Washington EorrotcMichael L eig h to n D is t r ib u t io n M a nag tr : M ark W ash in g to n C r ia t iv i D i r k tor : P aul N e u fe ld t A d v ir t is in c : K athy L in d e r O rn a M anac . tr : Sha ro n Sperry R i r i i r i i r : R a ym o n d R en d lem án Lucerne Milk Gallon Whole. 2%. 1%. Skim Supreme or Fat Free At checkstand. first item will scan at regular price second item will reflect savings General Mills Cereal Signature Cafe Chicken Tenders 910 17 2-07 Selected varieties Club Price Si 50 ea SAVE up IP $2 5« on 2 SAVE up to $2 00 lb E i > iio r - in -C h ih . P cri . ishfr : ¡I Make your breakiast comple'e! Minute Maid or Florida » Natural Orange Juice M - 12 SartWlrJ I'¡ui»t*'9 Club knee U 0 0 M Safeway SELECT Bath Tissue or Paper Towels OvenJoy Sandwich The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill be returned i f accompanied by a sell addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad O 2r pu to ru i jv jib N e At jmwr f i l Saleway Mores. No u le * lo d eilen on We reserve ih< ight to c orrett i l l printed erron O n f t rd. the régulai pre ippliey M in u ta turen loup e »" m u Mm i>r tnMrtutton* Sales in le tu l quantities only Qi Get One Free C B O G O *) often. cUMomer m u« pun on purchased items only MR on tree item* < 200S V he lim ited v r ih r « to n d H “ AJ u llm art not 1 p m , ,alrs