Februaiy 13. 2008 Page A4 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer / I Defense Budget is Our Real Enemy: When all your taxes go for guns BY VV 11 I 1AM A. COI.I.ISS The United States is not the first nation to spend itse lf into m ilita ry o b livio n . The Soviet U nion did ju st that a couple decades ago. O f course, the U.S. was the m otivating cause, menacing the Soviets into their foolishness. Our own m ilitary buildup purposely played into the hands o f Russian munitions bureaucrats whose personal empires de­ pended on producing more war machinery. ways often mentioned in the press. And internationally it makes other nations fear­ fu l and angry about how we m ight use all that power. Today some concerned fo lk take com ­ fort from the fact that our current aggres­ sive political dynasty may come to an end next January. Surely that w ould be w orth duction. So now, w e're in the fix o f w hich Presi­ dent D w ight Eisenhower once warned. W hile ruling the waves m ilita rily , we're sinking beneath them financially. China is smarter. It's not bloating its army. Rather it is putting its e ffo rt into economic development, threatening one day to make the U.S. a commercial backwa­ ter. India is follow f i g suit. M eanw hile our tax money keeps sub­ marine workers happy locally and inves­ tors happy everywhere. Thus is "N ational S ecurity" perverted fo r p ro fit, w hile real security withers in want. William A. Collins is a former slate representative and a former mayor o f Norwalk, Conn. cheering. We may not start any more wars fo ra while. But that other pi lia r o f the defense bud­ While ruling the waves militarily, we're sinking beneath them financially. Various European countries have his­ torically fallen into a sim ilar armaments trap, from the Crusades to the Spanish Armada to Napoleon to H itler. Now it's our turn. Not only is the United Statesconducting a ruinous shooting war. but it still sustains a ruinous weapons budget larded on top o f that conflict. O ur 2005 spending (the war is only partially included) was $518 b illio n . The next biggest spender was China at $81 b illio n . Othernationsdisbursed much less. In fact, the United States paid out about as much fo r its m ilita ry as all other countries combined. The dangers o f this policy are plain enough. For one thing, it causes a huge deficit, thus cheapening the dollar. You may have noticed. It also starves c iv ilia n services, thus weakening our society in get - The m ilitary-industrial complex - has no intention o f pu llin g in its horns. It did just fine under B ill C lin to n and feels no concern that the current crop o f tim id Democrats w ill do anything to trim its sails. Every weapon, from aircraft carriers, tanks, transports, bom bers, m issiles, nukes, bullets , the w hole arsenal, has its own set o f champions in the form o f cor­ porations, workers, subcontractors, banks, stores, media and Congress members. These lobbyists are often more fervent than the Joint Chiefs o f Staff. And even the top Pentagon brass some­ times gets trapped. H aving persuaded Congress to fund a new weapon, what do you do y ears later when it's out o f date? By then it has its own pow erful constituency that’s deeply invested in continued pro­ Subscribe!503’288’0033 I J ~ l l U d t l 1 U L : opas- I A/Zzc Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, p()rt|unj OR 97208 | subscriptions are just $60 per year (please include eheek with this subscription form) | • F in O u t & Send To: » H l w u i IX. o v u u 1VZ. I N ame : ____________________________ T elephone : _________________I j A ddress : ___________________ _________ j o r e m a il subscriptions® portlandobserver.com j C o n c o r d ia PORTLAND,OREGON Making Cruel Punishment Less Cruel The National Urban League has always opposed the death penalty because it tends to disproportionately affect blacks, who are Tinkering with the machinery of death by M arc II. M okial Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a stay o f execution to an Alabam a prisoner w h ile it determines whether the procedure o f lethal injection violates the Eighth Amendment, w hich forbids cruel and unusual punishment. Used by nearly all states w ith death penalties, the procedure requires the use o f three different chem i­ cals in sequence - 1 ) an anesthetic to numb the body; 2) a chemical to paralyze muscles and stop breathing; and 3) a chem i­ cal to stop the heartbeat. Im proper ad m in istra tio n o f the anesthetic could result in a very painful expe­ rience, one you w o u ld n 't wish on your worst enemies. In a 2006 e ditorial, headlined, “ Lethal C ru e lty," the New Y ork Tim es concluded that when poorly administered, lethal injection, con­ sidered by some to be more humane than the electric chair, “ can in fact be particularly If our nation is going to legalize an act as inhumane as execution, we, at the very least, owe it to the condemned to make it as humane as possible. barbaric." Because lethal injection appears to be a medical procedure, it is a method o f execution is perceived to be humane. When it is administered properly, it is humane. But when i t ’ s not administered properly, it most certainly is not. “ The idea o f a ‘ humane execution’ is a contradic­ tion in term s." observed Jamie Fellner, senior counsel at Human Rights Watch. "B u t i f states are going to put people to death, they must choose the drugs and methods that carry the least risk o f pain and suffering for the condemned.” i " e i ' j ?,* J 12 J * • « •* 1 Concordia University Choral Ensembles & Pastor Derrick Traylor and JEREMIAH Benefiting Rehoboth W orld Healing Center { Saturday, February 2 3 , 7pm } St. Michaels Lutheran Church: 6700 NE 29th Ave Portland OR 97211 Donations Appreciated 800-321-9371 I I 503-280-8501 I www.cu-portland Marc H. Morial is president and chief executive officer o f the National Urban League. - Invited Guests ~ Jefferson High School Seniors A Celebration of African-American Music ---- .1__ 1 I fo u r nation is going to legalize an act as inhumane as execution, we, at the very least, owe it to the condemned to make it as humane as possible. Justice Harry Blackmun, once famously proclaimed that " I no longer shall tinker w ith the m achinery o f death." The National Urban League agrees, espe­ c ia lly i f it entails senseless suffering. That is w hy we very strongly urge the justices to see it B lackm un's way later this year when a fin a l ru lin g comes down. We are supposed to be a nation o f civilize d , con­ cerned and humane citizens, not a nation o f savages. Youth Summit Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers k .; Uÿ less able to afford adequate representation when accused o f running afoul w ith the law. From 1976 to 2007, over one-third o f executed death row inmates were black. In 2006, according to Am nesty Interna­ tional, the U nited States ranked sixth in the w o rld in terms o f execution count — behind China, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and Sudan. T hat’ s very interesting company to keep, especially fo r a nation that prides itse lf in being the w o rld 's greatest democ­ racy and beacon o f freedom. Key noie Speaker: Judge Greg Mathis Principal and Supporter: Dr. C ynthia Harris and the Jefferson High School Faculty and Parents Hosted By: Cornerstone Community Services, March 15, 2008, Lloyd Center Double Tree Hotel Job Fair-C areer Opportunities 5 - 6 p.m. Banquet 6:15 p.m. C orner Stone C om m unity Services 2216 NE Killingsworth St. Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-4587 Donations Accepted $ I OO.(X) per person or $ 1,000.00 per table Help Us Help Somebody!!!