Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 13, 2008, Page 13, Image 13

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    Fortiani» œtarruer Black History Month
February 13. 2008
Page B3
State Farm"
Providing InsuidiKe anti Financial Services
iN tU U N C 1
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
Tobacco May Claim 1 Billion Lives
policies urged
(AP)— The W orld Health O rga­
nization warned in a new report that
the “tobacco epidem ic” is growing
and could claim I billion lives by the
end o f the century unless govern­
m ents dram atically step up efforts
to curb smoking.
In its first com prehensive report
on tobacco use in 179 countries,
the U .N .’s health agency said gov­
ernm ents around the world collect
m ore than $200 billion in tobacco
taxes every year but spend less
than one-fifth o f 1 percent o f that
revenue on tobacco control.
Heme Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61 /'ll)
4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland OR 97217
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tio n an d sp o n so rsh ip ; p ro te c t
people from second-hand smoke;
warn people about the dangers o f
tobacco; help those who w ant to
quit sm oking; and m onitor tobacco
use to understand and reverse the
Dr. Douglas Bettcher, director of
the W orld Health O rganization’s
T obacco Free Initiative, said W HO
estim ates 5.4 million sm oking-re­
Smoking tobacco will lead to unprecedented levels o f disease
lated deaths a year, rising to more
and early death, according to a new report from the World Health than 8 m illion a year by 2030 if
nothing is done. That adds up to
175 mi I lion between 2005 and 2030.
The report calls on all countries posure to second-hand smoke.
that, he said, deaths will
to dram atically increase efforts to
It urges governm ents to adopt
prevent young people from begin­ six “tobacco control policies” — continue to rise and statistical pro­
ning to sm oke, help sm okers quit raise taxes and prices o f tobacco; jections put the death toll at near 1
and protect nonsm okers from ex ­ ban tobacco advertising, prom o­ billion by the end o f the century.
erme.hill hSmbitistatefarni tom
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M M M N M M M H M H N M IM H M M H B H M M M H M i
Testing Critical in AIDS Fight for Pregnant Woman
The A frican-A m erican com m u­
nity is being urged to step up HIV
testing and counseling, especially
am ong pregnant women.
“Getting an HI V test takes cour­
age, but it is a trem endous act o f
com passion and hope," said Pamela
W. Barnes, president o f the E liza­
beth G laser Pediatric AIDS Foun­
dation. “ Knowing your HIV status
is the essential first step to eradi­
cate this disease and one o f the
sim plest w ays to help save an
infant’s life.”
High rates o f HIV infection in the
A frican-A m erican com m unity are
alarm ing. A ccording to the U.S.
C enters for Disease Control and
Prevention, blacks make up approxi­
mately 13 percent o f the U.S. popu­
lation, but accounted for 49 percent
o f new H IV /A ID S diagnoses.
The rate o f AIDS diagnosis for
black w om en was nearly 23 times
the rate for w hite women.
H IV /A ID S infection am ong Af-
rican-A m erican infants is high as
well. O f the 141 infants infected
with HIV in 2 0 0 6 ,6 5 percent were
Testing is a key com ponent o f
HIV prevention, and testing o f preg­
nant w om en is one o f the m ost
effective w ays to reduce mother-
to-child transm ission.
“The good new s is we are not
pow erless to stop it, Barnes said.
"T hanks to groundbreaking m edi­
cal advances, it is now possible for
Phone: 503.995.4136
aprljns&yahoo. com
an HIV-positive woman togive birth
to a healthy, H IV -negative baby.
This is w hy it is so important that all
pregnant w om en get tested early,
so we can stop HIV before it m oves
into the next generation.”
U niversal, routine counseling
and HIV testing are the m ost effec­
tive w ays to increase the num ber o f
pregnant w om en who know their
HIV status, and give them the
chance to protect their own health
and the health o f their babies.
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H ealth W atch
Melanie Block, L.D. D enturist
We ’ve Moved!
H eart A w a ren ess -- W ednesday, Feb. 20 at 4:30 p.m ., Dr. David J. P.
Barker presents a talk on how nutrition in the w om b affects heart
disease. On W ednesday, Feb. 27 at 4:30 p.m ., Dr. M aureen Mays
lectures on the topic ‘H eart H ealthy E veryday.’ Registration is required
by calling503-418-3748.
200 N.E. 20"'Ave., Ste 100
Portland, OR 97232
Free parking
T o o ls fo r C a reg iv ers -- Six-w eek educational series are offered to help
family caregivers take care o f them selves w hile caring for a relative or
friend with a chronic illness. T he classes are being held at several
locations and dates. Call 503-413-6465 for m ore inform ation.
Have carpal tunnel syndrome?
N ew b o rn C are — Saturday, Feb. 16, from noon to 5 p.m., expectant
parents will learn tips and techniques for caring for their new born; $45
fee per couple. To register, call 503-574-6595.
F o r B ig B roth ers & B ig S iste r s-T o -B e — Saturday, Feb. 16,from lOto
11 a.m „ special sibling classes for children ages 3 to 6 are offered to help
them to prepare for their role as an older sibling. $20 fee (2 adults, 1 child).
To register,call 503-574-6595.
P a ren tin g C la sses -- N ew borns d o n 't com e with instruction m anuals
but parents and parents-to-be can learn about a variety o f topics from
pain and childbirth to breastfeeding to infant CPR and much more. For
a schedule o f events, call 503-574-6595 or visit: providence.org/classes.
C a n cer R esou rce C en ter — Providence St. Vincent Medical C enter and
the A merican Red C ross have joined forces to create the first in-hospital
resource center providing books, printed m aterial, com puter access and
more for individuals and families dealing with cancer. The center is open
M onday through T hursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The ftelfgott Research Institute in collaboration with the Oregon Health & Science
University is conducting a study to determine I tie best strength magnet to use for
carpal lunnel syndrome.
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Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday
S tro k e A lert S creen in g — Check your carotid arteries with a painless
Ox Tail
ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. To schedule a screening, call
F ood for L ife: A C o o k in g and N u tritio n S eries — Learn about the
influence o f diet on cancer, including cooking dem onstrations, food
sam ples and more. This four-part series begins T hursday, Feb. 2 1 from
6:30 to8:30p.m .T oregister, call 503-256-4000.
Ta participate in the study, ynu must meet these requirements
Be between 18 and 65 years old
Have hand or wrist pain with tingling or numbness
Be willing to have a nerve conduction lesl
Not be taking insulin
Not be pregnant or nursing, and haven’t bail a baby in the Iasi three months
Not have any implanted electronic devices i such as a pacemaker)
Participants will wear one of three strength magnets for six weeks. You will attend
four study visits at the Clinical and Translational Research Center o f Oregon Health
& Scienre University and three visits at the Orthopaedies and Rehabilitation Clinic
The study will last alxuit 5 months. You will lie compensated at the completion of each
phase of the study, up to a possible total of $300 for the entire study
For more information, please call
IMISI) IRR «2935
g | l e lf g o t t
Principal I m eat iff a tor A. Colbert, MD
Nl ii M I
w ith tw o sides
& cornbread
S m o k e-F ree S u p p o rt G ro u p — m eets M ondays, 7 to 8 p.m. For more
information,call 503-256-4000.
Interested in
4057 N. Interstate Ave.
Smoke around your children and
they could inhale
equal to 102 packs
of cigarettes
by age 5.
Everyone has the right
to breathe dean air,
especially our children.
>tl )HS
Pa> ♦or by the Oregon Department of F