www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity February 13. 2008 Leroy Vinnegar Jazz Presents: M etro John Nastos and a stellar lineup for Young Artist Jazz Concert See story in A & E , page B4 (Jf)hseroer African Dance Program Thrives Kukatonon nurtures sense of pride by R aymond R endleman T he P ortland O bserver Rolia M anyongai-Jones, w hose K ukatonon d an ce program has lasted at W oodlaw n Elem entary in northeast Portland for 25 years now, has m ultiple reasons to be espe­ cially excited about this y e a r's cu r­ riculum. A fter decades o f struggling with budget cuts, a leave o f absence gave her the opportunity to secure grants that allow course offerings w ithout adm ission fees for the first tim e this year. In addition, the lead choreogra­ p h e r an d p e r c u s s io n is t fo r Kukatonon since 2003, Sekouba W alker, ju st returned from a m onth o f traditional training in Guinea. He is sharing som e authentic foundation points for this y ear’s them e, G row ing Up and G row ing Together, w hich will culm inate in the entire troupe’s perform ance this spring o f an initiation rite. H aving lived in Liberia through her late 20s, M anyongai-Jones has com e to recognize her program ’s ow n m aturation as a blessing for her adopted com m unity. She gradu­ ated from Portland State University in the early ‘80s with the plan to return hom e soon to teach, but was forced to stay because o f em erging civil war. Young people trying to make it in the U.S. may have benefited even m o re fro m M a n y o n g a i-J o n e s ’ teachings. T he process o f learning the dances, along with the m eaning and technique behind each m ove­ ment, provides avenues o f self-dis­ covery she notices especially for her black students. “I feel as an A frican w om an, it is my responsibility to teach w hat I know best, to connect the A frican- Longtime Woodlawn Elementary teacher Rolia Manyongai-Jones leads a Kukatonon dance with her students (from right) Honni Brown, Jehdah Walker and Jeda McClendon. PHOTOS K\ R aymond R endleman / T he P o r il a n d O hsers i • k Jehdah Walker (left) and Jeda McClendon finish off a duet during a Kukatonon African dance performance. continued Ockley Green student honored Honored for community spirit /com m unity c a le n d a r Valentine's Day Fun on page H5 Student Ambassador Explores the World Local Resident Leads by Example Bobbye Brow n, a Portland resident w hose steadfast com m itm ent to the com ­ m unity com es by the way o f enriching the lives o f others, has been nam ed Portland G eneral E lectric's outstanding volunteer for 2007. B row n’s PGE w orkspace in the W orld Trade C enter’s em ployee records room may be filled with the files she m anages, but it is also full o f donation items brought in by her co-w orkers for the many organi- American children with their roots," she says. "B ecause if they know who they are, they can be w hatever they want to be." The connections com e through a curriculum extending to the an­ cient origins o f tribes in W est A f­ rica that represent the heritage of most black Americans. " It's im por­ tant for them to know all the people who have paved the way to get them where they have to be, w here they have gotten to now, so that when these kids com e to dance, they d o n 't ju st learn to dance,” she says. O n e o f th e s tu d e n ts o f K ukatonon’s inaugural troupe a quarter century ago turned full circle to become a first-grade teacher at Woodlawn. Lionel Clegg recalls delight in learning some language indigenous to Africa, excitem ent in wearing authentic costum es and the honor o f visiting M anyongai- Jones' house to experience a tradi­ tional dinner. "These are opportunities that you cannot get from just any dance group," he says. "It gave me a new sense o f pride that 1 had never experienced before." The positive feedback contin­ ues to be heard from current partici­ pants. "I like the energy," says Honni Brown, a sixth grader w ho's stuck w ith K ukatonon for four years. "It isn 't like you c a n 't mess up or you get ridiculed.” Brown joined the other 10 most experienced dancers for a perfor­ mance last week at Papa M urphy’s c o r p o r a te h e a d q u a r te rs in Vancouver. Wash. The crow d o f more than 50 pizza-com pany em ­ ployees flapped to keep up with the drums throughout the perfor­ mance. "I was mesmerized by the energy these children exude," com m ented Lynette Speed of Papa M urphy’s human resources. “As I looked at them, it was hard to take my eyes off B o b b y e Brown e n r ic h e s th e lives o f o th e r s b y vo lunteering. zations she supports. T here are hats, gloves and toiletries for a nearby w om en's shelter, teddy bears and toys for a ch ild ren 's organization, continued Josephine M. G am ez-Reyes, a stu­ dent at O ckley G reen Middle School in north Portland, has been accepted into this sum m er's People to People Stu­ dent A m bassador educational travel program. Gam ez-Reyes will explore the M edi­ terranean for 20 days and can earn academ ic credit w hile getting to know the people, culture and history o f the places she visits. She will lake part in a variety of activities such as a com m unity service project, attending a bullfight in Spain, learning to cook a dish in Italy, partici­ pating in a soccer match in Spain, a challenging rope course in Assisi and touring Rome and Vatican City. A cceptance into the Student A m ­ bassador Program is an honor. After being invited to enroll. G am ez-Reyes subm itted letters o f recom m endation. J o s e p h in e M. G a m ez-R ey es s m ile s a s s h e ta k e s a s n a p s h o t on h er travels. She also earned m erits for her successful enrollm ent in a prior People to People program. Before departing this summ er, she will attend new orientations to learn about the M editerranean and prepare for the jo u r­ ney. G am ez-Reyes will travel under the leadershipof Jessica Morgan, a teacher- leader from Lee Elementary School in Salem. A local delegation m anager w ho cixrrdinates the cultural and recreational the school library. Both program s are full- day and fully funded. Cycle of Life Festivals continued on page H5 on page H5 north Portland and at the H ollyw ood and M cM enam ins K ennedy School theaters. F oracom p lete schedule, visit the Cascade F e s tiv a l o f F ilm s ’ W eb s ite at A fricanfilm fesitval.org. Campus, 705 N . K i 11 i ngs worth - Terrel IH al I Room 124. will host a free class to assist low -incom e hom ebuyers in qualifying for affordable housing. T o register, visit pelt.orgorcall 503-493-0293. extension 10. Roses are nice and chocolate is too, but w hat can be m ore fun than w atching the sea otters get ice treats at the Oregon Z oo?O n V alentine's Day, Thursday, Eeh. 14, at 10:20 a.m „ the elephants receive heart-shaped boxes o f fruits and veggies. V isit O regonzoo.org for m ore inform a­ tion. ‘Raise the Standard' Revival King School Benefit T uesday, Feb. 19 through Friday, Feb. 22 at7 p.m. nightly, the Kings Tem ple C hris­ tian Center, 4744 N.E. 15 Ave., will host the Pacific NW Holy G host C onference R e­ vival; featu rin g g u est sp eak ers from around the country. Tuesday. Feb. 26, from 5 to 11 p.m., bring your family and friends to M cM enam in's Chapel Pub, and h alf o f the evening's proceeds will be donated to purchase m uch-needed playground equipm ent for King School. Festival of African Films Homeownership Class Kindergarten Roundup The Portland Com m unity C ollege’s C as­ cade Festival o f African Films takes place all m onth the PCC Cascade cam pus in Thursday,Feb. 2 3 ,from I2 :3 0 to 1:30p.m. the Portland Com m unity Land Trust and the Portland C om m unity Col lege Cascade W ednesday. Feb. 27, King School, 4037 N.E. G arfield, will host the annual kinder­ garten and pre-K roundup at 1:30 p.m.. in Catch the Authors T hursday, Feb. 28. at 6:30 p.m.. In O ther W ords, 8 N.E. Killingsw orth St., will host the reading night featuring live gay, les­ bian and transgender authors. For more i nform at ion, visit inotherw ords.org o r call 503-232-6003. Volunteer Elder Advocates Thursday, March 6, certification classes begin for volunteer advocates and inves­ tigators representing the needs o f the elderly in assisted-living centers to insure they receive the proper care. Call Kathy W alters at 800-522-2602 to volutecr. Friday. Feb. 29through Monday. March 3, the Portland Japanese Gardens will host the Hina Matsuri. Doll Festival in English. Town Hall Education Forum Saturday, March 8, from 10:30a.m. tonoon. Rep. Chip Shields will host a Town Hall forum on education at the PCC-Cascade Cam pus Student Services Cafeteria: for more information,call 503-231 -2564. Tax Help in Rockwood VITA tax aide for low -income families will assist clients by appointm ent only on W ednesdays, from I to 5 p.m. at the Rockwood Community office. 18709S.E. Stark. Forreservations, call 503-816 - 1530. >