Page BIO libe |J u r tla n b (P lis cru er February 6. 2008 Black Histoiy Month S ports Giants Stun the World With ‘impossible’ victory (A P )— W ith a snow storm o f confetti and paper raining down from skyscrapers, star defensive end M ichael Strahan cradled the Super Bowl trophy likeababyT ucs- day as thousands o f New York Gi- a n ts fa n s c e le b r a te d on M anhattan’s streets and saluted their im probable cham pions. "I still ca n ’t believe it,” Strahan said as the team was leaving New Jersey to com e to New York. " I’m New York players Michael Strahan (left) and Eli Manning hold the Vince Lombardi trophy to cel­ ebrate during a Super Bowl parade in New York on Tuesday. r ■.!-1— II IT A fl t t l « State Farm* Providing Insurance and financial Services Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 still in some kind o f shock.” The G iants rode in floats and many players carried video cam ­ eras to record the moment, waving to the throngs and basking in the delighted screams. A huge cheer went up when M V Pquarterback Eli Manning joined Strahan at the front o f a float. The float also carried M ayor M ichael Bloom berg as well as the Vince Lombardi Trophy, which was well protected in S trahan's m as­ sive arms. The parade, featuring 50 tons o f confetti, cam e tw o days after the G iants upset New England 17- 14to ends the Patriots’ perfect season. Pans threw hats to the players, who signed them and threw them back. Mehdi M achkour, a 26-year-old restaurant w orker from Brooklyn, w asn 't quite sure which tw o play­ ers signed his hat. The M orocco native is more o f a soccer fan, but this day brought a big change. “Now I love football.” he said. W hile it clearly was a day for a parade, it was also a day for politics. New York and the 23 other Super Tuesday states were holding pri­ m aries that could seal the fates of the D em ocratic and Republican presidential candidates. Just south o f City Hall, politics and the parade crossed paths as signs for D em ocratic candidate David Tyree o f the New York Giants celebrates his five-yard touchdown reception in the fourth quarter. The Giants wrote a chapter o f National Football League history with an epic 17-14 upset o f previously unbeaten New England on Sunday, denying the Patriots an unprecedented 19-0 championship run. Barack O bam a were surrounded by fans wearing G iants red, white and blue. Crow ds were 20 people deep at som e places, and the presence of children showed that many consid­ ered the parade to be w orth missing aday o f school. Arlene R em y,3 2,of Brooklyn, was with her son and three o f his friends. “They haven’t won a Super Bowl since 1991 and I want to be a part of history,” she said. Justice Rodriguez, 11, o f Brook­ lyn, was up at 3 a.m. with his father and half-dozen friends to secure a spot along Broadway. “ I want to see Eli M anning,” said the boy, w ho w ore a No. 10 M an­ ning shirt over a down jacket. His father, Juan Rodriguez, took the day off from his car-w ash job. “ You never know when they’ll win again,” he said. A Johnson Picks Notre Dame Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Ethan Johnson, an outstanding football player from Lincoln High Schixil. recently won a full-ride schol­ arship to the university o f Notre Dame. Johnson, a multi-sport student athlete, has been active in the Black Student Union and isahard-working member of the student body, main­ taining a grade point average above a 3.0. As a senior, he moved from defen­ Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland, OR 97717 503 786 1103 tax 503 286 1146 errue lull h5mbi&statetarm com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® sive tackle to defensive end, the position he expects to play in col­ lege. He received the Multnomah Athletic C lu b 's Scholar Athlete Award in 2006 and played varsity track and field during his sophomore andjunioryears. participating in shot put, discus and javelin. Johnson will be signing his letter o f intent at a ceremony on W ednes­ day, Feb. 6 at noon in the Lincoln High gymnasium. Portland star player Ethan Johnson makes the cover of “Rise,” a highschool sports magazine. If your youth 6th-8th grade are still looking to play basketball, they still have time through the Portland Parks and Recreation team. We are still looking for a few young men to come and play. Our practice time is Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:50 until 8 at Vernon K-8 School. Location: 2044 N.E. Killingsworth St. Contact Person: Coach Miller. 503-933-1763 Roy Becomes All-Star Blazers’ first in seven years U til» I enfile Bmebai. Inroi pointed rtoei not limit paitiripatbMi In H< arlM tles on Hie bush of disability. r»fe. creed, rolni. national oils In sender, xenial preference ot l ellsiom preference (AP)— Portland Trail Blazers guard Brandon Roy, who has led his team 's surprising resurgence, was nam ed to the NBA A ll-Star gam e Thursday. W estern C onference coaches selected Roy, last seaso n 's NBA Rookie o f the Year, as a reserve. Fans picked the All-Star starters. “ I still d o n 't understand how m uch th is m e a n s,” R oy said . "M aybe I’ll have to w ait until I’m putting on the jersey and sitting in the locker room with K obe and all those guys.” Roy is the first Portland player selected to the gam e since Rasheed W allace in 2 0 0 0 and 2001. He aver­ ages 19.3 points. 4.5 rebounds and 5.6 assists for the Blazers, who arc 2 6 -19 and have surpassed expecta­ tions after the loss of No. 1 draft Roy has tw ice been the N B A ’s player o f the week, with both hon­ ors coming during the 13-game win­ ning streak. “ He g e ts it," c o a c h N ate M cMillan said. “ He understands where this organization is at, where we need to go, and what it takes to get there.” “It's not about me,” Roy said. “ It’s about w hat this team has do n e.” Los A ngeles' Kobe Bryant and D enver's Allen Iverson will start in the backcourt for the W est team on Feb. 17. T h ey ’ll be joined by H ous­ Brandon Roy ton center Yao Ming and forw ards pick Greg Oden to injury in the off­ C arm elo Anthony o f D enver and Tim Duncan o f San Antonio. seaso n . Reserves named to the W est team The youngest team in the NBA opened the season 5 - 12 before reel­ include Utah forward Carlos Boozer. ing off a 13-game winning streak in Phoenix guard Steve Nash, Dallas December. The Blazers were not as forward Dirk Nowitzki, New Orleans hot in January, but m anaged to guard Chris Paul, Phoenix forward post consecutive winning months Amare Stoudem ire and New O r­ leans forward David West. for the first time since 2004.