February 6. 2008 Page B 9 P o ri land OL server R e v ie w News and reviews on new motor vehicles 2 0 0 8 Volvo X C 7 0 3 . 2 A W D The Family Adventure Vehicle by K athleen C arr placed by a more stream lined treat­ The X C70 is V olvo’s rugged m entcovering the molded bum pers SUV -like w agon that has been re­ and low er door panels. Volvo has designed for 2008 with more ag­ also lowered the rear glass beyond gressive styling lo g o with its repu­ that o f the side w indow s for belter tation as a capable off-road vehicle, visibility and integrated the tail- while also adding a higher level of lights into the tailgate to create a 1 uxury. Volvo cal 1 s the XC70 a "fam ­ w ider opening. An aggressive front ily adventure vehicle.” fascia adds a sporty feel to the The redesigned 2008 Volvo XC70 XC70'sdem eanor, while helpful fea­ is offered for the first time with a 3.2- tures such as an optional power liter inline 6-cylinder engine 235- tailgate confirm the XC70's premium horsepow er and 236 lb-ft o f torque luxury-car status.Cargo space has c o m b in e d w ith a 6 -s p e e d been increased over the previous “G eartronic” autom atic transm is­ generation with an innovative hook sion, all-wheel drive with Instant and track system in the cargo area Traction and V olvo’s first use o f to secure loads. S p e cific atio n s 3.2-Liter, 235-hp @ 236 lb-ft torque, In-Line 6-Cylinder Engine; 6-Speed auto­ Hill Descent Control. S afety, o f course, is one o f matic transmission; 15-City 22-Highway MPG; $44,065. MSRP The 2008 Volvo XC70 touts a V olvo’s claim s to fame. Sounding stylish yet rugged exterior. G one is the cabin are more airbags than somewhat smarter ones as well. New and blind spot warning systems could be better. On the flip side, fuel the tacked-on side cladding, re­ y o u ’ll find at a Senate hearing, and safety features include integrated help the driver stay out of trouble. economy is good for this class and booster seats in the outw ard rear The com petent 6-speed auto­ engine noise and vibration are seats. Integrated into the e a r's sub­ matic transm ission with manual barely detectable from inside the structure is way more high-strength mode makes up for the lack o f grunt car. steel than in any previous model nicely. Tow ing capacity is a re­ Every 2008 Volvo XC70 features Les W h itw o rth L.P.A. adding to the weight and the excep­ spectable 3,300 pounds. Volvo's a six-speed automatic transm ission tional crashw orthiness. C hassis 3.2-liter in-line six is a strong en ­ and Instant Traction all-wheel drive. 5421 \E 3 3 n l \ m - i i i h ' d y n a m ic s th e e q u a l o f any gine, but delivers only acceptable But, again, this is not an SUV de­ Portland, OK 9721 1 m anufacturer's keep the ear going p erfo rm an ce in the 4 ,0 0 0 -p lu s signed for serious off-roading. Pl.onr 503-295-1 '»49 Cell 503-875-1630 straight and under control no m at­ pound XC70. Off-the-line accelera­ L eave dry p av em en t, an d the f a x 5 0 3-29 5-1 005 ter w hat the conditions. Collision tion is brisk, hut passing power XC70's attitude changes. It is, how ­ ever, particularly adept at handling rough back roads. D espite its rugged exterior, the 2008 Volvo XC70's interior is e l­ egant and com fortable. The interior features a good m easure of S can d i­ navian style and finesse. Seats are well bolstered but not overly firm . C ontrols are intuitive and laid out well. M aterials are o f good quality and good looking as well. V olvo's new signature open-back cen ter console adds a touch of style not usually associated with the fam ily wagon. Families who have out- grow nehild safety seats will ap p re­ ciate the optional tw o-stage child booster seats (rear outboard seat­ ing), which allow young children a higher perch, putting them w ithin c o v e r a g e o f th e s id e - c u r ta in airbags. Vol vo's XC70 wagon occ upies a big place in a very small field. R ug­ ged wagons capable of off-road ventures are few and far betw een most rivals can’t match Vol vo's luxu­ rious prem ium -brand panache, nor can it equal the XC70's long list o f standard and optional features. If a crossover SUV is more car than you care for, and you don’t require three- row seating, the all-new XC70's art­ ful blend o f beauty and brawn (not to m ention safety) make it ideal for the active family's lifestyle. n i l ' l l . le s u II ills ill l l u p a . co in I’ln u il: /I'.sfu Zrsn / ii/ n o r z /n /in .i inn Your C are Our First Priority c o m m u n ity C a le n d a r continued Call 503-731 -6622 for more inform ation. from Metro Cycle of Life Festivals D r, M a rc e litte F a illa Friday, Feb. 29 through M onday, March 3, P ortlandJapaneseG ardens,6l 1 S.W . Kingston Dr. will host the H ina M atsuri, or the Doll Festival. Call 503-542-0280 to learn more. Chiropractic Physician We are located at 1716 N .E . 4 2 nd Ave. P o rtla n d , O R 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) ? • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Bradley-Angle House The Bradley-A ngle House needs volunteers to help its outreach against dom estic violence. W omen o f color and bilingual women are en ­ couraged tocall. For more information, call 503- 282-9940. International Fair Volunteer for Crisis Line Thursday, March 6, from 6 to 8 p.m., PSU Capstone program and King School, 4037 N.E. G arfield, will celebrate the diversity o f many different cultures through information booths featuring student art, music, a wide variety of foods and prize drawings. W ant to m ake a difference in your com m unity ? V olunteers and advocates are needed for the Portland W om en’s Crisis Line. The needs in­ clude on-call advocates to respond in person or over the phone, outreach and educational ef­ forts, and fundraising and adm inistrative d u ­ ties. Call 503-232-4176 for more information. Helping the Hungry F E B R U A R Y 20, 2 0 0 8 S hirley Nanette w /T h e M e l B r o w n Kindergarten, Pre-Kindergarten Roundup W ednesday, Feb. 27, King School, 4037 N.E. G arfield, will host the annual kindergarten and pre-K roundup at 1:30 p.m., in the school li­ brary; both programs are full-day and fully funded programs. The Oregon Food Bank desp ately needs your donations o f nonperishable toods and funds. To find out how you can help, call 503-282-0555. (503)228-6140 C all fo r an appointment! 503-823-0000 for more inform ation. Q u a rte t @ J im m y M a k s 221 NW 10th Avenue Portland, OR 8pm /doors open at 7pm KMHD 89.1 FM Presents in Celebration of Black History & Women’s History Month! SHIRLEY NANETTE with The Mel Brown Quartet Recording Live at JIMMY MAK’S Tickets $25 each Available at www.brownpapertickets.com, online at KMHD.FM or at 503-491-7271 Eddie Lincoln ( Broker Literacy Volunteers Needed The Portland C om m unity C o lleg e's Cascade Festival o f African Films takes place all month the PCC Cascade cam pus in north Portland and at the Hollywood and M cM enam ins Kennedy School theaters. For a com plete schedule, visit the Cascade Festival o f African Films website atafrieanfilm fesitval.org. T he V olunteer Literacy Program at Portland C om m unity C o lleg e's Cascade Cam pus needs volunteer tutors to provide free individualized instruction in basic English-language and math skills. For more information, call 503-244-3898 or visit oregonliteraey.org. Learn to Make Recycled Art African American Council P o rtland C om m unity C o lleg e is o ffe rin g the hand s-o n training to create art from recycled m a te r ia ls ; c la s s e s w ill be h e ld at the R eB u ild in g C en ter, 3625 N. M ississippi Ave. Y o u 're invited on the third T uesday o f each m onth from 5 :30 to 6 :30 p.m. w hen the A fri­ can A m erican A dvisory C ouncil m eets at the K ing F acility , 4815 N.E. Seventh A ve. Call V olunteer fem ale mentors are being sought by W om en in C om m unity Service to work with incarcerated women at the Coffee Creek Correc­ tional Facility. The women provide support and encouragem ent for inmates transitioning from prison back into the com munity. For inform a­ tion, call 503-570-6614. Community Support The African Am erican Health Coalition, a non­ profit that touches the lives o f millions o f A fri­ can Am ericans each year, reminds you to sup­ port your com m unity organization. All dona­ tions, grants and gifts are tax deductible. For m ore inform ation, visit aahc-portland.org. State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services IN IU K M l I Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Valentine Dance Saturday,February 16,2008 Michael E Harper A g en t Time: 9:00PM TIL 1:30AM Donations: $10.00 D J Papa Chuck Food Raffle 50/50 Split We moved to our new location at: 9713 S .W . C a p ito l, P o rtla n d . O R 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Hart Realty Women in Community Service Billy W ebb's Elks L o d g e#1050 6 N Tillam ook ST Portland. Oregon Presented by D ahlia T em ple's Queen Com m ittee 9738 SE Washington St.. Suite Q P o rtla n d . O re g o n 9 7 2 16 Business (50 3 ) 252-2121 Fax (503) 252-2621 • Cell (503) 789-0861 E-Mail cddic.lincoln@century21 .coin Boanerges Group Fall a Winter Special We are a locally owned and operated company with experience and highly qualified employees providing exceptional construction services in Oregon and Washington Each office Is Independently Owned and Operated General Contractor •Carpentry services •Concrete •Painting •Plumbing & Mechanical •Residential & Commercial Services Wally Testa Residential and Commercial Biokei Oregon Washington 503 267 7586 cell 503-249 1903 office 503 249 6527 fax wtesfa1@comcast.net PROPERTIES Multi-Million $ Service Tel: 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -0 2 2 4 Fax: 503-284-4419 IB PO FO FT H FW O R L D Call today for estimate or consultation •General home maintenance Ticket Information Betty Clark 9 71/212-3824 G eneva s Shear Perfection Beauty & Barber Salon 503/285/1159 Tondalayeria Hair Salon 503/284-0712 Billy W ebb's Elk L odge503/284-4853 'U -J-icieus SMOKEHOUSE insured. Bonded, licensed and Minority Certified CC8 159587 OR BOANCG *934/1 WA Email: shamaxhend^aemne net 4134 N Vancouver Ave. Suite 400E, Portland, OR 97217 Sharon M axw ell-H en d ricks Specadizinp in 5inokci b ‘C>‘b Q .'VI c h o b Scuffini G en eral M anager B e e f* P o rk • L a m b • P o u ltry • S e afoo d Tmtelt $595. ‘Dinner $9.95 » /Zox-y 'W o i'ib ' S m m o m up P o rk R ib , B ris k e t, T u rk e y , C h ic k e n , O x T a ils & M o re Beer and W in e A v a ila b le Finding the righi luun is not hard when you have a great Lender Relationship. Nightclubs Weddings Reduce your m onthly debts starting tixtay! Get rid o f that 1st and 2nd mortgage payment for a One Loan Fixed Rale Mortgage. 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