February 6. 2008 Page B7 ^ ÏJ n rtla n b (Obseruer B la c k H lStO fy M o n th Power in HIV/AIDS Prevention T he A frican-A m erican com m u­ nity will respond to the impact ot HIV and AIDS with a special art c o n te s t S a tu r d a y , F eb . 9 at C o n c o rd ia U n iv e rsity ’s L uther Hall. 28 II N.E. Holman St. from I p.m. to 5 p.m. All participants will be encour- aged to get educated, get tested, get treated and get involved with HIV/AIDS as part of National Black H IV/AIDS A w areness Day. T he event is sponsored by the African A m erican AIDS A w are­ ness Action Alliance, a coalition o f services providers that include Charles McCleoud CEO Activities continue Saturday at 7 p.m., with the show ing o f the film "B rother to Brother” at the Q C en­ ter, 69 S.E. T aylor St. T he film tells the story o f a gay, black artist in 1920s New York and others who struggled during the Harlem Re­ naissance. A frican House. Brother to Brother, Ethos. Inc., Cascade AIDS Project, the Portland chapter o f Links, Inc., the M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth Department, Urban League of Port­ land. W hite Rose Fund. Planned Parenthood and Self Enhancement, Inc. H e C to u d treating sick cow s to force them into a slaughterhouse. T he video was released by The Humane Soci­ ety o f the United Slates after a six- week undercover investigation. U SD A regu latio n s and C a li­ fornia law g en erally do not allow m istreatm ent o f disabled anim als. Federal reg u latio n s also call for keeping d o w ned cow s out o f the Dentures Worth Smiling About! food supply becau se they may pose a h ig h er risk o f E. co li, sa l­ m o n ella co n tam in atio n o r m ad- cow d isease. Beverly Hassell, program an a­ lyst for O reg o n 's child nutrition program s, said the state will help school officials identify any sus­ pect meat that hasn’t been served to schoolchildren. • Professional Services • A ffordable Prices Paym ent Plans; O A C • O \ e r 20 years experience • Full & Partial D entures • Natural A ppearance Full Service Lab • A ccepting Oregon Health Plan Melanie Block, L.D. Monte I Williams In Loving Memory (AP) - Syndicated talk show host M ontel W illiam s is being replaced by a younger version o f himself. CBS Television Distribution an­ nounced W ednesday that "T he Montel W illiam s Show " will cease production after this television sea­ son. his 17th on the air. Instead, stations that carried his show will be offered a series of W il­ liams reruns. “Best of Montel" will be 52 weeks worth o f “some of the most exciting episodes” from the show 's history, the producers said. “ I ca n ’t say thank you enough to those w h o ’ve w elcom ed me into their hom es for the past 17 years,” W illiam s said. "It has been both an honor and a jo y ." A memorial service will be held on Saturday Feb. 9 at 12 p.m. at True Vine M issionary Baptist Church, 4735 N. Commercial. She is survived by her husband George Kelley and daughters Mary Brown and Lucille Harris; grandchildren, Susan Harper, Anthony Holman. Cynthia W ashington and W endell Brown; great grandchildren, Brittinie Harper, Michael Harper Jr., Gabrieli H arper,Tony Holman Jr„ Jana Holman, Zoe Holman, Tyson Holman, Q uayana W ashing­ ton, Mark W ashington Jr., Shawntell W ashington; Wendell Brown Jr, Jam onte' Brown, M aria Brown and Kendell Brown; nieces, Janice Robinson and Shirley Bailey and nephew Lolenzo Poe. m urist We 've Moved! of Montel’ and died on Feb, 2, 2008. Di 503-230-0207 CBS Airs ‘Best Susie "Big M ama” Kelly was born April I 1,1923 S u sie ‘Big M am a' Kelly SUSINE SS 503 234 445? CfU 503 901 1535 EN T ER PR ISI L i t School Lunchrooms Recheck Beef (AP) — School cafeterias in O r­ egon received m ore than 170,000 pounds of beef from a Southern C alifornia m eatpacking com pany that was barred last week from sup­ plying school lunches. T he action was taken as federal investigators look into video foot­ age that showed w orkers at the Hallmark Meat Packing Co. m is­ 516 St MORRISON ST STE 540 PORTIANO OREGON 97214 200 N.E. 20"’ Ave., Ste 100 Portland, OR 97232 Free parking P' I 300 N, Killingsworth Phone (5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 -1 3 3 9 503.286.1339 Fax (503) 286-7088 $ 1 — off Any Dinner Best tasting Fish in town *4 Burger and Fries $2.99 Melt in your mouth PhillySteak Have you seen me? New Prices Effective May 1 ,2 0 0 7 Martin Cleaning Service P I / Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Missing and Exploited Children Residential & Commercial Services 1 -8 0 0 -T H E -L O S T Minimum Service CHG $45.00 Endangered Missing Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas nr more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: / sm all H allw ay) APE’IL. 01 C 4? W* Ve i. 1 V V t iene) lee/ titbdicion Noil fcc/i. Skin A n a ly il MoAeLjo Arkit A ADRIANA WARWELL C urren t Age: 10 Date Missing: Dec. 2 9 . 2007 Missing From: 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • H allw ay Extra) M issouri City, TX Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (W ith O ther S ervices) Heavily Soiled Area: Adriana may be in the company o f her non­ custodial grandmother. Phone: 503.995.4136 aprljns&yahoo. com Additional $1().(X) ADDITIONAL SERVICES N atural Cuts & Styles Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet O dor Treatm ent Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection M en JOSE FRANCISCO GUILLEN UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sola Loveseat Sectional Chair or Recliner Throw Pillows (With O ther Services) % 5514 N.E. 16th Fill Out & Send To: iri" (Jortl.inb (Dhsrrlirr Attn: Subscriptions, Portland, OR 97211 (503) 284-1213 I f yo u have any inform ation please contact: The National Center lor Missing and Exploited Children Fttes-Sat I lam -8pm 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) (503) 281-3949 503-288-0033 C h ild re n Jose may be in the company o f his non-custodial father. $79.00 $59.00 $109 - $139 $35 - $49 $5.00 See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment S u b s c rib e ! Women C urren t Age: 12 Date Missing: Jan. 19,2008 Missing From: Indio. CA This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper. ____________ + Home = It’s not your standard funeral home... it’s the new standard in funeral homes. SAVINGS and Home Insurance and save. lons@portlandobscrvcr.com o r e m a ils RRY FAMILY PO Box 3137. Portland OR 97208 subscriptions are ju st $60 p e r y e a r (please include check with this .... ............ STATE ( © UNERAL H O M FARM ) ®@> subscription fo r m ) IN S U R A N C E N ame : T elephone : ( A ddress : In a business where things seemingly stay the same, a change has taken place. A change that may raise the bar on the level of service a family can experience from a funeral home. T erry W You see, when we went into business we aspired to be so far and away the best that a new level of excellence was to be created. We would like you to know that we've achieved our goal. 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