February 6, 2008 Il'r ^.Inrtkinh (Dhaerüer Page B5 Black History Month B lack H istory M onth WWW.PROJECTCLEANSLATE.COM • SUSPENDED OREGON LICENSE? • MINOR CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS IN MULTNOMAH COUNTY? • OWE COURT OR TRAFFIC FINES? • OWE PAST DUE CHILD SUPPORT? ARE YOU UNABLE TO FIND A JO B , HOUSING, LOANS OR OTHER OPPORTUNITIES BECAUSE O F ANY OR ALL OF THE ABOVE? WE MIGHT BE ABLE TO HELP YOU... ... BUTONLY IF YOU ARE W ILLING TO ST E PU PA N D HELP YOURSELF, CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE ANDALSOCHVE BACK TO YOUR COM M UNITY AND FAMILY IN A POSITIVE MANNER - ALL OTHERS NEED NOT APPLY. PROJECT CLEAN SLATE is a community wide program founded by the African American Chamber of Commerce and available to everyone that may qualify regardless of age, race, national origin, religion or gender. This program is in joint cooperation with Multnomah County District Attorney, Circuit Court Judges, City of Portland Bureau of Housing & Community Development and the Oregon State legislature. PHOTO e o i RTKSY OK T ill O r KGOS H IST O R IC O . S o « II IV Portland officials survey some of the damage to the Albina neighborhood caused by a riot in late summer of 1967. For Further Info: Email to: lnfo@ProjectCleanSlate.Com Racial Tensions Incited Violence Summer of ’ 67 brought heated situation by T rudy F lores and S arah G rikhth T he O regon H istorical S ociety What began as a political rally to stir the African-American community to “revolution,” in Irving Park on Sunday, August 30, 1967, turned into two nights of disturbances. Two to three hundred people threw bottles and rocks at automobiles and through store windows, while a few hurled firebombs through windows causing $20,000 in damage at one grocery store and damaging dozens of other buildings. Rumors of trouble had circulated for several days, and parents, ministers and community lead­ ers spent those days asking area youth to stay home. On Sunday afternoon, speakers from Seattle and San Francisco, along with a few locals, addressed a group of about 150 people, saying that they were not there to incite riot, but rather “revolution" which was another matter. The excited crowd jeered them and began lobbing rocks and bottles at passing cars, while a group of four or five beat a park employee. Fewer people were involved on the second night, and the police responded immediately to the flare-up. Mayor Terry Schrunk and Governor Tom McCall had alerted the National Guard and kept them close enough to respond within 10 to 15 minutes if they were needed. In addition, a contingent of State Police was nearby. McCall believed this was prudent precisely because local authorities lacked experience with this kind of racial situation, so it was better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. McCall placed some of the blame for the incident on Portland's lack of inclination to finance educational programs that would get to the root of the sociological di lemma that caused poverty. The incident left some businesses boarded up. but communication between Albina residents and the City of Portland was some­ what improved afterward. On the first day of Portland's Albina riot, Detroit, Michigan also experienced devas­ tating race riots that claimed 41 lives and caused damage estimated at more than $500 million. GET M ORE with an education from Heald! Je offer lay and evening classes'- When you choose Heald... you're choosing success! Train now for a new career in as little as 18 months! We offer training in: HEALTHCARE • Medical Assisting • Medical Office Adm inistration • Medical Insurance Billing & Coding BUSINESS f/s Heald H e a lth c a re • Business • Technology • Accounting • Business Administration • Criminal Justice TECHNOLOGY • Network Systems Adm inistration • Cisco Systems • Microsoft Windows 2003 CALL NOW'- PinAitcud aidfor those, udw We salute Dr. King and his leadership in furthering Civil Rights. USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region for information and job opportunities call 360-891-5060, Terry Durazo tdurazo@fs fed us or visit the websites www usajobs gov www fs fed us/r6 Portland Campus: 625 SW Broadway, Suite 200. Portland. OR 97205 www.chooseheald.com I USDA Forast S»rvie» is an «qual opportunity providar and «mployar