Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 06, 2008, Page 12, Image 12

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    February 6. 2008
Page B4
New Machine Dispenses Medical Marijuana
netic stripe. Once the card and
fin g e rp rin t are v e rifie d , a b rig h t
green envelope w ith the pot drops
Vending device created for patients
(A P ) - Los A ngeles patients
s u ffe rin g fro n t ch ro n ic pain, loss
o f appetite and other ailm ents that
m arijuana is said to a lle v ia te can
get th e ir pot w ith a dose o f co n ­
venience at the H erbal N u tritio n
Center, where a large machine w ill
dole out the drug around the clock.
“ C o n v e n ie n t access, lo w e r
prices, safety, anonym ity," inven­
tor and ow ner Vincent Mehdizadeh
said, e xto llin g the benefits o f the
But federal drug agents say the
invention may need unplugging.
“ Somebody owns (it), it's on a
property and somebody fills it,"
said D E A Special A gent Jose
Martinez. "O nce we find out where
it ’ s at, w e’ ll look into it and see i f
they’ re vio la tin g laws."
A t least three dispensaries in the
c ity , including tw o belonging to
Mehdizadeh, have installed vend­
ing machines to distribute the drug
to people who carry cards authoriz­
ing marijuana use.
Mehdizadeh said he spent seven
months to develop and patent the
black, armored box. w hich he calls
the “ P V M ,” o r prescription vend­
ing machine.
A s lid in g fence protects the
tinted w in d o w s o f his dispensary,
barely d istin g u is h in g it fro m a
busy th oroughfare o f strip m alls,
a utom obile dealers and fu rn itu re
shops. A box resem bling a large
re frig e ra to r stands in s id e the
nearly em pty shop, near a few
shelves stocked w ith vita m in s
and herbs.
A guard in a black T-shirt embla­
zoned w ith the word "S ecurity” on
the fro n t stands at the door. A
poster o f Bob M arley decorates a
back room.
The com puterized machine re­
quires fin g e rp rin t id e n tific a tio n
and a prepaid card w ith a mag-
Los A ngeles m e d ica l-ca n n a b is d is p e n s a ry ow n e r V incent M e h d iza d e h p o se s w ith h is n e w m a ri­
ju a n a ve n d ing m a ch in e . B o lte d to th e floor, it d is p e n s e s m e d ic a l m a riju a n a to p a tie n ts who
p rovide a d o c to r's p re s c rip tio n , s p e c ia l id e n tific a tio n a n d th e ir fin g e rp rin ts. (AP p h o to )
Doctor Warns of Growing HIV Epidemic
Impacting African Americans
ra te so f HI V /A ID S ," observed Dr.
Laurencin. “ The intention o f our
published in last month's issue o f report was to heighten awareness
among healthcare
percent o f the U.S. population and the Journal o f the
p ro v id e rs
now account fo r about h a lf o f newly N ational Medical
com m unity lead­
A ssociation. The
diagnosed cases o f H I V /A ID S .
ers and to provide
“ The HI V /A ID S epidemic in the study reviewed the
in fo rm a tio n that
A frican-A m erican com m unity has c u rre n t state o f
w ill help urgently
reached a state o f emergency and HI V /A ID S in A fr i­
combat this crisis.
there are signs that it is only inten­ can Americans and
T o be e ffe c tiv e ,
sifyin g ," said Dr. CatoT. Laurencin, issued a call fo r
prevention strate­
professor o f orthopedic surgery at action among c lin i­
must address
cians, researchers
the U n ive rsity o f V irginia.
k factors,
Laurencin is chair o f the W. and the A fric a n -
Montague Cobb National Medical American com m u­
A ssociation Health Institute, an n ity at large.
organization dedicated to address­
rican Am ericans."
ing disparities in health among cans remain dispro­
A c c o rd in g to
p o rtio n a te ly a f­
A frica n Americans.
the report, many
He was lead author o f a report fe c te d by h ig h Dr. C ato T. Laurencin
A frica n Americans comprise 13
Are you a Woman with Asthma?
Receive $50 for being in a
Focus Group Discussion about Asthma
• For African American women
• Focus group lasts 90 minutes
• Portland location in February - date & location TBA
• Part of a research study to develop a computer-
based program to help women manage their asthma
CALL toll-free 1-877-366-3119
for info & to sign up
Research study funded by the National Institutes
Of Health; program developed by Oregon Center
for Applied Science (Eugene)
factors co n trib u te to the H IV /
A ID S epidem ic among A fric a n
A m ericans. Key factors include
h ig h -ris k sexual co n ta ct, sub­
stance abuse, s o c io -e co n o m ic
status, access to healthcare, and
undiagnosed H IV .
L o o k in g ahead, the re p o rt
called forexpanded H lV -p re v e n -
tio n in te rve n tio n s and the im p le ­
m entation o f new, im proved and
cu ltu ra lly-a p p ro p ria te HI V /A ID S
strategies. It also noted in itia ­
tives now underw ay at the C en­
ters fo r Disease C ontrol and urged
the biom edical co m m u n ity to be a
m a jo r d riv in g force in the execu­
tio n and success o f new programs
fo r the A fric a n -A m e ric a n co m ­
Parenting Classes -- Newborns do n 't come w ith instruction manuals
but parents and parents-to-be can learn about a variety o f topics from
pain and ch ild b irth to breastfeeding to infant CPR and much more. For
a schedule o f events, cal 1503-574-6595 or visit: providence.org/classes.
V egetarian S ta rte r K it — H ealthy vegetarian eating made easier
w ith in fo rm a tio n a l resources, samples, coupons and d e licio u s re c i­
pes. K its are $7.50 each (in clu d e s sh ip p in g ). T o order, ca ll 503-256-
Cancer Resource C enter-- Providence St. Vincent Medical Center and
the American Red Cross have joined forces to create the first in-hospital
resource center providing books, printed m aterial, computer access and
more fo r individuals and fam ilies dealing w ith cancer. The center is open
Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Takca Moment for Your Heart - Saturday, Feb.9,from 11 a.m .to4p.m „
the Clackamas Tow n Center, w ill host this free expo w ith blood pressure
checks and expert advice to improve the health o f your heart.
.Stroke A lert Screening — Check your carotid arteries w ith a painless
ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call
Newborn C are -- Saturday. Feb. 16, from noon to 5 p.m., expectant
parents w ill learn tips and techniques fo r caring fo r their newborn; $45
fee per couple. T o register, call 503-574-6595.
Feeling Forgetful; Women anti Memory Loss — Monday. Feb. 11, from
7 to 8:30 p.m.. a neurologist w ill
help women to sort out simple
memory loss from something pos­
sibly more serious at this free
w om en’ s wellness forum. For in ­
form ation on additional location
and times and to register, call 503-
S tre s s
c a u se s
h ig h
b lo o d pressure, w h ic h
in tu r n is a m a jo r cause o f
stro ke s a n d he a rt disease. It
ca n lead to asthm a, a rth ritis ,
in s o m n ia a n d m ig ra in e s. It
im pairs th e im m u n e system and
is e s tim a te d to cost th e n a tio n
o v e r $ 100 b illio n each year in
lost p ro d u c tiv ity , absenteeism
a n d h e a lth care costs. T h a t's
p re tty serious.
. I have a very stress*
• full job. How can
Chiropractic help me?
W h a t's m o re , to d a y's C h iro -
M o d e r n C h ir o p r a c tic
such as yoga, message and v i ­
• care c a n h e lp de stress
takes a trem endous to ll on O r­
e g o n ia n s ,” sa id M e l K o h n ,
M .D ., state e p id e m io lo g is t in
D H S .“ W e m u s tco n tin u e to h e lp
people q u it and prevent kids
fro m starting to sm oke.”
K ohn said O regonians are
fo u r tim es more lik e ly to die due
to tobacco-related causes than
fro m m o to r-ve h icle accidents,
su icid e , A ID S and h o m icid e
com bined.
“ W ith nearly a quarter o f all
deaths in Oregon a ttrib u te d to
tobacco use, this is tru ly a health
e p id em ic,” he said. “ A n d unlike
m any diseases, th is situ a tio n is
e n tire ly p reventable."
H ealth W atch
Part 4. Stress: How Chiropractic can
help ease life's day*to*day pressures.
Oregonians smoked an esti­
mated 2.6 b illio n fewercigarettes
between 1996 and 2006 as con­
sumption decreased 41 percent
during that tim e, according a re­
port from the Oregon Department
o f Human Services Public Health
D ivision.
Oregon outpaced the nation
by 10 percent, as cigarette smok­
ing dropped 31 percent in the
U nited States d u rin g the same
Tobacco use has declined
among adults, youth and preg­
nant wom en since 1996.
“ W e ’ ve come a long w ay in
10 years, but tobacco use s till
S m oke-Free Support (»roup -- meets Mondays, 7 to 8 p.m. For more
inform at ion, cal 1503-256-4000.
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession
. I hear a lot
* about stress
these days. Just
how serious is it?
Smoking Drops 41 Percent
m u n ity.
Dr. Billy R. Aowers
dow n a slot.
Mehdizadeh says any user ap­
proved fo r medical marijuana and
registered in a computer database
at his dispensaries can pre-pur-
chase the drug and then use the
machine to pick up.
The process provides conve­
nience and privacy fo r users who
may otherwise feel uncomfortable
b u y in g
m a riju a n a ,
Mehdizadeh said.
M arijuana use is illegal under
federal law, w hich does not recog­
nize the medical marijuana laws in
C a lifornia, Oregon and .10 other
The Drug Enforcement Agency
and other federal agencies have
been actively shutting down major
medical m arijuana dispensaries
throughout the state over the last
tw o years and charging their opera­
to rs w ith fe lo n y d is tr ib u tio n
practors ca n also h e lp y o u w ith
Food fo r L ife : A Cooking and
N u tritio n Series - Learn about
the intluenee o f diet on eaneer,
in e lu d in g e o oking dem onstra­
tions, f<xxJ samples and more. This
four-part series begins Thursday.
Feb. 2 1 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. To
register, call 503-256-4(XX).
Free Body Basics — T h is physician-recom m ended class is appro­
priate fo r all ages and health co n d itio n s. Plan to attend th is one-
session class and learn the sim ple g u id elin e s fo r safe exercises,
in clu d in g stretching. C a ll 5 0 3 -256-4000 to register.
Osteoporosis Screening — A n ultrasound bone-density screening
w ith personalized education; fee $30. T o schedule an appointm ent,
cal 1503-261-6611.
M am m o graph y Screening — E a rly detection is a key fa cto r in the
prevention o f breast cancer. C a ll 503-251-6137 to schedule yo u r
high-tech, soft-touch m am m ogram .
M a te rn ity W a te r W o rk o u t -- H e lp in g new moms regain muscle
tone, strength and fle x ib ility , all in the support and freedom o f the
water. C all 503-256-4000 fo r more in fo rm a tio n.
Tenderfoot C a re -- Treat yo u r feet w ith a soak, nail trim , b u ffin g and
massage fro m a licensed nurse at one o f six c lin ic s o r at yo u r home.
C all 50 3 -2 5 1 -6303 fo r more inform ation.
N u tritio n a l S em inars — N ew Seasons M a rke t is presenting a series
o f n u tritio n a l seminars at various store locations along w ith a
n u t r it io n a l h e lp lin e . F o r m o re in f o r m a t io n ,
a skth e n u tritio n ist@ n e w se a so n sm a rke t.co m .
e -m a il
Senior Aerobics — A lo w -im p a c t w o rk o u t geared s p e c ific a lly to ­
ward seniors. C a ll 503-449-0783 fo r cu rre n t schedule.
C a rd ia c -R e h ab Exercise Classes — A m e d ica lly supervised e xer­
cise program fo r people dealing w ith heart co n d ition s. For more
inform ation, call 5O3-25I-626O.
Leg A le rt Screening -- C heck fo r peripheral arterial disease w ith
this safe, sim ple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. The
fee is $40. T o schedule an appointm ent, ca ll 5 0 3 -2 5 1 -6137.
n a tu ra l re la x a tio n te ch n ig u e s
s u a liz a tio n . F or less stress, o r
y o u r body. By h e lp in g y o u r n e r­
m ore answers to any quest ions
vous system w o rk m ore smoot hly,
yo u m ig h t ha ve abo u t y o u r
C h iro p r a c tic helps assure th a t
h e a lth , y o u 'll fin d th a t C h i
a ll y o u r body fu n c io n s ( in c lu d ­
ro p ra c tic is o fte n th e answer.
in g t fie ones n e g a tiv e ly affected
C a ll us fo r an a p p o in tm e n t
by stress) are w o rk in g p ro p e rly.
F o r B ig B ro th e rs X B ig S ister-
To-B e—Saturday, Feb. 16. from 10
to 11 a.m., special sibling class fo r
children ages 3 to 6 helping to
prepare fo r their role as an older
s ib lin g :$ 2 0 fe e ( 2 adults, I child).
To register, call 503-574-6595.
Bereavement Support ( i roups -
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
Free, confidential group meetings
fo r those who have experienced the
2124 NE Hancock,
death o f a loved one offered on
various nights and locations. For
inform ation and registration, con­
tact 503-215-4622.
Portland Oregon 97212
Phone: (5 03) 287-5504
Bereavem ent S upport - A bereavement support group meets each
second and fo u rth Tuesdays, fro m 10 to 1 1:30 a.m. T o learn more,
call 5 0 3 -2 5 1 - 6 192, extension 5670.
Better B reathers — A n asthma educational support group meets on
the firs t Tuesday o f the m onth fro m 1:15 to 2:45 p.m. at A d ve n tist
M edical Center. For more in fo rm a tio n , ca ll 5O3-25I-683O.
C hron ic Pain Support (»roup — meets the firs t W ednesday fro m 4
to 5:30 p.m. and the th ird W ednesday o f each m onth, fro m 7 to 8:30
p.m. Form ore in fo rm a tio n , ca ll 503-256-4000.
H eart T a lk S up p o rt G ro u p meets — on the second M onday o f each
month; fro m 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Form ore in fo rm a tio n ,ca ll 503-251-6260.