Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 30, 2008, Page 8, Image 8

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lanuary 30. 2008
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Health Plan Call Center Opens
Taking new
A 60-1ine call center began tak­
ing calls Monday from low-incom e
Oregon adults wanting to put their
nam es on a reservation list for pos­
sible healthcare coverage.
O perators will staff the phones
12 hours a day. M onday through
Friday, through Feb. 29, after which
a com puter will randomly draw
nam es from the reservation list to
receive applications for the health
plan’s Standard benefit plan. The
num bertocall is 1-800-699-9075.
The state insurance program for
low -incom e residents who do not
qualify for traditional M edicaid is
being offered for the first time in
several years. The first 3,000 appli­
cations will be mailed in March,
with declining numbers mailed in
several subsequent months.
"By the end of February, we are
expecting tens o f thousands of O r­
egonians will have pul their names
on the reserv ation list," said Jim Edge,
state Medicaid director in the O r­
egon Department of Human Ser­
With 60 lines, the call center
expects callers will either reach a
live operator or have their call sent
to voicemail, where they can leave
a callback m essage or provide the
required inform ation (full name,
mailing address and date of birth).
In addition to the phone lines,
people also may pick up a request
form at a DHS office or send a
request form from the DHS website
at oregon.gov.
The Standard benefit package
covers physician services, prescrip­
tion drugs, chemical dependency
and mental health services, em er­
gency medical services and limited
dental, hospital and vision benefits.
Enrollees pay monthly premiums of
SO to $20. depending on income and
number of people in the household.
Someone may call for another
in d iv id u a l by p r o v id in g the
individual's full name, m ailing ad­
dress and date o f birth. The call will
require 10-20 minutes to complete.
Dentures Worth
Smiling About!
• Professional Services • Affordable Prices
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• Full Service Lab • Accepting Oregon Health Plan
Melanie Block, L.D. D enturist
We 've Moved!
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Portland, OR 97232
Free parking
Are you a Woman with Asthma?
Receive $50 for being in a
Focus Group Discussion about Asthma
YMCA’s Anti-Obesity Crusade
( AP) - With a diverse clientele in mind, the
YMC A is redefining itself with a new strategic
plan to becom e A m erica's param ount fitness
and anti-obesity crusader.
W hile maintaining its varied youth programs
and vast child-care network, the Y is aggres­
sively expanding health-related initiatives,
notably through a program called Activate
O fficials are retraining staff, redesigning fa­
cilities and revising activities to better serve the
millions o f A m ericans who find it hard to stick
with weight-loss and fitness regimens.
"O ur history has been one o f taking a lead on
key issues facing our society," said Neil Nicoll,
who since May 2006 has been president o f the
YM CA of the USA — the parent group that
coordinates activities o f the 967 independently
run YM CA associations across the country.
Founded in Britain in 1844 by Christian
evangelicals, the YM CAfopened its first U.S.
branch in Boston in 1851 and soon adopted as
a goal "the improvement of the spiritual, mental,
social and physical condition o f young men."
O ne by one, barriers to participation fell —
women and non-Christians were welcomed,
and in the 1960s the Y greatly expanded inner-
Kathryn Cahill practices yoga with her 4-month-old son Jack during the “Mom and
Baby" yoga class at the Park Slope YMCA in Brooklyn, N. Y.
city operations. By the 1980s, it was em bracing
the fitness boom, and building many new facili­
Now, more than 370 o f its associations al­
ready have joined A ctivate A m erica, w hich
Nicoll said is targeted at the 40 percent o f
Am ericans who crave a healthier lifestyle but
w aver in their pursuit o f it.
H ealth W atch
S m o k e-F ree S u p p ort G ro u p — meets M ondays, 7 to 8 p.m. For more
In fa n t/C h ild C P R a n d First A id -Friday,F eb. I from 9a.m . to 4 p .m „
V egetarian S tarter K it - Healthy vegetarian eating m ade easier with
the Youth Employment Institute, 1704 N.E. 26th Ave., will host this great
training class. Fee $52. To register, call 503-888-2756.
inform ational resources, sam ples, coupons and delicious recipes. Kits
are $7.50 each (includes shipping). T o order, call 503-256-4000.
B irthing N a tu ra lly -B eg in n in g Tuesday, Feb. 5. from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.,
F ree B ody B asics - This physician-recom m ended class is appropriate
this six-week series prepares new parents-to-be to experience as natural
a birth experience as possible. To register, call 503-256-4000.
for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this one-session class
and learn the simple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretching.
Cal 1503-256-4000 to register.
B reast C a n cer R ecovery th ro u g h W elln ess an d E xercise — W ednes­
day, Feb. 6. from 10:30 a.m. to noon, this free informational class is for
newly diagnosed breast-cancer patients, with family and friends pro­
viding resources to support both em otional and physical needs during
this challenge; to register contact 503-574-6595.
Food M yth Busters: G o o d N utrition fo ra H eart-H ealthy L ife-T h u rs-
day . Feb. 7. from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m ., take a m oment for your heart in this
free educational series to take charge o f your heart and vascular health
with health experts. To register, call 503-574-6595.
A M orn in g for Y ou r H e a r t -S a tu rd a y , Feb. 9, from 11 a.m. to4 p.m.. the
C lackam as Town Center, will host this free expo with blood pressure
checks and expert advice to im prove the health o f your heart.
F eeling Forgetful: W om en and M em ory Loss - Monday, Feb. 11, from
7 to 8:30 p.m ., a neurologist will help women to sort out simple memory
loss from som ething possibly more serious at this free w om en’s
wellness forum. For inform ation on additional location and tim es and to
register, call 503-574-6595.
information, cal1503-256-4000.
O steo p o ro sis S creen in g — An ultrasound bone-density screening
with personalized education; fee $30. T o schedule an appointm ent, call
M a m m o g ra p h y S creen in g - Early detection is a key factor in the
prevention o f breast cancer. Call 503-251-6137 to schedule your high-
tech, soft-touch mammogram.
M a n a g in g C h ro n ic H ep atitis C — Third W ednesday o f each month at
5 p.m., the inform ative session led by a registered nurse to help manage
side effects o f m edications and dosage preparations and adm inistra­
tion; d o cto r's referral required. To register, call 5 0 3 -2 5 1 -6313.
M atern ity W ater W ork ou t - Helping new m om s regain m uscle tone,
strength and flexibility, all in the support and freedom o f the water. Call
50.3-256-4000 for more information.
T en d erfo o t C are - Treat your feet with a soak, nail trim , buffing and
m assage from a licensed nurse at one o f six clinics or at your home. Call
503-251 -6303 for more information.
Food fo r L ife: A C o o k in g an d N u tritio n S eries - Learn about the
influence o f diet on cancer, including cooking dem onstrations, food
samples and more. This four part series begins Thursday, Feb. 2 1 from
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. T oregister, call 503-256-4000.
C a rd ia c-R eh a h E xercise C la sses - A m edically supervised exercise
• Focus group lasts 90 minutes
N ew b orn C a re — Saturday, Feb. 16, from noon to 5 p.m., expectant
program for people dealing with heart conditions. For more inform ation,
call 503-251-6260.
• Portland location in February - date & location TBA
parents will learn tips and techniques for caring for their new born; $45
fee per couple. To register, call 503-574-6595.
• For African American women
• Part of a research study to develop a computer-
based program to help women manage their asthma
CALL toll-free 1-877-366-3119
for info & to sign up
Research study funded by the National Institutes
of Health; program developed by Oregon Center
for Applied Science (Eugene)
For B ig B ro th ers & B ig S ister-T o -B e - Saturday, Feb. 16, from 10 to
11 a.m.. special sibling class for children ages 3 to 6 helping to prepare
for their role as an older sibling; $20 fee (2 adults, I child). To register,
call 503-574-6595.
B ereavem en t S u p p ort G r o u p s- - Free, safe confidential group meetings
for those who have experienced the death o f a loved one offered on
various nights and locations. For information and registration, contact
S en io r A ero b ics — A low -im pact workout geared specifically tow ard
seniors. Call 503-449-0783 for current schedule.
L eg A lert S creen in g - Check for peripheral arterial disease with this
safe, sim ple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is
$40. T o schedule an appointm ent, call 503-251 - 6 137.
S tro k e A lert S creen in g - Check your carotid arteries with a painless
ultrasound to assess your risk: fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call
B erea v em en t S u p p ort -- A bereavem ent support group meets each
second and fourth Tuesday, from lOto 11:30a.m .T oleam m ore,cal!503-
251-6192, extension 5670.
Your Health Cervical Cancer and HPV
________ ;__ ________________________
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Amenca's natural healing profession
Part 3. ALLERGIES: W hy Chiropractic
often w orks more effectively than drugs.
. Nothing else
* has ever really
helped my a lle r­
gies. W hat can
possibly do?
th e c e n tr a l n e rv o u s system the symptoms, Chiropractic can
controls the body’s flow of energy. often provide com plete, lasting
' W e also know th a t w hen the re lie f.
W ith o u t d ru g s or
spinal column is out of alignment, drowsiness. For help w ith your
it interferes w ith the central a lle rg y -re la te d p roblem s or
nervous system ’s flow of energy. answ ers to any q u estio n s you
W hen those nerv es leading to the m ight have about your h ealth ,
_ First, take a look at th e
' eyes or nose or th ro a t are being your will find th at C hiropractic
• word itself. “Allergy" is a
interfered w ith, “altered energy” is often th e answer. C all us for
sh o rte n e d form of “altered
sym ptom s result. By correcting an appointm ent today.
energy." Way back when patients
the source of the problem, not just
first co m p lain ed of allergic-
symptoms, it was obvious to the
physician w hocoined the term
that st imehow, the body's energy
2124 NE Hancock,
con fig u ratio n had shifted and
Port I a nd Oregt >n 97 212
cau sed
th e
p r o b le m .
C h iro p ra c to rs now know th a t
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
Phone: (503) 287-5504
L akkv L ucas
National Breast and C ervi­
Now is a tim e when
cal C ancer Early Detection
many people resolve to
do better for themselves
This program offers cer­
in the year ahead - we
vical cancer early detection
promise to lose weight,
testing to women without
be more patient, volun­
health insurance for free or
teer. This year, make a
at very little cost. Contact
resolution to keep: Encourage the the Centers for Disease Control and
women in your life to get a Pap Prevention at cde.gov or 1-800-
smear once a year.
C D C -IN FO for information about
A Pap sm ear is a m icroscopic screening program s in your area.
exam ination o f cells found on a
C ervical cancer is frequently
w om an’s cervix, preformed through caused by the human papillom a
a routine pelvic exam ination. USA virus, the most com m on sexually-
Today recently reported this one transm itted virus in the U.S. In fact,
test has led to a 70 percent drop in it's so com m on that at least 80 per­
the U.S. cervical cancer death rates cent o f w om en will have acquired
over the past six decades.
genital HPV infection by age 50.
W orldwide, cervical cancer is the D o n ', panic: Most HPV infections
third most com m on type o f cancer go away naturally, and having HPV
in women. Up to 80 percent o f all d o esn ’t mean you'll get cancer;
American women with newly diag­ you are sim ply at a higher risk.
nosed invasive cervical eaneerhave
There are hundreds o f types of
not had a Pap test in the past five flPV and only certain, high-risk
years, and many o f these women strains can som etim es cause can­
cer if they persist and change cells
have never had a Pap test.
There is no excuse for skipping over many years. But you ca n ',
out on this im portant health screen­ know if you have HPV, and if so,
ing that takes only m inutes and is what type o f HPV, unless you get
relatively painless. Both cervical appropriate screening tests. Most
and breas, cancer testing is now often. HPV is without noticeable
m o re a v a ila b le ,o m e d ic a lly sym ptom s.
underserved w omen through the
Sm oking also will double your
chances o f getting cervical cancer,
so in conjunction with the pelvic
exam , w omen can dram atically re­
duce their chances o f getting this
potentially deadly cancer by avoid­
ing tobacco.
A new vaccine protects against
four types o f HPV, which together
cause 70 percent o f cervical can ­
cers, according to the CD C. The
Food and Drug A dm inistration re­
cently approved this vaccine for
use in girls and w omen between the
ages o f 9 and 26.
For those who need help afford­
ing their prescription medicines, in­
cluding the HPV vaccine, there are
programs that can help. The Partner­
ship for Prescription Assistance ( I-
888-4PPA-NOW orpparx.org, a na­
tio n a l p ro g ra m s p o n so re d by
Am erica's pharmaceutical research
companies, provides a single point
o f access to information on 475 pa­
tient assistance programs. More than
2,500 brand-name and generic pre­
scription medicines are available
through the participating programs.
So far. the program has already
helped more than 4.5 million people
in need nationwide.
/¿any Lucas is a vice president
fo r Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers o f America.