Committed to Cultural Diversity lanuaiy 30. 2008 Music, Dance and Storytelling M etro ííl" ^.lortlanb © bsetuer o m m u n ity a le n d a r C 82nd Avenue Roses Parade Saturday, April 19 at 9 a.m. the second- annual parade kicks off. The parade com ­ m ittee recently announced the availabil­ ity o f sponsorships and requests for entries and volunteers. For more inform a­ tion to about participating, contact 503- 484-6225. For volunteer opportunities, contact503-252-9143. Tax Help in Rockwood VITA tax aide for low-income families will assist clients by appointm ent only on W ednesdays, from I to 5 p.m. at the Rockwood Community office, 18709S.E. Stark. For reserv ations, call 503-816-1530. Sauvie Island Raptor Road Trip Saturday, Feh. 2, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.. explore Sauvie Island’s bald eagles, hawks and falcons with an expert natural­ ist. $5 fee per vehicle includes spotting scopes and maps. Bring your binoculars and join the fun. Tree Planting Saturday, Feb. 2, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m .,the Friends o f Trees host the 25 com m unity planting project beginning with the A r­ bor Lodge, University P arkandS t. John’s areas; the staging area will be at 8204 N. Central St. A rrivebefore9a.m . toregister for your planting team. Lead Poisoning Workshop People w ho might not have access to the pow er o f w riting and com m u­ nity because of income, isolation or other barriers have the opportunity to harness this pow er while making new friends at Reflections Coffee House in northeast Portland. W rite Around Portland runs vol­ unteer-facilitated writing workshops to prom ote inner healing. Participants are encouraged to include those af­ fected by H IV/AIDS, survivors of dom estic violence, people in recov­ ery from addictions, people who have experienced incarceration, seniors in fostercare, veterans liv ing with stress, people with disabilities, teen parents and low -incom e adults. W ilm a A lco ck , a 6 9 -y ea r-o ld m other o f four, will be one o f the writers participating in an upcom ing series o f the w orkshops at R eflec­ tions. Problem Pooch Solutions Homebuyer Programs P D C s hom ebuyer assistance programs address the gap in hom e ow nership rates between whites and com m unitiesof color. For inform ation about new and expanded hom ebuyers assistance programs, visit or call 503-823-3400. AARP Driving Refresher Tuesday. Feb. 5 and T hursday. Feb. 7, from 9 a.m. to I p.m., the Mt. H oodC om - niunityCollcgeGrcsham, 26