^iLUirthnib (Oiiam-vr Black History Month Page A4 lanuaiy 30. 2008 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer PRESIDENTIAL PEBATES: Pueu^oRpRÌWTE? A WW overtly pro - war a C overtly SORRY, . HoRTReMΕ200 Riuscii St 1 i Where are our regulatory watchdogs? by J im H ightower IV? are located on the corner o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. \\ Don’t Blame China - Blame Us The “Made in China" has become a warning label. Look out - toxics in tooth­ paste. arsenic in shrimp, lead in toys! Politicians are pointing their fin­ gers at China's lackadaisical ap­ proach to product safety. But wait a minute - where, oh where, are our own regulatory watchdogs? The big shock is not that Chi­ nese-made toysare laden with lead, but that America' sConsumer Prod­ uct Safety Commission is a tooth­ less watchdog that employs exactly one inspector to oversee the safety of all toys sold in the United States. Likewise, the Food and Drug Administration has licensed 714 Chinese plants to manufacture the key ingredients for a growing per­ centage of the antibiotics, painkill­ ers, and other drugs we buy, but pro­ vides practically no oversight of these plants. In 2007, for ex­ am ple, FDA in ­ spected only 13 of them. An even bigger shock is that our consumer-protection laws are so riddled with kxipholes that unsafe products can legally come into our country. Take phthalate, achem ical ad­ ditive in plastics that is su s­ pected by scientists here and in Europe of inhibiting testosterone production in infant boys. Yet, Mark Shapiro, author o f “Ex­ posed: The Toxic Chem istry of Everyday Products," reports that while the European Union has banned the use o f phthalates in products aimed at children under three years of age, our govern­ ment has refused to act. Thus, China has factories that manufacture two lines of toys — one without phthalates for ship­ ment to European countries, and one with phthalates for export to our children. The problem is not with the Chi­ nese, but with our own corporate chieftains who have moved their manufacturing to China specifically to get these kinds of low-cost short­ cuts in production while simulta­ neously demanding that Washing­ ton cut back on regulations that protect us consumers. We must put our own house in order. Jim Hightower is the author o f "Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country and it's Time to take it Rack. "