Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 30, 2008, Page 12, Image 12

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1 |Jurtlanò (Dbseruer
lanuaiy 30, 2008
S ports
State Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper Agent
Super Bowl,
Super Rivalry
We m oved to o u r new loeation at:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
XLII will be one
for the books
If your youth 6th-8th grade are still
looking to play basketball, they still have
time through the Portland Parks and
Recreation team. We are still looking for
a few young men to come and play.
Our practice time is Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:50 p.m. until 8 p.m. at Vernon K-8 School.
(AP) — For the record: the New England Patriots and
the New York Giants really hope to beat one another
Be it on the field, court, diamond or ice, that’s how it
is between Beantown and the Big Apple.
Think of Boston Pops vs. Metropolitan Opera. "Bos­
ton Legal" vs. “Law & Order." Boston eream pie vs. New
York cheesecake. New England clam chowder vs. Man­
hattan elatn chowder.
Culture or colleges, politicians or players, bring it on.
It’s a long-running rivalry — say, Boston Marathon
vs. New York City Marathon — that dates to the original
Patriots and settlers. Maybe Paul Revere vs. Henry
Hudson, right up to Mitt Romney vs. Rudy Giuliani.
Now, it’s the biggest game in America.
Among the fans was Paul Redmond, wearing a Patriots
shirt. "I think of classic good vs. evil, right vs. wrong,"
he said. “Any stereotype you could use when you pit two
people or groups against each other."
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, meanwhile, got New York Giants wide receiver Amani Toomer wipes his brow during a practice
his start in the Hub. "I can tell you that when I lived in the to prepare for Sunday's Super Bowl game against the New England Patriots.
Location: 2044 N.E. K illin g s w o rth St.
Contact Person: Coach M ille r, 503-933-1763
New Prices Effective May 1 ,2 0 0 7
Martin Cleaning Service
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Residential & Commercial Services
Minimum Service C'HG
Boston metropolitan area, they did not have a football
team. So nobody can accuse me of having been a Patriot
fan. I am a New York fan," he said.
The most intense matchups between Boston and New
York came in other sports.
The Y ankees-RedSox rivalry might be the most charged
in sports, heightened by what’s happened in October.
New York beat Boston in Game 7 of the 2003 American
League championship series. The next year, the Red Sox
became the only team in baseball history to rally from a 3-
0 deficit in the postseason.
After all those years of watching the Yankees win, the
Red Sox and their fans can gloat with a pairof World Series
titles in four seasons. Their success carries over into other
“Right now the competition between the Red Sox and
Yankees kind of parlays into the Rangers and Bruins,”
Boston defenseman Aaron Ward said. "It’s always fun to
beat New York. And when I was in New York, it was always
fun to beat Boston.”
Carpet Cleaning
2 Cleaning Areas or more
$30.00 Each Area
Pre-Spray Irallie Areas
(Includes: I sm all H allw ay)
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Watch the Game —<
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Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning
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Throw Pillows
(With O ther Services)
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See Flyers for Additional Priees
Call For Appointment
(503) 281-3949
New England Patriots head coach BUI Belichick (from left), quarterback Tom
Brady and running back Laurence Maroney celebrate after winning against the
San Diego Chargers to advance to the Super Bowl.
Dear Deanna!
I dated my boyfriend forexaetly 10
years and I issued an ultimatum
that we become engaged or married
and he said no. It hurt but I took
action. I packed his clo th e s,
changed the locks and discon­
nected the phone. I look a chance
because we were apart for almost a
year and then he came back. How­
ever, while separated he got some­
one else pregnant and now he wants
me to accept this and a marriage
proposal. What should I do? -
Angry Clarice: Mission Viejo.
Dear Clarice:
The way you handled the situation
was childish and immature. You
Peninsula Little League 2008
(Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5-14)
v/st our website at: www.eteam 2.active.com /peninsulalittleleague
Registration available on-line beginning January 15, 2008
K F»
M «
Ask Deanna'.
Real People,
Real Advice
An advice
known fo r
reality based
can’t force a man to marry you if
he’s not ready. When you kicked
him out in the cold, he didn’t hesi­
tate to find another warm bed. You
shouldn't accept his proposal at
this time because you see he didn’t
try to keep you when you tried to
keep him. He's running from a preg­
nant fling, facing c hild support and
you're the stability in the middle of
his mess. You should cherish the
memories, remain friends and if
things work out, fine, if not, con­
tinue to take things one day a, a
time and see what happens.
Dear Deanna!
At one time, I was low in my life,
lacking selfesteem and self-worth.
During this period, I met my hus­
band and I settled just to have a
man. W e've been together for al­
most five years and now I see he's
K ick o ff to S uper Bowl XLII begins
3 p.m . on channel 12 (Fox, K PTV ).
T he p re-g am e show , w ith Paula
Abdul planning to debut her new
video, will begin at I I a.m .
not the man for me. He has verbally
abused me. had affairs and I’ve let
him stay. His bad finances arc an­
other story. I see the excuses I’ve
made and I’ve acknowledged my
blame in this relationship. Am I
being selfish and am I wrong to
break up with him? —Ready to Start
Over: Baltimore, Md.
Dear Ready to Start Over:
T here’s nothing worse than set­
tling for less when you have op­
tions to wait for the right thing.
Y ou've exhausted your time, your
patience and personal self for a
few years. Y ou’re rightly ju sti­
fied in wanting to clean up this
mess and start a clean shite, lie 's
not attached on a deep emotional
level so it shouldn't surprise or
shock him when you let him know
it’s over. Yes. you should file for
divorce, take the lead on the sepa­
ration, say goodbye and keep it
Dear Anonymous:
You set yourself up with this one
and now you can either cause
more problem s by filing a com ­
plaint or let her play it. Y ourbest
bet is to let her know there were
two o f you out there and you
could do the same to her but
y o u 're more mature. Politely ask
her to stop and let her know that
you d o n 't plan to quit nor lose
your jo b behind her games. In the
long run, don’t make the same
mistake and keepyourdirty laun­
dry at home.
Dear Deanna!
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
I became friends with a eo-worker M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
and now I see this was a mistake. askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
We went to a few parties, had din­ S. IxiCienega Btvd. Suite 1283
ners and visited some clubs on the Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
weekend. Things turned sour when www.qskdeanna.com
'U -Jdacw s
open 12 - 6pm
4057 N. Interstale Ave. (Across Train Alibi)
I started dating a guy that she had
her eyes on. He wasn’t interested
but she couldn't sec it. Now she's
turned on me and is putting all of my
personal business in the office and
it’s embarrassing. Do I have valid
reasons to file a complaint with
Human Resources or should I let it
rest? —Anonymous; On-Line
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