^lu ^Jnrtlatxb ffibscrUCr January 23. 2008 Page A3 Cutting-Edge Candidates Over time, we tend to forget the trials, tribulations and stresses o f young people. - Harold WilliamsTwo. candidate for City Council continued photos by R aymond R endeeman /T he P ortland O bserver City Commissioner Sam Adams (left) meets with City Council Candidate John Branam at the Albina Press coffeehouse in north Portland. from Front him the optimism he needed to collect the names of 1,000 people donating $5 to qualify for public campaign financ­ ing. A children's social worker for the past 10 years, Williams, 31, says he rediscovers the importance of a youth­ ful perspective on a daily basis. “Over time, we tend to forget the trials, tribulations and stresses of young people,” he says. “With me being not that far removed, it would be an easier translation.” “We cannot afford to let things like accessibility, com m unication, education or accountability to fall to the wayside," W illiams says. “ 1 will do all I can to provide access to those who don’t know their way around.” A 1995 graduate of Jefferson High School and subsequent professional football player, Williams speaks to being the best he can be. “I’m not saying I can be everything to all people, but I can be me,” he says. Wealth Gap Makes Case for Racial Reparations continued from Front cans were almost completely excluded from benefiting from these loans be­ cause the FHA assigned “risk” rating to neighborhoods, based on various demographic factors, especially race. Mixed and predominantly black neigh­ borhoods were rated as “riskier” and were generally not eligible for FHA loans. After World W arll.theG .I. Bill led to a housing boom where returning soldiers bought new homes in the newly-form ed suburbs. However, black veterans were largely excluded from the housing benefits of the G.I. Bill. “The FHA manual at the time stated that i f a neighborhood is to retain stability, it is necessary that properties shall continue to be occupied by the same social and racial classes,” ’ Valis said. “So for a home to be insurable, a neighborhood had to be white and to stay white.” To ensure that stability, the FHA actively promoted the use of racial covenants - legal restrictions on who houses could be sold to - in order to protect against transitions to mixed neighborhoods. By some estimates 80 percent of new subur­ ban housing developm ents in the 1930s and ’40s included such cov­ enants. “So even if you wanted to sell your home to a person of color, you couldn’t,” noted V a ils. V ails said he recently found a racial covenant in the original deed for his 1949 home that stated that the home was “not to be sold to blacks or Asians.” In 1948, the Supreme Court ruled these covenants to be unconstitutional. However, the discriminatory practices continued well into the 1980s. “This was a very explicit wide­ spread discrim ination that had real impact on people's well-being and theirability to have that cushion that comes from having assets such as a hom e,” Vails said. Kaplan added: “Access to equity in a home gives you a back-up in case of an emergency; it gives you something to fall back on. Histori­ cally, it helps you build on what you have: to hold out for a better job, upgrade to a better neighborhood, get other loans. If you are denied Some o f these policies that might contribute to closing that wealth gap would benefit people o f all colors... but the important part is that it closes that gap. - Andrew Valis, Oregon Sate University professor the opportunity of home ownership, it affects your entire way of life.” Vails and Kaplan said the m ajor­ ity o f y o u n g , firs t-tim e w hite homebuyers today receive money from their parents to help them af­ ford a home. This is not the case for black first-time homebuyers, how­ ever, because of the lack of owner­ ship history. Obama Sets Record Straight (AP) - Presidential candi­ date Barack Obama is stepping up his effort to correct the mis­ conception that he's a Muslim. At a rally to kick o ff a weeklong cam paign for the South Carolina primary, Obama tried to set the record straight from an attack circulating widely on the Interne, that is designed to play into prejudices against Muslims and fears of terrorism. "I'v e been to the sam e church — the same Christian church — for almost 20 years," O bam a said, stressing the word Christian and drawing cheers from the faithful in re­ ply. "I was sworn in with my hand on the fam ily Bible. W henever I'm in the United States Senate, I pledge alle­ giance to the flag of the United States of America. So if you get some silly e -m a il... send it back to whoever sent it and The researchers believe that repa­ rations for this governm ent-sup- ported discrimination are necessary. Using a model where they com ­ pared the current average wealth of white Americans due to home eq­ uity to the current average wealth of black Americans due to home eq­ uity, they believe that reparations in U.S. Sen. Barack Obama It’s not your standard funeral home... it’s the new standard in funeral homes. RRY FAMILY F u n e r a l H om the billions - and perhaps hundreds of billions - may be owed to black Americans. In their paper, published in the July issue of Public Affairs Q uar­ terly, they suggest programs that would help correct some of these recent historical injustices. They believe that low-interest fed­ eral government home and business Battles misconception on his religion tell them this is all crazy. Edu­ cate." Obama is referring to a de­ bunked chain e-mail circulating widely on the Internet that sug­ gests he is hiding his Islamic roots and may be a terrorist in disguise. It says he was sworn into the Senate on the Quran and turned his back on the (lag during the pledge. There are some truths in the e-mail's details. Obama's middle name is Hussein. His father and stepfathej were Muslim. And he spent part of his childhood in Indonesia, a largely Muslim country. But he attended secu­ lar and Catholic schools, not a radical madrassa. His campaign has been push­ ing back against the false ru­ mors all year. His aides decried an incorrect news report that Obama was educated in a Mus­ lim madrassa and a section of Il|r JJnrtlaitb (fib&cviKr Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ___________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland. OR 97211 EmToK-iN-CHiKr, /’/ Ki.isHen: Charles H. Washington Enirort.Michael Leighton nisiHmi nos M s n a iiu i : Mark Washington Cmsiisr Dmn ion: Paul N eufeldl A n v n tris in a : Kathy Linder Orner M anaof . h : Sharon Sperry Kinimin: Raym ond Rendlem an The Portland Observer welcome» freelance submissions Manuscripts and ph»»t«'graphs should he clearly labeled and w ill he relumed if accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other public ationsor personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad • I 996 TU I PO R TLAND OBSERVER A L L RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRO Dl (T IO N IN W H O l.l OR IN PARI W IT H O U T PERMISSION IS PR O H IBITE D The Portland Observer Oregon’ s Oldest M ulticultural Publication IS a member of the National Newspaper Association Founded in IKK ' and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. New York. NY. and Fh* West Coast Black Publishers Association In a business where things seemingly stay the same, a change has taken place. A change that may raise the bar on the level of service a family can experience from a funeral home. T erry You see, when we went into business we aspired to be so far and away the best that a new level of excellence was to be created. We would like you to know that we've achieved our goal. 2337 N Williams Ave (503) 249-1 7 8 8 • www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.corn loans aimed at (but not exclusive to) black Americans would help rem ­ edy a system that has discriminated against blacks since the 1930s and caused a historic gap in wealth be­ tween black and white Americans. “ Black Americans ought to be eli­ gible for very favorable terms on mort­ gages, with very low interest rates and low or no down payment, with both mortgage insurance and the low inter­ est rates subsidized by the govern­ ment,” Kaplan said. In addition, they said that blacks should be provided with opportunities that would lead to the creation of wealth through means beyond the housing market alone, such as im­ proved access to good primary educa­ tion; improved access to funding for secondary education; very favorable terms for loans to start new busi­ nesses, etc.; and improved "safety nets” for crises. “Some of these policies that might contribute to closing that wealth gap would benefit people of all colors,” Valis said. “But the important part is that it closes that gap.” P osthasttr : Send address changes to Portland Observer. PO Box 3 1 3 7. Portland. 0 R 9 7 2 0 8 CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 newi@portlandobierver.com ads@portlandohscr\er.n>m \uhwru)liim(Srxirtlandabser\er.com his website is devoted tocorrect that and other false rumors cir­ culating on the Internet. But they are stepping up the effort now that the campaign has hit South Carolina and soon turns to other southern states where religion is so important to voters. The campaign distrib­ uted an open letter from seven Jewish senators this weekend condemning the attacks; aides are planning an event this week to respond directly to the e- mails; and campaign represen­ tatives blanketed South Caro­ lina churches Sunday with lit­ erature that touted O bam as Christian faith. Obama says he’s going to fight h ard er ag ain st o th er mischaracterizations about his positions that he says are being perpetrated by rival Hillary Rodham Clinton and her hus­ band, the former president. "W hen I see S e n a to r Clinton. President Clinton dis­ tort my words ... that is no, a way to move the debate for­ ward. that is not a way to help the American people." Obama said. "I am not running for president just to become presi­ dent. I'm running to help the American people. I'm not w ill­ ing to say or do anything just to win an election."