(The 1 January 23. 2 0 0 8 C lassifieds C.N.A. needed Contact Donna Coburn. RN, DNS at 503-288 5967. Fernhill Estates, LLC M Porfían J O h s e r v e r by K athleen E T R O To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d ap p lica tion m aterials, visit our website at www.metro-region.org/ jobs or pick up a com plete packet at M etro Hum an Resources, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland. AA/EEO Employer OUTSIDE IN Mental Health Administrator Clinic for hom eless/low -incom e clinic. 2 yr office admin exp. req'd. previous exp. in sim ilar setting & bilingual Spanish pref. 40 hrs/wk. Coordinator - Homeless Youth Program Coordinate activities for homeless y o u th . Q u a l.: M S W /M A p re f., supervision, 3yrs exp. w /hom e- less or at-risk youth. 40 hrs/wk. Specifications: 2.5-Liter 224-hp @ 2 26 Ib-ft. torque Horizontally- Opposed SOHC Engine with Symmetrical AWD: 4-Speed Auto­ matic w/Sportshift transmission; 20-City 27-Highway MPG; $20,303. MSRP com bines a horizontally opposed engine and a sym m etrically ar­ ranged A W D system; efficiently tra n s m ittin g p o w e r to e n su re greater grip and quicker response. So w e've established that the new Im preza is boring to look at. And yet I'd still recom m end this car — very highly, 1 might add. W hy? Because o f the way it drives — or more specifically, the way it drives w hen so m e th in g goes te rrib ly wrong right in your path. The Im preza has a soft, com fort­ able, com pliant ride, and yet should you find yourself with an im m edi­ Auto Show 2 0 0 8 Dodge Viper / i ’s Venomous e-mail: classlfieds@portlandobserver.com The Portland Observer ate need to twist the wheel, its all­ w heel-drive system hangs on to the pavem ent for dear life. Even when the proverbially excrem ent isn’t about to hit fan, the Im preza is still nice to drive. Gone are the trusty old M acPherson struts up front, replaced by a more sophisticated double-w ishbone suspension that does w onders to Hatten out bumps and dips. Its four-cylinder engine boasts big num bers for a com pact sedan - -2.51iters, 170 horsepower, and 170 lb-ft o f torque. Even with a 4-speed autom atic — not exactly cutting- A fter a o n e-y e ar h iatu s, the D odge V iper retu rn s fo r 2008 brand ish in g a m ore pow erful V 10 en g in e, m ore ag g ressiv e hood sty lin g , av a ila b le tw o- tone cock p it accen ts and new co lo rs that in c lu d e "S nakeskin G reen." T h e u n q u estio n e d king o f s p e e d in th e u n d e r - $ 1 0 0 K su p ercar segm en t, the tightly BUSINESS focused and ad m itted ly prim itiv e 2008 Dodge V iper makes no apolo­ gies fo r its lack o f key luxury and safety featu res. The 2008 D odge V iper is one of the fastest p ro d u ctio n cars in the w orld. T heV 10's m assive pisto n s thum p aro u n d w ith en o u g h e n ­ ergy to shake the en tire car, and its ex h au st pops and bangs like a rusty T o m m y gun. E ven w ithout tractio n co n tro l, the m assive rear tires m ake fast starts e a sie r than you m ight think. First g ear is good fo r 62 m ph and so forceful and VO T&ppHy/ u n relen tin g is the V iper's ac ce l­ eratio n that keeping it pinned will push the coupe to 200 mph. Linder the long hood is an 8.4- liter V 10 engine that puts out stupendous num bers: 600 hp and 560 pound-feet o f torque. All that thrust runs to the fat rear tires through a six-speed m anual g ear­ box (the only transm ission a v a il­ able) and can catap u lt the V iper to 60 m ph in ju st 3.7 seconds and through the q u arter-m ile in only 11.8 seconds. Not m uch on the p lanet can touch this D odge. 2500 NE MLK Jr. Blvd Portland, OR 97212 i directory Trophies • Email: sales@bardytrophy.com Fax: (503) 282 - 3182 Les W hitworth C..P.A. State Farm* Providing Insuidiicfi and f inancial Services .">121 \ E 3 3 r i l V e n u e Home Office. Bloomington Illinois 61/10 I’o rllm id . O H 97211 011503-875-1630 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. l'ax 503.2-100.5 Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland 0B 9/717 503 786 1103 fax 503 786 1146 ernie hill h5mb®statefarrn com n in c . le g n ili I m i l tin ¡111.111111 e m a il: lentil le a tr h ilie a r lh r p a .n m i O’ V - 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Eddie Lincoln ( Broker Finding the right loan is not hard when you have a great Lender Relationship. We are - LOCAL! iiii Hart Realty Reduce your m onthly debts starting today! 9738 SE Washington St., Suite Q Portland. Oregon 97216 Business (503) 252-2121 Fax (50.3, 252-2621 • Cell (50.3) 789-0861 E-Mail eddie.lincoln@century2l.com Gel rid o f that 1st and 2nd mortgage paymenl for a One Loan Fixed Rate Mortgage. C all today fo r your - Personalized Rate Quote! 50.3-972-2719 «»Tice ~ 50,3-975-2769 cell ckyles@mtglender.com www.calvinkyles.com Each office Is Independently Owned and Operated Com m ercial and Residential Wally Tesfa 503 2 6 7 7586 cell 503 249 1903 office 503 249-6527 fax wtesfa1@ com cast net Multi-Million $ Service (=J 4 SMOKEHOUSE A C'l’cciidiziup in 5 in p kci O All i 1 C'Cii/oA Beef« Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood J-ioich $5.95. 'Dinner $9.95 anl up Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken. Ox Tails & More Beer and Wine Available Open H :30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Nightclubs Weddings Birthday Parties Fund Raisers Family Reunions Receptions p $10M A ennot/z c icott with two sides \ ).l S cia ice ( )n The Move “Tonfili lim es don 'I last but tonfili people d o " Tried Shrimp Dinner 10-Targe Shrimp School Functions Business Functions The 2008 BMW 1-Series will com e here as a prem ium -equipped six-cylinder tw o-door coupe and convertible. With the shared engines, it is expected that the 1-Series will also share a pair o f six-speed transm is­ sions with the 3-Series. A manual will be standard, joined by an op­ tional autom atic.T he2008 BMW I- Series should also includeexpected B M W sta n d a rd s like an tilo c k brakes, traction/stability control, a full complement of airbags, and even run-flat tires to maximizecargo space 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 in what is bound to be a pretty tight package. The 2-door coupe version o f the BMW I-series will goon sale in the United States in 2008 in the guise of the 128i and 135i. A foot or so shorter than the 3-series coupe, the rear-wheel-drive 1 -series will share its inline six-cylinder engines with its bigger sisters, with the 128i get­ ting a 230 horsepow er version and the 135i getting the tw in-turbo 300 hp powerplant. As the least-expensive model in the lineup, the 1 Series should en­ tice young enthusiasts into BMW show room s w here they will no doubt begin a lifelong love affair with this Bavarian automaker. 2 0 0 8 M IN I C ooper C lu b m an Tw o different versions o f the Mini Cooper Clubm an will be ini­ tially launched in the U nited S ta te s . The standard model is th e M ini Clubman. It is equipped with a 1 .6-liter four- cylinder devel­ oping 120 hp. The Mini Cooper Clubm an S offers the highest per­ formance from a 1,6-literfour-cylin- der with a twin-scroll turbocharger, increasing rated output to 175 hp. T he M ini C o o p e r C lu b m an is equipped with standard 15-inch wheels. The perform ance-oriented Mini Cooper Clubm an S features 16-inch rims with run-flat tires. Sport packages, and a long list o f options and custom izations, are available on either model. 2 0 0 9 Subaru Forester t=3 Where Everyday Meets Adventure Calvin Kyles - Broker Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon Washington The Young Enthusiast The Bigger Mini Awards (5 0 3 )2 8 2 -7 7 8 7 www.bardytrophy.com ........... 50.3-295.1939 2 0 0 8 BMW l-Series Since i 929 Plaques t edge transm ission technology -- disc antilock brakes. Standard safety my test car accelerated with author­ features on the Im preza include ity and shrugged off the hills in and antilock brakes and side curtain around Portland like the flatlands airbags. Base 2.5i m odels have rear drum brakes. Getting a 2.5i with the o f Oklahoma. The 2008 Impreza is bigger. The Premium package is a wise idea as w heelbase has been extended al­ it adds rear disc brakes, the Brake m ost 4 inches for both the sedan Assist ( B A ) feature for the antilock and hatchback body styles to in­ brakes, stability control and a hill­ crease rear seat legroom. There's holder function for manual trans­ also more interior width for passen­ m ission-equipped cars. These up­ gers and, thanks to the switch to a g ra d e s co m e sta n d a rd on the co m p act d o u b le-w ish b o n e rear O utback Sport and W RX. The 2.5i suspension design, a w ider cargo models also have active front head restraints to help reduce crash-in­ space. The 2008 Subaru Impreza is avail­ duced whiplash. In summ ation, this new Impreza able as a com pact sedan or four- door hatchback. There are three is a much better car than the outgo­ main trim levels: 2.5i, Outback Sport ing one. and I believe m ost new car and W RX. Base 2.5i m odels come buyers will be im pressed with all with 16-inch steel wheels, air-con­ that's been done. Make sure not to ditioning, a CD /M P3 player, cruise forget to factor in the Impreza's control, tilt steering and full power extremely strong resale value when accessories. Opting for a 2.5i model tallying up your com parison notes, fitted with the Premium Package is and how easy it is to sell when it a good idea. This gets you alloy com es tim e to move up to a new er wheels, an upgraded audio system model. In most respects, the 2008 with an auxiliary jack and steering- Subaru Impreza is a better value wheel-m ounted controls, a leather- than most available in this seg­ w rapped steering wheel and extra ment. It's more accessible, refined safety equipm ent. It's also the only and com fortable, ju st like Subaru way to get the optional satellite wanted. But lost in the transform a­ radio and navigation system. tion was the Impreza's spunky per­ All Im prezas include an im pres­ sonality. O verall for value and sive array o f safety features. They safety the 2008 Im preza remains include six airbags and four-wheel- mighty imprezzive. 2008 L egal N otices Fax: 5 0 3 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 on A u t o R e v ie w N . new ^ motor “nd„ reviews vehicles C arr The 2(X)8 Subaru Im preza has been c o m p le te ly re d e sig n e d . R oom ier and more refined on the inside, the restyled Im preza is m eant to appeal to a more m ain­ stream audience. For the third- g e n e r a tio n N o rth A m e ric a n Impreza, Subaru corporate has a slightly different plan - an Impreza for the masses. At first glance, the Im preza is a pretty ordinary-looking car. In fact, it's a bit too ordinary looking — it's now here near as unique and styl­ ish as m ost would prefer. No, the Subaru's real beauty is under the skin: It’s the only car in its class to com e standard with all­ w heel-drive (A W D ). S u b aru 's Symmetrical AW D is probably one o f the most underrated safety fea­ tures available. This is the foun­ dation o f every Subaru; its ideal balance helps ensure stability and poise. It is the only system that L e tte r & a p p . re q 'd , s e e : w w w .o u t s id e in .o r g / e m p lo v - m ent.htm N ee d to p u b lis h a c o u rt docum ent or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-m ail yo u r notice for a free price quote! Page B5 2008 Subaru Impreza 2.5i Premium Imprezzive Secretary/Receptionist, O re go n C o n v e n tio n C e n te r. $ 1 2 .6 5 - $ 1 6 .4 4 / h r, PT, jo b s h a re . Deadline: 1/30/08. L rt lattò © bsertter The Mini Cooper Clubman is 9.45" longer than the standard Mini Cooper, with a 3.15" stretch behind the wheels. The additional room is split between the hack seat and the cargo bay. In order to ease back­ se at ac ce ss, ihe M ini C o o p er Clubm an has a "suicide" rear door on the right side, sim ilar to that found on extended-cab pickups. O ut back, the regular Cooper's swing-up tailgate is replaced by- twin swing-out doors, homage to the Mini Traveller and Mini C oun­ trym an, the extended-length ver­ sions o f the original Mini (built 1961-1969). but Subaru says in a press release that the 2.5-1 iter fours will offer better low-end and mid-range torque. Manual and automatic transm is­ sions will be offered; m anual- equipped ears will get a hill-start helper that keeps the Forester from rolling backward when launching uphill. Safety features will include stability and traction control and curtain airbags, along with anti­ lock braking. Satellite radio lovers can pick Subaru will finally show the For­ ester some love when it introduces an all-new version of the crossover SUV in 2(X)8 auto show. Like all current Subies, the Forester will tackle pavement and trails with all­ wheel drive. Also standard are side- curtain airbags with a rollover sen­ sor, in case the foresting gets out o f hand. Subaru didn't m iss an op­ p o r tu n ity to a llo w th e w ag o n -lik e cro sso v e r to grow up a bit. The Forester gets a 3.6-inch increase in w heelbase, with about three XM orSirius. and an auxiliary inpul inches added in overall length. The engines motivating the new will please those toting MP3 play­ Forester are flat fours, one turbo­ ers. Satellite navigation will also be charged and one normally aspirated. available for the first tim e on the Power outputs haven't been released 2009 Forester.