il;i JJnrtlanò (©bseruer January 16, 2 0 0 8 Page B3 O bservador el Defending Rights of the Marginalized NWVCCC Honors Bilingual play at Milagro F ro m th e m o u n ta in s o f M e x ic o 's southeast, a sm all band o f Zapatistas m ade their first strike at the stroke o f m idnight on New Y ea r's Eve 1994. W ith the help o f the Internet, new s m edia and h un­ d reds o f international n o n g o v ­ e rn m e n ta l o rg a n iz a tio n s, they stru g g led for in digenous rights, territorial rights, w o m en 's rights, ev ery th in g for every o ppressed gro up that is w illing to stand up for th eir beliefs. T he “Z ap a tista” story is told in the latest b ilingual play by M ilagro T heatre, 525 S.E. Stark. G ilberto M artin del C am po (origi­ nally from M exico) plays the role o f M arcos. O m ar V argas (o rig i­ nally from Ecuador), an eight-year v eteran o f the M ilagro troupe, plays the role o f his principal M ayan cultural advisor, D on A n ­ to n io . H o n d u ran n a tiv e Jo rg e M adrid, from M ira c le ’s T eatro E spañol C om pany, plays an o th er Z ap atista leader. • In conju n ctio n w ith the c lo s­ ing p erform ances on S aturday, Dr. Martin Luther King With a Celebratory Service “What Happened To The Dream” Sunday, January 20. 2008 4:00 PM 1625 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 503-863-6545 Guest Churches P H O T O BY S l H ’ll W lk Northwest Voice For Christ Community Church li is hop H.L. Hodge Pastor/Teacher/Christian Counselor I ) \ \ IS Gilberto Martin del Campo portrays Subcomandante Marcos in "Zapatista, ” the new bilingual play onstage at Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. Jan. 19, M iracle T h eatre G roup w ill h o st “ O u r W o rd is O u r W eapon,” an open forum led by local com m unity activ ists about the influence o f the w ork o f the Z apatistas in L atino com m unities in O regon. Issues related to indigenous rights, language andculturc will be co v e red by a c tiv ists from the O axaca Coalition, area Latino art­ ists and Latino radio-program o r­ ganizers. The forum i s free and open to the public and will be held at the theater from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. follow­ ing a 2 p.m. matinee o f "Zapatista.” For more details, call 503-236- 7 2 5 3 orvisitm Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician We are located at Immigration Debate Troubles Hispanics dential cam paign trail, and they in­ creasingly cite discrim ination as a problem. Sixty-four percent said the imm i­ gration debate and C ongress' fail­ ure to enact bills revam ping im m i­ (AP) — M ost H ispanics say the gration laws has made life harder im m igration debate and C ongress’ for Hispanics. Just more than half failure tooverhaul immigration laws said the increased attention to im ­ has hurt them, and many fear d e­ migration has hurt them person­ portation for them selves, a relative ally, ranging from 12 percent who or close friend, a recent poll found. said they are having more trouble T he survey, conducted by the keeping a jo b to 24 percent who nonpartisan Pew H ispanic Center, said they are less likely to travel found that Hispanics in the United outside the U.S. A m in o rity — 41 percent — said States are generally satisfied with theirow n lives and optim istic about they or som eone close has experi­ the future. Yet many are wary o f enced discrim ination in the past negative reactions prom pted by five years. T hat proportion has heightened attention to illegal im ­ grown since 3 1 percent said so in a migration in Congress and the presi­ 2002 poll by Pew and the Kaiser Survey shows worries and discrimination Family Foundation. Roughly eight in 10 say they think discrim ination against Hispanics is a problem in schools, the w orkplace and when it com es to success in the United States, with an increase in those citing school discrim ination since 2002 and the other numbers chang­ ing little. "H ispanics in this country are feeling vulnerable in the current political and policy environm ent." said Paul Taylor, acting director of the center. There are about 47 million H is­ panics in the U .S..about 16percent o f the co u n try 's population. Presi­ d en t B ush and C o n g ress have flopped in their efforts to enact le g is la tio n d e a lin g w ith th e co u n try 's 12 million illegal im m i­ 1716 N.E. 42"d Ave. Portland, OR 97213 I Between Broadway aiul Sandy Blvd.) g ran ts— which include many His­ panics — but increased deporta­ tions and tighter limits on govern­ ment benefits have put pressure on the Hispanic com m unity. The issue has also becom e a major one in the 2008 presidential campaign, particularly with Rcpub- lican candidates who have stressed how they would crack down on a problem widely cited by G O P vot­ ers as a top concern. The poll found 53 percent of His­ panics said they worry about depor­ tation for themselves, a relative or close friend, including 33 percent who said they worry about it a lot. While foreign-born Hispanics were most anxious, even one in three na­ tive-born Hispanics — who are all U.S. citizens — expressed worry. • Autom obile accident injuries • Chronic headache and jo in t pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! Best tasting Fish in town % Burger and Fries $2.99 Paintings, Sculptures at Onda ] Stncet O nda Gallery, 2 2 15 N.E. Alberta S t., is hosting an ex h ib it this m onth o f visionary pain tin g s by G u ille rm o M artinez G arrido and sc u lp tu res o f recycled m aterials by S am irS an k ari. The exhibit is O nda’s second show p re se n tin g p a in tin g s by Martinez Garrido, a Mexican painter who died in 2005. The featured w orks are more representational and figurative than the artist's ab­ stracts shown in April 2(X)6. “Te presto ml silla" by Guillermo Martinez Garrido. (A P )—G ov.T ed K ulongoskihas rejectedcalls from Hispanic groups to delay implementing tougher state rules for obtaining adri vers license. Last month, the groups subm it­ ted 5 .(XX) petition signatures to the D river and Motor V ehicle Services Division in Salem, asking for a one- year delay. Ramon Ramirez, the president of the N orthw est T reeplanters and Farm w orkers United, the state's largest farm w orker union, accused K ulongoski o f not valuing the state's Latino imm igrant com m u­ nity. "W hat the governor is basically saying to imm igrants is. I don't care about you. and I don't care about your rights,"' Ramirez said. Kulongoski signed the execu­ tive order in November. It requires, after Feb. 4. that applicants show proof o f legal residence to get an Oregon license. O regon is one o f only a handful of states that does not require proof of legal residence for a license. Kulongoski has said all Oregon driver's licenses might become in- valid as ID for boarding commercial airliners or visiting federal office buildings if the state doesn't com- Melt in your mouth Philly Steak During his career. M artinez ex ­ hibited in M exicoC ity at the Palace of Fine Arts, the National Institute of Fine Arts, G allery Picasso and Gallery M argarita Herrera among others. S am irS ankari uses scrap metal and other m aterials and shapes them into finished abstract sculp­ tures. The finished pieces som e­ times allude to plants or animals, other limes they resem ble the hu­ man figure. He has practiced his art in the com m unity, placing sculptures in the n e ig h b o rh o o d and p u b lic places for the enjoym ent o f many. To Place Your Classified Advertisement Driver’s License Rules to Change ply with federal requirem ents in­ sisting on proof o f legal residence for a license. Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: Peninsula Little League 2008 k GRAND OPENING Swan Garden 6228 N. Interstate Avenue (Next to New Seasons on Interstate) 503-285-6250 Daily Specials A j— Softball Program Ages 7 -9 10- 12 13- 14 Regular Sign ups S64/T Bali, $74 All other levels This fee includes the pepperoni fund raiser Sell one bag of pepperoni and get $24 oil fee Each bag contains 24 sticks Peninsula Park Community Center 700 N Portland Blvd Questions contact: M ark Washington 5()3-2884X)33 inarkwYZportlwMlob-eivei coin Items to bring to sign ups Birth ( 'ertitiente Proof of Address Doctor Insurance Information Player Fee Baseball Program Level f-Ball Farm Minor Ma i or Junior Ages 5 -6 7 -8 7 -9 10- 12 1 3 -1 4 February 2 February 9, and February 16 9:110 am to 1:00 pm Questions contact: February 2 1 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Iluutiin f/ci portland