lanuary 16, 2008 œ,?e^Oarthxnb (©hseruer Page B2 H ealth MATTERS Free Glaucoma Screenings D e v e rs E y e In stitu te at L e g a c y H ea lth S y ste m w ill c o n ­ d u c t tre e v isu a l field s c re e n in g s in Ja n u a ry as p a rt o f N atio n al G la u c o m a A w a re n e ss M o n th . T h e sc re e n in g s , w h ic h are p a in le s s a n d o n ly ta k e a few m in u te s to c o m p le te , w ill te st fo r g la u c o m a a n d o th e r se rio u s d is e a s e s o f th e e y e . N o a p p o in tm e n t is re q u ire d a n d e v e ry o n e is w e lc o m e . " A lth o u g h th e re is no c u re fo r g la u c o m a , e a rly d e te c tio n le a d s to e a rlie r tre a tm e n t w h ich ca n sig n ific a n tly d e la y o r sto p fu rth e r v isu a l lo s s ," sa id D r. G . A. " J a c k " C io lli, at L eg a cy s D e v e rs E y e In stitu te. “ W e stro n g ly urg e a n y o n e in te re ste d a n d e s p e c ia lly th o se in h ig h -risk g ro u p s such as A fric a n - A m e ric a n s , th e e ld e rly an d p e o p le w ith d ia b e te s, to tak e a d v a n ta g e o f th is fre e sc re e n in g se rv ic e ." T h e fre e e y e sc re e n in g s a re sc h e d u le d F rid a y , Ja n . 25 fro m 10 a.m . to 2 p .m . at th e L eg a cy E m a n u el H o sp ita l & H e a lth C e n te r A triu m ; an d T u e sd a y , Jan . 29 fro m 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . at the L e g a c y G o o d S a m a rita n H o sp ita l & M ed ical C e n te r M a in lo b b y . FE BR U AR Y 20, 2008 j, ’ Shirley Nanette w/The Mel Brown Quartet @ Jim m y M a k’s 221 NW 10th Avenue Portland, OR 8pm /doors open at 7pm KMHD 89.1 FM Presents in Celebration of Black History & Women’s History Month SHIRLEY NANETTE with The Mel Brown Quartet Recording Live @ JIMMY MAK’S Tickets $25 each Available at, online at KMHD.FM or at 503-491-7271 Car + Home = BIG SA V IN G S See me for Car and Home Insurance and save. Dangerous Artery Disease Explained G w en W illiam s, a nurse and the ex ecu tiv e d irec to r o f the A f­ r ic a n M e th o d is t E p is c o p a l C h u rch H ealth C o m m issio n , w as su rp rised to learn she had p e­ ripheral arterial d isease (PA D ) — clo g g in g o f the arte ries in the lim bs - even though she had tw o risk facto rs, high b lo o d pressu re and c a rd io v asc u la r d isease. "I ex p erien ced pain in my legs w hile trav elin g and im m ediately w ent to the do cto r," said G w en. "I had n ev er ex p e rien c ed sy m p ­ tom s until th en .” PA D , w hich affects 8-12 m il­ lion A m erican s, is m ore com m on in A frican A m erican s than any o th e r racial o r eth n ic group. T his m ay be becau se som e o f the risk facto rs fo r the d isease, such as d ia b ete s an d high b lo o d p re s­ sure, are m ore co m m o n am ong Gwen Williams, a nurse, was surprised to learn that she had A frican A m ericans. T he risk for the d isease is also clogging of the arteries, even though she had risk factors of high in creased if you: sm oke or used blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Methadone Can Kill M ethadone is a possible cause of sudden cardiac death even when it isn't overdosed but is taken at thera­ peutic levels primarily for relief of chronic pain or drug addiction with­ drawal, a new study by Oregon Health & Science University re­ searchers suggests. T h e s tu d y 's f in d in g s , d e ­ scrib ed in the Jan u ary issue o f T h e A m erican Jo u rn al o f M edi­ cin e, are based on an ev alu atio n o f all sudden card iac d eath s in Tied to heart attacks even when prescribed the P o rtlan d area betw een 2002 and 2006 w here d etailed au to p ­ sies w ere p erfo rm ed . T he fin d in g s lend su p p o rt to a g ro w in g body o f in dividual case rep o rts lin k in g m eth ad o n e to a r a r e v e n t r i c u la r a r r h y th m ia , k n o w n as to rsa d e de p o in te s, w hich can d eg en erate into v en ­ tricular fibrillation leading to su d ­ den death in the ab sen ce o f m e d i­ cal in terv en tio n . T he study’s authors conceded that they could not rule out the possibility that som e o f the deaths in the first case group actually were due to suppression o f breathing, especially during sleep. Previous studies have found that stable pa­ tients in a m ethadone prevention program had m ore sleep architec­ ture abnorm alities and a higher prevalence o f sleep apnea. T he th erap eu tic use o f m eth a­ do n e, a sy n th etic o p iate, is in ­ creasing steadily not o nly for drug H ealth W atch W elco m e to M ed ica re - Make in­ form ed M edicare choices by at­ tending the free class to explain M edicare options, Jan. 17, and Feb. 21, from 7 to 9 p.m ., at the Bruning CenterinG resham , 1484N.W .Civic Dr. For registration information, call 503-491-7572. D ia b etes an d F o o t C a re - Friday, Jan. 1 8 ,at2 p .m eS u m m erp lace Assisted Living Center, 15727N.E. Russell St., will host the inform a­ tional free class. from noon to 5 p.m., expectant par­ ents will leam tips and techniques for caring fortheirnew bom ; $45 fee per couple. T o register, call 503- 574-6595. and Eeb. 4, from 6 to 8 p.m., gain freedom from nicotine addiction through practical guidance and ongoing support; $40 fee. T o register, call 503-256-4000. W eigh t M an agem en t for C h ild ren an d T een s -- Wednesday, J an. 30,6:30to 8 p. m. parents and teens wil 1 leam healthy eating and lifestyle changes with dietician Julie Stahl. Toregister, contact 503-335-3500. H elping Babies C om m unicate Before T hey C an W alk — W ednesday, Jan. 30, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.. Dawn Prochovnioc,creator ofSm allTalk Learning will teach the class teaching sign language to infants. T o reg- 503-335-3500. $30. T o schedule an appointm ent, call 503-261 -6611. M a m m o g r a p h y S c r e e n in g -- E arly d etectio n is a key fac to r in the p rev en tio n o f b reast can cer. C all 5 0 3 -2 5 1 -6 1 3 7 to sch ed u le y o u r h ig h -tech , soft- touch m am m ogram . M a n a g in g C h ro n ic H ep atitis C - Third W ednesday o f each month at 5 p. m .. the inform ative session led by a registered nurse to help m anage side effects o f m edications, dosage preparations and adm inistra­ tion; doctors referral required. To register, call 503- 251-6313. G ro o v in ’ a N ew W eight: W om en O n ly - Thursdays, Jan. 24toM arch l3,from 6:30to8:30p.m .W om enw ill w ork on food, w eight and body issues with a dietitian and fitness specialist in a fun. m otivating environ­ ment. To register, call 503-574-6595. S m o k e-F ree S u p p o rt (¡r o u p — meets M ondays, 7 to 8 p.m. For more information, call 503-256-4000. V eg eta ria n S ta r te r K it - Healthy vegetarian eating M ic h a e l David H olton. Agent 7223 SW Macadam Avenue Portland. OR 9/219-30/6 Bus 503 517-9090 Bus 503 517 9090 Fax. 503 445-1366 F or B ig B ro th ers & B ig S ister- T o -B e — Saturday, Jan. 19,from 10 to 1 1 a.m., special sibling class for children ages 3 to 6 helping to pre­ pare for their role as an older sib­ ling; $20 fee (2 adults, I child). To register, call 503-574-6595. LIKE A G O O D NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS I HERE Providing Insurance and Financial Services • • H-. h . ' . > ad d ictio n but also am ong can ce r p atien ts for m an ag in g ch ro n ic pain largely b ecau se it is less co stly than the altern ativ es and also because it is fast-actin g and its effec t is lo n g -lastin g . The OHSU study's authors sug­ gested that additional safeguards prior to therapy might be neces­ sary, such as an electrocardiogram and an assessm ent o f the potential risk for respiratory suppression both awake and asleep. MMRRMIMMHMMMMMMNWWMaMBWnMMMB N ew b orn C a r e -Saturday, Jan. 19, y to sm oke; have high b lood c h o ­ lestero l; or have a h isto ry o f v a s­ c u la r d ise ase , h eart attac k , or stro k e. A recent study found that only 1 in 4 people surveyed w ere aw are o f PA D and that aw aren ess w as even low er am ong A frican A m eri­ c a n s. H aving clo g g ed a rte rie s raises the risk fo r h aving a heart attack , stroke, leg am p u tatio n or ev en death. N ot ev ery o n e w ith PA D has sy m p to m s. W h en p rese n t, the typical sym ptom s include fatigue, h eav in ess o r cram p in g in the legs d u rin g activ ities that goes aw ay w ith rest; pain in legs an d /o r feet at rest; sores o r w ounds on to es; an d feet or legs that heal slow ly, p o o rly o r not at all. If you are o v e r the age o f 50 an d think you are at risk fo r PA D , co n su lt your health care provider. F o r m o re in f o r m a tio n , v is it a b o u tp a d .o rg . , .|i v II B ecom in g S m o k e-F ree, S tayin g S m ok e-F ree m ade easier with inform ational resources, sam ples, coupons and delicious recipes. Kits are $7.50 each ( includes sh ip p in g ). T oorder, call 503-256-4000. F ree B ody B a sics -- This physician-recom m ended class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this one-session class and leam the sim ple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretch­ ing. Call 503-256-4000 to register. B irth in g N a tu ra lly - Beginning Tuesday, Feb. 5, SPINA,COLUMN T en d erfo o t C a re - T reat your feet with a soak, nail trim, buffing and m assage from a licensed nurse at one o f six clinics or at your home. Call 503-251-6303 for more information. N u tr itio n a l S e m in a r s - N ew S easo n s M arket is p resen tin g a series o f n u tritional sem in ars at v a ri­ o u s store lo catio n s along w ith a n u tritio n al help lin e . For m o re in f o r m a ti o n , e m a il ask th e n u tritio n ist@ n e w se a so n sm a rk e t.c o m . S en io r A ero b ics - A low -im pact workout geared specifically tow ard seniors. Call 503-449-0783 for current schedule. C a rd ia c-R eh a h E x ercise C lasses - A m edically su ­ - Mondays, Jan. 28 THE M a tern ity W a ter W o rk o u t - Helping new m om s regain m uscle tone, strength, and flexibility, all in the support and freedom o f the water. Call 503-256-4000 for more information. from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., this six-w eek series prepares new parents-to-be to experience as natural a birth ex p e rien c e as p o ssib le. T o reg ister, call 503- 256-4000. An ultrasound bone- density screening with personalized education; fee O ste o p o r o sis S c r een in g - pervised exercise program for people dealing with heart conditions. For more inform ation, call 503-251 - 6260. L eg A lert S creen in g - Cheek for peripheral arterial disease with this safe, sim ple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. To schedule an appointment, call 503 -2 5 1 -6137. An ongoing series of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession Dr, Billy R. Flowers Part 1. CHIROPRACTIC: For the best in natural healing, hearing is believing. . H o w d id * C h iro p ra c tic care come about? Q e Spinal manipulationshave beenpr.icricedk m tver2,5OO years. Hippocrates, th e “F ather of M edicine,” advised: “look well to th e spine tor the cause of disease.” But nii xlern ( ,’hiropractic came of age back in 1895. In D avenport, Iowa, a p atien t cam e to Dr. D.D. Palm er com plaining of hack pain. T his p atient had also been nearly deal since Mitteringa back injury 17 yearsearlier. Dr. Palmer noticed a bump on the pat ient's back, which he suspected was related to a diskicated vertebra. Ti » relieve the p a tie n t’s pain and reposition the vertebra, Dr. Palmerplaced him on a table and pushed down on his back, perform inga spinal manipulât ion or “adjustm ent." H e performed this adjustment three days in a rt >w. By the third day, not only had th e p atien t’s back pain disappeared, his hearing reappeared. Tixlay's Chiropractors km ,w that the central nervi his system (hixised within thetx xJy’sspnu il a Jumn ) pn »vides the energy, which gi ivems al I lx h 1 i I y functi« »ns. By making sure that the spinal colum n is in correct align ment, (Jhiropractorseliminate any possible interference, which would prevent the central nervous system from keeping th e body tunctii mingthe way nature, intended. T o find o u t how C h iro p ractic m ig h t be able to h elp you o r for answ ers to any q u estio n s you m ig h t h av e ab o u t your h e a lth , please feel free to call us at th e p h o n e n um ber show n below. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 NE Hancock, Portland O regon97212 P hone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 Second Annual Drum Major Ecumenical Service Presented By Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church I 1 - - - — - —_A . _ -1 . I 7 a a a ■ aa A a . aA a — aa L ’ — aM — — ’ # 14 IS 4 * C 4 I T l 1 * ** Z ' ■» Living the Dream V—' Honoring: ®r- Martin Luther King,.Jr. Coretta Scott King Rosa Parks Sunday, January 20, 2008 Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church 3138 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, Oregon Free Will Offering To Benefit The Drum Major Scholarship Program Featuring: Keyno,e Speaker: 5 The Honorable Oregon State Senator For Information Call 503-282-9496 Peter Courtney 2008 Drum Major Award Honorees Sho and Loen Dozono Beth Nance Wilma Pitre Avel L. Gordly