Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 16, 2008, Page 6, Image 6

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    il’e|Jortlanb ©bserüer
Page A 6
lanuary 16, 2 0 0 8
From hearty recipes fo r one-pot stews to new ideas fo r the season’s best ingredients,
we have you covered in the kitchen. Stay warm and eat healthy. Please, email
SharonS@portlandobserver.com, to request or share a favorite recipe.
F ood
Grilled Chicken and
Key Lime Salsa
T h e re a re f e w th in g s m o r e h ig h ly a n tic ip a te d th a n th e f i r s t rip e str a w b e r r y
o f sp rin g o r a c r is p f a l l a p p le , ju s t d a y s o f f th e tree. In o u r M a r k e t F resh
s e r ie s w e lo o k a t th e p r o d u c e in se a so n th is m o n th a n d o ffe r q u ic k a n d e a s y
su g g e s tio n s f o r h o w to e n jo y it.
W ith a h isto ry stre tc h in g b ac k o v e r th e m ille n n ia to a n c ie n t A sia , th e r e ’s
p e rh a p s no fo o d as w e ll-k n o w n o r as w e ll-lo v e d as th e o ra n g e . E a te n in se c tio n s,
th is n u tritio u s sw ee t treat m a k e s a h an d y sn ack . A s ju ic e , it’s ju s t a s a p p ro p ria te
w ith w e e k d a y b re a k fa st as it is fo r an e le g a n t S u n d a y b ru n c h , w ith c h a m p a g n e
o f c o u rse ! T h is b e lo v e d fru it h as se rv e d as an a p h ro d isia c in C h in a , a C h ristm a s
tre a t th ro u g h o u t E u ro p e — a n d ju s t p la in g o o d e a tin g th e w o rld o v er.
Ingredients for life..
"Take advantage
o f fresh citrus
flavors with this
lime and orange-
infused recipe. If
you can't find Key
limes, regular
limes will do the
trick, too. ”
1/4 cup W orcestershire sauce
3 Tbsp fresh lime juice, from Key limes
1 pound uncooked bondless, skinless chicken breast, four 4-oz pieces
3 m edium orange(s), sectioned, w hite pith and seeds removed
2 T bsp fresh lim e juice, from Key limes
2 Tbsp scallion(s), chopped
1 Tbsp cilantro, chopped
1 tsp chopped green chilies, or m ore to taste
Rancher’s Reserve
Angus Boneless
Beef Chuck Roast
Whole Boneless
Pork Loin
Sold whole in the bag
SAVE up to $2.50 lb
./natural's I
( pork
SAVE up to $2 00 lb
1. Com bine W orcestershire sauce, 3 tablespoons o f lim e juice and
chicken in a ziptop plastic bag. Refrigerate up to 4 hours.
2. M eanwhile, com bine rem aining ingredients in a medium bowl to make
3. Refrigerate for a m inim um o f 1 hour.
4. Preheat grill or broiler. Grill or broil chicken until cooked through, about
4 to 5 m inutes per side. Serve chicken with salsa.
Orange Soy Pork Loin
Sweet Bing
SAVE up io K M tt.
10 LB Sag
Navel Oranges
Fresh from Chile
Extra Large
Cooked Shrimp
31 to 40-cl Tail-on
"This pork loin
is tender and
flavorful baked
in an orange
soy sauce. "
SAVE up Io $3 00 lb
Gala or Braeburn
SAVE up to $4 11 ea
SAVE up to S5 11 lb
Restaurant Cut Beef
Top Sirloin Steak
Club Pncn $1 0 0 lb
SAVE up Io 79« lb
rum phi : i
1/2 cup orange juice
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup olive oil
I tablespoon dried rosemary
1 1/2 teaspoons chopped garlic
1 red onion, sliced
1 (5 pound) boneless pork loin roast
1/2 tsp. orange zest
1 orange, sectioned
Lucerne Milk
Quaker Cereal
Lucerne Yogurt
Gallon Whole 2% I*
Skim Sticfew w f a Re
At chectebri list item
will sc?n at regular price
14 to 16-02
Selected var et>es
Club Pnce $2 00 ea
SAVE w to SO 00 on 3
8-w Selecta) '«Tiilien
Club Price- 50« «
SAVE up hl S? 50 on 10
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F ( 175 degrees C).
2. In a m edium bowl, stir together the orange juice, soy sauce, olive oil,
red onion slices, rosem ary, garlic and orange zest. Place the pork roast
in a baking hag, and set in a roasting pan or baking dish. Pour the orange
juice mixture over the roast, making sure to coat entirely. Close the bag
according to package instructions.
3. Bake for 2 to 2 1/2 hours in the preheated oven, until the internal
tem perature o f the loin is at least 160 degrees F (70 degrees C). Remove
from the oven, and let stand for about 10 m inutes to settle the juices.
Carefully open the hag and rem ove the roast. Slice and serve with a little
o f the drippings drizzled over. G arnish with orange sections prior to
S unday S low C ooker C ollection
Nabisco Chips Ahoy1
or Toasted Chips
Orange Chicken
Robert Mondavi
Private Selection
Ravenswood or
Columbia Crest
610 ,6-u -
Selected vaoehes
SAVE up to S3 79 on 2
"Everyone loves the
flavor o f this delicious
306-calorie per serving
creation. ”
BETWEEN 1/16/08 AND 1/22/08
Pi»t.h.nCT must be m ade in a single tr.nv.ir.hon.
Limit on« (1) offer per h » B e h < * l
Plus t a i and dep osits. where apphcaWe
Safeway SELECT
Bath Tissue or
Paper Towels
'2 2 * for the
circled prices
in this ad and in-store.
A ll IJMI Alt :
1 tn Jolrrv rc'lAuuri'
rrvn.l Buv ( hit. (»«t Ont ht
:f*O* WHY K uvd *W> f
Minute Maid or
Florida's Natural
Orange Juice
OvenJoy Bread
22 5-07
White or Wheat
SAVE up 10 10« M
Great gifts
made simple
Produrti «W» ' * * D f . ivm MB» r an
o M tam w ta ih rM y
n Siln m wt*I qwwtñn e
rill «uhgt’ to 4*4» »fa’f
it m Irci B (X iO o rle r'
t .’OOM Mtrwiv tonit*. In
I •
I •
I •
I •
I •
I •
1 (3 pound) broiler-fryer chicken, cu, up and skin removed
3 cups orange juice
1 cup chopped celery
I cup chopped green pepper
1 (4 ounce) can mushroom stems and pieces, drained
4 teaspoons dried minced onion
1 tablespoon m inced fresh parsley
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
3 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons cold water
Hot cooked rice
Com bine the first nine ingredients in a slow cooker. Cover and cook .
' on low for 4 hours or until meat juices run clear. C om bine cornstarch
I and water until smooth; stir into cooking juices. C over and cook on
I high for 30-45 m inutes or until thickened. Serve over rice if desired. I