Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 16, 2008, Page 12, Image 12

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lanuary 16. 2 00 8
‘Reel’ Festival Celebrates 25th Season
Diverse lineup
If your youth 6th-8th grade are still
looking to play basketball, they still have
time through the Portland Parks and
Recreation team. We are still looking for
a few young men to come and play.
Our practice time is Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:50 pan. until 8 p.m. at Vernon K-8 School.
Jazz. R&B. rock, folk, reggae—
from a eappella and accordions to
tango and tw irling dervishes— it's
all included in the 25th anniversary
of the NW Film C enter's Reel M u­
sic festival.
T he films are showing through
Feb. 3 at the W hitsell A uditorium.
1219 S.W. Park Ave. Admission
prices are $7 for adults, $6 for stu­
dents and seniors and $4 for Friends
o f the Film Center. Double features
are an additional $2 per ticket.
Location: 2044 N.E. Killingsworth St.
Contact Person: Coach Miller. 503-933-1763
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
3725 N. Gantenbein, Portland, Oregon
Rev. Robert C.
Jointer, Pastor
Extends a Cordial Welcome to YOU
to worship with us fo r our
Jazz saxophonist Ornette
Coleman is examined in
‘Ornette: Made in America,’
one o f the featured screenings
o f the NW Film Center's Reel
Music festival.
“Our Family, Our Friends, Our Faith, & Our F uture"
Come witness some of the City’s most gifted
“Family Groups and Choirs”,
Plus: Derrick McDuffey & Chosen Generations, Linda
Hornbuckle, Ronnye Harrison, Min. Eugene Blackmon,
New Hope's “Jubilation Dance Ministry, and more!!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008 ~ 3:00 PM
This is an invitation to all to come join us on this day we have
set aside for a unique & special worship service with our
families, former members, and all of our friends throughout the
Northwest. In addition to musical guests, we will be blessed
with a “Family and Friends” message. A gourmet reception will
follow the service in our fellowship hall. Come, Come, Come,
and let us worship together.
Some of the highlights
O rn ette: M a d e in A m eric a
(1985). W ednesday, Jan. 16, 8:15
p.m. Directed by Shirley Clarke, this
90-m inute film com bines old and
new footage, dram atic sequences
and interviews, and electronically
processed video interludes to c o n ­
struct a portrait as com plex and
exciting asjazz saxophonist Ornette
C o lem a n h im self. C la rk e and
Coleman worked together— the film
is more of an artistic collaboration
than a portrait— exploring his ca­
reer and ideas about music, artistic
Information: 503-281 -0163, or 503-698-5447
New Prices Effective May 1,2007
Martin Cleaning Service
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Residential & Commercial Services
Minimum Service CHG
creation, and life. Em ploying per­
formance footage from 1968-83 in
Morocco, Nigeria. Berkeley and Fort
W orth, the film presents Colem an
in preparation for his headlining in
this y ear's Portland Jazz Festival,
Feb. 15-17.
Soul Deep: The Story o f Black
P opular M usic-Part 1(2005). Sun­
day. Jan. 20at 7 p.m. William Naylor,
producer o f the wonderful BBC
docum entaries on '60s pop (W alk
On B y) traces the evolution o f soul
music and its offshoots from its
roots in the 1940s up to the present
day explosion of urban music. NW
Film Center will screen the series'
six one-hour episodes in two three-
hour program s, the first o f which
includes: The Birth O f Soul, which
concentrates on the roots o f the
genre and features previously un­
seen interviews with the late Ray
Charles as well as archival footage
o f Ja m e s B ro w n an d B o b b y
W om ack; The Gospel Highway,
which surveys how Sam Cooke
changed pop music forever and set
the standard for every artist that
followed him; and The Sound O f
Young America, an exploration of
how Berry G o rd y 's M otown fac­
tory created a sound w hich ap­
pealed to whites as much as to
Soul Deep: The Story o f Black
P o p u la r M u sic-P a rt II (2005).
M onday, Jan. 2 1 at 6:30 p.m. Pro­
ducer W illiam N aylor's fourth epi­
sode o f Soul Deep, charts the rise of
Otis Redding from his early days at
Stax records in M em phis to the
M onterey Pop Festival, where he
found a massive white audience.
Episode Five, A in’t It Funky, traces
the roots o f funk from Jam es
B row n's seminal "P ap a's G ot a
Brand New B ag” to the crazy
psychedelia o f G eorge Clinton and
the tough, urban rhythms that were
the soundtrack to the riots and revo­
lutions of the late '60s and early
'70s. Finally, in From G hetto To
Fabulous, M aryJ. Blige, the queen
o f hip-hop soul, speaks candidly
about the journey from ghetto to
the top, a journey w hich mirrors
black m usic's 50-year rise to the top
o f the charts.
My Name is Albert Ay ler (2005).
Tuesday, Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. John
J o b N o b iel3 — Saturday, Jan. 19, Izogie’s
Fine Dining, 1301 N.E. Dekum, will host the
concert event with doors opening at 8:30 p.m. For
m ore in fo rm atio n , contact 8 8 8 -3 1 2 -5 6 1 9 o r visit
O penE yes@ yahoo.com ,
Carpet Cleaning
2 Cleaning Areas or more
$30.00 Each Area
Pre-Spray Traffic Areas
(Includes: / small Hallway)
Stairs ( 12-16 stairs)
(With Other Services)
Heavily Soiled Area:
Additional $10.00
Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning
Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning
Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment
Spot & Stain Removal Service
Scotchguard Protection
Chair or Recliner
Throw Pillows
(With Other Services)
$109 - $139
$35 - $49
Coltrane called saxophonist Albert
Ayler the m ost important innova­
tor in jazz. O ne o f the leading fig­
ures i n the avant-garde o f the 1960s,
A yler was frustrated by the lack of
acceptance for his music, which left
most perplexed. Bom in Cleveland,
A yler recorded his first album in
Sweden in 1962; only eight years
later, at age 34, he was found dead
in New York's East River, a mystery
still unsolved. Collin's film is tilled
with rich and rare archival material
along with the intim ate recollec­
tions o f fam ily, friends and col­
Slim G a illa rd 's C iv iliza tio n
11988). Part I, W ednesday, Jan.
30 at 7 p.m. and Part 11. Saturday,,
Feb. 2 at 3 p.m . A n thony W all's
series on the life o f the legendary
S lim G alliard( 1916-1991). Rich in
m usic and rem iniscence, the four-
part series rev eals a w ealth o f
things ab o u t the m an so good
looking that he w as nick n am ed
"Dark G ab le." Slim spoke seven
languages, co uld play any in stru ­
m ent, w as M arvin G ay e's father-
in-law , w as the d arlin g o f H o lly ­
w ood in the 40s, and had his song
"C em ent M ixer Putty Putty put in
a tim e ca p su le at the N ew Y ork
W orld's F air to rep resen t A m eri­
can cu lture.
Albert Ayler
Nina Simone
N in a S im o n e: La L e g e n d e
(1992). Sunday, Feb. 3 at 4 p.m.
The High Priestess o f Soul was, as
they say, beyond category. Singer,
pianist, arranger and com poser,
Simone effortlessly flowed through
soul, blues, folk, jazz and pop with
her powerful and em otional voice.
Based on her autobiography “ I Put
a Spell on Y ou," La Legende fea­
tures perform ances from different
periods o f her career, including in­
terview s with friends and fam ily,
various interview s with Sim one
w hile she was living in the N ether­
lands and a trip to her birthplace.
The film also discusses her partici­
pation in the Civil Rights M ove­
ment, as she voiced opinions that
remain controversial to this day.
La L u pe, Q ueen o f Latin Soul
( 2 0 0 7 ) . M a m b o a f ic io n a d o s
m ight know Lupe Y oli, o th erw ise
know n as La L upe, but she is
virtually unknow n outside o f New
Y ork C ity , w here she lived after
leaving h er n ative C u b a in the
early 1960s. A co n tem p o rary o f
T ito P u en te , C e lia C ru z , an d
M ongo S an tam aria ( w ho d isc o v ­
ered her), she tran sfo rm ed Latin
m usic in N ew Y ork prio r to the
national em b race o f salsa.
CD recorded live at Salty’s. For reserva-
tions, call 503-288-4444.
O regon Seafood & W ine Festival - Friday, Feb. I ,
from 2 to 10 p.m., and Saturday, Feb. 2, from noon to 9 p.m.,
the Oregon C onvention C enter will host this event benefiting the
M ultiple Sclerosis Society; featuring 65 Oregon wineries, 20 seafood
restaurants and more. For more inform ation, call 5 0 3-223-9511.
New port Seal'ood/W ine Eest — Feb. 22 - 24, the Oregon coastal town o f
Newport will host the 3 1 st-annual festival; featuring exotic seafood, over
70 wineries, 140 exhibitors and more. Currently, group advance tickets are
available; call 8(H)-262-7844 for more information.
I Cleaning Area (only)
(Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra)
Ray Charles
Let's Get Lost (¡989). Friday,
Feb. I at9 :3 0 p .m ..S a tu rd a y ,F eb .2
at 8 p.m.; and Sunday Feb. 3 at 6:30
p.m. The title of Bruce W eber's film
on the life o f jazz great Chet Baker
aptly describes the driving force of
the man and his music. His Jam es
Dean looks and cool sound set
Baker apart from other musicians o f
his time. He had som e o f the most
lyrical trum pet playing and jazz
vocals ever heard. This transfixing,
bittersweet film won theCritics' Prize
at the V enice Film Festival and was
nom inated for an A cadem y Award.
Liv Warfield - Saturday, Jan.
19 Liv W arfield will be per­
forming atO M SI foraspecial
annual fundraiser. For more
information,contact 310-645-
3 Leg Torso
3 I^eg Torso & Stolen Sw eets —Thursday, Jan. 24, at 8 p.m., with special
guest Amoree Lovell, at Doug Fir. 830 E. Burnside.
G a llery E x h ib its - C u rren tly
through Saturday. Jan. 26. the Inter­
state FirchouseCultural Center. 5340
N. Interstate, will host ‘O il/R esisf
and ‘Iranian W om en Speak Out
Through A rt' For more inform ation
on these dynam ic free exhibits, co n ­
tact 503-823-4322.
Sliders G rill — Sliders Grill.
3 0 11 N. Lombard, features an
eclectic assortm ent o f per­
formers on the main stage, Liv W arfield
accom panied by delicious
food. Call 503-459-4488 for more information.
Mel Brown Trio - Friday. Feb. 8, at
7 p.m.. the Upstairs Lounge at Salty's
on the C olum bia, 3839 N.E. Marine-
Dr.. will host the Oregon Hall of
Music Inductees the Mel Brown
Trio, will create music, mix and mingle
as they toast the release of their new Mel Brown
Sunday Night Jazz — Jazz enthusiasts can enjoy listening to the cool
sounds o f Mel Brown, in the Rogue River Room at C hinook W inds
Casino Resort in Lincoln City. No cover charge.
Stat* Farm'
Providing Insdiijiici! anil Financial ServK.es
Sea M o n s t e r s - Spectacular
p h o to -re a listic a n im a tio n
brings creatures o f the deep
to life in the new National
Geographic Ominimax film Sea
Monsters: a Prehistoric A d­
v e n tu re , now p la y in g at
Hip-hop D ance C lasses - Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation is
hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various
lessons teach rhythm, technique, coordination, agility and teamwork
through urban dance moves. For more inform ation, call 360-696-8236.
Home Office. Bloomington Illinois 6!/10
See Flyers for Additional Prices
Call For Appointment
(503) 281-3949
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
494fi N Vancouver Avenue Portland OR 9Z?17
503 ?8R 1103 fan !X)3 28f> H46
emie hill h5mb®’slaletarru corn
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service 8
O p en M ie N ight - Every W ednesday night at 7 p.m.. Proper Eats Market
and Cafe, 8638 N. Lom bard St., host open-m ie night.
Carousels: The Art o f the Animal - Currently through Jan. 3 1, the World
Forestry C enter Discovery M useum will present a m agnificent display
o f antique hand-carved wooden anim als; for more inform ation call 503-
2 8 8 -1367 or visit w orldforcstry.org.