Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 16, 2008, Page 10, Image 10

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lanuary 16, 2008
C lassifieds / B ids
U n iv e rs ity H o u sin g at the
U n iv e rs ity o f O re go n is now
accepting applications for the
position of Complex Director. This
is a full-time, live-in, 12-month,
Officer of Administration position.
The starting date for the position
is flexible beginning July 1, 2008.
Th e C o m p le x D ire c to r is
re s p o n s ib le fo r th e o v e ra ll
administration of a residence hall
complex consisting of 375-800
residents. The Complex Director
is also re s p o n s ib le fo r the
selection, supervision and training
of 9-20 residence life student staff
and is e xp e c te d to lead the
student staff in the goal setting
process, coordinate the student
c o n d u c t p ro c e ss , s u p p o rt
re s id e n c e
le a rn in g
c o m m u n itie s ,
e x h ib it
c o m m itm e n t to w ork w ith a
diverse student population and
create a culturally-inclusive living
community, participate in an on-
call ro tatio n and respond to
emergency situations, facilitate
program m ing and com m unity
development, and advise student
govern m ent. The su ccessfu l
candidate should demonstrate
solid adm inistrative skills and
leadership experiences as well as
the ability to work effectively with
students, parents, co-workers,
supervisor, department staff, and
U n ive rsity s ta ff from dive rse
b a c k g ro u n d s . The C o m p le x
Director may also supervise a full­
time Assistant Complex Director.
The Complex Director reports to
th e A s s o c ia te D ire c to r of
R e sid e n ce Life fo r R e sid e n t
• A M a s te r's D egre e or a
Bachelor's Degree and 2 years of
full-time, professional experience
in Student Affairs is required
Preferred Qualifications:
• P reference w ill be given to
candidates with degrees in Higher
Education or related fields.
• P reference w ill be given to
c a n d id a te s w ith
fu ll-tim e
experience in housing or group
living environments
In s u r a n c e
Rated by O regon B usiness m agazine as
one of O re go n 's top com panies to w ork for,
S A IF C o rp o ra tio n has been helping w ork ers and
businesses in O re go n fo r m ore than 90 years.
We are com m itted to hiring and reta ining em ployees
w ho re pre sen t O re go n 's ethnic, cultu ral, and
ge o gra phic d ive rsity. We are re cru itin g for
a v a rie ty of positions including:
Salem, Oregon
A p p ly online to day and learn m ore about S A IF at
w w w .s a if.c o m
Portland Development Commission
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life, distinctive
neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a key role in
keeping Portland, Oregon, one of America’s most livable cities is
the Portland Development Commission’s mission. PDC is the City's
urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together resources to
achieve Portland's vision. W e’re currently looking for qualified
individuals to com plem ent our workforce for the follow ing
Economic Development Manager - Bioscience and Hi-Tech Clusters
Assistant Residential Loan Coordinator
GIS Research - Student
Senior Administrative Specialist - Housing
Senior Administrative Specialist - Economic Development
Small Business Advisory Council-Student
Senior Accountant
Web Content Coordinator
We offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep
PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values
diversity in its work force and is committed to
Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs
Portland Development Commission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
To apply, please send resume,
cover letter, and list of three
references to:
John Hollan
Interim Associate Director
of Residence Life
University Housing
1220 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
Applications accepted until all
positions are filled, with priority
given to applications arriving on
or before February 5, 2008.
C all (541) 3 4 6 -4 0 6 3 w ith
q u e stio n s or em ail jh o lla n @
uoregon.edu. This publication and
related information will be made
available in accessible formats
upon request. For more infor­
mation about the University of
Oregon and University Housing,
please visit http://www.uoregon.edu.
City of Portland, Oregon
January 3,2008
The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is requesting
qualifications for IT Professional Tem porary Services to be
contracted on an as-needed basis. From this Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) firms may be selected to receive a one-year
contract, with annual contract reviews. The contract(s) may be
extended for additional one year term s but the maximum
duration, (including all such extensions), of any contract awarded
pursuant to this RFQ shall not exceed three (3) years.
The RFQ may be downloaded from the internet at www.pdc.us,
(on the right hand side, under "W hat's New", click on “RFPs,
RFQs’’), or obtained by telephone, fax or e-mail request to:
Larry Wright, Procurement Services Supervisor
Portland Development Commission
222 NW Fifth Avenue
Portland, OR 97209-3859
Phone 503.823.3328
FAX 503.865.3905
E-mail: wrightl@pdc.us
Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the above address
no later than 3:00 PM, Thursday - January 24,2008.
Faxed or e-mail response copies will not be accepted
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
Equal Housing Opportunity
Taking qualified applicants for our waiting list for our 1-Bedroom
apt. homes.
East Fair Terrace
500 NW Division St.
Gresham, Oregon 97030
503-661-3001 • TDD 1-800-735-2900
¡£ £ X
Affordable Housing for persons 62 years old or older
Professionally Managed by Guardian Management LLC
Earn Extra Money
AA/EEO Employer
Flexible Hours • Temporary Positions
Systems Administrator
We are recruiting individuals to deliver the phone books in the
.o n o w ^ c o —
Washington County
O rtA
~)~7~) O " I O A
I “ o U v J - J / -J - J -Z -O v J
$4,885 - $7,062
• Legislature's most senior IT
te c h n ic a l
a d m in is tra to r
• Manage enterprise servers
and network infrastructure
■ Design system architecture
• Lead technical projects and
• A d m in is te r
co m p u te r
18 years or older.
» e O O I/l/
- ‘**-*-■1 B O O h
Monday thru Friday
7:30am to 7:00 pm CST
R ent-A-C ar R enovation, Phase 11
S p okane International Airport
Bids Due: January 22, 2008 - 2 PM
For Application Information:
Karen Hupp
Employee Services
900 Court St NE Room 140-B
Salem OR 97301-4041
Must have valid driver's license,
insured, dependable auto and be
11001 E Montgomery
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Phone: 509/534-0451; Fax: 509/535-6622
Equal opportunity employer requesting bids & pre-bid contact
from disadvantaged, minority-owned, women- owned & small
(503) 986-1373
Deadline is January28,2008
Request for Proposals (RFP) # 07-19
Enterprise Content Management System
Ju v e n ile C u sto d y
Specialist On-Call
S e rv ic e s
The Department of Community
Justice welcomes applications for
on-call Juvenile Custody Services
Specialists. The on-call Juvenile
Custody Services Specialists are
responsible for the guidance,
security, training and general care
of youth who present a variety of
behavioral, cognitive, emotional
and in te lle c tu a l issu es, in a
c u ltu ra lly d iv e rs e ju v e n ile
dete n tion fa c ility. A p p lic a n ts
bilingual in English and Spanish
are encouraged to apply.
The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is seeking Proposals
from experienced and qualified firms for the provision of a software
solution or integrated suite that provides PDC with the tools
necessary to introduce and maintain an integrated electronic
c o n te n t m a n a g e m e n t (EC M ) so lu tio n fo r th e c re a tio n ,
management, storage, sharing, retention and disposal of content
and documents throughout their lifecycle. The selected firm is
expected to 1) provide a fully-functional ECM software solution: 2)
install, test and integrate the solution into PDC's existing technical
environment; 3) provide onsite training of the software solution;
and 4) provide project management services for the project.
The RFP m ay be dow nloaded from the internet at http://
www.pdc.us/ltgin/welcome.asp under “Formal Bid Opportunities,”
or obtained by telephone, fax or email request to :
Daniel Spero, Contracts Coordinator
Portland Development Commission
222 Northwest Fifth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97209
For more information about this
position, including application
materials, please visit our website
at w w w .m ultcojobs.org or call
503-988-5035. Apply for job
#8274-05 by January 18, 2008.
M ultnom ah County is actively
recruiting persons from diverse
backgrounds to enhance service
delivery to our diverse community.
Our commitment to exceptional
customer service relies upon a
team-oriented workplace and a
continuous quality improvement
503-823-3291 (office)
503-865-3738 (fax)
sperod@pdc.us (email)
Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the above address no
later than 3:00 PM (PST) on Thursday, February 7,2008. Faxed or email
Proposals copies will not be accepted.
Contractors who are certified as Minority, Women or Emerging Small
Business are strongly encouraged to apply. Contractors are also
recommended to utilize Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Business
Enterprises for their subcontracting needs. Portland Development
Commission greatly values diversity in contracting and in the workforce,
and encourages its contractors to do the same.
Bid Due: January 23,2008 - 2:00 p.m.
Coburn, RN, DNS at 503-288-
5967. Fernhill Estates, LLC
To Place Your
Classified Advertisement
1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204
To a cce ss the c o m p le te jo b
an n o u n ce m e n t and requ ired
application m aterials, visit our
website at www.metroregion.org/
jobs or pick up a complete packet
at Metro Human Resources, 600
NE Grand Ave., Portland.
Oregon State University
Langton Hall Pool Renovation
Building Discounts!
Bureau of Purchases
36' X 36' - 100' X 100'
Others Available
Up to 50% off
Can Erect
Phone: 503-709-4558
City of Portland
C.N.A. needed. Contact Donna
Break-through Show
M e tro p o lita n R e c re a tio n -
Exposition Commission. $62,400
- $93,600, annually. Resum e
review will begin 1/30/08. This
position perform s a variety of
generalist duties, providing direct
support to managers, supervisors
and employees and coordinating
the services provided by the Metro
Human Resources department
and th e O ffic e o f th e M etro
January 10, 2 0 0 8
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) # 07-18
The University of Oregon is an EO/
AA/ADA institution committed to
cultural diversity.
Special Steel Buildings
Human Resources M anager.
An Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r
Flexible Service Contracts (As Needed Basis)
Compensation: The remuneration
for the p o sitio n is based on
qualifications and expertise and
ranges from $29,000 to $35,000
plus a furnished apartment, meal
plan during the time the halls are
open, and Officer of Administra­
tion benefits, including medical
in s u ra n c e , re tire m e n t, and
reduced tuition.
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for
valuable information on how to do business with the City, please
log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
2211 NW Professional Drive, Suite 201
Corvallis, OR 97330
Phone: 541.230.0456 (cell) • 541.752.0381 x302 (office)
Fax: 541.752.0472 • 541.752.0854 • CCB #166612
We are an equal opportunity employer & request bids from all interested
firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, emerging small
businesses & veterans owned businesses.
Plans located at: DJC Plan Center, Eugene Builders Exchange, Salem
Contractors Exchange. McGraw-Hill, Central Oregon Builders
Exchange, Douglas County Plan Center, Willamette Valley Bid
Center, Oregon Plan Center, Reed Construction Dale and Greenberry
Construction office.
Interested parties can contact Greenberry Construction LLC to
obtain inform ation on bonding, line cre d it and insurance
requirements by OUS.
These are just a few of the current job openings available
with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement
listing, application forms, and additional job information are v
available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or
b) the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State
of Oregon offers employees com petitive salaries and
comprehensive benefits that include employer paid health
insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave,
membership in the Oregon Public Service
Retirement Plan (OPSRP): and opportunities to
participate in the Oregon Savings Growth Plan.
The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud * Jr '
to be equal opportunity employers.
overall financial reporting activities o f the agency, provide expert technical
consultation on all m atters related to financial reporting and internal
controls and supervise accounting technicians for AR/AP and payroll.
Candidates m ust have a CPA and 2 years o f professional accounting
experience OR 4 years of professional accounting experience AND either
a bach elor's degree in accou nting or ano ther related discipline,
supplemented by accounting education and experience. Salary is $3,735 -
$5.4 9 5 /m o n th . Preference may be given to candidates who have state
government accounting systems experience. You may obtain the required
State application (PD100) and view full job Announcement #LE 080010 at
www.oregonjobs.org. Mail, deliver or fax your completed application by
January 25 to: Human Resources. Oregon State Board of Nursing 17938
SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd.. Portland OR 97232: fax 9 7 1 6 7 3 0 6 8 1 .
ODOT People drive Oregons Departm ent of Transportation. If great
benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation, and career growth
opportunity drive you. then com e to ODOT Current recruitments include:
• Inspector
$ 3 ,0 6 9 $4.6 0 4 /m o n th
Announcem ent «0CDT7578
• Inspector
Department of Environmental Quality Director
Are you a leader interested in m aking an impact on how Oregon
adm inisters and enforces laws regulating air, water, and land pollution? If
so. consider this opportunity with the State of Oregon as its next Director
For further inform ation, please see our website at www oregonjobs.org or
call 503-373-7677 and refer to Announcem ent HES340001 This position
is located in Portland. Oregon. Salary is negotiable up to $136,320/year.
If Interested, please apply now, as this recruitment may close at any time.
The State of Oregon and DEQ are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer
Accountant 3
0S8N is recruiting for a full-time Accountant 3 in Tualatin to manage the
$ 2 ,6 5 3 - $ 3 ,9 8 5 /m o n th
Announcem ent A0CDT7580
• Pavement Marklng/Slgn Supervisor
$ 2 ,9 2 9 - $4,310/m onth
Announcem ent AOCDT7445A
Building Careen. Bridging the Future.
Detailed job announcem ents include qualifications, requirements, and
instructions on how to apply for these jobs. To apply online go to:
www.odotjobs.com or to request inform ation by mail, call 5 0 3 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 .
[TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 , 1 8 0 0 9 9 3 8 8 9 8 ) Announcements will be made
available in alternate form at upon r e q u e s t ODOT is proud to operate as
an Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer
r e g o n J o b s .o r g