Page B9 January 9, 2008 1111 III 11111 1111111111111111111111111 III 11111 t ill 111H1111 III 11 II 11 In I Neighborhood In light of the legacy of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., do you think that we are moving forward in terms of equality and civil rights? C ompiled by C harity P k viek ami R ay mono R i W ORKING FOR EQUALITY IN HEALTHCARE m ii . emas There's been progress, but our society is historically based on racist and classist policies and there continues to still be undertones of segregation in the workplace and many other social avenues. — Kai GrifTin-Valade I think that we can say so since we have an African American running for the presidency that actually has a chance of winning. However our culture still needs to continue to work on address­ ing the issue of social inequality. — Tony Thach continued yf on page H1 1 We believe that everyone should enjoy the best healthcare available As the only local and community- owned nonprofit health system, Legacy Health System takes a leading role in raising the health status of all in our community. In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we think it is fitting to look at the role we play in addressing health disparities We support dozens of efforts aimed at improving the health of people of racial and ethnic diversity Such steps as • Helping cooks at Peninsula Children's Center in North Portland prevent childhood obesity Partnering with the African American Health Coalition regarding diabetes management • Supporting a program from Self Enhancement Inc. that provides preventive dental care to youth who have not had regular visits to dentists • Providing a diverse workplace to reflect the communities we serve In addition, we provide more than $127 million in health services to people with limited ability to pay For more information on Legacy's work in the community, sec w w w . Legacy Health System Health System Legacy Health System, a nonprofit organization, include» Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. Emanuel Children's Hospital. Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center. Meridian Perk Hospital. Mount Hood Medical Center. Salmon Creek Hospital. Legacy Clinics and CareMark/Managed Healthcare Northwest PPO. ©2008 AD-0160 I think of it more as two steps forward, one step back. There's a burgeoning black middle class. There are African Americans in positions of authority at major companies. And Barack Obama is a serious contender for president. But blacks still lag far behind whites in income earned. African-American stu­ dents score much lower on educational tests than white students. Our neighborhoods and schools in Portland still remain largely segregated by race and economics. — Dave Austin lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Rosa Parks speaks to the crowd before King's address on the triumphs and pitfalls o f the modern civil-rights movement. 1 Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. make it better Q p o r t l a n d t r a il b l a z e r s Join the Trail Blazers in honoring Martin Luther King Jr. “ It’s amazing to think that one man accomplished so much w ith a dream. Martin Luther King’s example has made me a better man and inspired me to work hard to pursue my dreams and help others achieve theirs." Brandon Roy #7 The new Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee chairman Stokely Carmichael proclaims a "black power" slogan at the rally in Greenwood on June 16, six weeks after his independent voting effort in Londes County was either scorned or ignored. ( To learn more about how you can make it better together w ith the Trail Blazers visit /m ake it better