M a riin L uther K ing J r . January 9, 2008 sp ecia l edilion _________ Page B8 African American Chamber of Commerce www.blackchamber.info Eleza F. F aiso n Owner of A.J. Java Faye B u rch A d rie n n e N e lso n B a ru ti A rth a re e M a rio D e P rie s t C o ri S te w a rt Dr. W.G. H ardy F.M. Burch and Associates Circuit Court Judge Providence Health Systems Entertainer - Vocalist Owner of Avalon Flowers Highland United Church C h a rle s 4. W ilh o ite C h a rle s Jordan C h a rles M cG ee C h a rles W a sh in g ton E arl Ford C o rlis s M c K e e v e r D a n ie l B e rn s tin e Dr. C alvin 0 . H enry Partner and Director Willamette Management Associates Former Portland City Commissioner Charles A. McGee Coordinator. Black Parent Initiative Publisher Portland Observer Newspaper NAACP President Vancouver Washington President - African American Health Coalition President Portland State University Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs D e e n a P ie ro tt A a ro n J o h n so n D r.A lg ie G a te w o o d A d rie n n e L iv in g s to n C a rl T aiton H a ro ld J o h n s o n H a n k M ig g in s D e rric k F oxw orth Portland Chapter President ■ National Forum Black Public Administrators Policy Advisor ■ Office of Commissioner Randy Leonard City of Portland President of Portland Community College Cascade Campus Interim Director - Black United Fund of Oregon Chairman Portland Family of Funds Business Development Manager Office Depot Business Services Division Discover Mortgage - Citizens Crime Review Committee President and CEO of Self Enhancement. Inc. Small Business Marketing Coordinator - City of Portland Bureau of Purchases Cascade AIDS Project Community Activist & Mentor Joan B row n-K line Joe N u n n Vera P o o le M e lv in D. Oden-Orr K a i J. R o b e rts o n H a ro ld W illia m s Principal attorney - Oden-Orr, LLC. Director of EMT Program Portland Community College Portland Community College Board Member Portland Police Commander ■ Southeast Precinct Frank T h o m p so n Garfield de Bardelaben, Ph.D. G e ra ld Baugh Correctional Superintendent Santlam and Mill Creek Correctional Facilities Founding Principal of Interpersonal Relations International. LLC Manager of Business Development City of Vancouver WA J a m e s Taylor Tony H o p so n Is s a c E. Dixon, SPHR J a m a a l F olsom Unitus Community Credit Union. VP Human Resources Assistant to Commissioner Erik Sten - City of Portland Vice President - Commercial Real Estate. Bank of Clark County Commission Executive Director Girl Scouts Greater Portland-Vancouver Area Retired Educator / Chair Educational Committee AACCO Multnomah County Sheriffs Department L o re tta S m ith M e lv in 0 . B ro a d o u s B o b b ie D ore ' F o s te r R o b e rt B o ye r R o a n n e H arris B e rn ie F o s te r R o g e r G roves K a y Toran President and CEO of Volunteers of America Oregon Publisher - The Skanner News Group Field Representative U.S. Senator Ron Wyden The Skanner Newspaper Group Portland-Seattle Community Activist.Union Rep. Former State Senator Professor - Lewis & Clark Law School Senior Credit Analysis Boeing Federal Employees Credit Union Broker - Remai Equity Group Realtors n Ék. K e ith E dw ards Joyce H a rris M ic h e lle H a rp e r N a th a n H a m ilto n O bo Addy R o b e rt W illia m s L o u F re d e ric k P a u l K n a u ls Writer Host of Web and Satellite Science Series: “Rediscovering Biology" International Rep for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Director of the Equity Center at Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory City Wide Collaborative Services Manager Portland Parks & Recreation African American Chamber Leaders of the Future Marketing Executive - Coca Cola Co-founder/Artlstlc Director of Homowo African Arts & Cultures Member of the Metropolitan Tri County Transportation Board (Tri-Met) Co-owner with wife Geneva of Genevas Shear Perfection Barber and Beauty Salon Í Yugep Farden R a sh a d S. R enee M itc h e ll S.H . W a tkin s, Sr. S a m B ro o k s V icki B e ll Program Coordinator African American Tobacco Prevention Education Network. UfeWorks N Oregonian Columnist ■ Poet - Author - Battered Women’s Activist Owner - Watkins PC Services Publisher JazzUSA.Com and BlackUSA.Com President - S. Brooks & Associates Broker. Vicki Bell Real Estate Services S heryl A. D ash D e nyse P e te rs o n M a rc u s H a m ilto n R ita M cC a in -W a lke r Human Resource Analyst OHS Recruitment & Retention Legislative Assistant to Senator Avel Gordly Actor Homeownershlp Coord. Neighborhood Housing Program Deputy Director Oregon Liquor Control Commission Controller Hilton Hotels R oy Jay R o sa C o lq u itt Americans United for the Success of Af. Americans Inc. Wash. County Com. Chaplain President - African American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon President and CEO Akill Training Associates G reg B row n K a ra n ja C rew s President of Speak Life Education and Consulting O p h e lia M o o re Albina Community Bank J o e l B a rk e r J e w e ll Logan L o le n to P oe V e m e ll W e st S e n a to r A vel G o rd ly Vicki N a k a s h im a S e n a to r M a rg a re t C a rte r Broker Pete Anderson Realty Multnomah County President VWest Consulting State of Oregon Founder of Diversity N.W. State of Oregon I I