Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 02, 2008, Page 8, Image 8

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C lassifieds / B ids
Advertise in
Il't Portiani» OTbaeruer
G overnment
ODOT People drive O regon's Departm ent of Transportation. If great
benefits, a professional work environm ent, jo b innovation, and
career growth opportunity drive you, then com e to ODOT. Current
recruitm ents include:
The Port of Portland is a regional governm ent operating airports,
marine term inals and industrial parks in the greater Portland
metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing com petitive
cargo and passenger access to world m arkets w hile enhancing
the region's quality of life.
The Port of Portland is an AA/EE O em p lo ye r com m itted to
workforce diversity and affirm ative action.
Announcem ent #OCDT7663 Portland
• Developer/Analyst; Salary $3,907 $5,647/m onthly
Announcem ent #OCDT7615 Salem
• System s Developer/Software Tester; Salary $3,654 - $5,276/
m onthly
Announcem ent #OCDT7614 Salem
• Traffic M anager; Salary $4,754 $7,350/m onthly
Announcem ent #OCDT7664 Salem
• Laboratory Services Manager; Salary $4,308 - $6,675/m onthly
Announcem ent #0CDT7669 Salem
Announcem ent #OCDT7668 Salem
Building Careers, Bridging the Future.
Detailed job announcements include qualifications, requirements,
and instructions on how to apply for these jobs. To apply on-line go to:
www.odotjobs.com or to request information by mail, call 503-986-
4030, [TTY 503-986-3854,1-800-993-8898], Announcem ents will
be made available in alternate format upon request. ODOT is proud to
operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
Portland Development Commission
The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon
Portland is internationally recognized for its qua lity o f life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system . Playing a
key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of Am erica's most livable
cities is the Portland Developm ent Com m ission's mission. PDC
is the City's urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together
resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e're currently looking
for qualified individuals to com plem ent our w orkforce for the
following positions:
GIS Research - Student Employee
Senior Administrative Specialist ( Housing)
C .N .A 's needed evening and night
but have a trem endous shortage
o f stylists, in fa ct only 2 have
stepped forward to help to date.
Stylists are encouraged to please
com e and volunteer their time so
th a t w e do not h a ve a lot of
children who will not be able to
re ce iv e th e ir FR EE C h ris tm a s
Estates, LLC
The FREE Haircuts are on Monday,
Christm as Eve day from 10-3pm
for youth up to age 16.
At The Salvation Arm y at Moore
S tre e t a t 5 3 2 5 N. W illia m s
Contact person is Nin Dickinson
5 0 3 -4 2 1 -7 3 2 2
o r 5 0 3 -2 8 3 -
4905 nindickson@hotm ail.com
Or C h e ryl Fuqua at 5 0 3 -4 9 3 -
C h e ry l F u a u a @ u s w .
The Marie Smith Health & Social
Center in N/NE Portland is hiring
fo r a Full Tim e (te m p o ra ry - 4
m o n th s ) C e rtifie d N u rs in g
Assistant. Must have medication
a dm inistra tio n expe rien ce and
2+ years experience working with
the disabled elderly population.
Daytime hours, no weekends!! $10/
hour. Send or drop off resume/
application to VOA Oregon 3910
SE Stark St Portland, OR 97214
Attn: MSC Program Director. See
fu ll jo b p o s tin g o n lin e at
Senior Administrative Specialist-Target Industries
(Economic Development)
Senior Accountant
Central City Housing Inventory-Student
Small Business Advisory Council-Student
Web Content Coordinator
W e offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep
PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values
diversity in its work force and is com m itted to
Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action.
Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs
Portland Developm ent Com m ission,
222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
W a r n e r P a c i f i c C o lle g e , a
Christian Liberal Arts college, is
seeking a Director of Urban Studies
and a Maintenance Technician II.
P le a s e g o to w w w .w a rn e r
pacific.edu for jo b specifications
and d eta ils. The M a inte na nce
Technician must have experience
in repair of HVAC, mechanical, and
p lu m b in g system s, as w ell as
gen e ra l b u ild in g m a in ten a n ce
experience. If interested, e-mail
ré s u m é a nd a p p lic a tio n to :
kaguilar@ w arnerpacific.edu.
Portland State University
N orth P ortland B ible C ollege
4905 N. Vancouver Ave.. Portland, OR 97217
W in te r 2008 Schedule; January 7 - March 20
Classes lo enhance ministry, lor anyone, any morning or night
Monday Morning (9:00 - 12 noon)
• OT 204 Israel’s Judges and Prophets I Alim Cushway. ThM. M.Div.)
Prophetic m inistry in the history o f Israel
• OTS 102 *O ld Testament Survey, II (Jim Sellers. M.Div.)
I Kings through Song o f Solomon
• CH 203 ‘ Church History (David Brown. M.Div.)
The Reformation to the Modern Era
• HI I02 ‘ Bible Interpretation (G eoff Hurtt. M.Div.)
Study and use o f the basic principles o f interpreting the Scriptures
• CE 102 ‘ Educational Ministries o f the Church (James Sweeney, D.D.)
Explore the educational responsibilities o f the contemporary church
including goals, curriculum, outreach, organization
• NT 102 ’ New Testament Survey II (Roh Robinson. D M .)
Acts through Philemon
Thursday Morning (9:110 - 12 noon)
• NT 115 The Sermon on the Mount (Deborah l-oyd, M.A.E.T.)
Study Jesus’ most famous sermon with practical application to
Christian Ethics today.
• UM 203 ‘ Ministries to Urban Children (l.inda Thompson. MSW)
Programs, strategies for meeting the needs ot children in the urban
• PM 205 ‘ Christian Ethics (Deborah l.oyd. M.A.E.T.)
Address contemporary social justice issues.
Saturday Morning (9:00 - 12 noonl
• CiRK 102 Greek Grammar (Daniel Willard. HA NT)
Building vocabulary and memorizing verbal paradigms Greek/Bible TH.
Director of Student Activities and
Leadership Programs
PSU is seeking an experienced
p ro fe s s io n a l
le a d
com prehensive co-curricular and
leadership developm ent program
that serves PSU’s diverse student
population. Director will supervise
professional and student staff and
have fiscal resp onsibility for a
budget of over $1.5 million.
C a n d id a te s m u s t p o s s e s s a
M a s te rs d e g re e in h ig h e r
education or a related field and a
m in im u m o f th re e y e a rs o f
experience in student activities
and leadership developm ent.
a c o m p le te
lis t
requirements, a detailed position
description, and instructions on
h ow to a p p ly p le a s e v is it
w w w .h rc.p d x.e d u or ca ll 5 0 3 -
Portland State U n iversity is an
A ffirm a tiv e
A c tio n ,
O p p o rtu n ity in stitu tion and, in
k e e p in g w ith th e P re s id e n t's
d iv e rs ity in itia tiv e , w e lc o m e s
a p p lic a tio n s fro m
d iv e rs e
candidates and candidates who
support diversity
A ll evening classes are from 6:30 - 9:30pm. * Tuition: $120 per course
‘ Required for the ACM degree in Christian Ministry.
Training the Teaehvr/Menlor Courses for Evelyn Collins
Christian Academy (classes are I credit each)
Classes are from 9:00am
• CE 103 Philosophy o f Education (Jan. 12. 19. 26)
(Deborah M iller. Eid.D.)
• C EI04 Child and Character Development (Eeb. 23. Mar l. 8)
(Nike Greene. II A. in C.E)
• CE 105 Classroom organization and Management (Feb. 2.9,16)
(Dion Jordan. M A. in C.E.)
• MU 080 Basic Piano (Individual/Group lessons) t/e ta Burton. H A.)
M o n d a yb y appointment only, call 503-709-2905.
Bureau of Purchases
1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204
503 -82 3 -6 8 55
We are exp ectin g several
hundred children to come for
their FREE Christmas Haircuts
• Pavem ents Field Crew; Salary $2,099 - $3,117/m onthly
City of Portland
To view current jo b openings and to access the application form,
visit the Port's website at w ww.portofportland.com or call (503)
• M otor Carrier Auditor; Salary $3,135 • $4,570/m onthly
Announcem ent #OCDT7726 Springfield
• Region Construction Engineer; Salary $5,238 • $8,106/m onthly
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for
valuable inform ation on how to do business with the City, please
log on to the Bureau of Purchases W eb Page:
wwwjortlandonllne .c o m /o m f/p urchasing
lanuary 2. 2008
To Place Your
Classified Advertisement
shifts. Contact Donna Coburn, RN,
DNS at 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -5 9 6 7 . Fernhill
Register Guard and Chronicle
The University of Oregon Housing
Departm ent invites applications
fo r an A s s is ta n t D ire c to r of
Academic Initiatives. This position
is a twelve-m onth, fixed term, full­
tim e renewable appointm ent as
an Officer of Adm inistration. This
position is expected to teach at
the University of Oregon; therefore
a reduction of salary will occur
w hen teaching. The A ssista nt
Director of Academ ic Initiatives is
re s p o n s ib le
fo r
fo s te rin g
in te lle ctu a l s tim u la tio n in the
residence halls by draw ing upon
the academ ic resources offered
by th e fa cu lty and th a t o f th e
research university and the larger
community. The Assistant Director
w orks w ith the R esidence Life
sta ff and students to organize
com m unity conversation panels
six tim es throughout the term in
th e H a m ilto n and W a lto n
C o m p le x e s .
T h e A s s is ta n t
Director co-supervises an Officer
of Administration position with the
o th e r A s s is ta n t D ire c to r o f
R esidence Life. The Assistant
Director, along with the Program
C o o rd in a to r, c o -a d v is e s th e
Ham ilton Think Tank (HTT) and
W alton A d viso ry Board (W AB),
which are groups of students who
are c o m m itte d to s tim u la tin g
intellectual curiosity. The HTT and
W AB work with residence life staff
to d e ve lo p and sp o n so r other
programs. The Assistant Director
is supervised by the Director of
Residence Life. The Assista nt
Director is a key m em ber of the
R e s id e n c e
s ta ff.
Q u a lific a tio n s : PhD re q u ire d ;
teaching experience at the college
level with evidence o f superior
teaching evaluations; experience
in organizing programs; familiarity
with residence hall living; and
dem onstrated ability to work with
students, faculty m em bers, and
s ta ff fro m d iv e rs e g ro u p s .
C o m p e n sa tio n : Annual sa la ry
range $50,000 - $54,000 with a
h ig h ly c o m p e titiv e b e n e fits
package. Priority screening will
begin on January 15, 2008, and
position will be open until filled.
To a p p ly , s e n d c o v e r le tte r;
resum e; the names, addresses,
and p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e
references to (e-mail submissions
Lou Vijayakar
Assistant Director of Residence
University Housing
University of Oregon
1220 University Housing
Eugene, OR 97403
An equal opportunity, affirmative action
institution committed to cultural
diversity and compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Cam as, Office of the
Finance Departm ent, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Cam as, W ashington,
until 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, January 29, 2008 and will then and
there be publicly read for the construction of the im provem ent.
All bid proposals shall be accom panied by a bid proposal deposit
in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an
am ount equal to five percent (5%) of the am ount of such bid
proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such
contract and furnish satisfactory perform ance bond within the
tim e stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall
be forfeited to the City of Camas.
Inform ational copies of maps, plans, and specifications are on
file for inspection in the Public W orks Departm ent, located at
616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, W ashington. Plans and Specifications
will be available after 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 2,2008. Plans
and S p e cifica tio n s m ay be purchased for $ 25 .00 ($27.05
including tax), which is non-refundable.
The im provem ent for which bids will be received follows:
Bid opening at 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, January 29,2008.
This contract provides for removing and installing handicap curb ramps,
concrete curbs, driveway approaches, sidewalks, retaining walls, culvert
extensions, and other related items. All work is in accordance with the
attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions, and the Standard
This project is financed through the Com m unity Developm ent
Block Grant Program with funds obtained from the U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Developm ent. The Contract is subject to
regulations of the Departm ents of Labor, and Housing and Urban
Attention is called to Federal provisions for equal em ploym ent
opportunity, HUD Section 3 Requirem ents, and the minimum
Davis-Bacon wages as set forth in the Contract Docum ents.
For questions please contact City of Cam as, Anita Ashton, (360)
817-1561, ext. 4231.
The City of Cam as reserves the right to reject any or all proposals
if found to be higher than the estim ated cost and to waive any
form ality or technicality in any proposal in the interest of the City.
Joan M. Durgin, City Clerk
State Farm®
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper A ffetti
We moved to our new location at:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
3(H) N. Killingsworth
(503) 286-1339
Fax (503) 286-7088
S 1 — off Any Dinner
Best tasting Fish in town
•4 Burger and Fries $2.99
Melt in your mouth PhillySteak
—.on °
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-m ail: classifieds@
Job H o tlin e : 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -5 0 3 5
TTY: 5 0 3 -9 8 8 - 5 1 7 0
an equal opportunity employer