Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 02, 2008, Page 6, Image 6

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    lanuary 2, 2008
Page A6
Medical Clinics Expand Care to Needy
ongoing care even when the per­
son feels no sym ptom s if th ey ’re to
avoid heart attacks, strokes, kid­
ney failure and am putations.
Clinics require a special trip, a
long wait, perhaps a baby sitter,
annoyances for the w ell-to-do but
huge obstacles for som eone who
must take three buses to reach the
doctor or who loses a day o f pay for
the tim e off.
C onsequently, “they only come
when they’re out o f m edicines or
have symptoms. It’s so frustrat­
ing,” says Dr. Jim Sanders o f the
Medical C ollege of W isconsin.
So specialists increasingly are
seeking other ways to address glar­
ing disparities in U.S. health care,
by taking care directly to where the
people who need it most hang out.
Churches nationw ide are offer­
ing blood pressure screening days
and health fairs. Projects in num er­
ous states are teaching barbers and
beauticians how to teach their cus­
tom ers about stroke sym ptom s or
to encourage a m am m ogram while
giving a haircut.
Baltim ore health officials are
debating expanding the concept,
with a proposal to offer blood pres­
sure testing in 1 (X) hair salons and
b a rb e rsh o p s in n eig h b o rh o o d s
with high rates o f heart disease.
In M ilw aukee, C o lu m b ia St.
At food
pantries, other
gathering spots
(A P , - An out-of-w ork David
T hom as w alked into a food pantry
ju s t seeking groceries. T hom as
learned he w as a stroke waiting to
happen and go, blood pressure
m edicine along with his bread.
Food pantries have long aimed
to help heal hunger. A new project
aim s to see how well they can help
heal high blood pressure, diabetes
and other ailm ents, too.
It’s part o f a grow ing movement
to offer m edical care for the poor
and uninsured in the places where
they regularly gather.
“W e’re taking a window of o p ­
p o rtu n ity a p p ro a c h ,” says Bill
Solberg, director o f com m unity ser­
vices forC olum bia St. M ary’s H os­
pital in M ilwaukee, Wise, which co-
founded the food pantry project.
"W e know we can see these people
once a m onth.”
D espite an increasing num ber of
free m edical clinics, treatm ent is
hard for the needy to track down.
T h a t’s e s p e c ia lly tru e fo r the
nation’s top health problem s —
high blood pressure, diabetes and
high cholesterol — that require
David Thomas gets his blood pressure checked at a health clinic that works with a food pantry in
Milwaukee, Wise. While there, he learned he was a prime candidate for a stroke. (AP photo)
M ary' s and the medical college aim
to provide scientific evidence that
“chronic disease m anagem ent" —
ongoing wellness care — can sig­
nificantly im prove food pantry us­
ers’ health in nine months.
T he targets: High blood pres­
sure, diabetes, high cholesterol,
obesity and smoking. The plan:
Nurses will screen users o f three
food pantries for those health con­
ditions when they com e in for free
groceries. Those with problems can
get treated on the spot, with ongo­
ing care as needed.
And because four o f those con­
ditions are diet-related, patients also
will get nutrition education: C ook­
ing classes in the p an try 's kitchen
and tips to m ake the often carbohy­
drate- and salt-heavy food-hank
staples a little healthier. Medical
students will be sent shopping with
patients, helping with things like
label-checking for salt.
Sadly, high-carb and high-fat
foods tend to be a lot cheaper than
fresh produce, and many o f these
families feed four for a month on
$250, Sanders says.
"Try to talk them into a head o f
broccoli. It’s going to be an eye-
Thom as, 47, learned his blood
pressure was a sky-high 194 over
124 w hile visiting the project’s ini­
tial food pantry clinic. A nurse told
him he was at high risk fo ra stroke,
and he agreed to treatment. Her
w arnings really sank in days later,
when a m eatpacking plant checked
his health as part o f a jo b interview ,
and said h e'd be hired only after his
hypertension was controlled.
Five days after starting pantry-
provided pills, T hom as’ blood pres­
sure was dropping fast.
"This clinic is going to bring jo y
to the w hole neighborhood,” he
The program, which aims to treat
2,500 patients over three years, is
funded by a $450,000 grant from a
charity, but patients are expected
to contribute for m edications if at
all possible. Sanders predicts that
for $4 or $5, a m onth’s supply o f
generic hypertensionorcholesterol
medic i ne wi 11 be adeq uate for m ost.
T he seriously ill will be sent out for
more advanced care, and nurses
will enroll patients w hoqualify into
M edicaid or other health programs.
H ealth W atch
Fam ilies L iving W ith M ental Illness — A free 12-
week life changing course designed for the family of
mentally ill family m em bers, teaching coping skills,
how to deal with crisis and relapse and more, begins
Jan. 10, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. T o register, call 503-890-
S m o k e-F ree S u p p o rt G ro u p - meets M ondays, 7
p.m. to8 p.m. For more information,call 503-256-4000.
V eg etarian S ta r te r K it - Healthy vegetarian eating
made easier with inform ational resources, samples,
coupons and delicious recipes. Kits are $7.50 each
(includes shipping). T o order, call 503-256-4000.
B reastfeeding P re p aratio n -Thursday. Jan. 10, from
6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., this class is prepare expectant
p a re n ts on the s tra te g ie s and te c h n iq u e s o f
breastfeeding; $42 fee percouple, to registercall 503-
B a b y sittin g T ra in in g -T h u rsd a y ,Ja n .3 fro m 9 a m.
to 4:30 p.m., the Youth Em ploym ent Institute, 1704
N.E. 26th, will host the first aid training class partici­
pants will receive a first aid kit; $40 fee. T o register, call
F ree B od y B asics - This physician recom m ended
class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions.
Plan to attend this one-session class and learn the
simple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretch­
ing. Call 503-256-4000 to regi ster.
F o r B ig B ro th ers & B ig S ister-T o -B e -- Saturday,
Jan. 19,from 10a.m .to 11 a.m., special sibling class for
children ages 3 to 6 helping to prepare for their role as
an o ld ersib lin g ;$ 2 0 fe e (2 a d u lts, I child), to register
call 503-574-6595.
A d u lt C P R /F irst A id C la ss — Friday, Jan. 4, from 9
M a m m o g r a p h y S c r e e n in g — Early d etectio n is a
C a r d ia c -R e h a b E x e r c ise C la s s e s - A m ed ically
key facto r in the p rev en tio n o f breast can cer. Call
5 0 3 -2 5 1 -6 1 3 7 to sch ed u le y o u r h ig h -tech , soft-
touch m am m ogram .
su p erv ised ex e rcise p rogram fo r peo p le d ealin g
w ith h eart co n d itio n s. For m ore in fo rm atio n , call
M a n a g in g C h ron ic H ep atitis C - - T hird W ednesday
o f each month at 5 p.m., the inform ative session led by
a registered nurse to help m anage side effects o f
medications and dosage preparations and adm inis­
tration; doctors referral required to registercall 503-
L eg A lert S cree n in g - Check for peripheral arterial
disease with this safe, sim ple screening using ankle
and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. T o schedule
an appointment, call 503-251-6137.
a.m. to 3:15 p.m., the Youth Em ploym ent Institute,
1704 N.E. 26th Ave., will host the adult training class
participants will receive a first aid kit; $47 fee. To
register.call 503-888-2756.
M a tern ity W ater W ork ou t - Helping new moms
regain muscle tone, strength, and flexibility, all in the
support and freedom o f the water. Call 503-256-4000
for more information.
N ew b o rn C are - Saturday, Jan. 19, from noon to 5
T en d erfo o t C are - Treat your feet with a soak, nail
p.m., expectant parents will learn tips and techniques
for caring for their new born; $45 fee per couple. To
registercall 503-574-6595.
trim, buffing and massage from a licensed nurse al one
o f six clinics or at your home. Call 503-251 -6303 for
more information.
W elco m e to M ed ica re -- M ake inform ed M edicare
choices, attend the free class to explain M edicare
options, Jan. 17, and Feb. 21, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at
the Bruning Center in G resham , 1484N .W . Civic Dr.
For registration inform ation, call 5 0 3 -4 9 1 -7572.
N u tritio n a l S em in a rs - New Seasons M arket is
presenting a series o f nutritional sem inars at various
store locations along with a nutritional help line. For
m o re in f o rm a tio n , e m a il a s k th e n u tr itio n is t
@ new seasonsm arket.com .
O steo p o ro sis S creen in g — An ultrasound bone den­
S e n io r A e r o b ic s — A lo w -im p act w orkout geared
sity screening with personalized education; fee $30.
T o schedule an appointm ent, call 503-261 -6 6 11.
specifically tow ard seniors. Call 5 0 3-449-0783 for
cu rren t schedule.
C a n c e r R e so u rce C e n te r - Providence St. V incent
M edical C en ter and the A m erican Red C ro ss have
jo in e d forces to create the first in -h o sp ital re ­
source cen ter p ro v id in g books, prin ted m aterial,
co m p u ter access and m ore for in d iv id u als and
fam ilies d ealin g w ith cancer. T he ce n te r is c u r­
ren tly open M onday through T h u rsd ay , 9 a.m .
to 4 p.m.
Thanks Portland
Com munity!!!
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Thank you: A Happy and healthy
New Year to our great patients.
Only nature creates and only na­
ture can truly heal.
W e look forw ard to continue
se rv in g th o se o f you w h o ’ve
m ade the natural selection: C h i­
ropractic. T he only m ajo r health
science w hose only side effects
arc im proved h ealth and g reater
P a r e n tin g C la sse s — N ew borns d o n ’t com e w ith
in stru ctio n m an u als but parents and paren ts-to -
be can learn ab o u t a v ariety o f to p ics from pain and
ch ild b irth to b reastfeed in g to infant CPR and m uch
m ore. For a sch ed u le o f ev en ts, call 503-5 7 4 -6 5 9 5
o r visit: p ro v id en c e.o rg /cla sses.
____________ THE____________
Now is the season to reflect on
the events o f the past year and
look ahead to al I the New Year has
to offer. This past year has cer­
tainly been a happy one for all of
us. W e’ve had so m any kind and
w onderful patients.
T o all o f you, “thank you.” We
appreciate your courtesy and your
zeal to share with friends how
C hiropractic’s natural healing has
helped you. It is really exciting to
have more and more people aware
o f the healing pow er o f nature.
S tro k e A lert S cree n in g - Check your carotid arter­
ies with a painless ultrasound to assess your risk; fee
$40. To schedule a screening, call 503-251-6137.
Years on the Corner
sense o f w ell-b ein g . If you ev er
have any q u estio n s ab o u t y o u r
h ealth or about any o f o u r m any
serv ices, w e ’ll alw ays be happy
to help.
A gain, we w ish you co n tin ­
ued health th ro u g h o u t the co m ­
ing N ew Year.
Thanks Chuck Hinton
Portland Style BBQ
* Let Us Cater Your Next Event *
Catering & Take-Out
Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q
Wayne Cannon - Proprietor
Mon.Thu. 11:30 a m. 9:00 p.m. • Frt.-Sat. 11:30 a m.-11:00 p.m.
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5410 N.E. 33rd
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212
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200 N.E. 20"’ Ave., Ste 1 (X)
Portland, OR 97232
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Medical Office
Degrees Offered
If you are in terested in a m ed i­
cal p ro fessio n but p refer an o f­
fice settin g , the M edical O ffice
S p ecialist p ro g ram s at M t. H ood
C om m unity C ollege can teach you
the skills you need for the career
you w ant.
A M edical O ffice S p ecialist as
an A d m in istrativ e S ecretary will
gain skills in patien t relations,
recep tio n , m edical records, c o m ­
pu ters, sch ed u lin g , co ding and
b illing. T his o p tion appeals to
one w ho en jo y s helping people,
w ants to w ork in a professional
settin g and p refers a v ariety o f
jo b assig n m en ts.
A M edical O ffice S p ecialist in
A cco u n tin g co n cen trates on ac­
counts receivable, billing and co l­
lection p ro ced u res, patien t and
in su ran ce reco rd keep in g , and
b u d g et and financial records.
A M edical O ffice S p ecialist in
M an ag em en t p rep ares to o v er­
see a h ealth care facility hy learn ­
ing how to lead people and m an ­
age o ffice o p eratio n s. T he M an­
ag em en t S p ecialist m ost often
a s p ire s to e v e n tu a lly m an ag e
som e segm ent o f a m edical o rg a­
For general inform ation, e-mail
carole.wickham @ m hcc.edu.
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