Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 02, 2008, Page 5, Image 5

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    urtlanh © b se rlie r____________
lanuary 2. 2008
F ood
By keeping a few o f your favorite recipes and ingredients on hand, yo u 'll never waste
tim e searching fo r a meal idea. Prepare your slow cooker the night before and refrigerate,
o r sim ply toss every thing in first thing in the m orning. Just plug it in and forget about
it! Let it cook all day long and yo u 'll have a delicious meal by evening.
T o increase your 'S low Cooker Sunday' selections the Portland Observer w ill include
a new recipe to add to your collection.
Start a Tradition:
Slow Cooker
Slow Cooker Tips
Slow Cookers: Still Hot!
The fo llo w in g helpful hints w ill help make sure yo u r slow cooker Sunday is a successful one:
• No frozen meats. A lw ays defrost meats and poultry before placing them in a slow cooker.
C om bining unbelievable convenience and good home
cooking, these wondrous appliances are enjoying re­
newed popularity in kitchens around the w orld.
T hrow some ingredients in the pot, turrr it on, and
come home at the end o f the day to a hearty homemade
supper. Here are some hints fo r getting prem ium results
• Smaller chunks. Cut whole chickens and large pieces o f meat into smaller chunks to ensure thorough cooking.
• Layer your ingredients. Vegetables should be placed in the bottom and up the sides o f the pot, then layer in the meat
on top.
• F ill 'er up. It's best to fill a slow cooker to at least one-half and no more than three-fourths fu ll.
• Keep the lid on. Each time you lift the lid yo u 'll lengthen the cooking time, this can be anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes.
from your slow cooker every time.
Convert Your Favorites
You can adapt many con ventional recipes f o r the slow cooker. Any oven
o r stove top recipe that lias some moisture in it—whether water, broth,
wine, sauce, o r canned soup--should w ork b e autifully in y o u r fa v o rite
appliance: ju s t keep these things in m ind:
• Cut all liq u id amounts in h a lf when adjusting fo r the slow cooker.
Ingredients for life.
• The lo w heat setting is approxim ately 200 degrees F(95 degrees C ) and
high heat is about 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).
• For every hour you'd cook something in the oven o r on the stove, allow
8 hours on lo w o r 4 hours on high. (W hen in doubt, turn it on low and
leave it all day o r overnight.)
B o n e le s s
Slow Cooker
Roast Pork
with Fruit
Manor House Boneless
Skinless Chicken Breast
4-ft ReserasItBjg 57.98 m
SAW up It $4 8111
“Imagine, slow
cooker 'n spice
aromatherapy and
dinner ready when you walk in the door after a
hectic day. ”
Ranchers Reserve
Angus Boneless Beef Loin
Hew York Strip Sleak
SAVE no to $5 22 lb
• 1 medium onion, sliced
• I boneless-pork loin roast (2 lbs.)
• 1 8-oz. package dried pears o r dried plums (1 1/2 cups)
1/2 cup
1/2 tsp.
1/2 tsp.
1/4 tsp.
apple ju ice
ground nutmeg
ground cinnamon
Fresh W h ole
Cooked D ungeness
P o rk L o in
S lic e d R ib H a lf
Bone-in. Fresh All natural
with no added ingredients
1. In a 4 to 5-quart slow cooker; place onion on bottom , next the pork;
top w ith fruit.
2. In a small bow l; m ix rem aining ingredients; pour over fruit.
3. Cover; cook on L O W heat setting 7- 9 hours or u n til pork is tender.
VVeuther perm itting
SAVE up to $4 02 lb
Limit 2.
SAVE up lo $1.52 lb
Serve fru it m ixture over pork
Slow Cooker
Chocolate Mocha
Pudding Cake
C h e rr ie s
SAVE up Io $5 111b
Texas R uby R ed
G r a p e fr u its
B ra e b u rn or Fuji
A pples
Club Pfice 33c ea
SAVE up lo 66c ea
SAVE up to 90c lb
"It is truly amazing what you
can create in a slow cooker. ”
• C ooking Spray o r butter fo r pot
• 1 cup all purpose flo u r
• 3/4 cup granulated sugar
• 3 tablespoon plus 1/4 cup un­
sweetened cocoa powder (divided
• 2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
FREE Entrée
la k e yo u r p ic k of any s in g le s e rv e frozen
EATING RIGHT entrée w ith any g ro ce ry o rder delivered by 1 /8 /0 8
• l/2 c u p m ilk
• 3 tablespoon butter, melted and
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1/2 cup bittersw eet chocolate
• 3/4 cup packed golden brown
• 1 2/3 cup hot coffee o r hot water
4 to 6 m Selected <ane, ¡;
Club Pnce 50c et
SAVE up lo $4 00 on 10
w ith butter.
2. In a m ixin g bow l, thoroughly stir together flo u r, granulated sugar, 3
L e a n C u is in e
or E a tin g R igh t
M e a ls
N o rth e rn B ath
T is s u e or B ra w n y
P a p e r T o w e ls
Y o p la it Y og urt
1. Spray inside o f 3 */i to 4 quart slow cooker w ith cooking spray or rub
- i ,
61:I'5 s; McM«««
Selected varieties
n hb PRICE
pr if i
SAVE up to $8 78 on 2
SAVE a* te S17 M n I I
tablespoons o f the cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Stir in the m ilk,
melted butter, vanilla and chocolate chips. Spread this m ixture over the
V i
bottom o f your slow cooker.
3. In another bowl, m ix together brown sugar and remaining l/4cupcocoa
powder. S prinkle cocoa m ixture over the batter, but do not stir it in. Pour
the coffee evenly over all. Again, do not stir.
4. Cover and cook on high heat fo r I 3 /4 to 2 h o u rso ru n tila te ste rin se rte d
in the top portion o f the cake comes out clean. The inside should be hot
and simi lar to fudge sauce. Spoon cake and sauce out o f slow cooker and
arrange next to o r under a very cold scoop o f ice cream. O r i f you prefer,
set the ice cream on top.
S a fe w a y
V a r ie ty B re a d s
12-02 cans
Selected varieties
Plus deposit in Oregon
SAVE up lo $3 90
Selected varelies
Original Homemade Italian Beef
18 Pack Bud,
M i l l e r o r C o o rs
Oder valid Wednesday January 2 thru Tuesday January 8 Minimum $ 10 Purchase
"Best homemade Italian
Beef I have ever had
before. My mom always
made it and passed it down
to me, / think it's just so
good...I wanted everyone to
enjoy it... so please do!!!"
,4 fo /1 0
I *» b au ..... ,2 " '■
January 2 th ru January 8
I Musi B»»' -
l i t Peanut Butter
• 3 pounds beef chuck roast
• 3 ( 1 ounce) packages dry Italian salad dressing m ix
lanuary 2 th ru January 8
Capri Sun Drinks
Hornet Natural
Choice Lunchmeat
• 1 cup water
• I (16 ounce) ja r pepperonconi peppers
• 8 hamburger buns split
w r i t THIIR
1. Place the roast into a slow cooker, and season w ith Italian dressing
2 3
m ix. Pour in the water. Cover, and cook on H igh fo r 6 to 7 hours. D uring
the last hour, shred the meat w ith tw o forks - i f it does not shred easily,
• s tj
fh’ i January I 700R '
) •»- ,4 , .1 r
* juo**
for the
’ circled prices
in this ad and in-store.
Pf, I. Pi
T .I h l i
DOOOO 08818'
« .3 7
Mu«l But 1 —
cook longer.
2. Add the peppers, and as much o f the ju ice as you like fo r additional
flavor. Serve on buns.
2 th ru January 8
General Mills Cereal, Nature Valley Granola Bars a
Betty Crocket Frort Snacks
Great gifts
made simple.