Page A7 December 26, 2007 H ealth MATTERS Red Cross Donors Dream of Vacation Nurse Regina Palmer-Johnson helps Horizon Air employee Mike Higgason with a blood donation at the American Red Cross in north Portland. Between now and Jan. 31, blood-drive donors have the chance to win two round-trip, coach-class airline tickets to anywhere Alaska Airlines or Horizon Air fly thanks to a public-service campaign by the airline. Appointments can be made by calling 1-800-GIVE-LIFE. Tips to Ease Holiday Overindulgence And avoid the hangover headache Celebrating the New Year can be joyous, but it can also provide the danger o f drinking more than usual. To help avoid or lessen the suffering associ­ ated with hangover headaches that often ac­ com pany these annual festivities, the National Headache Foundation offers some advice. , If you choose to drink alcohol, do so in m od­ eration. Try to sip your drink slowly. M ixed drinks containing fruit or vegetable juices will probably have less effect than straight alcohol. ; Avoid red wine, which contains naturally occur- ' ring chem icals called congeners. I H ealth W atch Fam ilies Living With Mental Illness-- A free 12- week life changing course designed for the family of mentally ill family members, teaching coping ■ skills, how to deal with crisis and relapse and more, beginsJan. 10,from 6to8:30p.m .T oregister,call 503-890-4805 by Dec. 30. I Sm oke-Free Support Group — meets every Mon­ day, 7 to 8 p.m. For more information, call 503-256- 4000. Vegetarian Starter Kit - Healthy vegetarian eat- ■ ing made easier with informational resources, samples, coupons and delicious recipes. Kits are $7.50each (includes shipping). To order, call 503- II 256-4000. Breastfeeding Preparation -- Thursday, Jan. 10, , from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., this class is prepare expect- j ant parents on the strategies and techniques of breastfeeding; $42 fee per couple, to register, call 503-574-6595. II ; Babysitting Training - Thursday, Jan. 3 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the Youth Employment Institute, ■ 1704 N.E. 26th, will host a first-aid training class for 1 teens; participants will receive a first-aid kit for a ■ $40 fee. To register, call 503-888-2756. j Adult CPR /First Aid Class — Friday, Jan. 4, from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., the Youth Employment Insti­ tute, 1704 N.E. 26th Ave., will host the adult train- • ing; class participants will receive a first aid kit for ' a $47 fee. To register, call 503-888-2756. tom s and decreasing the duration o f pain. Take ibuprofen. W hile aspirin is okay, ibuprofen is typically less irritating to the stom ­ ach and can also ease the pain o f hangover headache. Alternate non-alcoholic beverages with alco­ holic beverages. Drinking one non-alcoholic beverage between each alcoholic beverage re­ duces overall alcohol consum ption and helps replenish fluids. An easy way to achieve this is asking for a glass o f water in addition to your alcoholic beverage o f choice when ordering a drink at the bar. Eat greasy food before consum ing alcohol. While it is wise to be health-conscious and avoid too much of these foods in general, this is a situation where eating fatty foods may be help­ ful. If consum ed prior to drinking alcohol, these foods help line the intestines, which causes alcohol absorption to take longer. Eat some honey. Honey supplies fructose, a sugar that helps the body metabolize alcohol, is rich in vitamin B6 and can reduce hangover symptoms. Two tablespoons of honey on a cracker or piece of toast, before or after drinking, may prevent a hangover. Tomato juice, another good source of fructose, also allows the body to bum alcohol faster. The sugar in fruit and fruit juices may also reduce some symptoms o f hangover, so consump­ tion of these products can be beneficial. Drink fluids containing m inerals and salts. Liquids rich in m inerals and salts offer relief from the dehydration caused by alcohol con­ sumption. A cup of broth or bouillon, for ex­ ample, will replace fluid. Drink a cup o f coffee. Caffeine may provide some relief in alleviating the headache sym p­ Free Body Basies — This physician recommended class is appropriate for all ages and health condi­ tions. Plan to attend this one-session class and learn the simple guidelines for safe exercises, in­ cluding stretching. Call 503-256-4000 to register. M anaging Chronic Hepatitis C — Third Wednes­ day of each month at 5 p.m., the informative ses­ sion led by a registered nurse to help manage side effects of medications and dosage preparations and administration; doctors referral required to registercall 503-251 -6313. Give Life — Through Jan. 31, blood-drive donors have the chance to win two round-trip airline tickets toanywhere Alaska Airlines or Horizon Air fly thanks to a public-service campaign by the airline. Appoint­ ments can be made by cal I i ng I -800-GIVE-LIFE. M aternity W ater W orkout — Helping new moms regain muscle tone, strength, and flexibility, all in the support and freedom of the water. Call 503-256- 4000 for more information. For Big Brothers & Big Sister-To-Be — Saturday, Tenderfoot Care — Treat your feet with a soak, nail Jan. 19,from IO a.rn.toll a.m., special sibling class for children ages 3 to 6 helping to prepare for their role as an older sibling; $20 fee (2 adults, I child), to register call 503-574-6595. Newborn Care — Saturday, Jan. 19, from noon to 5 p.m., expectant parents will learn tips and tech­ niques for caring for their newborn; $45 fee per couple. To register call 503-574-6595. W elcome to M edicare - Make informed Medicare choices, attend the free class to explain Medicare options,Jan. 17,and Feb. 21,from 7p.m .to9p.m ., at the Bruning Center in Gresham. 1484 N. W. Civic Dr. For registration information, call 503-491-7572. M am m ography Screening - Early detection is a key factor in the prevention of breast cancer. Call 503-251-6137 to schedule your high-tech, soft- touch mammogram. Osteoporosis Screening — An ultrasound bone den­ sity screening with personalized education; fee $30. To schedule an appointment, call 503-261 -6611. F e a tu r in g trim, buffing and massage from a licensed nurse at one of six clinics or at your home. Call 503-251-6303 for more information. Nutritional Sem inars — New Seasons Market is presenting a series of nutritional seminars at vari­ ous store locations along with a nutritional help line. For m ore in fo rm atio n , em ail askthenutritionist@ Senior A erobics - A low-impact workout geared specifically toward seniors. Call 503-449-0783 for current schedule. Cardiac-Rehab Exercise Classes — A medically supervised exercise program for people dealing with heart conditions. For more information, call 503-251-6260. Leg Alert Screening - Check for peripheral arte­ rial disease with this safe, simple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. To schedule an appointment, call 503-251 -6 137. Stroke Alert Screening — Check your carotid arter­ ies with a painless ultrasound to assess your risk; fee $40. To schedule a screening, call 503-251 -6137. P arenting Classes - Newborns don’t come with instruction manuals but parents and parents-to- be can learn about a variety of topics from pain and childbirth to breastfeeding to infant CPR and much more. For a schedule of events, call 503-574-6595 or visit: Cancer Resource Center - Providence St. Vincent Medical Center and the American Red Cross have joined forces to create the first in-hospital re­ source center providing books, printed material, computer access and more for individuals and families dealing with cancer. The center is open Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bereavem ent Support — A bereavement support group meets each 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, from 10 11:30a. m.Toleam more, call 503-251-6 192, extension 5670. Better Breathers - An asthma educational sup­ port group meets on the 1 st Tuesday of the month from 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at Adventist Medical Center. For more information, call 503-251-6830. Chronic Pain Support G roup - meets the first Wednesday at 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the third Wednesday of each month, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 503-256-4000. Heart Talk Support Group meets - on the second Monday of each month; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, call 503-251 -6260. Finding the right loan is not hard when you have a great L e n d e r R elationship. Show your love fo r the We are-LOCAL! Reduce your monthly debts starting today! B r e a k in g D o w n th e W a lls T o u r Get rid of that 1st and 2nd mortgage payment for O ne Loan Fixed K ate M ortgage. F e a tu rin g The L ig h t, R ajim e Call today for your - Personalized Rate Quote! 503-972-2719 ofnee - 503-975-2769 cell cky les @ T h e UR V ib e T e a m www.calvinkyles.coin O n th e Scene w ith Tickets a n d G iv e a w a y s I n t e r v ie w w ith L o c a l a n d N a t io n a l R e c o r d in g A r tis ts State Farm* T h e UR C o m m u n ity C a le n d a r Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 .......... - Michael E Harper We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.VV. 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