Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 19, 2007, Page 6, Image 6

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    Il!'Jlnrthutb © bseruer_____________________ December 19. 2007
Page A6
F ood
True Reason for the Season:
On W ednesday, D ecem ber 5 ,2 0 0 7 , w hile others were
sleeping, the family o f G regory G reen were w eeping at the
sudden loss o f a husband, father and a friend to m any who
knew him.
On behalf of the Portland-area com m unity o f friends and
extended family m em bers in the C aribbean com m unity, an
invitation isextended to those who wish to make a financial
or in-kind donations to support his w idow , Ingrid and their
six children.
For m ore inform ation on how to support the G reen
Fam ily, contact Rev. R enee’ W ard at 503-548-7537 or via
em ailatrevreneew ard@ hotm ail.com .
State Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
IN t U IO N d
V i l i I»— l i w i l
Amidst the swirl o f holiday shopping, wrapping, and visiting family and friends, it doesn t have to be a hassle
to throw a holiday party filled with goodfood, good cheer, and good company. The key is an informal buffet—
a couple o f beautifully decorated tables laden with delicious food—so guests can serve themselves while
you mingle and enjoy the simple pleasures o f entertaining the ones you love. Dazzle your loved ones with
one or all o f these delicious alternatives to the traditional holiday entree selections.
Take the Stress Out of Holiday Entertaining
This tim e o f year, y o u ’re sup­
posed to he relaxing with family and
friends, acknow ledging your grati­
tude. Instead, y o u 're w ondering if
your turkey will bom b with your
mother-in-law, whether Uncle Fred
needs a refiII on his drink, and where
y o u ’re going to find those 10 extra
ehairs. Take a deep breath.
Have It Your Way: My philoso­
phy is to share a simple buffet and to
allow guests to arri ve when they like,
leave when they like, bring what and
w hom ever they I ike, and wear w hat­
ever they like. I provide the entrée
and the beverages, the guests bring
the rest, and everybody is happy —
w e’re all doing exactly w hat we want.
Helping Hands: Ask everyone
to bring som ething for the meal.
D essert, side dishes, hom em ade
bread, vegetables — you nam e it,
som eone has brought it. Because
everyone helps, we end up spend­
ing tim e together rather than w orry­
ing about who has to do what.
For holiday cocktail parties and
buffets, hire a bartender A good
bartender will not only serve drinks
but also help replenish platters and
stay for cleanup, so I can feel like a
guest at my own party.
Fun time: Holiday entertaining
should be fun. If children are in­
cluded in the party, I set out plain
sugar cookies with lots of decora­
tions — frosting, brightly colored
sugars, sprinkles, crushed candy
canes — and let them have free rein.
Later on, we serve the cookies for
dessert and send some home with
the party guests as well. It’s not
much effort, and it makes things fun
for everybody.
Apple Cranberry Stuffed Pork Roast
“This beaut i-
• I T bsp yellow m ustard seeds f
• 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice '
• 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon cayenne
roast IS
p ep p er
a fa m ily
I eup apple cider
1/2 eup cider vinegar
3/4 eup packed light brown sugar
I large shallot, peeled, thinly sliced
1 1/2 cups dried apples (packed)
1/2 eup dried cranberries
1 Tbsp grated fresh ginger
• K o s h e r s a lt an d fre s h ly
ground black pepper
fa v o rite ;
delicious! ”
Pork Roast
Michael E Harper Agent
We moved to our new location at:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
• 2 1/2 pound boneless eenter-cut pork loin roast (short and wide - about 7-8 inches long and 4-5 inches wide)
Filling Directions
1. Bring all the filling ingredients to sim m er in medium saucepan over m edium -high heat.
2. Cover; reduce heat to low, and cook until apples are very soft, about 20 m inutes. Strain through a fine-m esh sieve, reserving the liquid. Use
a rubber spatula to press against the apple m ixture in the sieve to extract as much liquid out as possible.
3. Return liquid to saucepan and sim m er over m edium -high heat until reduced to 1/2 cup, about 5 m inutes. Rem ove from heat, set aside and reserve
this liquid for use as a glaze. Pulse apple m ixture in food processor, about fifteen 1-second pulses. Set aside.
L u th e ra n C h u rch
NE 15th & Knott 503-288-6174
We invite you to join us on
Christmas Eve
“Unto You A Savior is Born”
Prime Rib
“Make a spectacular
treat that'll rival any
restaurant meal -
prime rib. It's easy
and flawless. ”
“A rich
cheese filling
jazzes up roasted
turkey. ”
• 6 cloves garlic, m inced
• 1-15 pound rib roast
• 2 tablespoons kosher salt
1. Heat oven to 475 degrees F. Rub garlic evenly over roast. Sprinkle with
salt and pepper.
7 pm C a n d le lig h t Ja z z C aro l Service
Marilyn Keller, Shirley Nanette, Ron Steen,
Kevin Deitz, George Mitchell, Isaac Trimble
• 2 8-ounce turkey breast tenderloins
• 2 cups chopped fresh spinach leaves
• 3-ounces sem i-soft goat cheese (cherva) or feta cheese,
crum bled (about 3/4 cup)
• 1/2-tsp. black pepper
• 1 Tbs. olive oil
• I tsp. paprika
• 1/2-tsp. salt
• 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. ground red pepper
10:30 pm m usical o fferin gs
11 pm C a n d le lig h t C aro l Service
Organ & Choirs Choir D irector: Glenn Ludtke
CH R IST M A S D A Y W orship 10 a.m .
A multicultural, welcoming
and affirming church
Rev. W.J. “Mark” Knutson
• 4 teaspoons ground pepper
2. Roast 15 m inutes. R educe tem perature to 350 degrees F. A fter 2 hours,
and every 15 m inutes thereafter, check tem perature in the thickest part
o f the roast.
3. W hen tem perature is 125 degrees F (for rare), rem ove from oven and
cover loosely with foil. Let rest 30 m inutes before carving.
4. If desired, serve with horseradish sauce.
Rosemary Duck
with Apricots
1. Rinse turkey; pat dry. M ake a pocket in each o f the tenderloins by
cutting lengthw ise from one side almost to, but not through, the
opposite side; set aside.
delicious duck!”
2. In a bowl com bine the spinach, cheese, and black pepper. Spoon
spinach m ixture into tenderloin pockets.
3. Tie 100% cotton kitchen string; around each tenderloin in 3 to 4
places to hold in stuffing.
4. In a small bowl com bine oil, paprika, salt, and ground red pepper;
brush evenly over tenderloins.
5. Grill on lightly greased rack o f an uncovered grill directly over
medium heat for 20 m inutes or until turkey is tender and no longer pink
in center o f the thickest part; turn once.
6. Remove and discard string; slice tenderloin crossw ise.
Soul Food
12309 SE Division
Tuesday thru Thursday:
12:00 p.m. to 1:()() a.m.
• 3 Tbsp chopped fresh rosem ary
• 2 Tbsp brow n sugar
• l Tbsp freshly ground
black pepper
• 2 teaspoons salt
• 5 apricots, quartered
• 2 (3/4 lb) duck breasts, skinned
and halved
• I T bsp olive oil
• l/2 cup granulated sugar
• l/2 e u p ch a m p a g n eo rw h ite wine
1. C om bine the rosem ary, brown sugar, black pepper, and salt. Rub the
m ixture over the duck breasts. C over and chill 2 hours. Rinse duck with
cold water, pat dry.
2. Heat olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over m edium -high heat. Add
duck and cook for 5 m inutes on each side or until done. Rem ove from pan.
Let stand for 10 minutes.
3. C om bine the granulated sugar and vinegar in a small saucepan, and
bring to a boil. Cook until thick and am ber-colored (about 5 minutes). Add
apricots; reduce heat, and cook for 1 m inute or until the apricots begin
to soften.
4. Cut duck diagonally across the grain into slices. Serve with carm elized
apricots. Serves 4. E xcellen t served with rice.
Friday & Saturday: 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Live DJ
W ednesdays: 12 p.m.-I a.m.
Lloyd Allen ~ In the Mix
Ladies Night Out -
Ladies get in FREE -1st Saturday of the Month
Baked Ham wi,h Fresh Pineapple Salsa
“Try this delicious salsa and ham combination fo r a no-stress
addition to your holiday buffet; your guests will enjoy it. ”
Boss Hogg Christmas Tree Lot
Every D oug Fir 5-7 ft. — $20.(K)
Every Nobel Fir 5-7 ft. — $30.(X)
6500 N E M LK Jr. Blvd.
On the corner o f M LK Jr. & Rosa Park Blvd.
\d v e rtis e w ith d iv e rs ity
Call 503-288-0033
J J o r t l a u í » (O h e e rU e r
ad s@ portlandonscrver.com
(503) 286-1339
• 2 cups chopped fresh pineapple
• 1-1/2 cups chopped apple
• 2 oranges, peeled, sectioned and
ch o p p ed
• 1/4 cup snipped fresh basil
• 2 Tbs. finely chopped onion
Fax (503) 286-7088
1. In a large howl com bine pineapple,
300 N. Killingsworth
* 1 — off Atty Dinner
Best tasting Fish in town
*4 Burger and Fries $2.99
Melt in your mouth PhillySteak
• 2 Tbs. lim e juice
• 1 to 2 Tbs. chopped canned re
jalapeno peppers
• 1/4 tsp. ground cum in
• 1/8 tsp. pepper
• .3 to 4-lh. cooked boneless ham
apple, oranges, basil, onion, lime juice,
jalapeno peppers, cum in and pepper.
C over and refrigerate for 4 to 48 hours.
2. Plate ham on a rack in a shallow baking
pan. If desired, score the top in a dia­
mond patter. Bake, uncovered, at 325F
for 90 m inutes to 2 hours or until heated
3. T o serve, slice ham serve with fresh salsa on the side.