Page A3 December 19, 2007 Volunteers Prepare Food Boxes |Jortkuth (OhskWVk'YEstablished 1970 USPS 959-680 _______________________________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.. Portland. OR 97211 For annual holiday giving Almost 2()0 volunteers have gath­ ered in a north Portland w arehouse in the past few days to pack and d eliv er4,(XX) holiday food boxes to disadvantaged residents. Each box o f the Portland Police B ureau’s Sunshine D ivision held all the fixings o f a traditional holi­ day meal. T he annual "Pack N ights” and “D elivery D ay” are alw ays bus­ tling, festive affairs that attract volunteers o f all ages— individu­ als, groups, students, families. T he Sunshine D ivision operates year-round to provide tem porary relief not only to Portland individu­ Holiday food boxes are sorted for the disadvantaged at the Sunshine Division warehouse. Thanks to generous donations ages, and distributes an average o f 503-823-2116; for information about als and fam ilies who lack essential emergency food relief, call 503-823- food, but also to 30-som e other o f food and finances from both 750 tons o f food every year. For information about volunteer­ 2119 or email the organization at food-relief agencies in live coun­ individuals and corporations, the nonprofit agency receives, m an­ ing with Sunshine Division, call m ail@ ties. C ascade C onnections by D r . A lgie C. G atewíxid There is no more significant determinant fo r one a economic success - and everything which flows from that success - than education. the world. Earning a degree reaps financial rewards, to be sure, but this new concept of self is something that is Dear Santa Claus: For Christ­ education. There is no more significant de­ beyond price. This can be particu­ mas this year, I want every young black man to have an education terminant for one’s economic suc­ larly true for black men, many of and a good job. I want the number cess - and everything which flows whom for generations have been of young black men with a college from that success - than educa­ denied the pow er to choose the degree to outnumber those who tion. Earning a two- or four-year path before them. Education helps are in prison. 1 want every young degree, or especially a graduate to fuse ambition with the tools nec­ black man to assume his rightful degree, is the one factor that can essary to get you where you want to go. Education is the place in his family, his community trump all the obstacles that co n fro n t black m en - one true way forward from and his nation. the bonds, both literal and You can handle that, can’t you, whether those obstacles be intergenerational poverty, figurative, that have pre­ Santa? vented black men from Unfortunately, it will take more institutional racism, or even attaining their collective than a jolly man in a red suit to a shortage of self-belief. birthright. make this Christmas wish list come When you em bark on true. Black men, for a whole range the road to a college de­ O f course, the trans­ of reasons, have for generations g ree , you also b eg in a Dr. Algie C. formation I describe here found th e m se lv es o v e rre p re ­ voyage o f self-discovery. Gatewood is available to everyone, not just black men. I men­ sented in the criminal justice sys­ W hatever you ultim ately tem and underrepresented in busi­ choose as your field o f study, the tion black men because they are the ness, in the halls of academia, and e d u c a tio n a l p ro c e s s b ro a d e n s most at-risk group of people in the as family men. It will take a con­ your aw areness o f history and nation - at risk of everything from certed effort from all corners of clarifies your u n d erstan d in g o f chronic incarceration to chemical our society - including from black society. M ore im p o rta n tly , the d ep en d en cy to an early death. men them selves - to undo the educational process cry stallizes According to a 2(X)6 Harvard Uni­ legacy of the past. your perception o f yourself, and versity study, high-risk urban black But at the top of my wish list is helps you to realize the options at males can expect to live as many as one thing that can come true - and your disposal and the pow er you 15 years less, on average, than it’s the key to everything else: have to choose your own path in members of lesser-risk populations. Education on Top of Wish List Ask Deanna'. A n advice colum n know n fo r reality based subjects! m e out. W e broke up and now I d on’t have m oney and my kids are going to be so hurt. How do I ex ­ plain and m ake this up to my ch il­ dren on C hristinas? —Michelle B.; Decatur. Ga. Dear Michelle: Dear Deanna! I’m a single parent and 1 never have enough m oney to buy gifts for my children. I m ade a m istake this year by spending the money I had saved and have had a relationship. I spent m oney on dinners, new clothes and my boyfriend thinking he w ould be around for the holidays and help The calendar do esn ’t change and Christinas continues to com e on the same day every year. T h ere’s no excuse for your selfish behav­ ior. A lthough the holiday should be spiritual instead o f m aterial, you still set your kids up for heartbreak. Y ou p u t a m an b e fo re y o u r ch ild ren 's happiness and now they have to suffer. You need to hustle and find a charity or church to help you and get your act together as What better tool than education to break this cycle? This is not to say that the many factors which put young black men at risk are the result of their own individual choices. Far from it - the historical record of inequity between African Americans and the majority population is copi­ ous and detailed. But the right kinds o f individual choices can help black men to overcome these obstacles, and it starts with the choice to stay in school and go to college. Give yourself and your family the best possible gift this Christ­ mas, young black men. Make the choice to get an education. Don’t let cost or anything else deter you. There is more financial aid avail­ able than you might think, particu­ larly at community college, and classes can be scheduled to fit your life. If you make the right choice now, this Christmas - and every one to follow - will be mer­ rier for you, your children and your grandchildren. Dr. Algie C. Gatewood is Presi­ The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill be returned it accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o l such ad. <•> 1996 THE P O R TLA N D OBSERVER. A L L RIGHTS RESERVED, Rl P R O D I (T IO N IN W H O LE OR IN P AR I W IT H O U T PERMISSIO N IS P R O H IB IT E D The Portland Observer Oregon s Oldest M u lticu ltural Publication--ts a member o f the National Newspaper Association--bounded in IHM5. and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. New York NY. and The- West Coast Black Publishers Association P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer. P0B ox3 1 3 7 , Portland. 0 R 9 7 2 0 8 C A LL 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 F A X 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 ads@ Boanerges Group General Contractor •Carpentry services •Concrete •Painting We are a locally owned and operated company with experience and highly qualified employees providing exceptional construction services in Oregon and Washington •Plumbing & Mechanical •Residential & Commercial Services •General home maintenance Tel: 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -0 2 2 4 Fax: 503-284-4419 Call today for estimate or consultation Insured. Bonded. Licensed and Minority Certified CCB 159587 OR BOANEG’ 934JT WA Email: 4134 N Vancouver Ave, Suite 400E, Portland. OR 97217 ''haron Maxwell-Hendricks ( ¿eneral Manager GRAND OPENING Swan Garden 6228 N. Interstate Avenue Monday - Saturday 11a.m. -10 p.m. Daily Specials dent of Portland Community College's Cascade Campus 503-285-6250 the New Y ear com es around. Dear Deanna! one foot before the other and then keep on trucking. Y ou’ve managed to llush away your dead weight and expose your naysayers all in one breath. All you have to do is « top negativity as soon as it starts, do the things you want to do and put your­ self first in most situations. Hope­ fully you’ll reflect happiness and confidence that’ II make the people in your circle jum p on the bandwagon. If not, smile and keep it mov ing. I am going to m ake iny last New Y ear’s resolution in 2008. I’ve d e­ cided to live to the fullest, elim inate negative people and put m yself first. The m om ent I made this announce­ ment. the people I thought were friends laughed at me and my family thought the idea was a joke. I was shocked that they laughed and hurt because .1 see how they really feel about me. How to 1 enforce my new Ask Deanna is written by Deanna resolution know ing I have to start M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: with family and friends first? — or 264 Carolynit; Omaha. Neb. Dear Carolynn: Y ou’re getting the idea o f putting S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website: cYlew ^Yjeai s FEATU RING ? EoiroK-ns-CHui, Pi uusunc Charles H. Washington E d i / ok : M ichael Leighton D istribution M anaclr : M ark W ashington C reative D irector : Paul N eufeldt A dvertisisi ,: Kathy Linder O ffice M anager : Sharon Sperry R eporter : Raym ond Rendlem an 'Cary Sim m s' W ITH S P EC IA L G UESTS: THE BEYONS lira Hammond - Sherman Davis - James Tims - Thurtis Channel - Jeddy Beasley - Donnie MacPherson) MONDAY, DECEMBER 31,2007 ROSE G AR D EN C R O W N ROYAL ROOM (/rce parking) DO O RS OPEN AT 8:30 PM Up Io 60 free door prizes Happy Hour (8:30-10:30) ’ RESERVE YOUR TABLE NOW TICKETS: $35.00 PER PERSON ($40 Per Person & $75 Per Couple At The Door) Tickets Available At: Geneva 's Shear Perfection Reflections /A Step A hove / Me 'Raes INQUIRIES jeflckiss74