Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 12, 2007, Page 5, Image 5

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December 12. 2007
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Church Fire Causes
$30,000 in Damage
No one was injured when
a wall heater lit curtains on
fire at the Bethel A.M .E.
Church in northeast P o rt­
land, forcing parishioners
to evacuate during a Sun­
day afternoon event.
The fire broke out just be­
fore 12:45 p.m., as church
services were wrapping up
and a holiday bazaar was just
getting underway.
Neighbors of the church at
Northeast Eighth Avenue and
Simpson Street saw smoke
coming out of a church annex
window, alerted those inside
and called the fire department.
Fire extinguishers helped
contain the fire to the pastor's
office until firefighters arrived.
In vestigators determined the
fire was accidental and esti­
mated it caused about $30,000
in damage.
The fire serves as a re­
minder to keep combustible
materials such as cardboard
and fabric at least 18 inches
away from any sort of heat-
producing appliance, the in­
vestigators said.
Judge Censured
The honorees, chairman, and co-chairs for Emerald Awards. Pictured are (from left) Benjamin Leonard, Kelvin Hall, Joy Fowler,
Briana Peterson, Greg Bell, Rev. Frederick D. Woods, Marshall Haskins, Charles W. Hunter Sr. and Anjene' Bryant.
Community Contributions Honored
Zeta Sigma Omega Chapter of ing African American men for the
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. significant contributions they have
presented its 2007 Emerald Awards made to their communities:
Luncheon on Saturday, Nov. 17, at
Greg Bell,education; Kelvin Hall,
the Holiday Inn, 1441 N.E. Second co m m u n ity serv ice; M arshall
Haskins, health/fitness and sports;
The ladies honored the follow­ Charles W. Hunter Sr., youth ser­
vices; Benjamin Leonard, business;
and Rev. Frederick D. Woods, reli­
All proceeds from theevent ben­
efited the Zeta Sigma Omega Chap­
ter Roberta C. Vann Scholarship
Fund. This fund provides financial
assistance to African American
women attending four-year col­
leges and universities.
The chair for the event was Joy
Fow ler and the co-chairs were
A n je n e ’ B ryant and B riana
Flu Shots Urged for H oliday Season
higher risk include children aged 6
months to5 years, pregnant women,
50 years of age and older,
Holiday gatherings can hasten Schmitz, Multnomah County Health
chronic medical condi­
the sp read o f in flu e n z a and Department's Immunization Coor­
living in a nurs­
Multnomah County Health Depart­ dinator.
care facility.
ment reminds the public that it's
According to the Centers for
Health officials also encourage
not UK) late to get vaccinated. Flu Disease Control and Prevention,
vaccine is still widely available.
the influenza season is just begin­ caregivers, family members, and
those who work with higher risk
“Getting a flu shot not only pro­ ning and can last through May.
tects you. but can help protect your
“It is especially important to get groups tobe immunized. Immuniza­
loved ones. Influenza immuniza­ vaccinated if you are at greater risk tions are also recommended for
tions can take a few weeks to be of developing serious flu-related school age chi Idren ( 2 to 17 years of
ful ly effective, so now is the perfect complications, such as pneumo­ age) who are twice as likely to get
time to include flu prevention on nia,” says Health Department Di­ influenza as adults.
Good health manners can be very
your holiday to-do list," says Ginny rector Lillian Shirley. Groups at
Virus can spread at gatherings
effective in preventing transmis­
sion of disease, including the flu.
“We encourage everyone to cover
your cough and wash your hands
often. If you are sick, please stay
home and please avoid exposure to
people who are ill.” states Shirley.
For information on flu vaccina­
tion clinic locations call 1-800-
SA FFNFT or search the Web at
from Front
was directed to obtain a drug and
alcohol evaluation.
“Because o f the special po-
sition judges hold in society -
as standard bearers of fairness
and impartiality - ajudge's con­
duct of personal behavior must,
at all times, be above reproach,"
the com m ission wrote.
“(W ulle’s) actions not only
reflected poorly on him self but
also on his fellow team mem ­
bers, his court, Clark County
and the state of W ashington,”
the panel added. “(W ulle’s) in­
appropriate behavior signifi­
cantly underm ined the team ’s
respect for him .”
"W itnesses at the confer­
ence variously described his
actions as em barrassing, de­
meaning. offensive and shock­
ing. Several team members dis­
cussed (W ulle’s) problem atic
behavior with their colleagues
and supervisors - further erod­
ing public regard for him and
the judiciary."
A censure is the most severe
disciplinary action the panel can
take w ithout asking the state Su-
preme Court to suspend or re-
move a judge.
Several witnesses said Wulle
smelled o f alcohol, but he has
denied drinking at the conference.
T hejudge told The Columbian
new spaper he considered the
m atter a learning experience.
"It was never my intent to of­
fend anyone, and I apologize to
anyone who was offended,” he
W ulle’s conduct "appears to
have been an aberration,” his
reputation is "generally that of a
thoughtful jurist" and witnesses
do not believe he is racist, ho­
mophobic oranti-Semitic, accord­
ing to the com m ission’s findings.
H ow ever, according to the
com m ission, he show ed a lack
o f personal insight and initially
refused to apologize and was
"d ism issiv e ” when asked about
his b eh avior by w itnesses and
o th er ju d g e s who had heard of
the matter.
Action Network Gets Local Chapter
A national social-justice or­
ganization will this weekend
finalize the establishm ent of a
local chapter.
The National Action Net­
w o rk , w ith the R ev. Al
Sharpton as president, strives
for justice and equality by chal­
lenging racial profiling, police
m isconduct, misogyny in the
entertainment industry. and dis­
parate access to education,
health care and financial op­
The Portland chapter will
have its first official meeting I
p.m . S aturday, Dec. 15 at
Izogie's Fine Dining, 1301 N.E.
Dekum St.
For more inform ation, call
Quality Training
Great Wages
Superb Benefits
The NECA-IBEW Electrical Training
Center will be accepting applications
for the Licensed Journeyman
An All-Star Person,
Special in more ways than one.
Someone who does things that others are so proud of;
someone w ho's always such fun.
At home, or in school, with family or friends;
all those around you could see that you’re
one of the nicest and greatest people ever,
and you're liked and cherished as much as can be
and surely to be missed.
Mailing Tips
This holiday, the U.S. Postal
Service is giving customers some
time-savipg tips and free services
to help make the holidays a little
Let the Postal Service do what it
does best — pick up and deliver
mail. Prepare Priority Mail and Ex­
press Mail packages then notify
the Postal S erv ice o n lin e at
usps.com/pickup that they' re ready
to be picked up. Free package
pickup is available from home or
office, regardless of the weather.
Unlike other shipping companies,
there is no fee for the service.
Free eco-friendly boxes and en­
velopes send a very "green" holi­
day message when sending Prior­
ity Mail and Express Mail packages
and envelopes.
Look for free shipping supplies
at usps.com. Call for free military
CarcKits through the Postal Ser­
vice at 1-800-610-8734.
Electrician, Limited Energy Technican
or Limited Residential Electrician:
When: January 7-11,2008 and
January 14-18, 2008
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Orientations 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
The Mantntha Music Department
Where: NECA-IBEW Electrical
Training Center
16021 NE Airport Way
Portland, OR 97230
2nd Annual
“Birth of a King”
Celebrating our Lord
You are cordially invited to an
evening of Gospel Music featuring.
The PD X Com m unity Choir
Special Guests:
Alonzo Chadwick
Greg Mckelvey
The Sermonettes
• Dance & Drama
•Candlelight Service
Information orientation held
on the third Tuesday
of eaeh month at 4 p.m.
D ecem ber I ft, 2007 - ft p.m .
4222 NE 12th Street Ave.
Portland. OR 97211
Electrical Training Center
Visit www.nietc.org