Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 12, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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    December 12, 2007
Page B4
C lassifieds / B ids
U n ive rs ity H o u sin g at the
U n ive rsity o f O regon is*
accepting applications for the
position of Complex Director. This
is a full-time, live-in, 12-month,
Officer of Administration position.
The starting date for the position
is flexible beginning July 1,2008.
The C o m p le x D ire c to r is
re s p o n sib le fo r the o ve ra ll
administration of a residence hall
complex consisting of 375-800
residents. The Complex Director
is also re s p o n sib le fo r the
selection, supervision and training
of 9-20 residence life student staff
and is e xp e cte d to lead the
student staff in the goal setting
process, coordinate the student
c o n d u c t p ro ce ss, su p p o rt
re s id e n ce
le a rn in g
co m m u n itie s ,
e x h ib it
co m m itm e n t to w ork w ith a
diverse student population and
create a culturally-inclusive living
community, participate in an on-
call ro tatio n and respond to
emergency situations, facilitate
program m ing and com m unity
development, and advise student
governm ent. The successful
candidate should demonstrate
solid adm inistrative skills and
leadership experiences as well as
the ability to work effectively with
students, parents, co-workers,
supervisor, department staff, and
U n ive rsity s ta ff from diverse
b a ckgro u n d s. The C o m p le x
Director may also supervise a full­
time Assistant Complex Director.
The Complex Director reports to
th e A s so c ia te D ire c to r of
R e sid en ce Life fo r R e sid e n t
Register Guard and Chronicle
A d vertisem ent
Student Services Coordinator
(Advisor/Counselor I)
Toulan School of Urban
Studies and Planning
College of Urban and Public Affairs
Portland State University
The Toulan Sch oo l o f Urban
Studies and Planning is seeking a
highly m otivated individual to
serve as the Student Services
Coordinator for the School. The
Student Services Coordinator will
p ro vid e a d v is in g to u n d e r­
graduate and graduate students,
to prospective students, and will
support the advising and student
support work of faculty. This
position will report to the Director,
and will serve as part of the
A d m in is tra tiv e Team for the
School. Candidates must have a
high level of skill and experience
in advising, student services, and
related activities.
Applicants must have a Bachelors
degree and one to three years of
e xp e rie n c e . To review the
com plete announcem ent and
instructions for applying, please
visit http://www.hrc.pdx.edu and
find this announcem ent under
“ Fa cu lty and A d m in is tra tiv e
Portland State University is an AA/
EO institution and, in keeping with
the President's diversity initiative,
w elco m e s a p p lic a tio n s from
d ive rs e
ca n d id a te s
candidates who support diversity.
<&) Portland State
T J / _____
Auto Body Instructor/Educator
(S15.69-S18.43 per hour)
l-C AR C e rtifie d In stru c to r or
Oregon Vocational Certified Auto
Body Collision Repair Instructor
wanted to teach entry level auto
body/refinishingskills in a career
and technical training program to
young adults ages 16-24. One
year instructional experience is
required. The applicant must also
have a strong desire to teach and
motivate students. Competitive
salary and benefits offered.
The University of Oregon Housing
Department invites applications
for an A s sista n t D irector of
Academic Initiatives. This position
is a twelve-month, fixed term, full­
time renewable appointment as
an Officer of Administration. This
position is expected to teach at the
University of Oregon; therefore a
reduction of salary will occur when
teaching. The Assistant Director of
Academic Initiatives is responsible
fo s te rin g
in te llectu al
stimulation in the residence halls
by drawing upon the academic
resources offered by the faculty
and that of the research university
and the larger community. The
Assistant Director works with the
Residence Life staff and students
organ ize
com m unity
conversation panels six times
th rou gh ou t the term in the
Hamilton and Walton Complexes.
The A s sista n t D ire cto r co­
su p e rvise s an O ffice r of
Administration position with the
other A s sista n t D irector of
Residence Life. The Assistant
Director, along with the Program
Coordinator, c o-a dvise s the
Hamilton Think Tank (HTT) and
Walton Advisory Board (WAB),
which are groups of students who
are com m itted to stim ulating
intellectual curiosity. The HTT and
WAB work with residence life staff
to develop and sponsor other
programs. The Assistant Director
is supervised by the Director of
Residence Life. The Assistant
Director is a key member of the
Residence Life staff.
Qualifications: PhD required:
teaching experience at the college
level with evidence of superior
teaching evaluations: experience
in organizing programs; familiarity
with residence hall living; and
demonstrated ability to work with
students, faculty members, and
staff from diverse groups.
• A M a s te r’s D egre e o r a
Bachelor’s Degree and 2 years
o f fu ll-tim e , p ro fe s s io n a l
experience in Student Affairs is
Preferred Qualifications:
• Preference w ill be given to
candidates with degrees in
Higher Education or related
• Preference w ill be given to
c a n d id a te s w ith fu ll-tim e
experience in housing or group
living environments
Compensation: Annual salary range
$50,000 - $54,000 with a highly
com petitive benefits package.
Priority screening will begin on
January 15,2008, and position will
be open until filled. To apply, send
cover letter; resume; the names, Compensation: The remuneration
addresses, and phone numbers of fo r the p o sitio n is based on
three references to (e-m ail qualifications and expertise and
Please mail resume and cover submissions acceptable):
ranges from $29,000 to $35,000
letter of interest to:
plus a furnished apartment, meal
Lou Vijayakar
plan during the time the halls are
Assistant Director of Residence Life
Springdale Job Corps Center
open ,
O ffic e r
Attn: Human Resources
Administration benefits, including
University Housing
31224 E. Historic Columbia
medical insurance, retirement,
University of Oregon
River Hwy
and reduced tuition.
1220 University Housing
Troutdale, OR 97060
Eugene, OR 97403
To apply, please send resume,
All responses must be received no An equal opportunity, affirmative action
cover letter, and list of three
later than December 21, 2007
in stitu tio n com m itted to cultural
references to:
Equal Opportunity Employer
diversity and compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
City of Portland
® K ie w it
Bid Package 5516-129
T rcm ie M at and M a in Shalt Rebar
Subcontractor Inform ation Form Due: December 12. 2(107
Procurement consists o f furnishing and installing approximately
190,000 lbs o f rebar for three main shaft trcmie mats,
approximately 145,000 lbs o f rebar for our Alder Shaft, and
approximately 97.000 o f rebar for our River Street Shaft.
This Procurement is scheduled to begin in early Spring 2008 with
an anticipated completion in Fall 2008. The estimated value o f
this Procurement is in excess o f $300.000.
In order to receive a Bid Package for this work, prospective
Bidders are required to complete the “ Subcontractor
In fo rm a tio n Form
5516-129 located on the KBB website:
w w w kbbeseso com.
A ll questions to be directed to:
J e n n ife r G a g n e r, P rocurem ent M a n a g e r
Phone: 503-290-7042
Fax: 503- 233-8977
e-m ail: jennifertd groupagb.com
John Hollan
Interim Associate Director of
Residence Life
University Housing
1220 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
Applications accepted until all
positions are filled, with priority
given to applications arriving on
or before February 5, 2008.
Call (541) 3 4 6 -4 0 6 3 with
q u e stio n s or em ail jh o lla n
@uoregon.edu. This publication
and related information will be
m ade available in accessible
formats upon request. For more
information about the University of
Oregon and University Housing,
v is it
h ttp ://w w w .
The University of Oregon Housing
Department invites applications
fo r an A sso cia te D ire c to r of
R esiden ce Life for R e siden t
Education. This position is a twelve-
m onth, fixed term , renewable
appoin tm en t as an O fficer of
Adm inistration. The Associate
D irector of Residence Life for
Resident Education is responsible
for the day-to-day operations of six
residence hall com plexes; co­
advising of RHA; recruiting, hiring,
training, and evaluation of Officers
o f A d m in is tra tio n (C om plex
Directors); on-going professional
s ta ff d e ve lo p m e n t; and the
developm ent of the Resident
Assistant (RA) class during spring
term . The Associate D irector
re p o rts to th e D ire c to r of
Residence Life and at times takes
direction from the D irector of
• Master's degree required
• Dem onstrated knowledge of
student affairs and housing.
• D em onstrated profession al
e xp e rie n c e
th a t
sh ow s
progressive responsibility and
ability to work effectively in a
3000+ bed system.
• D e m o n stra te d
c u ltu ra l
competency that encompasses
m u ltic u ltu ra l a w a re n e s s,
knowledge, and skills.
• D e m o n stra te d e xp e rie n c e
s u p e rv is in g
H ou sin g
professional staff.
• Demonstrated leadership and
motivational skills.
• D e m o n stra te d e xp e rie n c e
e s ta b lis h in g
re s id e n tia l
communities that contribute to
student engagement in learning
and community involvement.
• Ability to work effectively with
students, parents, co-workers,
supervisor, department staff,
and U n iv e rs ity s ta ff from
diverse backgrounds.
• Ability to gain the cooperation
o f o th e rs th ro u g h earn ed
Preferred Qualifications:
• P reference w ill be given to
candidates with 5 or more years
of m id -le ve l or h igh e r in
Residence Life management
• Preference w ill be given to
candidates who have 3 or more
years of live-in experience as a
complex director, area director,
or equivalent experience.
• P reference w ill be given to
c a n d id a te s w ho have a
m aster's degree in C ollege
S tu d e n t
P erso n n el
A d m in is tra tio n ,
H igh er
E d u ca tio n A d m in is tra tio n ,
C o u n s e lin g and G u id a n ce ,
Business Administration, and
Supervision and Management.
• Preference w ill be given to
c a n d id a te s
w ith
highe r
education experience.
Compensation: Annual salary range
$52,000 - $59,000 based on
qualifications; highly competitive
benefits package.
The University of Oregon is an EO/AA/
ADA institution committed to cultural
Priority deadline for consideration
is F e b ru a ry 15, 200 8 but
applications will continue to be
accepted until position is filled.
To Place Your
Classified Advertisement
To apply, sen d co ve r le tte r;
resume; the names, addresses,
and phone num bers of three
references to:
Contact: Kathy Linder
K iew it-B ilfinger
subcontracting partnerships and encourages minorities, women
and emerging small businesses to bid this project.
Phone: 503-288-0033
For Project Information Visit: w w w kbbeseso com
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@
C ( B « 166101
Advertise with d. versity in ^ ^ J o r t l a t i b (D h s r r u e r
C all 503-288-j 0033
ads @ portlandob server .coin
Sheri Donahoe
Associate Director of Residence Life
for Administration and Family Housing
University Housing
University of Oregon
1220 University Housing
Eugene, OR 97403
An equal opportunity, affirmative action
in s titu tio n com m itted to cu ltu ra l
diversity and compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
This is a strategic position within
ODOT, working with the Agency
D irector as a m em ber of the
Executive Team. Driven by ODOT's
organizational values, the Driver
& Motor Vehicles Services (DMV)
A d m in is tra to r
e xe rc is e s
leadership and vision in managing,
le a d in g and c o o rd in a tin g
statew ide DMV program s and
le g isla tive e ffo rts to achieve
fiscally sound, efficient programs
to support ODOT's mission.
O D O T is s e e k in g a d yn a m ic
professional with a proven track
record of strategic policymaking
and the ability to develop and
support a creative and innovative
environment. Candidates with a
m inim u m o f e ig h t ye a rs o f
p ro g re s s iv e ly
re s p o n s ib le
leadership experience in a large,
m ulti-dim ensional organization
and/or management experience
in th e p u b lic s e c to r are
encouraged to apply.
The annualized equivalent of the
m onthly salary range extends
from $80,100 to a negotiable
current maximum of $123,924
based upon qualifications, skills
and experience. Please visit
www.odotlobs.com and search for
Announcement #OCDT7605 fo r
additional information about this
exciting opportunity, including
a p p lic a tio n
in s tru c tio n s ,
m inimum qualifications and a
detailed position description. This
position is considered Open until
filled; however, the application
screening process is expected to
begin on or about Februaiy6,2008.
Materials received after February
6, 200 8 m ay n ot re ce ive
consideration at the agency's
discretion. Oregon's Transporta­
tion D e partm en t is an Equal
E m p lo ym e n t
O p p o rtu n ity/
Affirmative Action employer. We
va lu e a w e ll-tra in e d , d ive rse
w o rk fo rc e as a s tra te g ic
a d va n ta g e in s e rv in g o u r
customers and stakeholders.
Portland Development
The Urban Renewal Agency for the
City of Portland, Oregon
P o rtla n d is in te rn a tio n a lly
recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and
robust transit system. Playing a
key role in keepin g Portland,
Oregon, one of Am erica’s most
liva b le c itie s is the P ortland
D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n ’s
mission. PDC is the City’s urban
renewal agency, charged with
bringing together resources to
achieve Portland's vision. W e’re
currently looking for qualified
individuals to com plem ent our
w o rk fo rc e fo r th e fo llo w in g
Senior Development Manager -
North Macadam
Senior Accountant
W e o ffe r a ge n e ro u s host of
benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and
productive place to work. PDC
values diversity in its work force
and is co m m itte d to Equal
Em ploym en t O pp ortu n ity and
Affirmative Action.
Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs
Portland Development
Commission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
\ . l\ i'in
with divei
1-1 ni t la ttò (nirj.1 I in 1
in d iv id u a ls w ith e xc e lle n t
custom er service skills and a
positive attitude to join our team
of p a rkin g fa c ility o p era to rs.
P osition s in clu de: A tte nda nt,
Traffic Director, Cashier, and
V a le t, w ith O p p o rtu n ity for
advancem ent. No experience
necessary, must be dependable.
8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k
w/match, sick & vacation pay.
610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221
Portland, OR 97205
City of Portland
EngineeringTechnician I
$2,919 - $3,910/Mo.
FFD: 12/21/07
E n g in e e rin g Tech Is are
re s p o n s ib le fo r p e rfo rm in g
s u p p o rtiv e
te c h n ic a l
a s sig n m e n ts o f sta n d a rd to
moderate difficulty through the
a p p lic a tio n o f s c ie n tific and
technical knowledge in the areas
of engineering, construction and
p e rm it
p ro c e ss in g .
Th is
recruitm ent will be used to fill
current full time vacancies in the
B ureau of T ra n s p o rta tio n ,
although other bureaus may fill
fu tu re va c a n c ie s from th is
recruitment. For more info and to
a p p ly o n lin e , go to h ttp ://
www.ci.portland.or.us/iobs/. EOE
T ransportation
ODOT People d rive O re g o n ’s
Department ofTransportation. If
great benefits, a professional work
environment, job innovation, and
career growth opportunity drive
you, then come to ODOT. Current
recruitments include:
• Financial Coordinator
$3,437 - $5,026/month
Announcement #0CDT7070
• Quality Control Compliance
$3,069 - $4,604/month
Announcement #OCDT7576
• Geotechnical Designer
$3,287 - $4,932/month
An n o u n ce m e n t #0CD T7411A
• Highway Maintenance Specialist
$2,388 - $3,437/month
Announcement #0CDT3530
SW Portland
• Night Crew Maintenance Specialist
$2,388 - $3,437/month
Announcement #0CDT3530
• Held Mechanic
$3,962 - $4,797/month
A n n o u n c e m e n t #OCD T7 63 3
East Portland
Building Careers, Bridging the Future.
D etailed jo b an noun cem ents
include qualifications, require­
ments, and instructions on how
to apply for these jobs. To apply
on-line go to: www.odotjobs.com.
O rto request information by mail,
call 503-986-4030, [TTY 503-
986-3854, 1-800-993-8898],
Announcem ents will be made
availab le in alte rn a te form at
upon request. ODOT is proud to
operate as an equal opportunity,
affirmative action employer.
Holiday Events
Contact 503-288-0033