500 of community service Leading the Pack 7 * I ■*! <Ç» => Käyne West has the most G ram my n om i n ati on s Opening Doors to Diversity Career electrician promotes union workforce See story, page A3 See story, Metro section ¿c ©bserlie? (if ROSÉS ‘City of Roses F Established çtah I i ch prl in In 1970 1970 ut/uiu; n n r tla n r in h c # » r v p www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVII, Number 48 Wednesday • December 12, 2007 TlWeek in The Review Grannies on Trial Charged with criminal mischief and unlaw fully applying graffiti dur­ ing a G ood Friday protest at the Army Recruiting C enter in north­ east Portland, m em bers o f a group known as the Seriously Pissed-off G rannies faced aju ry this w eek in a trial expected to last through T h u rs d a y at th e M u ltn o m a h County Courthouse. Obama, Winfrey Rally Rallies for Barack O bam a’s presi­ dential cam paign drew thousands o fp eo p le in N ew H am pshire and at the University o f South C aro­ lin a o v e r th e w e e k e n d w ith the help o f Oprah W in fre y w h o told voters O bam a was the person w ho co u ld chan g e p o litics in A m erica. See sto ry , p ag e A2. Crack Sentencing Eased T he U.S. S en­ te n c in g C o m ­ m issio n voted u n a n im o u s ly T uesday to al­ low some 19,500 fed e ra l p riso n inm ates, most o f them black, to seek reductions in their crack co­ caine sentences. The ruling fol­ low ed the Suprem e C ourt’s deci­ sion M onday that federal judges can im pose shorter sentences for crack-cocaine crimes to make them more in line with those for pow der cocaine. See sto ry , page A2. Vick Gets 23 Months H aving adm itted involvem ent the killing o f at 'east c' ^ lt \ila n ta Flacons quarter- back Michael Vick was sentenced on M onday to 23 m onths in prison for his role in an illegal dogfighting ring. See sto ry , sp o rts page B5. Feds Cut Interest Rate The Federal Reserve cut a key inter­ est rate by one-quarter o f a percent­ age point Tuesday, trying to keep the country out o f recession. Weak housing and credit markets are chal- le n g in g U .S. g ro w th , b u t the economy is fundamentally sound, senior U.S. Treasury officials said. U.N. Offices Bombed Car bombs exploded minutes apart Tuesday in central Algiers, heavily dam aging United Nations offices and partly ripping the facade off a government building. At least 22 people were killed, including U.N. workers, and scores were wounded. Olga Reopens Shelters Subtropical Storm O lga drenched Puerto Rico on Tuesday and the D om inican R epublic reopened hurricane shelters m ore than a week after the official end o f hurri­ cane season. Issues like social acceptance and prejudice are dramatized in the theater production o f “ You B the Newbie" at Rosa Parks Elementary school. Pictured in the foreground, from left, are Ariana Vasamas Baker, Kaylee Combs, DeAngelo Clayton, Tyler Barron, Mar’Qeese Yarborough and Rakesh Nash, and in the background are Kenshawna James, Marnisha Lucas and Katie Tobar. photos in Pun Is« orv i v Confronting Alienation Kids write play about social ills A diverse group of local kids have produced and will perform a comedy revue that tackles a serious topic: the challenge of confronting iso­ lation and prejudice as a new kid at an urban grade school. The play called “U B the Newbie” follows two fifth-grade “newbies” as they blunder their way through motion-sensor soap dispensers, library rules and the embarrassment of telling inappropriate jokes. The production at Rosa Parks Elementary comes from a north Portland public school that’s considered disadvantaged because most stu­ dents qualify for free and reduced lunch. But thanks to Principal Tamala Newsome, an award­ winning African-American educator, the school has had dance and drama in its regular curricu­ lum for the past three years. “This has resulted in a seasoned group of young writers and performers,” said drama teacher Julie Sparling. The fifth- and sixth-grade students will per­ form the original raps, dances and scenes from the play for school assemblies in the upcoming week. The production will also be filmed this Rosa Parks Elementary students Mar'Qeese Yarborough and week for Portland Public School's Television Kaylee Combs perform in a play that tackles the social alienation Series for later broadcast on Cable Channel 28. that comes with being a new kid at school. Mayor Honors Edna Robinson Judge For her many Censured long-standing contributions L ee P eri . man T he P ortland O bserver The city ’s annual Spirit o f Portland aw ards, given each year to individuals and groups who have contributed to the city ’s livability, usually go to those involved in current activities. This year. M ayor Tom Potter m ade an exception. In the category o f M ayor’s A w ards, which he personally bestow s outside the program ’s jury process, he is giving an award to Edna Robertson, an A frican-A m erican leader who retired as Northeast Coalition o f Neighborhoods ex­ ecutive director in 1994. “ It’s important that we rem em ber the people who contributed so much to our com m unity," Potter told the Portland O b­ server. “ I think it's w onderful,” form er N orth­ east Coalition board chair and Boise neigh­ borhood activist C harles Ford told the new spaper. “Edna has never to my know l­ edge received an award for all the things she did. It’s never tot) late.” A fter serving as staff to the federally - funded Model Cities anti-poverty pro­ gram in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Robertson directed the neighborhood pro­ gram from its founding in 1975 until her retirement in 1994. After homophobic. racist comments by photo by M ark W asiiington /T he P ortlani /O bserver Edna Robinson reflects on the contributions she has made to the livability of the city from her home in northeast Portland. The longtime neighborhood activist is being honored by Mayor Tom Potter. R o b e rts o n an d th e late S h a ro n M acC orm ack, N ortheast N eighborhood crim e prevention coordinator, were among the first to warn o f California youth gangs m igrating to Portland. Under their leader­ ship the coalition gave birth to such service and crim e fighting program s as the Graffiti A b ate m e n t, T riM et R id er A d v o cates, W orkforce C enter and Youth Gang O ut­ reach programs. 1 U nder Robert so n 's leadership, the co a­ lition w eathered tensions betw een long­ tim e A frican-A m erican com m unity lead­ ers and a newly-arrived, mostly white popu­ lation with different priorities. They did so while internal tensions in the north and east Portland district coalitions tore these groups apart. continued y f on page A J f (AP) — A Clark County Superior Court judge from Vancouver has been censured for "demeaning, offensive and shocking" behavior at a training conference in Los Angeles last year. Judge John P. Wulle. 57. used profanity, made an obscene gesture after being asked to lower his voice and referred to a group facilita- toras "the black gay guy," according to a nine-page docu­ ment posted on the website of the Com­ mission on Judicial Conduct, which i s ­ sued the censure on Friday. At one point, according to the panel's findings, the facilitator said. "Clark County gets a star" for finishing an assignment, ami Wulle replied. "I don’t need a star. I'm not a Jew." He was ordered to take I Ohours of judicial ethics courses and seven hours ol racial, religious, sexual-orientation ami diversity training. Wulle. a former assistant attorney gen­ eral who has been a judge since 1997. also continued y^ on page .45