Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 05, 2007, Page 3, Image 3

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December 5, 2007
Dear Deanna!
I'v e started a new jo b and my
boyfriend won t stop ca llin g me
all the time. I'v e explained Io him
that my new boss is strict and all
the calls are monitored. I need
(his jo b and I am not w illin g to
lose it over him. I ’ ve been w ritten
up tw ice, we are now arguing at
home, and he calls me more at
work and it's becoming stressful.
I thought this was the man form e,
but now that I see he w ill jeopar­
dize my jo b and livelihood, I'm
not sure. Is there any thing I can
do in this situation? —Angel;
Ask a
men behind my back. Things were
fine u ntil she started keeping se­
crets from me. I'm convinced that
i f things were on the up-and-up
she w o u ld n 't have secrets but
she w o n 't see it my way nor stop
this behavior. Am I right or wrong?
—Justin; On-Line Reader
Dear Justin:
You were foolish to begin this
relationship w ith the ex-lovers in
the picture. Your g irlfrie n d is n 't
taking your relationship serious
and she’ s going to do what she
wants and w ith whomever. Re­
gardless o f what you say, she’ s
going to do her thing, so you
should stop trying. I f she's keep­
ing secrets about other men,
she'll lie and have secrets about
everything else. You should save
yourselfthe stress and call it quits
and keep it moving.
Dear Deanna!
Real People, Real Advice
An advice column known for
its fearless approach to
reality-based subjects!
Dear Angel:
A few months ago, I loaned a friend
some money. It wasn't a lot and I
was prepared to count it as a loss if
I wasn’ t repaid. The problem began
when she borrowed more money
and promised to pay it back by a
certain date. I loaned her money a
third time and she signed a promis­
sory note. Now the money is sig­
nificant and she's moved, stopped
taking my calls and has a new car.
Do I have any options to recover
my money or do I just move on? -
I f we do some math I w ould cer­ -Katina; Dallas
tainly say that only one person in
this relationship has a jo b and Dear Katina:
that’ s you. There's no other rea­ You should bang your head against
son your boyfriend can call you the wall a few times for being so
all day at w ork unless he doesn’ t stupid. You helped put wings on
have a jo b or a life. He's making a your money when you gave her
strong statement o f disrespect more loans. I f this is your friend you
because any man that w ill put could see she was broke to begin
your jo b at risk is a man that only with and more so when she started
cares about him self. You have a asking you for money. You played
choice in this matter. Lose the yourself on this one and your friend
man or the jo b , and, unless you knew she could get away with it.
want to go hungry, the decision Depending upon the amount, you
may be able to go to small-claims
is easy.
court with the signed document,
Dear Deanna!
but don't hold your breath.
M y e x-g irlfrie n d seems to wear a
sign on her forehead that says all Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
o f her ex-boyfriends need to be in M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
her face. I was cool w ith this at askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
first because I'm a secure man. S. LaCienega Bird. Suite 128 J
Now she's taking things too far Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
and wants to socialize w ith these www.askdeanna.com
Page A3
1 JJnrtlanb (Ohseruer
Support for Clinton, Obama at a Draw
Poll gauges opinions
of African Americans
identified taxes as the most important na­
tional problem; less than one percent named
im m igration and two percent said terrorism.
“ What might be called signature issues
o f the Republican Party - taxes, terrorism ,
im m igration and moral values - are just not
resonating w ith African-A m erican voters,"
said David Bositis. senior research associ­
ate at the Joint Center. "N o t only are African
Americans not raising these issues when
given the chance, but when pressed on
Just weeks ahead o f the first primaries
and caucuses, H illa ry C linton is the candi­
date viewed most favorably by lik e ly A f r i­
can-American voters — w ith Barack Obama
running a close second — according to new
national survey by the Joint Center for Po­
litic a l and Economic Studies.
W ith a fu ll year rem aining to
the general election, the survey
found a high level o f engage­
ment in the p olitical process
among A fric a n A m ericans.
Eighty percent o f respondents
said they are closely fo llo w in g
news coverage o f their party's
candidates, w hile 87 percent
said they planned to p a rtic i­
pate in the nom inating process
o f the Dem ocratic Party.
In the survey o f 750 A frican Sen. Hillary Clinton
Sen. Barack Obama
Americans, sponsored by the
A A R P and conducted from O c­
tober 5 to Nov. 2, Sen. C linton
was rated favorably by 83 per­
cent o f respondents, w ith 9.7
percent view ing her negatively.
Sen. Obama received favorable
ratings from 74.4 percent, w ith
10.1 percent view ing him nega­
O f the eight candidates —
four Democrats and four Re­
publicans — whose names were
presented to survey p a rtic i­
pants, only C linton, Obama and
form er senator John Edwards
which party has the better approach to them,
were rated more favorably than not by like ly
they are clearly favoring the Democrats.”
black voters. Edwards was rated favorably
Bositis noted that the poll results offer
by 4 5 .1 percent, w hile 19.1 percent rated him
further insight into how A frican Americans
view their tw o favorite candidates, senators
Former New Y ork C ity mayor Rudolph
G iu lia ni was the best known o f the Repub­ C linton and Obama.
By a two-to-one margin, respondents said
lican candidates to black voters, but was
viewed unfavorably by 42.7 percent o f re­ that “ com m itm ent to change" was a more
important feature in a candidate than “ expe­
spondents, compared to 27.1 percent who
rience in public o ffic e ” — a view that could
viewed him favorably.
be seen as helpful to Sen. Obama’ s candi­
When asked to name the single most
im portant problem facing the country, the dacy. But more respondents named C linton
No. 1 answer was the war in Iraq, which was over Obama as having the best position o f
cited by 28 percent o f respondents, fo l­ the Democratic candidates on three key
issues o f concern -- affordable health care
lowed by health care (20 percent), jobs and
(47.3 percent to 18.7 percent), strengthen­
the economy ( 15 percent) and education (10
ing Social Security (41 percent to 18.6 per­
percent). None o f the black voters polled
cent ) and. by a narrower margin, on dealing
w ith Iraq (35.4 percent to 2 2 .1 percent).
The survey also showed a significant
gender gap in Sen. C lin to n 's support among
African Americans, with 86 percent o f w imien
giving her a favorable rating and seven
percent unfavorable, compared to a 78 per­
cent favorable and 15 percent unfavorable
rating by men. W ith regard to Sen. Obama,
there was no significant gender difference
in his favorable/unfavorable ratings.
O nly I I percent o f A frican
Am ericans surveyed believe
that President Bush is doing a
good or excellent job . w hile a
clear m ajority (57.9 percent)
gave him the lowest rating o f
"poor.” L ik e ly prim ary voters
were also negative on the job
Congress is doing, although the
group givin g Congress the lo w ­
est rating was only h a lf the size
o f those givin g that rating to
President Bush.
"From the Joint Center’ s per­
spective, these poll results tell
us that, even at this early date,
A frican Americans are paying
close attention to the presiden­
tial campaigns and the positions
o f the candidates,” said Ralph
B. Everett, the Joint Center's
President and CEO. "A n d with
tw o-thirds o f respondents say­
ing they are extremely lik e ly to
participate in the upcoming p ri­
maries and caucuses, it is ap­
parent that blacks are focused
on change and on having a say
in who implements that change
and how.”
"A A R P is proud to sponsor the im por­
tant work o f the Joint Center for Political and
Economic Studies. On behalf o f our 2 .1 m il­
lion African-Am erican members, A ARP be­
lieves it is essential that the concerns and
views o f black voters be understood and
heard by our nation's leaders," said Nancy
LeaMond. AAR P's Group Executive O ffice
for Social Impact.
The survey results are based on tele­
phone interviews w ith 750 randomly se­
lected A frican Americans who indicated
that they would participate in the nom inat­
ing process for the 2008 presidential elec­
tion, w ith a statistical margin o f error o f plus
or minus 3.7 percent.
By a two-to-one margin, respondents
said that “commitment to change"
was a more important feature in a
candidate than “experience in
public office" — a view that could be
seen as helpful to Sen. Obama s
Passion for Community Earns Accolade
from Front
she borrowed most o f the $26,000
purchase price and spent a year
rehabbing the space with her own
sweat and money—even selling her
house to help pay (he costs.
When H ill couldn't find a tenant,
she decided to open a coffeehouse
with a gallery inside for works by
for 2008 by the largest circulation
publications in the country. AARP
(he Magazine. Her company in the
national spotlight includes folks
like Caroline Kennedy and Helen
The magazine determined that
H ill's work to revitalize her neigh­
borhood ultimately helped ensure
financial and health security, and
livable communities — a core mis­
sion o f A A R P s concentration on
the success o f senior citizens.
H ill's status as an "Urban Blight
Fighter" and “ Queen o f Alberta"
introduces her p ro file in the artists o f color. Cobbling together
magazine's January/February 2(X)8 more money to buy the properties
on either side, she then razed ev­
The article goes on to discuss erything in order to build anew,
how the interior and landscape with commercial units on the ground
designer went to a tax-lien sale in floor, residential lofts above, exten­
1992 and bought a derelict building sive landscaping and all-night out­
on the long-neglected street. Most door lighting.
This time she had no trouble
o f herfriendscalled her crazy while
finding commercial tenants who
would live by her rules: They could
not lock their doors during busi­
ness hours, which had to be posted,
and they had to buy glass-break-
age insurance.
Calling this first project "just the
start,’’ A A R P ’ s magazine notes
The magazine determined that Hill's work
to revitalize her neighborhood ultimately
helped ensure financial and health
security, and livable communities.
how over the next several years H ill
bought more property along the 30-
block-long section o f Northeast
Alberta Street, "rehabbing or re­
building, mixing commercial space
with residential and. in the process,
sparking a renaissance that turned
the virtually treeless asphalt jungle
into a trendy area."
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