Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 05, 2007, Page 2, Image 2

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    December 5, 2007
S evere W eath er B atters N o rth w est
O regon National G uard troops
ev a cu a te d resid en ts in flooded
V ernonia, 35 m iles northw est of
Portland T uesday. and tens o f thou­
sands of residents rem ained w ith­
o u t p o w e r a fte r b a c k -to -b a c k
storm s this week pounded the Pa­
cific Northwest.
The storm that hit M onday
sm acked the Oregon and W ash­
ington coasts with hurricane-force
w inds and several inches o f rain. In
P o rtland, Johnson C reek o v e r­
flowed its banks and flooded streets
around Poster Road and Southeast
102nd Avenue.
Roads to the coast and 1-5 to
Seattle were closed by flooding,
d o w n ed trees and m ud slides.
M udslides also halted A m trak pas­
senger train service between Port­
land and V ancouver. British C o­
The back-to-back storm fronts
Sunday and M onday were am ong
the w orst in recent memory. But
Tuesday cam e the calm after the
storm. Scattered show ers and mild
tem peratures were in the forecast
with drier w eather expected in the
next few days.
D ecember
O regon Soldiers
Prepare for Duty
Tigard unit
called up to be
sent to Iraq
Firefighters carry Leona Donei from her Seattle apartment after water backed up into her neighbor­
hood during a downpour on Monday. The storm that battered the Pacific Northwest for two days
eased Tuesday, leaving behind at least five dead, fallen trees and washed-out roads. (AP photo)
Officers Sentenced for Beating
S tr iâ tnutfi
Presented by 6/zzTran
(A P )— A 3,500-m em berO r-
egon Army National Guard unit
has been put on alert for duty in
Iraq, protecting U.S. bases and
special convoys.
The soldiers from the Tigard-
based 41 st Brigade Combat Tearn
would not be sent until 2009,
when the U.S. will have a new
president and the situation in the
Middle East could Itxik very dif­
ferent than it does today.
M ilitary experts say it takes
about a year to equip, train and
certify a unit for combat. The
early notification allows the bri­
gade to bring more people on
full-tim e status to handle logis-
tics and set up supply and train­
ing schedules.
M ore than 4 ,0 0 0 O regon
G uard soldiers have served in
the wars o f the M iddle East,
and som e have done more than
o n e to u r, sa id M aj. M ike
B raibish, the O regon G uard
spokesm an.
Col. Dan Hokanson, deputy
com m ander o f the 41st B ri­
gade, said the alert could cause
some G uard m em bers anxiety,
given that many have already
had a tour. But G uard forces
are being stretched thin nation­
wide, he said.
“W hat’s happened is the mili­
tary has basically run the table,”
he said. “W hen you have such
a large com m itm ent o f forces
overseas, you just begin recy­
cling through. Now it's our
turn again.”
■ ;
Gerak) Albright. H o Z rd Hewi
Nick Cohonne. and
introducing Victoria White
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(AP) — Three w hite form er po­
lice officers were sentenced to long
prison term s Thursday for the off-
duty beating o f a biracial man, an
attack that outraged the city of
M ilaukee, Wise, and sent protest­
ers into the streets.
A ju d g e sentenced Jon Bartlett
to 17 years and four months. Daniel
M asarik was sentenced to 15 years
and eight m onths, and A ndrew outside a housew arm ing party in
Spengler received the same sen­ 'October2004.
Bartlett apologized to Jude in
tence. Each o f the three also was
sentenced to three years supervi­ court T hursday, but he stood by
sion and ordered to pay $ 16,365 in his claim that he had to deal with an
unruly suspect.
A federal jury determ ined in July
Bartlett. 36, M asarik. 27. and
Spengler, 28, were convicted with that the three violated Jude's civil
another form er officer for taking rights and conspired to assault him
part in the beating o f Frank Jude Jr. w hile acting as officers.
Imus Return Points to Diversity Issue
N atio n al U rban L eague P re si­
dent and C E O M arc H. M orial
called the retu rn o f shock jo ck
Don Im us to the rad io airw aves "a
sym ptom o f a larg er pro b lem —
the co n tin u in g lack o f d iv ersity
in this c o u n try ’s n ew sro o m s.”
“ W hen th ere is g rea ter d iv e r­
sity in front o f an d b ehind the
m icrophone, all voices are heard,”
M orial said. “ B lack and urban
A m erican s are u n d erserv ed by
shock jo u rn a lism .”
He add ed that Im u s' co arse
and u n ac ce p ta b le lan g u ag e u n ­
d erm in es the p u b lic 's o p p o rtu ­
nity fo r rele v an t co m m en tary ,
sa y in g , " T h e N a tio n a l U rb an
L eag u es hopes to see g rea ter d i­
v ersity am ong the w riters, p ro ­
d u cers, b o o k ers and rep o rters on
the airw a v es.”
T h e N ational U rban L e a g u e 's
upd ated rep o rt, S unday M orning
A p arth eid : A D iv ersity Study o f
the Sunday M orning T alk S how s,
w ill be released in Jan u ary .
Participate in Democracy Vote
Return your ballot by mail or drop i f o f f at any designated voter
dropsite. Call 1-866-673-8633 to fin d a location near you.
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