page C4 December 5, 2007 Il!' |J n r tla « b (O b serv er A Fairy T ale C hristm as — C urrently through M on­ day, Dec. 31, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, Pittock M an­ sion, 3229 N.W . Pittock Dri ve., transforms 23 rooms into enchanted fairy tales that com e to life before your child’seyes. Call 503-823- 3622 for more information. C hristm as Ship Parade — C urrently through T hurs­ day, Dec. 20, enjoy the beauty o f C hristm as with the beau­ tiful holiday ships at the R iv er P lace M arina; visit christm for more inform ation on this free event. Holiday Gift o f M u sic- F rid a y , Dec. 7, at 7 p.m. the Portland C olum bia Sym phony O rchestra will perform at the First United M ethodist Church. 1838 S.W. Jefferson St., beginning with Peter & the W olf, accom pa­ nied by the Tears o f Joy puppet theater co m ­ pany. V isitcolum biasym for m ore in­ formation. S C R A P 'S A nnual Holiday Bazaar and Bake S a le-S atu rd ay , Dec. 8, from 11 a.m. toôp.m .. this unique and cozy holiday bazaar features 15 local artisans transform ing unw anted m aterials into cool, creativegifts; located at 390 IA N . W illiam s Ave. K w an zaa M a rk e tp la ce — Currently through Dec. 30. Satur­ days and Sundays, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m .; the K w anzaa M arketplace at Interstate Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate, offers a beautiful selection o f hom e crafted culturally rich gifts to warm your Kwanzaa celebration. C h ris tm a s C h o ra le 2007 — The C oncordia U niversity Choir, directed by Kurt B erentsen, will present a series o f free C hristm as concerts at St. M ichael's Lutheran Church. 6700 N.E. 29 A ve.; perform ances are scheduled for: Friday, Dec. 7 and Saturday, Dec.8 at 7 p.m., with a final per­ formance on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 3:30 p.m. 2007 C h ris tm a s Revels: T he( i host s oi l laddon I lall — Friday, Dec. 7, begin the w inter solstice celebration through a blend o f the­ ater, dance and m usic at the Scottish Rite Theatre, S o u th w e s t 15th an d M orrison. Call 503-224- 7 4 1 1 forschedule and tick­ eting. T he N u tcrack er— Saturday, Dec. 8 through M onday, Dec. 24, sparkling lights o f the tow ering tree, the sw eeping crescendo from the full orchestra and the dazzling land o f sw irling snow perform ed by the O regon Ballet T heatre at K eller A uditorium , S.W. 3rd and Clay. V isit or call 503-222-5538 for more information. H oliday M arket -- Saturday, Dec. 8, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m .; enjoy free adm ission and all the festivities o f an old fashion fJ C o £ t3 c u p . q r J K ’VCippvMUtVCjzô holiday market at the French A m erican International School, 85(H) N.W. Johnson St. Holiday Craft Fair and Bake Sale - Saturday, Dec. 8, from 1Oa.rn. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. .the Bread and Roses Center, 8 19 N. Killingsw orth St. host the craft fair and bake sale fundraiser for the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical W om en; for m ore inform ation, call 503-240-4462. Presents for Primates - Thursday. Dec. 13, at 10 a.m., Santa and the O regon Z ookeepers will present the entire prim ate Tuba Christm as 2 0 0 7 —Saturday, Dec. 15. from 1:30to 3:30 p.m., PioneerC ourthouse Square, 7 0 1 S.W. 6th. will host this free event with nearly 200 tubas playing festive music for the holiday season and sing-along carols. A C hristm as Carol — C urrently through Sunday, Dec. 23, Portland C enter Stage, G erding Theater, 12 0 N.W. 11 th, presents Charles D ickens' classic tale of greed and redem ption. For more inform ation contact 503-445- 3700. The Polar Express - Currently through Sunday, Dec. 23, take a train ride to the N orth Pole on the ‘Polar E xpress' fo ra m em orable jou rn ey that will thrill children young and old; contact 800-872-4661 for more information. Y uletideSpectacular - Saturday. Dec. 15, at 3 p.m., Schnitzer Hall, 1037 S.W . Broadw ay, the O regon Sym phony brings the m agic o f the holiday season alive to enchant one and all; visit orsym for ticketing. V * * » • - . ->• *■ • • family with early holiday gifts; bring yourcam eras and enjoy the fun; for m ore inform ation visit P IR W in te r W o n d e rla n d - Presently through Jan. 1, P ort­ land International R acew ay, 1940N. V ictory Blvd., host the largest anim ated drive-thru light show in the N orthw est; contact 5 0 3 -8 2 1 -4396 for more inform ation. B rass, Bells a n d W assail - Friday, Dec. 14 through S un­ day, Dec. 16, Kaul A uditorium at Reed College, 3203 S.E. W oodstock, hosts the Portland Gay M en’s Chorus annual holiday concert celebration; for more inform ation, contact 503-226-1588. C hristm as At The Old C hurch - Saturday, Dec. 15 through M onday, Dec. 24 M ichael Allen Harrison will be perform ing at The Old Church, 1422 S.W. I Ith. for the I8th-annual Christm as Concert Series. For more information contact 503-244-8499. La Boutique Fantasque: The Enchanted Toyshop - Friday, Dec. 21. thru Sunday Dec. 23, the Pacific Artist Ballet Theatre-youth com pany presents the enchanting holiday ballet; a m agical ta leo ftw o ch ild ren left forgotten overnight in a toyshop. Perform ances will be held at the Lincoln Performance hall. I620S.W . Park Ave. Call 503-224-4400 for ticketing and perform ance schedule. T he G rotto’s Festival o f Lights — Sunday. Dec. 23 through Sunday, Dec. 30, gates will be open from 5 to 9 :3 0 p .m . at The G rotto, N.E. 85th and Sandy Blvd., to w elcom e all w ho seek the true spirit and m eaning o f C hristm as; for more inform a­ tion, contact 503-254-7371. Best C h ristm a s P a g e a n t E v er - T hursday, Dec. 13 at 7:30 p.m., is the opening night perform ance by Lake O sw eg o 's Lakew ood Theatre C om pany, 368 S. State St., perform ing the tale o f the H erdm ans kids (the worst kids in h isto ry ) who. unfam iliar with the C hristm as story, believed the W ise Men came from the FBI Files; visit for more inform ation and perform ance schedules. A n E vening In D ecem b er — Saturday, Dec. 15 and Sunday, Dec. 16, at 6 p.m. experience the sights and sounds o f the C hristm as season through dram a, m usic, carols and more at the Central Church o f the N az aren e ,9 7 l5 S .E . Powell Blvd. W in te rs o n g 2007 — S atu rd ay , D ec. 15 at 7 :30 p.m . and S unday, D ec. 16 at 2 :30 p.m .; c e le b ra te the h o lid ay s w ith N ative A m erican A m b ia n c e s an d J a c k s o n B e rk le y ( c o - f o u n d e r o f M annheim S tea m ro ller), for m ore in fo rm atio n co n tact 503-226-2588. Portland J x “'» Choir M aking Spirits Bright - W ednesday, Dec. 12 through Saturday, Dec. 15, at 2 p.m., the entire fam ily will enjoy this holiday gala presented by the N orthw est Senior Theatre troupe, at Alpcnrose D airyville, 6149 S.W . Shattuck Road; for more inform ation, contact 503-227-2003. Holiday Artisan M arket at Pioneer C ourthouse Square - C urrently until Dec. 13, Portland Saturday M arket artisans bring their w ares to the center o f dow ntow n Portland, Tuesdays through T hursdays from 11 a m. to 6 p.m .. for those last-m inute, thoughtful holiday gifts.