rt lattò ©bseruer Page A 8 C lassifieds / B ids SUB-BIDS REQUESTED FOR Oregon State University Bexell Hall Classrooms 326 & 328 Remodel Bid Due: December 4 ,2 0 0 7 - 2 : 0 0 p.m. Need Help Growing or Starting Your Business? (&) State Vjf Portland UNIVE RSITY Business Outreach Program GREENBERRY C O N S T R U C T IO N 2 2 1 1 NW Professional Drive. Suite 2 0 1 Corvallis, OR 9 7 3 3 0 Phone: 5 4 1 .2 3 0 .0 4 5 6 ( c e l l ) - 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 3 8 1 x 3 0 2 (o ffice) FAX: 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 4 7 2 ■ 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 8 5 4 CCB # 1 6 6 6 1 2 Plans located at: Eugene Builders Exchange, Oregon Contractor Plan Center, Salem Contractors Exchange, Willamette Valley Bid Center and Greenberry Construction office Interested parties can contact Greenberry Construction LLC to obtain information on bonding, line of credit, and insurance requirements by OUS. w s y s t e rl< m s wk # Offers Free Individual Consultation • Business Planning • Marketing • QuickBooks® Assistance You qualify if you are a low income resident of Portland Come to our 6:00pm Cramer Hall Room 071 1721 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201 For more information contact us at: 503.725-9820 bop@sba.pdx.edu Public Notice Worksystems, Inc. (WSI) is soliciting proposals for Workforce Resource Mapping in a ten-county region in Oregon and Southwest Washington. WSI seeks proposals from consulting organizations and/or businesses able to identify, quantify, categorize, and display the various funding sources that support workforce development in the region. The Request for Proposals (RFP) will be available on the WSI web site at www.worksystems.org by close of business Friday, November 30, 2007. Proposals must be received by January 11, 2008.. For additional information please contact Cary Harkaway at WSI at charkawav@worksvstems.org. Worksystems, Inc. isan equal opportunity em ployer/program . Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. We're seeking exceptional individuals fo r e x c itin g c a re e r o p p o rtu n ities ! Whether your professional skills are in fin a n c ia l s e rv ic e s or nursing; medical records or facility m ain tenan ce; a d m in istra tive s u p p o rt or h e a lth c a re management, consider a career w ith P ro vid e n ce ! V is it our Employment Center at 1235 NE 47th Avenue, or view current opportunities and apply online to d a y! w w w .p ro vid e n c e .o rg / careers To place a free relay call in Oregon dial 7 1 1 . This project is 100% funded with a $ 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 WIRED grant through the State of Oregon and U. S. Departm ent of Labor. Sub Bids Requested Bexell Hall Classroom Remodel Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon Upgrade of two existing classrooms on the third floor of Bexell Hall - Oregon State University College of Business HAP Home Sales supports first time homebuyers and minority homebuyers. See our website for info on our available houses h t t p :/ / w w w . h a p d x . o r g/ haphomesales/ Advertise with diversity Bid Date: December 4,2007 1:00 p.m. Bids will be publicly opened December 5, 2007 at 2:00PM. Contact receiving bids: Matt Norman Bid documents are available for review at the Fortis office and at local plan centers. k J F O R T IS C O N S T R U C T IO N Œ*ÎC ^îortlanb © hserlier Call 5O3-288-OO33 IN C ;uls(" port landobsenci .com 1705 SW Taylor Street, Suite 200 Portland OR 97205 Phone: 503-459-4477 Fax: 503-459-4478 OR CCB#155766 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from minority, women, disadvantaged, and emerging small business enterprises. All bidders must comply with the most recent requirements of Affirmative Action Requirements and Prevailing Wage Law in ORS 279.348-365. SUB BIDS REQUESTED Project: Happy Valley City Hall Project P ro je c t A d dress: 162nd and Misty, Happy Valley, OR 9 7 0 8 6 Project Description: Bid Package #3: Building package for a 2 5 ,0 0 0 GSF building. This work includes the building concrete, concrete reinforcing, structural steel erection, steel joist and decking, miscellaneous m etal, structural wood, masonry, casework, thermal protection, doors and glazing, fram ing, drywall, flooring, finishes, window coverings, fire protection, conveying system, mechanical, electrical and other work as shown on Happy For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page: www.portlandonllne.com/omf/purchaslng T rades To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contad! Kathy llinder Phone: 503-288 * )033 Fax: 503-288-0' >15 C ity o f P o rtlan d OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) ODOT People drive O re g o n ’s Department of Transportation. If great benefits, a professional w ork e n viro n m e n t, jo b innovation, and career growth opportu nity drive you, then com e to ODOT. C u rre n t recruitments include: Bureau of Purchases 1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 A dministration PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) • OFFICE ASSISTANT 2 Image Technician ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Traffic Analyst $3,287 - $4,932/month Announcem ent #0CDT7568 Roseburg and Medford Introductory Workshop Wednesday, November 28th November 28, 2007 • Contract Administration Specialist $2.839 - $4,263/month Announcem ent #0CDT7567 Coquille Process agency records, updatingand maintaining information in a computerized records tracking database Announcement #LE070654 Tigard Close Date: December 5, 2007 To review the jo b description, minimum qualifications, test questions, and instructions on how to apply, visit our web page at: www.oregon.gov/pers. AA/EOE Portland Development Commission The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL • Transportation Maintenance Manager $3,735 - $5,772/month Announcement #0CDT7387A Ona Beach PROJECT MANAGEMENT/ PLANNING • Project Leader $3,627 - $5,440/month Announcem ent #OCDT7574 Medford • Principal Planner $4,356 - $6,383/month Announcem ent #0CDT7629 Portland Portland is internationally recognized for its quality of life, distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system. Playing a key role in keeping Portland, Oregon, one of America’s most livable cities is the Portland Development Commission’s mission. PDC is the City’s urban renewal agency, charged with bringing together resources to achieve Portland's vision. We're currently looking for qualified individuals to com plem ent our workforce for the follow ing positions: Community Relations Coordinator Senior Development M anager - North M acadam Associate Program Coordlnator-Lim itedTaxAbatem ent/ System Development C h arge/ Fee Waiver We offer a generous host of benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to work. PDC values diversity in its work force and is committed to Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action. ODOT... Building Careers, Bridging the Future. Detailed job announcements in clu d e q u a lific a tio n s , requirements, and instructions on how to apply for these jobs. To a p p ly o n -lin e go to: w w w .o d o tjo b s .c o m or to request information by mail, call 503 986-4030, [TTY 503- 986-3854, 1-800-993-8898], Announcements will be made available in alternate format upon request. ODOT is proud to o p e ra te as an e qu al opportunity, affirmative action employer. STAR PARK Star Park is looking for individuals with excellent customer service skills and a positive attitude to join o u r team of p a rk in g fa c ility operators. Positions include: Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and Valet, with Opportunity for advancem ent. No experience necessary, must be dependable. 8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k w/match, sick & vacation pay. 6 1 0 SW Alder Street Suite 1 2 2 1 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 www.starpark.com The Information Systems Division of the Secretary of State's Office is currently recruiting for a Inform ation System s Specialist 7. The salary range is $4,327 - $6,247 per month. This is an Open Competitive recruitment open to any applicant who meets the qualifications. The announcement can be found on the internet at: http://www.sos.state.or.us/emplovment/index.html Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs Portland Development Commission, 222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Jobline: 503.823.3463 CITY OF WEST LINN Utility Worker l/ll Job Opportunity $2554-$4050/mo DOQ. Under the supervision of the Operations Supervisor, this position supports the City's Environmental Services Division. Requires the ability to perform the following tasks: Install and clean sewer mains and laterals; culverts; catch basins; manholes and vermin control. Operates light pick up and dump trucks; tractors; weedwacker; chainsaw; brush cutters; air compressor; flushers; truck and related light equipment. Requires graduation from high school or completion of the equivalent GED Certificate. One year experience in public works or two (2) years of general construction work experience within the last five (5) years which include some operation of light to medium motorized equipment. A combination of experience, education and training which ensures the ability to perform the work, as determined by the hiring authority, may be substituted for the above. Must have a valid Oregon Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Class "B " within six (6) months of appointment. (See position descriptions for specific duties and responsibilities.) If the successful candidate does not meet the requirements necessary to be hired as a Utility Worker II, the city may offer an entry level Utility Worker I position with commensurate salary. Successful candidate must pass pre­ employment drug screen and reference check. Qualified applicants must submit completed City of West Linn employment application to the Department of Human Resources, at West Linn City Hall, 22500 Salamo Road, West Linn, OR 97068, by Wednesday, December 12,2007,4:00 p.m. Application packets are available at West Linn City Hall or call (503) 657-0331. EEO www.ci.west- linn.or.us PORT OF PORTLAND _ CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Port of Portland is a regional government operating airports, marine terminals and industrial parks in the greater Portland metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing competitive cargo and passenger access to world markets while enhancing the region's quality of life. For a hard copy of the announcement, please contact me at 503-986-2169. To view current job openings and to access the application form, visit the Port's website at www.portofportland.com or call (503) 944-7400. Application materials must be submitted to the Human Resources Division by 4:00 p.m ., Friday, N ovem ber 30, 2007 The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO employer committed to workforce diversity and affirmative action. Valley City Hall - Bid & Perm it Set drawings dated October 2 9 , 2 0 0 7 , prepared by DLR Group. Certified Medication Aide N o n -m a n d a to ry Pre-Bid M ee tin g : Monday, November 1 9 ,2 0 0 7 @ 1:00 PM ( PST) - At the project site. S u b Bids D u e: Thursday, Novem ber2 9 , 2 0 0 7 @ 2 :0 0 PM (PST) Please apply at Fernhill Estates, 5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland OR. Or call Cheryl Emerson at 503-288-5967 S k a n s k a E s tim a to r: Lisa Reber SKANSKA P.O. Box 767 2 5 5 5 S .W . 1 5 3 r d D rive B e a v e rto n . O R 9 7 0 0 6 C a re e r C o u n s e lo r/P la c e m e n t Specialist position for women's construction training program at Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. Call 5 0 3 -3 3 5 -8 2 0 0 x22 for details. P la n s A v a ila b le on 1 1 / 1 2 / 0 7 a t th e fo llo w in g loc a tio n s : DJC Plan Room; W illam ette Blueprint; Oregon Contractor Plan Center; On-line a t https://dfs.skan skau sa.co m /p ub lic Additional Info: Prevailing w a g e /B O L I requirem ents apply. See bid documents for bid Instructions, bid forms, and bid alternates. Subcontracts and Purchase Orders shall be executed on Skanska's standard form agreements, a copy of which is included in the bid package. Certified Nurses Aide Please apply at Fernhill Estates, 5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland OR. Or call Cheryl Emerson at 503-288-5967 job Hotline: 503-988-5035 T T Y : 503-988-5170 an equal opportunity employer Mi M ULTNOM AH COUNTY w.multcojobs.org i