Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 28, 2007, Page 7, Image 7

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N ovem ber 28. 2007
‘ ^Inrtlanb (Ohsmxer
H ealth M atters
Alzheimer’s Disease is a Serious Issue
Early diagnosis
is so important
L arry L ucas
Growing old gracefully
is easier said than done -
the m irror can betray the
fact that we may feel 10
years younger on the in­
side. But with the laugh
lines com es the wisdom
and the ability to look back fondly
on a life well-lived. W edream about
our golden years as a time to be with
our fam ilies and enjoy our favorite
past i mes. 1 i ke golfing or gardening.
But for the m ore than 5 m illion
people living with A lzheim er’s dis­
ease and their fam ilies, the reality is
far different.
According to the National Insti­
tutes o f Heal th, AI /h e i me r' s d i sease
is the most common form o f dementia
among older people - and I believe
it. Every day it seems I hear about
another person who is experiencing
the impact o f A lzheim er's. It is a
condition that gets worse
overtim e, and it is fatal. Just
last year my own mother-in-
law died from the disease.
A lzh eim er's destroys
brain cells, causing prob­
lems with m em ory, think­
ing and behavior severe
enough to affect work, lifelong
hobbies or social life, according to
the A lzheim er’s A ssociation. To
put it sim ply, A lzh eim er's disease
i s n ’t a b o u t
f o r g e ttin g
acquaintance's nam e; it's forget­
ting your w ife’s name.
A lzheim er’s disease is a particu­
larly serious issue for the African
American community. A recent ar­
ticle in the Houston Chronicle re­
ports that Alzheimer' s ik ' c u i s among
blacks at a much higher rate than and also gives you a better chance at
among whites — from 14 percent to benefiting from treatment.
100 percent higher. According to the . There is life after diagnosis, in
A lzheim er's Association, some of the early stages. Plan now for the
the possible reasons are that African future; your family can honor your
A m erican's have higher rates of w ishes when it becom es too diffi­
blood pressure and diabetes, all risk cult to live independently. T o help
factors for A lzheimer's.
m aintain your or a loved o n e 's in­
It's im portant to recognize the dependence, the A lzheim er's A s­
difference between normal age-re­ sociation recom m ends you take
lated m em ory changes and pos­ certain steps, like get help with daily
sible w arning signs o f A lzheim er's tasks, use m em ory aids like labels
disease. Som e sym ptom s to look and lists, stay active and take your
for include m em ory loss, difficulty m edicines as prescribed.
perform ing tasks, problem s with
Just over 10 years ago, there
language, abstract thinking or loss w ere no treatm ents for A lzheim er’s
o f in itia tiv e , ac co rd in g to the disease. Today, how ever, because
A lzheim er's A ssociation.
o f advances in pharm aceutical re­
I f you think you o ra loved one are search, there are m edicines avail­
e x p e rie n c in g
sy m p to m s
o f able to treat this cruel disease and
A lzheim er’s related dementia, it's help slow its symptoms.
very important to seek medical ad­
Larry Lucas is a vice president
vice. An early diagnosis is so impor­ f o r P harm aceutical Research and
tant because iteliminates uncertainly M anufacturers o f Am erica.
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State Farm'
<..... .....>
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
H ealth W atch
W in ter D ep ressio n — W ednesday, Nov. 28,
from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., this free sem inar dis­
cusses the cause and effect o f seasonal affec­
tive disorder with a look at the healing pow er
o f light. Call 503-256-4000 to register.
M a tern ity W a ter W o rk o u t — H elping new
m om s regain m uscle tone, strength, and flex­
ibility, all in the support and freedom o f the
water. Call 503-256-4000 for more information.
C P R -In itia l C o u rse fo r H ea lth ca re P ro v id ­
e r s — W ednesday, Dec. 1 2 ,fro m 6 -11 p.m .,this
course is for participants com pleting thecourse
will receive a certification card for healthcare
professionals; $60 fee, to registercall 503-335-
N ew b orn C a r e —Tuesday, Dec. I8,from 6p.m .
to 9 p.m ., learn w hat to expect and how to care
for your new baby; $45 fee per couple, to
registercall 503-256-4000.
N u tritio n a l S em in a rs - New Seasons M ar­
ket is presenting a series o f nutritional sem i­
nars at various store locations along with a
nutritional help line. For inform ation, em ail
aksthenutritionist@ new seasonsm arket.com .
S u rg ica l T rea tm en t o f E p ilep sy - M onday,
Nov. 19, from 6:30to8:30p.m ., medical experts
will be discussing various types o f epilepsy
surgeries and the criteria for surgery candi­
dates at a free seminar. For details, call 503-
M aternity O rien ta tio n - Thursdays, Nov. 29.
Dec. 6, Dec. 20, this free class will help to
fam iliarize expectant parents with the M ater­
nity Unit and answ er any question they may
have; for more information call 503-574-6595.
P a ren tin g C la sses — N ew borns d o n ’t com e
with instruction m anuals but parents and
parents-to-be can learn about a variety o f
to p ic s fro m p a in an d c h ild b ir th to
breastfeeding to infant CPR and much more.
For a schedule o f events, cal 1503-574-6595 or
visit: providence.org/classes.
V eg eta ria n S ta rter K it - H ealthy vegetarian
eating made easier with inform ational re­
sources, sam ples, coupons and delicious reci­
pes. Kits are $7.50 each (includes shipping).
T o order, call 503-256-4000.
cally supervised exercise program for people
dealing w ith heart conditions. For more infor­
mation, call 5O3-25I-626O.
S en io r A ero b ics — A low -im pact workout
geared specifically tow ard seniors. Call 503-
449-0783 for current schedule.
O ste o p o r o sis S c r e e n in g — An ultrasound
bone density screening with personalized ed u ­
cation: fee $30. T o schedule an appointm ent,
call 503-261-6611.
L eg A lert S c r e e n in g - C heck for peripheral
arterial disease with this safe, sim ple screen­
ing using ankle and arm blood pressure. The
fee is $40. T o schedule an appointm ent, call
C a n c e r R eso u rce C en ter — Providence St.
V incent M edical C enter and the A m erican
Red C ross have joined forces to create the first
in-hospital resource center providing books,
printed m aterial, com puter access for indi­
viduals and families dealing with cancer. The
center is open M on-Thurs, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
State Prescription Drug Program Fills Gap
Serves people
without any
insurance benefit
A.v a sm all business ow ner with a handful o f em ployees. I ju st h a ven 't been able to afford the escalating
cost o f providing prescription drug coverage. While I was som ew hat skeptical at fir s t about how m uch
the O regon P rescription D rug Program could help, it s turned out to be a blessing fo r m e and m y fa m ily
as well as m y em ployees a n d their fam ilies. M y wife was able to save $40 the fir st m onth alone on three
needed m edicines, obviously m aking a significant dollar difference im m ediately a n d fo r the fu tu re. I
encourage a ll O regonians a n d O regon businesses to take a look at this worthwhile program ! -Bryan
M cClelland, President, C ornerstone G raphics. Inc.
H elen A . S tacye and D ’N orgia P rice
Everyone know s prescription drug costs are
out o f control and are one o f the key drivers in
overall health care costs. Thankfully, th ere's a
new state program that can help - it's the
O regon Prescription Drug Program.
O PD P becam e a reality for any uninsured
O regonian o f any age after a ballot m easure
cam paign last fall. T he 2007 Legislature also
p a sse d a m e a su re sig n e d by G o v . T ed
K ulongoski to open up the program even fur­
ther to em ployer groups and individuals o f all
ages w ho may be "underinsured" or lacking full
Rx coverage. Seniors with M edicare Part D also
qualify and O PD P can help them if they fall in
the “donut hole.”
So basically you’reeligibleforO PD P if you're
an O regonian w h o 's lacking full prescription
drug coverage. In the greater Portland area
alone, more than 218,000 people are estim ated
to be w ithout any prescription drug coverage
at all. T h a t's ju st not right and can be easily
helped with OPDP.
The program is sim ple and smart. It w orks
using the C ostco model o f bulk purchasing (the
more people w ho can join, the m ore everyone
can save), allow ing the state to directly nego­
tiate much low er prices with drug com panies
and pharm acies.
The FREE program is very easy to sign up for
and takes only m inutes to apply. All you have
to do is call 800-913-4146 toll-free or visit
w w w .opdp.org for m ore inform ation or to sign
up o ver the phone or online.
Participants receive a wallet card within a
week or two for use at most O regon chain and
independent pharm acies to receive savings of
up to 60 percent on prescription drugs. To date.
the average savings is $28 per prescription!
G enerics will receive the greatest savings.
In addition to helping our fellow Oregonians
access more affordable medications, the Oregon
Prescription Drug Program also helps control
rising overall health care for everyone with its
focus on preventive care, helping avert more
expensive emergency riM,m or other treatments.
O PD P just makes sense and helps create a
better, healthier Oregon.
A dvocates for the program encourage people
to sign up if you need help paying for prescrip­
tion drugs and pass the word on to your family,
friends, and neighbors.
Helen A. Stacye is a senior advocate a n d a
volunteer with A A R P Oregon living in n o rth ­
east Portland. D 'N orgia Price is director o f
senior program s fo r the Urban League of P ort­
la n d
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Michael E Harper
C a r d ia c -R e h a b E x ercise C la sses - A m edi­
A ctiv e L iv in g E v ery D ay — Beginning, T ues­
day, Jan. 15, the "evidence-based” national
20-week program changing A m erica’s out­
look on physical activity (not an exercise class)
will spark a new way o f thinking; to register
contact 503-241-0359.
S ib lin g s and B irth - M onday, Dec. 3, from
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., this workshop prepares big
brothers and sisters (ages 3-7) for the new
baby; contact 503-256-4000 to register.
9713S.W . Capitol, Portland,OR
!x x
Fax 503-227-8757
Wailing for the Warriors
”A Special Prayer Revival for Evangelist
Pichon-Smith & Other Deploying Soldiers”
Fellowship M.B.C.
4009 North Missouri Avenue. Portland OR 97227
PastorJ.Pack.lV , PhD. Div.
Wednesday. November 28, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
G uest S peaker
Ev angelist Melanie Pichon-Smith.
Dominion and Power Ministry. Harvey. LA
For more information visit www.forgivenmps.com
Dial 503-975-5469 OR 504-296-4339
Please come oat and help us cover the awesome
Woman o f God, her Family, and the Forgiven Team!
I f Evangelist Pichon-Smith lias been a blessing to you;
now is your chance to come out and share with her!
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Free parking
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An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Part 33. Osteoperosis and Bone Loss Reversal
: I have osteoporosis and
D evelop good body m echan­
now my baek has a more ics through exercises to improve
"rounded" look. W hat is this'.’
your posture.
• Eat a diet rich in calcium and
: You might have started to
d e v e lo p a “ d o w a g e r 's vitamin D. Y our doctor might pre­
scribe a m edication to help prevent
hum p" or an abnorm al outw ard
curving o f the vertebraeof the upper further bone loss.
baek. Bones become brittle with
osteoporosis and the upper verte­
brae can collapse on each other,
2124 N.E. Hancock Street,
causing a rounded appearance
T o help stop and even reverse
bone loss:
Call today for
estimate or
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Consult a chiropractor if the
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W e m o v e d to o u r n e w lo e a tio n at:
Sharon MaxwrII-IIcndrick*
(■enríaI Manager
Portland Oregon 97212
Phone: (503) 287-5504