November 28. 2007 Page A6 Here are some tastiest and easy recipes for candies o f all kinds. They are the perfect Christmas gifts fo r kids and can also he used as Christmas party favors. These homemade candies are sure to win over every­ body ami can he used to decorate the cakes and Christmas trees too. F ood Granny's Candy Cane Recipe Preparing Christmas candy is one of the most important activities done by family members during the holiday season They have many good uses. Apart from eating them, one might also consider giv­ ing them as gifts. It is great fun to make Creamy Almond Candy Rock Candy Rock Candy the old-fashioned way! You can add food coloring or a flavored extract, if desired. Early candy canes were intentionally shaped like that o f a shepherd's crook to remind us that Jesus Christ is the Good Shep­ herd who lay down his life fo r humanity. The earliest candy canes were pure white and were invented in the 17th century. Hut modern-day Christmas candy is as extremely colorful and decorative in look. DIRECTIONS 1. Prepare your candy growing area by thoroughly cleaning and drying a 2 quart jar. You will need a place for it to rest undisturbed for about 2 weeks. 2. In a large bowl, place the water. 3. Dissolve sugar in water, a little at a time, stirring each time until sugar is completely dissolved, until no more sugar can be incorporated. 4. Pour sugar water into clean jar and place a bamboo skewer in the jar, being sure the top sticks out over the surface of the water. 5. Cover with a cloth, to keep out dust, and let rest until all water is evaporated and crystals have formed on the skewer, several days. NO TE: For larger crystals, try "seeding" them, by wetting your skewer and rolling it in sugar before placing it in the sugar water. Be sure not to disturb the crystals as they are growing. DIRECTIONS I. The sugar, water, syrup, and cream of tartar you combine and heat till the sugars dissolved real fine. Divide into two saucepans, boil, but don’t stir, please, until each lot is 280F. 2. Add 1/2 tsp peppermint to each lot and add the coloring to one, the other not: place on an enamel or marble table to cool. (First oiling the table, as a general rule,. 3 .1.ike taffy you stretch and pull and form into ropes of red and white, now twist them around again and again. 4. And form them into your candy cane. 5. Now on an oiled surface you allow them to harden. INGREDIENTS • 1 1/2 pounds vanilla-flavored candy coating (aka confectioners sugar) • I ( l4ounce)cansw eetenedcondensedm ilk(N O Tevaporatedm ilk) • 1/8 teaspoon salt • 1 tsp. almond extract • 3 cups whole almonds, toasted DIRECTIONS 1. In heavy saucepan, over low heat, melt candy coating with sweetened condensed milk and salt. Remove from heat; stir in almond extract, then almonds. 2. Spread evenly into wax-paper-lined 15x 10-inch jellyroll pan. Chill 2 hours or until firm. 3. Turn onto cutting board; peel off paper and cut into triangles or squares. Store leftovers tightly covered at room temperature. *Microwave: In 2-quart glass measure, combine candy coating, sweetened condensed milk and salt. Cook on HIGH ( I (X)% power) 3 to 5 minutes, stirring after each 1 1/2 minutes. Stir until smooth. Proceed as above. Popcorn Candy Balls INGREDIENTS • 1/2 cup butter • I (16 ounce) package large marsh­ mallows • 2 cups popped popcorn • 1 cup candy-coated chocolate pieces r I 300 N. Killingsworth I I I (503) 286-1339 I I Fax (503) 286-7088 I I I S 1 — off Any Dinner I I Best tasting Fish in town I I lA Burger and Fries $2.99 I I Melt in your mouth Philly Steak I Phone k This easy to make al­ mond candy would make an excellent gift. INGREDIENTS • 6 cups cold water • 6 cups white sugar INGREDIENTS • 3 cup Sugar • 1 tsp. Peppermint flavoring • 1/2 cup Water • 3/4 cup light, corn syrup • 3/4 tsp. Red vegetable coloring • 1 /4 tsp. Cream of tartar Making popcorn halls at Christmas has long been a fam ily tradition in our house. DIRECTIONS 1. In a saucepan over low heat, combine the butter and marshmal­ lows. Stir until marshmallows are softened. 2. Add popcorn and candies; mix until evenly coated with marsh­ mallows. 3. Allow to cool enough to touch. Grease hands with butter and form into balls. INGREDIENTS • 1 cup crunchy peanut butter • 2Tbs. butterormargarine, soft- ened MHMMMMWM Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Chocolate Covered Cherries EXPRESS^ This is such an easy and fun recipe to make. Thanks Portland Community!!! Years on the Corner Thanks Chuck Hinton Portland Style BBQ * L e t U s C a te r Y o u r X m a s P a rty * Chicken • Pork Ribs ♦ Beef Ribs Catering & Take-Out Our Specialty Real Hickory Smoked Bar-BQ Wayne & Juanita Cannon (Proprietors; Mon Him ll:30am-9:00pm • FH-Sat 11:30am-11:00pm ♦ Sun 1:00pm 7oopm 5410 N.E. 33rd 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 • • • • • DIRECTIONS 1. Butter one 9x9 inch pan. 2. Combine the sugar, evaporated milk and cocoa in saucepan. Stir over high heat until mixture comes to a rolling boil. Lower heat to medium and continue cooking to a soft ball stage. 3. Remove from heat, add peanut butter and margarine. Beat by hand until creamy; pour into prepared pan. Allow to cool and cut into squares. INGREDIENTS • 3 cups white sugar • 1 cup evaporated milk • 1/4 cup cocoa • 1/2 cup peanut butter • 1 Tbs. butter 60 maraschino cherries with stems 3 tablespoons butter, softened 3 tablespoons corn syrup 2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar I pound chocolate confectioners' coaling DIRECTIONS 1. Drain cherries and set on paper towels to dry. 2. In a medium bowl, combine butter and corn syrup until smooth. 3. Stir in confectioners' sugar and knead to form dough. Chill to stiffen if necessary. 4. Wrap each cherry in about I teaspoon of dough. Chill until firm. 5. Melt confectioners' coating in a heavy saucepan over low heat. 6. Dipeach cherry in by its stem, and place on waxed paper lined sheets. Chill until completely set. 7. Store in an airtight container in a cool place. Best after I or 2 weeks. Chocolate Truffles INGREDIENTS • 1/3 cup-H eavy Cream • 4 ounces - Bittersweet Chocolate (finely chopped) • '/j cup - Cocoa Powder DIRECTIONS 1. Heat the cream almost to a boil. 2. Put the chopped chocolate in a medium bowl. Pour the hot cream over it. 4. Whisk gently until thechocolate iscompletely melted and the mixture is smooth. 5. Allow to cool and harden. 6. When ganache is solid enough to manipulate, scoop into 1" balls and roll in cocoa. Makes about 24 truffles. F e a tu r in g B re a k in g D o w n th e W a lls Tour S h o w y o u r lo v e fo r th e U p r o o te d G o s p e l S how F e a tu r in g T h e L ig h t, R a p in e 5 0 3 -6 5 2 -8 1 0 0 The UR V ib e T e am 0006 (U p ro o te d C o rp ) O n th e S c e n e w ith T ic k e ts a n d G iv e a w a y s em ail: iip g h o u r.c o m In te r v ie w w ith Local a n d N a t io n a l R e c o rd in g A rtists The UR C o m m u n ity C a le n d a r Your Host: Robbe Boss Hogg Christmas Tree Lot XMAS TREES Every Doug Fir 5-7 It. -- $20.00 Every Nobel Fir 5-7 ft. - $30.00 65(H) NE M L K Jr. Blvd. On the corner o f M L K Jr. & Rosa Park Blvd. • 1 1/4 cups sifted powdered sugar • 3 cups crisp rice cereal • Chopped peanuts DIRECTIONS 1. Blend crunchy peanut butter and butter or margarine; stir in powdered sugar. Add cereal; mix well, crushing cereal slightly. 2. Shape into three 7 x 1 1/4-inch logs. Cover with peanuts. Wrap in waxed paper or clear plastic wrap; chill till film. To serve, carefully cut into 1/2-inch-thick slices. j CANNONS Christm as candy, as most homemade candy lasts quite a long time and has the added benefit of being custom-made. The recipes can be adjusted to the indi­ vidual taste for sweetness of the intended recipient. M usic S p o n ro ro d b y B a m b o o L ife s ty le s / P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r Saiurdiy Irani 8 7 pm