Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 28, 2007, Page 5, Image 5

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    November 28. 2007
visit the w eb at
O re g o n z o o .o rg for
ticketing information.
A F a ir y T a le
C h ristm a s - C u r­
rently through Monday,
D ec .3 1, from 11 a.m. to 4 p .m .
daily, the Pillock M ansion. 3229 N.W.
Pittock Drive, transform s 23 rooms into
enchanted fairy tales that com e to life
before your ch ild ’s eyes. Call 503-823-
3622 for more inform a­
Hip Hop to a Higher Power
Rennie H arris’
returning to
Portland with
‘P u rem o v em en t’
W hite Bird is excited to welcom e the
long-aw aited return o f the grand m aster of
hip-hop dance, Rennie Harris, and his 11 -
m e m b e r c o m p a n y , R e n n ie H a rris
Four perform ances are scheduled at
Portland State U niversity’s Lincoln Hall
with 8 p.m. perform ances on Thursday,
Dec. 6 through Saturday, Dec. 8 and a
special Saturday m atinee on Dec. 8 at 2
p.m. Tickets are available at the PSU Box
O ffice and all Ticketm aster outlets.
H arris is the acclaim ed choreographer
who has taken the hip-hop aesthetic into
concert halls and perform ances spaces,
using the vernacular o f the street which
includes the various techniques o f B-boy
(break dancing), house dancing, stepping
and other styles that have grow n organi­
cally from the urban innercities o f America.
The Village Voice has said o f H arris’
unique com pany, “the message goes be­
yond the sensational dazzle o f head spins
and dives, of limbs that twisted so fast their
ow ner seems tobedisassem bling himself. It
encompasses the wish to be identified, and
to identify oneself, as an individual, not just
a m em ber of a race or a gang."
M arking the 15th anniversary of Rennie
Harris Purem ovem ent, the com pany will
perform a program of groundbreaking work
created between 1992 and 2007. This in­
cludes H arris’ “ P-Funk” ( 1992), focusing
on the individuality and group dynam ics
o f H arris's athletic m ale dancers; "M arch
o f the A ntm en” (1992), a reflective, politi­
cally charged work inspired by the Million
Man March on W ashington; and “C on­
F ireh ou se - G odspell,
one o f the biggest off-
Broadway successes of
all time, is reborn in a
p ro d u c tio n
S tum ptow n S tag es at
the Interstate Firehouse
Cultural Center. 5340 N.
Interstate Ave. Shows
ru n
w eekends
through Saturday, Dec.
I. For tickets, call 503-
C h ristm a s C h o ra le 2007
T he D inner Party -N e il Sim on's Dinner
Party, a bittersw eet com edy about m ar­
riage, fidelity and missed opportunities,
plays through Dec. 9 at the Lakewood
C enter for the Performing Arts in Lake
Oswego. For tickets, visit Lakew ood-
F estival o f Frees -- Thursday. N ov. 29.
from 5:30p.m . to 11 p.m.,the25th-annual
Providence Festival o f Trees kicks off
w ith an auction and dinner at the ( )regon
Convention Center. Public shows avail­
able Friday. Nov. 3 0 .10a.m. to9p.m . and
on Saturday, Dec. I. from 10a.m. to6p.m .
Visit providence.org/festivaloftrees for
Rennie Harris' dancers are the grand masters o f hip-hop dance. The company is
returning to Portland with a unique and riveting brand of hip-hop dance theater.
tinuum ” ( 1997), a dazzling hip-hop dance
ja m that show cases the breathtaking vir­
tuosity o f H arris' com pany. Especially
exciting wil I be previews o f two new works-
in-progress: "B reath" for the four w omen
in the com pany, and a solo perform ed by
Rennie Harris, "Princescarekrow s Road to
D a Em erald C ity, excerpted from a new
one-m an show that Harris is currently
w orking on.
Lorenzo “ Rennie” Harris grew up in
North Philadelphia, im m ersed in hip-hop
culture. His g ro u p 's work encom passes
the diverse and rich A frican-A m erican
traditions of the past, while sim ultaneously
giving voice to a new generation, offering
audiences a sincere view o f the essence
and spirit o f hip hop. rather than the com ­
m ercially exploited stereotypes portrayed
by the media.
Kwanzaa Exhibit Opens Thursday
W hether you are new to K w anzaa or
honor it as a fam ily tradition, the IFCC
Kwanzaa Celebration series is agreat touch
point for the season.
A Last Thursday opening reception for
the exhibit will take place T hursday, Nov.
29 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Interstate
F ire h o u se C u ltu ra l C e n te r, 5 3 4 0 N.
Intersate Ave. T he exhibit will close Dec.
29 at 4 p.m.
In IFCC’s Main Gallery the Seven Prin-
G o d sp ell at In terstate
ciples of Kwanzaa are celebrated through
creation o f new works o f art using different
mediums and artistic pointsof view. Themes
o f community, self determination and cre­
ativity are highlighted in "altars" created by
seven African American artists including
A d rien e C ru z, M o Jo n e s, R ay m o n d
Alexander and W anda Wright. Collage,
sculpture, textiles and acrylic paintings are
used to inspire the viewer and create a
deeper understanding o f the seven prin­
ciples created by Dr. Maulana Karenga.
T he IFCC Entrance G allery will host
photos taken by three participants who
traveled to G hana under the auspice of
Portland State U niversity’s Department
o f Black Studies. D epartm ent Chair Dr.
D alton M iller-Jones, Sen. Avel Gordly,
and Rev. Dr. W .G. Hardy Jr. have selected
photos that reflect Kwanzaa Principles
and rem ind African A m ericans o f their
culturally rich heritage.
Community Meeting
On Youth Violence
December 6, 2007
6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Concordia University
2811 NE Holman. Portland OR
Luther Hall, Room 121
Dec. 2 at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., the Rose
G arden will host the Trans-Siberian O r­
chestra W inter Tour. featuring symphonic
rock to unveil the inspir­
ing story o f an angel who
helps a child discover the
meaning o f Christmas. For
tic k e ts ,
v isit
RoseQ uarter.com .
T r a n s-S ib eria n O rch estra
H oliday A le Festival - Beginning Thurs­
day, Nov. 29 through Sunday. Dec. 2,
from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., the 12th annual
festival at Pioneer Courthouse Square,
701 S.W. Sixth Ave., provides beer lov­
ers the opportunity to sample some or all
o f the 36 rare beers featured. Visit
holidayale.com or contact 503-252-9899
for more information.
Portland Jazz O rchestra — Friday. Nov.
30 at 7:30 p.m., the first-ever Resident
Ensem ble o f the Portland Jazz Festival
will perform a fam ily-friendly big band
concert at W inningstad Theater, 1111
S.W . Broadway. F orticketing, call 503-
S ea M on sters — Spec­
tacular photo-realistic
animation bringserea-
tures of the deep to life
in the new National
G eographic Omni max
film Sea M onsters: a
P re h isto ric A d v e n ­
ture, now playing at
Z o o L ig h ts — Begin Nov. 2 4 an d c o n tin ­
ues through Dec. 30. W alk through the
spectacular w inter wonderland o f the
zoo. The w inter festival highlights in­
clude: the lighted train, choral and en ­
sem ble music; contact 503-226-1561 or
- The C oncordia U niver­
sity C hoir, directed by
K u rt B e re n ts e n , w ill
present a series o f free
Christm as concerts at St.
M ic h a e l's
L u th e ra n
Church, 6700N.E. 29 Ave.;
perform ances are sched­
uled for: Friday, Dec. 7,
and Saturday, D ec.8 at 7 p.m., with a final
performance on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 3:30 p.m.
La B ou tiq u e F an tasq u e: T h e E nch an ted
T o y sh o p — Friday, Dec. 2 1. thru Sunday
Dec. 23, the Pacific Artist Ballet Theatre-
youth com pany presents the enchanting
holiday ballet; a magical tale o f two chil­
dren left forgotten overnight in a toy shop.
Perform ances will be held at the Lincoln
Performance hall. I620S.W . Park Ave. Call
503-224-4400for ticketing and performance
C arou sels: T h e A rt o f the A n im al - C ur­
rently through Jan. 3 1. the W orld Forestry
Center Discovery Museum will present a
m agnificent display o f antique hand-
carved wooden animals; for more inform a­
tio n , ca ll 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -1 3 6 7 o r v isit
w orldforestry.org.
Sliders G rill. 3011 N.
Lombard, features an eclectic assortm ent
o f perform ers on the main stage, accom pa­
nied by delicious food. Call 503-459-4488
for more information.
S lid ers G rill -
Sunday Night Ja zz -Jazz enthusiasts can
enjoy listing to the cool sounds o f Mel
Brown, every Sunday evening this month
in the Rogue River Room at Chinook Winds
Casino Resort in Lincoln City. No cover
H ip -h op D an ce C lasses — Vancouver-
Clark Parks and Rec­
reation is hosting
family friendly hip-
hop dance classes
forages 5 to 18. Vari­
ous lessons teach
rhythm, technique,
coordination, agil­
ity, co m b in atio n s
an d
te a m w o rk
th ro u g h
u rb an
dance m oves. For
more information, call 360-696-8236.
O p en M ie N igh t — Every Wednesday
night at 7 p.m.. Proper Eats Market and
Café, 8638 N. Lombard St..hosts open-mic
- 1 0 YEARS
Purpose: Youth Violence
Promoter: Harry Jackson ~ Portland Police Community Safety Coordinator
This meeting is scheduled to address the youth violence in the city of Port­
land. We will attempt to make the Community aware of the seriousness of
youth violence, the frequency of occurrences, where violence is most likely
to occur and by whom. We will also ask, what can the community do?
Few of our youth act out in the violent ways that concern us, but youth vio­
lence has put many youth at risk, instilling fear in many adults and affected
the livability of many Portlanders.
We need greater accountability from the parents, the system and the youth
themselves for their behavior. The community needs to reach a consensus to
the above questions in order to answer: WHAT CAN WE 1)0?
W H IT E b ir d
psu dance series
DEC. 6-8
All Concerned Parents, Citizens, Youth Workers,
Church Leaders, Please Come To The Meeting:
There will be an opportunity for the Community to be heard.
TICKETS: $16 Students and Seniors $26 Adult Sew» i~ KkWnw
PSU Bo« Office (inside Smith Center, 1825 S W B roadw ay),
503-725-3307 and
Group Discounts/lnfo 503 245 1600 ext 201
w w w .w h ite b ird .o rg