Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 21, 2007, Page 6, Image 6

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    N o v e m b e r 21, 2 0 0 7
Page A 6
Turkey Fryers Called Dangerous
Extreme fire
warning issued
Oregon State Fire M arshal
Nancy O rr is encouraging O r­
egonians to skip the popular
deep-fat turkey fryers in favor
o f m ore traditional cooking
“ Propane powered, deep-fat
fryers are extrem ely danger­
ous,” says Orr. “ In fact, the
Underwriters Laboratories, one
of the nation’s leading indepen­
dent testing com panies, has not
certified any o f these fryers be­
cause they believe the risk in
using them outweighs the ben­
Common problems with deep
fat fryers leading to fires and
burns include the fact that the
devicescan easily tipover, spill­
ing gallonsof hot oil. If the pot is
overfilled, the oil may spill out
when the turkey is added, caus­ Cooking a turkey with a deep-fat fryer can bring delicious results,
ing oil to ignite a fire.
but also comes with a extreme warning for fire hazards.
Units without a therm ostat
control can overheat the oil to
the point o f com bustion (most
units do not have thermostat
controls. If a partially frozen
turkey is placed in the hot oil. a
spillover effect can occur, caus­
ing a fire. The sides, lid and pot
handles o f the unit all get dan­
gerously hot, posing severe burn
O rr recom m ends traditional
oven baking as the safer method
o f preparing your Thanksgivi ng
turkey and to follow these cook­
ing safety tips:
Keep a close eye on what
you’ re cooking and never leaving
cooking food unattended. Keep
your cooking area clean, includ­
ing stovetop, oven and exhaust
fan. K eep d is h to w e ls and
potholders away from stove burn­
ers. Cooking oil may ignitequickly.
Heat oil slowly and watch itclosely.
Keep a fire extinguisher in your
kitchen within easy reach and
know how to use it.
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Dear Deanna!
I'm a single parent with a son w ho’s
a walking tim e bom b and I am a
nervous wreck. H e’s mad at the
world and h e 's content only when
he plays video games. W e’re the
only two people in the house and I
tiptoe, w hisper and keep quiet so I
can keep the peace. H e’ll be in high
school soon and I worry about how
h e’ll deal with other teens. He gets
upset when he doesn’t get his way
and he’s rude. How can I get him
ready so he can adjust for this new
phase in his life? - Worried Mother;
Ask a
Real People, Real Advice
An advice column known fo r
its fearless approach to
reality-based subjects!
Dear Mother:
Instead o f com plaining you need to
find his father or a m ale figure so gets upset and accuses me o f being
that he can com e from under your insecure and jealous. 1 d o n 't find
weak parenting skills. You should this funny and 1 feel as if 1' m being
be em barrassed that a child rules disrespected. I'v e tried to talk to
your household. Between the video him but it causes an argument. What
gam es, no daddy and you being a do I do? -Disrespected: On-Line
pushover, your son had no choice Reader
but to be a mess. Your solution can
Dear Disrespected:
begin by obtai ni ng some joint coun-
need to be firm and make it clear
seling, interaction with family and
boyfriend that you will not
friends and help your son get new
his behavior and if he con­
hobbies other than video gam es.
tinues, the relationship is over. He
Dear Deanna!
is very im m ature and if he wants to
My boyfriend annoys me by check­ be with you and takes your rela­
ing out other women in my pres­ tionship seriously, this will wake
ence. He knows I'm offended about him up. If not, then he needs to find
the com ments he makes about other an o th er g irlfrien d , grow up o r
women and I'v e asked him to stop. choose to be alone with his visual
When I bring it to his attention, he fantasies.
Dear Deanna!
My husband cheated and had a
baby with another w om an during
our m arriage. I c a n ’t do anything
about it now because the child is 10
years old. I feel betrayed because
he kept this secret and has been
paying child support. It's tim e for
me to m eet my stepdaughter and
I’m scared because I feel a lot of
hatred. I c a n 't have children and
this w hole thing feels like a night­
m are slapping me in the face. Can
you give m e som e tips on being
friendly to this child? -Francine;
Toledo, Ohio
Dear Francine:
T he first step to heal in this situa­
tion begins with your husband. He
ow es you som e answ ers before
bringing his daughter into your life
and household. He needs to ex ­
plain why and when he cheated and
w hat was going on in your m ar­
riage. Y o u ’ re entitled to a sum m ary
o f the past 10 years, and som e facts
about the ch ild ’s m other. O nce
y o u 'v e decided to forgive him for
his actions and feel at ease with this
situation, y o u ' II be able to deal with
this child.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
Awaiting Adoption
“Jerry" has enthusiastic sm iles
and hugs for everyone he greets.
He is a very special child with
unique needs. Bom with cerebral
palsy and epilepsy, Jerry has sig­
n ificant d ev elo p m en tal delays
that will require ongoing care.
But with his delightful tempera­
ment, Jerry charms others in a snap.
He keeps busy blowing bubbles,
going for walks, watching cartoons
or playing with toys. He also likes
to sing and dance along with his
favorite group, The Wiggles.
A lthough Je rry ’s needs are
great, his heart is huge and warm
- he will be a blessing for the right
He is olie
o f a p p ro x i­
m ately 300
Oregon chil­
dren available
for adoption
through the
state, gener­ Jeremiah, age 6
ally because
o f abuse and neglect. For more
information on the availability of
this child or how to become a foster
or adoptive parent, contact the Spe­
cial Needs Adoption Coalition at
503-542-2392 or the Department of
Human Servicesat 1-800-331-0503.
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
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O f f M L K on N E M ultnom ah
Free parking
Gospel Mission to Serve 1,500 Meals
Imagine preparing 1,500 tradi­
tional Thanksgiving meals. That
is what Union Gospel M ission is
preparing to serve on Thursday,
Thanksgiving Day. The menu
co nsists o f 100 tu rk ey s, 45 0
pounds o f mashed potatoes, 60
gallons ofgravy, 2,000 dinner rolls,
225 pies and much more.
A tent will be set up directly in
front o f the m ission at 15 N.W.
Third Ave. In the kitchen food will
be w arm ed and set out by the first
group o f volunteers. At 10 a.m. the
Thanksgiving Feast
You and your neighborhood friends are invited
to a free T hanksgiving feast that also includes
vegetarian friendly fare on T hursday, Nov. 22 from
tent will be opened and m eals will
be served by over 200 volunteers.
D uring the event there will be live
m usic and plenty o f traditional
Thanksgiving m eals for those who
are hom eless or in need o f a meal.
The event concludes at 2 p.m.
noon until 4 p.m. at Po’ S hine’s Café De La Soul on North
D enver Avenue and Kilpatrick Street.
The 7th-annual event is sponsored by People R each­
ing Oppressed People Expecting Restoration (PR O PE R ),
C elebration T abernacle and P o 'S h in e’s Cafe De La
Call Georgina Lazo at 360-609-5163 for more informa­
tion or to sign up to volunteer.
Seniors Find Free Legal Advice
from Front
tion to senior centers or initial vis­
its at a residence for low -incom e
hom ebound seniors, the S enior
Law Project provides an open ac­
cess point to em pow er seniors in
all types o f civil issues that can be
difficult to handle by oneself.
In more com plex cases like wills,
legal assurance depends on m ak­
ing sure to take all o f the necessary
steps. "There are som e legal o p ­
tions out there, but th e y ’re quite
com plicated, so the best thing to
do is to work with an attorney,"
Lloyd says.
Determining thecause o f increas­
ing problem s for seniors rem ains a
more difficult issue to tackle, an
issue that even lawyers hesitate
on. One com m on theory blam es
society'scruinbling safety net com ­
bined with a shaky econom y in
maki ng conditions perfect for tempt- proving their lives.
“ It happens to a lot o f people: if
ing scam m ers.
“O f course with the predatory you d o n ’t pursue it like Ms. Ingram
lending going on, the seniors' ability did or find som eone else to help
to protect themselves has become you follow up with that claim , they
really important,” Lloyd says. "There win by default," Kearney says.
“ It’s like putting a group o f
are more and more examples o f pos­
sible senior abuse, and it’s always people in a category," Ingram adds.
hard to determine w hat's going on, “T hey more or less autom atically
think, well, if you're that old, you've
w hat’s the biggest factor.”
The work is ju st about helping got to have A lzheim er's or y o u 're
people get w hat they deserve for ju st not quite with it."
Kearney, who was inspired to a law
Having taken care of one issue,
career by undocum ented-w orker Kearney and Ingram now are prepar­
abuse and got his start represent­ ing to make sure that Social Security
in g death-row inm ates in Texas pays its due. Confident in a satisfac­
before starting his own elder-law tory outcome, she says, “Even if I
practice in Portland tw o months had to be referred to another attor­
ago. After his first Senior Law ses­ ney, he would give me an idea as to
sion at the Urban League center on where to go.”
northeast M artin Luther King Jr.
T o make an appointm ent or to
Boulevard recently. Kearney real­ get more information, call Legal Aid
ized how many seniors sit one docu­ Services o f Oregon at 503-224-4086
ment aw ay from substantially im- and ask for the Senior Law Project.
No one understands the importance of family
more than us. We are a family, serving families...
and that goes a long way toward appreciating
what a holiday like Thanksgiving means. As your
family gathers this holiday season, remember to
give thanks for these precious moments together.
2337 N Williams Ave
(503) 249-1788
___________ THE_______________
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Part 32. Associated Pain
: Is my leg pain related to my
recent back injury?
: Sharp pain radiating from
you back dow n one leg can
be a result o f a pinched nerve in
the spine. H erniated discs and
bone spurs are tw o o f the m ost
pinched nerve in the spine. Disc
in the spine function like shock
absorbers; and they can becom e
dam aged from an injury or normal
Y our leg pain is likely related
to a problem in your lum bar spine,
alth o u g h it is hard to p in p o in t
ex actly w hat trig g ered y o u r pain.
You m ight h av e had a p re -e x ist­
ing co n d itio n m ade w o rse by a
recent injury. T he good new s is
th is type of pain o ften reso lv es
on its ow n o r w ith ch iro p rac tic
treatm ent. If the pain lasts longer
than a few w eeks, o r if you have
n o ticeab le w eak n ess in y o u r leg
o r foot, talk to a d o cto r about
g ettin g an M RI.
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4